Very frustrated with the lies of the Left today, indulge me…
Warning! Right Wing rant…
“The economy is in recovery”, Really???

Someone please tell that to the millions of still unemployed or severely “underemployed” out there today struggling with living on half their normal income. Someone please tell that to the worker who has been told the doors to the plant he has worked at the past 15 years are closing and he must find other employment. Someone please tell that to construction worker watching and waiting as truly shovel ready projects are shelved by this Administration because of trumped up, or worse yet the manufactured regulatory concerns of particular political lobbies. Someone please tell that to the small business owner who is hanging by a thread with no plans to do anything but survive for the short-term, as well as the big business owner who has retooled his approach to do more with fewer employees while the economic climate remains fragile. Someone please tell that to the homeowner, last on his street to lose his home, who is watching its value plummet as desperate folks strip his neighbors foreclosed houses of their copper plumbing and aluminum siding for cash. Someone please tell that to the mom of 4 who is paying 1/3 more for her families groceries than she did just a year ago. Someone please tell that to the commuter still waiting for the lower gases prices he was promised in 2008. Wow, this is so easy but far too real and painful for so many.
Now don’t whine and tell us about how you were “handed a mess” and the like. This is the real world and you are the President of the United States Mr. Obama! Stop blaming everyone else! You sailed into the office with lofty rhetoric and hypocritical campaign hype, and we are now mired in the most lethargic and pathetic economic uptick (doesn’t even qualify as a recovery) in American history. Is this the new America you promised? Is this the new “norm”? Is this what you envisioned for our children’s future? Or is this a failed “college try” that has certainly set us back at least a decade?
“Yes we can” what Sir, double the national debt, bankrupt the nation’s healthcare system, regulate any remaining industry out of existence, destroy a free market economy that has shaped the world, decimate the military force which has secured our place on the planet for over 235 years???
Four more years of an inexperienced and bitterly partisan community organizer, I think not… Ultimately however, that depends on “We the People” on Election Day 2012…
Do not be fooled, read between “the numbers”. Our nation is changing, (dying)…