Category Archives: Fred Comella

Directions to “Truth and Reason First”…

Hello friends! Whether intentional or not, you’ve landed on the blog page. Please feel free to browse the content, but in order to get my latest and greatest you’ll have to move over to of . We haven’t been posting the blog for some time because it’s too much for me to keep up with. Nevertheless there’s some really good stuff here that goes back to me cutting my teeth in the writing world. So hang out and catch up with us when you’re ready for more “Truth and Reason First”…

God bless…

Fred (PATRIOT64)

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The new site is here..!

second-amendment-rifleFellow Patriots,

We are rolling out the new web site today so future posts will now be added at the new address,, with the blog remaining open as an archive for the foreseeable future. All appears to be as it should be, but please do report any glitches you experience by email and/or comment. Also, I continue to receive inquiries regarding “the book” I’m attempting to write and I’m grateful for the interest. Suffice it to say however, it has been far more challenging than I could ever have imagined. That said, I am committed to the project and will keep you all informed as to my progress.

Thank you in advance for your patience during the transition.

Fred “Patriot64”

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Living the numbers…

Youth-UnemploymentRichard Clark, owner of Supreme Janitorial Services in Jacksonville was speaking on one of the weekend news programs Saturday, and described his company as the “proverbial poster child” for the impending disaster that is “Obamacare”. A typical small business owner about to be pummeled by the mandates, taxes and fines of the “Affordable” Care Act, was very candid about not being able to hire full-time workers because of the staggering costs associated with the President’s signature law. He went on to say the recent implementation “delay” was nothing more than a political stunt, fueling the uncertainty which any economist worth his paycheck would tell you is kryptonite to small business.

I watched that segment while digesting some of the jobs and growth data which came out at the end of the week, and I was struck by a couple of ironies. The unemployment rate remains a reflection of how the numbers are calculated, persistent “underemployment”, and a critically high youth unemployment number of about 16 percent. Moreover, those same numbers continue to drive the market as the “Fed stimulus” lives or dies by any fluctuation. Make no mistake, our economy is a shadow of its former being, sputtering on fumes in the tank of ideological foolishness. The notion that it is somehow showing “resilience” is unrealistic and a fools play to be sure. Repeal “Obamacare” now, and unchain our nations free market economy so “We the People” may have real recovery! This classroom experiment has failed…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment, Unions | Tagged , | 1 Comment

So much for the “Obama Spring”…

Mohamed Morsi

Mohamed Morsi

Economics drive politics to be sure, and while the Islamic movement remains a political force in Egypt, matters of the wallet and pocket-book will always rule the day. The Egyptian culture is as diverse as any, and they are a proud people. Hosni Mubarak knew this and maintained his grip on power for 29 years because he embraced the need for individual profits as a means to keep a lid on dissention. Some would argue (including me), that his promotion of private over the public sector brought about Egypt’s best days. It was not until there was economic strife such that it allowed light to shine on more problematic issues like human rights and police brutality under his rule, that Mubarak’s hold on government was finally compromised. The latest and now former Egyptian President forgot this basic principle out of the gate, and while he won more votes in a popular election, Egypt’s young and middle class working stiffs quickly tired of “hope and change Morsi style”. Sharia Law is the last thing on the mind of a parent without enough food for their children to eat.

Ironically, the Muslim Brotherhood is now in the unenviable position of defending the very thing they hate most in the world, Democracy. Moreover, the Obama Administration’s often ambiguous at best approach to the turmoil in Egypt has left few on the international scene confident the United States has any leverage left in the Middle East.

Posted in "Patriot64", Fred Comella, International, Politics, Terrorism, The Middle East, United Nations | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on So much for the “Obama Spring”…

Independence Day 2013…

Every July I write a lot about the birth of this great nation. As part of that discussion this year I posted a story on Facebook and Twitter about “Lady Gaga” and how she elected to “modify” our National Anthem during a recent appearance. Mind you, I will always celebrate the hard-fought freedom which facilitates any persons free speech, including that of the controversial performer from New York. But free speech should always come with a fundamental understanding and basic respect for the price paid to attain it. Accordingly, I am substituting the following video for my annual Independence Day post as just another way I may suggest reflection and education when it comes to our country’s beginnings. Make no mistake, liberty and freedom are inherent and essential maxims derived from our maker and not any man or government. That said, many have died in their defense and we must take care to preserve and protect them for posterity’s sake.

Be well and be safe this holiday weekend, and may God please continue to bless the United States of America.

[yframe url=’’]

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Snarky POTUS…

SAFRICA-US-DEMODespite what the diehards on MSNBC and CNN would have you believe, the President’s poll numbers are dropping. No longer hovering around the 49 percent approval rating, they have now begun a marching decline, with the last RCP average at about 46 percent, and his disapproval numbers at nearly 49 percent. This is certainly the result of some scandal weariness in recent months, though I would admit it has taken some time for “We the People” to actually notice. Nevertheless, reality is sinking in and the POTUS is not doing himself any favors with his snarky attitude. At a time when most folks are extremely nervous in terms of this so-called recovery, a $100 million dollar African Safari billed as a “business trip” just isn’t gonna fly.

Inexperience and ineptitude are one thing, but an elitist and confrontational tone when asked by your employers to explain your actions, is not the appropriate response. Heck, even Carter knew that. “Obamacare” is right on schedule, and the road ahead for the President will be bumpy at best…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Politics, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Snarky POTUS…

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

Paula Deen

Paula Deen

It’s hard to get past today’s headlines and not ask when will the sins of a nation be forgiven. Factually speaking, “We the People” of the United States have done more to address the injustice of racism while promoting human equality than any nation in recorded history. I think no law passed however, or political will imposed, can take the place of a moral and decent upbringing free of learned prejudices. With that said, it does appear there are those who would continue to promote superficial and manufactured differences instead of the simple humanity which unites every one of us, all while fanning the flames of division for their own selfish interests.

I am not a huge Paula Deen fan per se. I do love her southern cooking style though, and have downloaded a few of her recipes in the past. (Warning – If you have an aversion to such cooking or high cholesterol, then turn the channel or quit whining.) What I can tell you is that by all appearances Deen is a self-made woman who for the last 25 + years has come from the bonds of poverty as a single mom, and achieved the American dream by way of hard work and sacrifice, (something I suspect really irks some Liberal dependency advocates out there). So when I heard of her recent trials, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Then I did my homework on the issue and there it was, that sickening and politically correct hypocrisy which is crippling our country today. Now let me understand this. Instead of lying (as so many do), a sixty something southern woman told the truth in a court deposition, acknowledging some controversial words said many years ago and in a very different time, and we must now punish her for those words? As another consequence, the bandwagon bumpkins at Wal-Mart, Target and The Food Network have all dropped their proverbial drawers, as well as sponsorships and associated Paula Deen product lines because of the flap. Really? Well I’d certainly like to get those CEO’s under oath and ask them some similar questions, the bunch of lying hypocrites. When I analyze this insanity, and throw in the intentionally hateful, sexist and racially charged comments made by fools like Bill Maher, Jamie fox and so many other Left Wing lunatics, the glaring hypocrisy seems as thick as one of Deen’s meatloaf burgers. Layer on some inflammatory “special sauce” from the Zimmerman murder trial, which has already morphed into a matter of race and only race, and my earlier question keeps coming back. When do we move past the self-imposed and politically generated filters, and who has the intestinal fortitude to take us there?

Look, I’m not suggesting that racism and hate do not exist so long as we ignore them. To the contrary, we must battle mightily and continually against the purveyors of division. But we must do this in our homes and churches first, by continuing to reinforce the fundamental maxim that “all men are created equal”, and not by inventing ways to destroy others so they may answer for our own sin…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Civil Rights, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Judiciary, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

POTUS knows best…

062213_JER_Obama_640The science of “climate change” is debatable at best, and while curbing pollution should be an objective of any civilized nation, it mustn’t come solely at the expense of the economic stability necessary to pay for it. I am not writing today to debate President Obama’s assumptions about global warming, but to condemn his use of personal ideology to “dictate” policy in spite of our Constitutional Republic. This Commander-in-Chief has set new benchmarks for side-stepping the process of a free government in order to promote and enact that which (he believes) is ultimately necessary. This is the height of elitism and Socialist expression.

History clearly demonstrates that when politics trump the best interest of “We the People”, no good ever comes of it for “We the People”. Now I’m not suggesting an economic approach devoid of the regulation necessary to ensure the fundamental public health and safety, but rather one enabled by “common sense” application of those regulations which does not unduly handicap the industry and companies creating jobs and producing products we need and use every day. The goal of a world without fossil fuel is unachievable inside a period of time acceptable in “quality of life” terms, and it turns out, wholly unnecessary. These goals can be addressed in a far more realistic and generational manner, while ensuring economic and international stability throughout the process. In the end, one man’s selfish quest for ideological glory must not come at the expense of our representative government and the “unfiltered” will of its people.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, History, Home and Family, International, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on POTUS knows best…

Divisive is as divisive does…

Presidents should wear straight T's. Just sayin'...

Presidents should wear straight T’s. Just sayin’…

Once again the Commander-in-Chief has chosen to denigrate his own country while “campaigning” abroad. Judging by the crowd at the Brandenburg Gate, it has done little to stop the slide of his once rock-star persona. As with many Progressive thinkers, the President attempts to twist and contort freedom into something which divides instead of empowers, this time pitting certain schools and educational (choices) against the Constitution. This from the POTUS who has arguably done more to promote class warfare and division than any before him. He even harkened back to the Civil War and the lasting pain of slavery, leaving out of course, the far shorter road to equality and human justice as its legacy, and as opposed to much of the rest of the world for thousands of years before.

A president’s second term is always a window into his true beliefs, as his focus shifts to legacy instead of re-election. This president is no different, and I would argue less ambiguous than his predecessors. His disdain for America, combined with an alternative albeit inaccurate view of its history, helps paint the picture of a bitter and uncompromising ideologue, reluctant at best to engage in any debate which might contradict his interpretations, a regrettable outcome to a Presidency sold as “Hope and Change”. Moreover, his continuing desire to promote his viewpoint on the “other side of the pond” leaves little doubt of his intent to rally sympathetic forces outside the homeland. Thankfully, and as appears to be the case here in the States, his influence has waned under the righteous stress of truth and reason.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Education, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, International, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Divisive is as divisive does…

National security or my iPhone…

nsa-leakerAs we debate the issue of combating terrorism in the 21st Century, a number of things come to mind. Ben Franklin once reflected that those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither. I support that assertion. History tells us the eventual providers of the “security” we seek, often become the tyrants who rob us of what remains. Nevertheless, we are faced with a global enemy who means to exploit our freedoms in order to murder innocents, (9/11, Boston Marathon etc…). So where is the balance? Frankly, I’m not sure there is one.

To be sure, “We the People” simply cannot allow our government carte blanche access to the privacy associated with our individual and unalienable rights as outlined in the Constitution. We must however accept that “terrorism police work” often requires the same “NCIS” tactics which glue us to the flat screen on Tuesday night. Consequently, in order to occupy that “national security” middle ground everyone is talking about, judicial oversight must be ever-present, relentless, and transparent, with swift and significant accountability for any abuses. Our freedoms are far too unambiguous and precious. Moreover, what we are seeing today is proof that “clandestine” data mining and the like, can corrupt even the most well-intentioned of efforts, especially if government is involved. So as keepers of that government, and if we continue to immerse ourselves in the wonders of rapidly advancing technology, then we must also be steadfast and diligent in policing its misuse.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, First Amendment, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, History, International, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , | Comments Off on National security or my iPhone…