Tag Archives: President Obama

Snarky POTUS…

SAFRICA-US-DEMODespite what the diehards on MSNBC and CNN would have you believe, the President’s poll numbers are dropping. No longer hovering around the 49 percent approval rating, they have now begun a marching decline, with the last RCP average at about 46 percent, and his disapproval numbers at nearly 49 percent. This is certainly the result of some scandal weariness in recent months, though I would admit it has taken some time for “We the People” to actually notice. Nevertheless, reality is sinking in and the POTUS is not doing himself any favors with his snarky attitude. At a time when most folks are extremely nervous in terms of this so-called recovery, a $100 million dollar African Safari billed as a “business trip” just isn’t gonna fly.

Inexperience and ineptitude are one thing, but an elitist and confrontational tone when asked by your employers to explain your actions, is not the appropriate response. Heck, even Carter knew that. “Obamacare” is right on schedule, and the road ahead for the President will be bumpy at best…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Politics, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Snarky POTUS…

The House Obama Built…

Abraham_Lincoln_MemorialLet not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.” Abraham Lincoln.

Frankly I’m getting a little tired of hearing 44 liken himself to the aspirations of President Lincoln. That said, it’s always a trick of the Left to hijack the intentions and accomplishments of beloved (and successful) Patriots in order to somehow reconcile their own warped vision for our country. Truth be told, Lincoln might well have jailed the current Commander in Chief for some of his efforts had he been living in Lincoln’s time.

I have studied Lincoln extensively and there is room for discussion of his politics and application of government, (as is certainly the case with all the Presidents). Appropriately, that discussion would have to be in the context of his day and the monumental decisions he was faced with, both from the stand-point of the Civil War and of the nations exploding growth. One thing is for certain however, and it is that Lincolns unshakable faith in God, along with an immeasurable love and understanding of his country’s culture and creed, clearly place him a league Mr. Obama could not possibly hope to play in, ever. Enough said!

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End-run around Congress???

Kathleen-SebeliusIt should come as no surprise that funding for the “Affordable” Care Act simply doesn’t exist in real money. So notwithstanding what we know to be the Administrations true desire for a “single payer” system of healthcare, it now appears HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is strong-arming health care execs for cash ahead of the official 2014 roll-out of all the budget busting parts of “Obamacare”.

As we watch the IRS scandal unfold before our eyes, and we hear the likes of Eric Holder attempt to explain away lying to Congress and breaking the laws he’s supposed to enforce, and as the truth of Benghazi ebbs and flows like blood through the cracks of an al-Qaeda prison cell floor, this latest departure from ethical government leaves me to contemplate the words of our President back in 2009. “I will also hold myself as president to a new standard of openness …. Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” – President Barack Obama 

What a complete and total crock!

I ask the Left, as well as the media sycophants who unbelievably continue to turn a blind eye to the obvious, are you comfortable with this? Is this your idea of our children’s America? Is this your answer to the dreaded George Bush? Shame on you, all of you…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on End-run around Congress???


Christie-ObamaJosh Lederman of the Associated Press writes in today’s Providence Journal on how Republicans may be conceding a place for Obama big government, albeit reluctantly. However the article seems more a swipe at Republican Governors like Fallin and Christie as they appear to embrace the POTUS in their time of need, and almost implies Mr. Obama may have written the checks himself. There are references to the “Affordable” Care Act and how other so-called Conservatives are warming to parts of the bloated law as a means to bolster their own state coffers, but you get my drift. I would suggest another angle (reason) however, for the perceived change of heart.

Notwithstanding some Republican’s lack of skeletal structure when it comes to staring down our less than thrifty Commander-in-Chief, the simple fact is we’ve spent most of our money in all the wrong places, and unwisely in others to be sure. Generations of targeted and un-Constitutional entitlement spending, complicated more recently by two wars our government won’t let us win, have finally caught up with Washington, making necessary and wholly appropriate spending like disaster relief and infrastructure repair seem like gifts to be begged for. Moreover, the President of the United States jets in and out of these wounded states at a cost of about $200,000.00 per hour, and is seen as a hero for giving the folks their own money back.

Regrettably, most Republicans are far too concerned with re-election to stand for a re-prioritizing, or “re-Constitutionalizing” if you will, of our federal budget. “We the People” are therefore left to wonder, “What is the role of federal government in time of crisis, and how long will it be before we are simply left to our fate for lack of funds?”

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Health Care, Media, Political Correctness, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Priorities…

Who is Joe Biden???


Do you know this man?

For this “40 something” there is an element of surprise at the lack of outrage over the recent scandals plaguing the Obama Administration, though I would point to a recent Quinnipiac poll showing the President’s job approval numbers finally taking a hit. That said, I can’t help but wonder how we go forward when so many people seem unconcerned with matters that will surely impact them in the short-term and their children in the not so long-term.

As a research outlet, I watch most of the news and commentary shows, (with the exception of “Hardball”). Matthew’s analysis lacks even a shred of objectivity, and his unbridled affection for the Commander-in-Chief borders on “sketchy”. FOX’s O’Reilly on the other hand mixes it up a bit. I especially love it when he sends out roving crews to ask basic civics questions of the American Electorate. Now these forays are interesting and even entertaining at times, but they’ve become more troubling recently. As an example, I think it’s fair to say when your average “20/30 something” has no clue who the VP is, especially considering the infamous gaffe-master in waiting Joe Biden, then “We the People” are a little more than just “disengaged”. Moreover, when the average American is unaware of a terrorist attack that took the lives of four brave Americans on foreign soil, including an American Ambassador, it’s downright sad.

It is clear the IRS, Benghazi and Holder scandals are the stuff which break Presidential Administrations and erode the confidence of a people in their government. But what of the current time and a President twice elected more on the basis of his skin color than qualifications? What of a national posture of historical revisionism and/or indifference for the sake of political correctness and diminished accountability? And what of a country which sets aside storied values and principles that have undoubtedly changed the world for the better, and chooses a road of dependency instead? Look, I’m not suggesting “We the People” are done just yet. But in the absence of the “Greatest Generation” who are fast passing into history themselves, the task of resurrecting out of our current situation, that spirit which won “the great wars”, inspired economic revolution, and served as beacon of liberty and opportunity to millions around the globe seems daunting at best. To be sure, time is certainly not on our side, and our enemies know this…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Campaign 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, History, Media, Military, Political Correctness, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Who is Joe Biden???

Accountability, front and center please…


“And for my next lie”,,,,

If Americans aren’t paying attention when their representatives speak in Washington, they should be. This is especially true for folks in California when Barbara Boxer opens her pie hole. May we finally resolve the issue of security funding for diplomatic missions, and more specifically the safety of the Benghazi Consulate as “considered” recently by the misguided Senator?

Firstly, I’m always curious when Liberals start talking about budget “cuts”, because frankly there’s no such thing in Washington! From 2008 -2012, increases to mission security budgets (including Benghazi) were over 90% of their proposed allowances. Subsequent negotiations in the House were routine, and likely regarding the size of proposed “increases” as possible cost saving measures going forward. Keep in mind, these types of “adjustments” are usually miniscule relative to the overall numbers, and according to folks on the ground in Tripoli, not a factor whatsoever concerning the safety of the Benghazi mission proper or any requests for additional security.

“Let me be clear” Senator Boxer. You’re just a liar…

The likely truth no one wants to talk about: The State Department was concerned the appearance of heightened security in the wake of the President’s proclamation that terrorism was all but defeated would be “problematic” during his re-election bid. Moreover, they were actively recruiting inexperienced locals to provide security in Libya to reinforce a notion of tranquility despite the CIA’s repeated warnings about the presence of al-Qaeda and of a possible attack on the consulate.

Simply put, what we’re hearing from the WH and others within the President’s front line defense, is a less than subtle attempt to cover up a bungled agenda which likely caused the deaths of four brave America’s caught in the middle.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Middle East, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Accountability, front and center please…

Side show???

obama_press-conference_3-620x413It appears the Obama Presidency is unraveling with astonishing speed. That said, I’ve always felt the POTUS’s aversion to accountability and the Constitution would be his undoing. Ideologies aside though, many Americans are finally beginning to see the light in terms of what we expect from a Commander-in-Chief. I say this because whether or not he believes it himself, and for good or bad, the buck will eventually stop at Mr. Obama’s desk. It’s simply part of being President of the United States.

Nevertheless, it’s imperative all Americans understand where we are. When looked at collectively, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, and now the troubling issue of secret subpoenas and wire-taps at the Associated Press speak to an alarming pattern of behavior which suggests a discernible tone of indifference from top to bottom in the Obama government, for the Constitutional rights of Americans on every level. Accordingly, if the Administration and those agencies under its direct supervision, as well as supporting and ideologically driven politicians like Rhode Island’s Junior Senator Sheldon Whitehouse are comfortable with the facts so far, then “We the People” should be concerned, very concerned.

My quick email to Senator Whitehouse:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Notwithstanding “so help me God”, as I’m sure you might have us do away with the phrase, what part of the above do you not understand Senator?

At a time when “We the People” of Rhode Island are looking to our elected officials for clarity of purpose and Constitutional integrity, we instead have you Sir, towing the party line and sounding like a mindless sycophant. Regrettably, it is understood politics in Washington has become a game of one-upmanship and ideological demagoguery on both sides of the aisle, devoid of true and thoughtful representation. That said, I think we are coming back to a period when folks may be demanding a little more than what you are providing Senator Whitehouse. Your allegiance to this President does not negate fact and reason, and may not be substituted for the above oath. Please, at the very least, try and consider who it is you serve.

Oh, and no return “campaign letter” is necessary in consideration of this correspondence. 


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Side show???

Enough already…

bk-bush-20130425-2511MSNBC’s Rachel “Mad Cow” Maddow, John Stewart and the rest of the “usual suspects” wasted no time attacking the Bush Library ceremonies the other night. It’s always a bit amusing to me though, that in the midst of an Obama Presidency, marred by unprecedented inexperience, reckless indecision, and the legacy of which will be consequences so significant that we are already feeling the far-reaching effects, that these ideologically imbalanced sycophants are still caught up in the Bush bashing thing. I hate to break it to you folks, this stopped being “about Bush” after the “stimulus” passed, if it ever really was about him in the first place. So I have a suggestion for all the Progressive junkies out there who see GW as the popular guy in school who made you feel a little silly and insignificant, (and this includes media types working for ratings challenged cable networks),  “get over it will ya?”…

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The Politics of Gun Control…

gun-control-posterWhen you ask the average American, “Are you in favor of background checks for people buying guns?”, the obvious answer will be yes. As with all “polls” however, when you adjust the question to reflect the hidden details, you get a different (and more educated) answer. My point is that the President’s assertions about American’s feelings on gun control are skewed and highly political to say the least. Moreover, how in the world can we have a logical discussion on making our children and our nation safer, when our ideological chief executive’s contribution is to exploit the parents of Sandy Hook by flying them around from sound-bite to sound-bite on Air force One.

If there is anyone out there who believes the President of the United States cares about anything other than positioning himself politically by attempting to demonize and divide the opposition, please remove your head from the partisan sand before you suffocate.

“This is not about me.” Really Mr. President? I think this is all about you.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Education, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Biden, “over the pond”…

You got a license for that finger Mr. Vice President???

You got a license for that finger Mr. Vice President???

Hypocrisy in one form or another seems a permanent detriment in the modern political arena. I suppose one could cite voter apathy as a cause. In fairness, it’s not exclusive to either party, though this Administration seems to have opened significant inroads in terms of “do as I say, not as I do”. That aside, is the Vice President of the United States dumb, or do he and his staff simply have the utmost contempt for “We the People”.

Watching the President’s wife live the jet-set life in financially crippled Spain last year was bad enough, but Biden’s overseas hijinks on the tax-payer dime recently, all the while allegedly drowning in a sea of tears for sequestration, is borderline nauseating.

At the end of the day, over a million dollars spent on transportation, staffers, security and five-star hotels for two nights in London and Paris, is a bitter pill to swallow for those still struggling in an ever-shrinking American work force.

Now for all you apologists who would try and validate the VP’s ability to accomplish anything of substance over in Europe, (or anywhere else for that matter), I have some simple math for you:

Biden’s trip + the “Tiger Woods Presidential Golf Extravaganza” = 1/2 of the yearly cost of White House tours. Moreover, if the “First Family” would kick back just 1/5 of their vacation cost to taxpayers last year, we could cover a whole year of tours, and some change for popcorn too… Nah, I hear Michelle doesn’t vacuum…

Hypocrisy or elitist contempt, you make the call…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Class Warfare, Economy, Fred Comella, International, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unions | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Biden, “over the pond”…