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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Living the numbers…
- Mark Poirier on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Jobs
Smack down…
I’m not quite sure how better to say or write it, but the numbers continue to speak for themselves. Once again, any minuscule economic improvement is almost immediately followed by the inevitable reality smack down when it comes to the Obama economy. As I predicted, jobless claims for benefits are up sharply this week. But much more alarming are the “continuing claims numbers”, which are also up again from 3.61 to 3.63 million, the highest per capita number of any American Presidency.
I think what frosts me more than anything though, is hearing the Democrats trying to cast this economic nightmare in a positive light. Abysmal retail sales at the end of the holiday shopping season only reinforce the sad reality of a failing economic plan which threatens to set our nation back 20 years. My God, how can anyone put politics in front of so menacing a situation as this???
Blind side…
Isn’t it ironic, while our diplomats jockey to establish ties with the “terrorist” Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and seem to grovel for a seat at the (Taliban table of peace), all while our Soldiers are fighting and dying in theater, our President is laser focused on slashing our military in order to make it “leaner”, (code for weaker). I say ironic, as I do not wish to suggest panic at this point. But the fact is, as the so called “Arab” Spring clearly appears to be morphing into an “Islamofascist” Summer, our leaders continue to ignore the root causes of our financial woes here at home while simultaneously cutting the very means necessary to safeguard our children’s national security against these threats.
Meanwhile, the “recess” appointments and regulatory nightmares I wrote about just last week are all coming to fruition as predicted, and have actually been fast tracked by an Administration bent on turning as much Socialist university pabulum into reality as is humanly possible before what could very well be a landslide loss of the WH come this November.
Sadly but as I surmised, 2012 will likely add much to the history books. However it doesn’t seem as though it will be anything good…
Tax lies and coal in Sheriff Joe’s stocking…
I know I said I would be back after the holiday, but there are a couple of issues which demand a response before I go. I understand the President will read a few letters today which he and his class warfare WH have solicited two days before Christmas, concerning what some Americans could do with the forty or so dollars they might lose if the (“temporary” “tax holiday”) payroll percentage reduction is not extended. Now maybe the President should be asking what some of those same Americans might have been able to do this Christmas had the shovel ready jobs he promised panned out, but I digress. The truth of the matter is the “temporary” tax break is something the President never intended to be permanent in the first place but is now championing like he somehow supports (tax cuts). FLASH: this President has spent more of your money than any in U.S. history and is on par to raise taxes (if elected again), to levels no American could possibly fathom. Many words come to mind as I ponder this whole debate and the President’s as well as the Liberal Democrats roles in it, but there is only one I can use to describe them in light of my stated “blog decorum”.
Warning, Right Wing Rant – Please feel free to fill in the blanks “off post”.
To borrow the POTUS’s worn-out line, “let’s be clear” about something: Sheriff Joe Arpaio has done and continues to do his duty. He is enforcing the law of the land and keeping his jurisdiction safe. In doing so he has interfered with the Obama Justice Department’s policy of appeasement and amnesty with regard to illegals living on the U.S. side of the Southern Border. Now there will be those who trumpet the upward tick in deportations on Obama’s watch, but those numbers are quickly negated by the scores of illegals allowed to move freely about the Southern States in direct violation of Federal Law. Enter the high profile Arpaio and his like-minded Lawmen. In doing his job on behalf of the citizens and as he is sworn to do, Arpaio has brought the wrath of a Federal Government embarrassed and agitated by the fact most Americans side with Sheriff Joe. Not only has the border issue cost this country time, money and the blood of innocent Americans and their Border Agents, but it has become the pivot point concerning any comprehensive immigration reform on the table at this time. Now, Eric Holder will waste additional boatloads of taxpayer cash attempting to paint Arpaio as a racist in Federal Court, money which could certainly be used to enhance border security. Again we see this bunch of college upstarts flying in the face of common sense and justice with lies and Progressive propaganda, and using your money to do it!
The Great White Hunter…
It’s tough not to make every post about this President lately. As we approach the heart of Election 2012 it will get worse. It doesn’t help that every time he opens his mouth he provides yet another opportunity for those like me to read between the “Obama lines” without care for his manufactured political prowess, and report his true motivations.
The POTUS spoke of President Roosevelt today. No, the other one. Teddy Roosevelt was indeed an antagonist of big business in his day. However, comparing his politics to that of today and to those of the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is like comparing apples and squash. It is true TR did not like the notion of an all-encompassing monopoly with the power to exploit an entire workforce. And while he was pretty much a “fat cat” himself, his forthright honesty and initiative were instrumental in bringing about historic regulatory measures to make sure that would not happen in the future. But that was a very long time ago and the United States of 2011 looks absolutely nothing like that of the very early 20th century. And though TR espoused a role for the federal government, he would have been appalled by the all-in, entitled, lazy, un-American and in your face approach of the Progressive Left today. Roosevelt’s so called “Progressivism” was universal and a product of his time. It was born of betterment not dependency and exclusive to the conundrums of the day. Barack Obama’s attempt to parallel his own class warfare agenda against that of TR’s is laughable and smacks of a desperate politician fighting for his political life. Disingenuous, disgraceful and dangerous come to mind as well…
If I’m guilty of anything it is my passion for the things I believe, some more than others. Consequently, when I look at the big picture there is always one common thread. No matter the direction of the political wind, nor who we elect as President, and no matter our personal motivation, frankly speaking, if we fail to educate our young people adequately and accurately about this great nation and what it means to be an “American”, we lose…
Jack Chambless, Professor of Economics at Valencia College, asked his students to submit essays basically having to do with the federal government’s role in our lives. And while there where a small number of college age folk who felt government should stand aside and let the individual shine as was Constitutionally intended, better than 70% of his class wrote in terms of free healthcare as well as government provided college, jobs and pensions. One young man even wrote something to the effect of “human beings could not provide for themselves and that it was the (government’s responsibility) to do it for them”.
This is the sort of thing that should scare every freedom loving American who is reading it. Not only is it scary that this could be the thought process of anyone preparing to go into the world for real, but more so because somewhere along the line, at home and/or within the public school system, there was a “void of learning” which can only be attributed to parental complacency and an ignorant and flawed union ideology rooted in most of the public education system today. We are producing an entire generation of entitlement robots devoid of the fundamental principles of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, a class of young people who simply have not been taught to recognize or understand the goodness in free will, self-reliance and individual exceptionalism. Simply put, our nation will instead have to deal with a totally new entitlement class, poor and deficient not by circumstance but by choice.
Get in the damn game…
I think it’s fair to say when looking at the failure of the “Super Committee”, Governor Christie is spot on when he asks the POTUS: “What the hell are we paying “you” for”? Put aside for a minute Christi’s accurate assertion that President Obama has been essentially AWOL during the debt debate choosing instead to heckle from the side lines. What is truly amazing is that he’s made around 50+ trips to 11 potential 2012 swing states of recent, and all on our dime, that’s more than any of his predecessors. Moreover, I continue to chuckle every time I hear School Boy Jay Carney say things like: “It would be a stretch to think we would know which states will be battleground states”. I mean, how stupid does this clown think we are. Truth be told, the Obama team has a group of individuals whose sole responsibility is to monitor every detail of his election campaign, specifically something as critical as the 80 or so electoral votes he must get to win in 2012.
So putting aside Carneys contempt for the “unwashed”, it is not “a stretch” when we ask our President to get off the campaign train, jog on over to Capitol Hill, and get in the damn game!
Call it what it is…
I read an editorial in the Providence Journal the other day which focused on why, under Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, the “Affordable” Care Act would eventually be upheld as Constitutional when it is heard this coming summer in the U.S. Supreme Court. After I finished and accepted that the author, who was from Los Angeles and spoke of regulatory constraints in terms marijuana legalized for medicinal purposes, was obviously attempting stretch the Commerce Clause far beyond any discernible measure, I refocused on the battle over the debt raging within the so-called “Super committee” and how the two debates are ultimately related.
Anyone who can perform the most basic mathematical equations must conclude in large part that our current fiscal ditch was dug primarily with an entitlement shovel. Spending beyond our means and outside of our Constitutional responsibilities has resulted in the fiscal breakdown of government from the cities and towns to the federal black hole. Consequently, I want to leave the question of Constitutionality off the table for a moment and sprinkle a little common sense on this dilemma. In view of how almost every government entitlement program has wound up (in debt and insolvent), why in the name of God would anyone ever think of adding more to that already bloated and foundering ship by way of yet another tax and spend initiative? In beating to death the question of whether we can, many on Capitol Hill have not even bothered to ask if we should.
I would submit to all of you the fundamental problem in Washington today, is born not of a lack of intelligence, reason or capability, but rather reflects simple irresponsibility in the face of overwhelming truth. It is this foolhardy and blatant disregard for our children’s America that will be our undoing, not some silly deal to cut a lousy 1.5 trillion dollars over ten years from a debt number that will swallow that much long before 2021.
The coming storm…
Is there anyone out there who believes that the so-called “Wall Street Protests” haven’t morphed into a chaotic, unprincipled and frankly public threat? If so you should pull your head out of your posterior post-haste.
I’m sorry Juan Williams, Bob Beckel and Chris Matthews, the blood and facts are there for all to see. This is no longer a viable demonstration or protest as much as it is an incoherent uprising by a small but vocal and even violent bunch of 60’s anarchists, homeless, misguided college kids, drug addicts and law breakers. Any message that may have been brought to the table by way of the “people’s voice” has been co-opted and massacred to reflect only anger and felony violence against any who oppose their view of the world, including law enforcement attempting to restore normalcy. It has become what we of the “common sense doctrine” knew it would.
The question is what will come of this mess? What will the message be now, or is this simply the beginning of something even more diabolical and devastating for our wounded nation?
Ah, the age of Obama…
Lazy day…
Let’s face it, we all have our moments when we are less than motivated. You know, those times when we just want enjoy the beautiful day, or a late afternoon adult beverage (or two)on the deck, or even play hooky occasionally from the office. I’d have to say these distractions are the things we often take for granted when we forget how truly blessed we are in this world.
Having this in mind however, I take great umbrage when a politician refers to the American institution as “lazy”, especially a Liberal one. On a personal level, I see our President for what he is, a college cling-on who has never really experienced the working man’s side of this life in any meaningful way, but rather has “elected” to exist primarily in the reality vacuum which is the political dynamic in our country. His “efforts” have been focused on changing America first, as opposed to bettering the nation’s proven philosophy in order to promote its Constitutional ideals for all.
I think it is this “disconnect” many did not see back in 2008 when they voted for the change they believed would come within the framework we all understand is America. They were blindsided by the glitz, nuance and teleprompter skills of our first (half black) President and missed all the warning signs. They embraced the remarkable evolution of our young nation unmatched in the world, but failed to truly listen to what Barack Obama was actually saying.
I suppose I should be happy the 2008 election finally facilitated the challenge I have been writing about for years now, a moment in time when Americans would have to wake up and choose a way forward. For it is the moments when this President’s true motivations and thought process are on display, such as on his latest Southeast Asian swing, that we swallow hard and say to our collect selves, “oh boy, what is happening here”? We listen with anxiety as our nation’s leader goes on foreign soil and diminishes and insults the greatest work force and ethic of any people in all of recorded time, and we cringe as we listen to our history being flattened and ridiculed by the same person who was elected on the notion he would bring some sort of collective unity at home and abroad.
Sadly, it is Barack Obama the man that we see up on that podium. It is the real deal Socialist with disdain in his heart for a people who cannot see or understand his “superior intellect”. It is the closet revolutionary whose real loyalties lie with those who would remake our nation in the vein of a failed European experiment. And it is only “We the People” who stand in his way. Stand tall America…
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs…
There is some good news to report today in that applications for unemployment fell to a seasonally adjusted 390,000, the third decline in four weeks. This comes as economic growth ticked up a bit as well. Economists are still worried however, that consumer spending rose only as household revenues decreased indicating people are using credit again making less money. With crude on the rise again and gas prices soon to follow for the holidays, Wall Street is “sketchy” at best in its forecasts, though the Dow did manage to hold on to modest gains today after yesterday’s plunge. This is probably due in part to some possible stability being reported from overseas within the last 24 hours.
Truth be told, our economic prognosis is still grim at best considering businesses are hedging their bets to make certain they survive. Additionally, and in the absence of any real growth spurring initiatives by this Administration, and with a national debt that looks only to climb dramatically over the next five years, job creators in America are simply looking to outlast the bad times and emerge on the other side. This understandable consensus is only aggravated by the lack of any level of confidence that might be instilled by the current political climate in Washington. Regrettably, I see these infinitesimal upward movements as only the gasps of a grievously wounded economic engine in need of immediate, tangible and “real” stimulus.