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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Fred Comella
Funny stuff…
Putting aside the Democrats actually admitted they will continue bringing the “Buffett Rule” up for a vote purely as a political ploy, I’m actually cracking up for a different reason this morning. I mean come on people, everyone with at least half a working brain knows and admits, (including the President’s own economic advisors), the proposed law would do absolutely zero to address the national debt. Even President Obama himself has said it would have little effect on the $1 Trillion + yearly budget deficit. Yikes… I guess it’s all about “fairness” and feel good politics then. Well, a lot of good that does to address the $16 Trillion + back pack our kids will take to school this Fall.
Anyway, back to my good laugh. I turned on the news today and started surfing for some particulars on Romney’s tax plan, (which I like the sound of so far BTW), and came across Bob Beckel doing his usual song and dance defending the POTUS’s economic strategy to the death. I was laughing because for every fact brought to the table, all Beckel (and most other Libs) could come up with was, “it’s not fair”… These people are simply out of wind. In the face of the worst economic recovery in U.S. history combined with unprecedented and economy crushing deficits, President Obama is attempting to patch the Hoover Dam with Spackle, and there is just no common sense defense of it…
Ultimately, the whole “Buffett Rule” thing is a cheap tool in the class warfare tool bag, and nobody uses it better than a tax and spend Liberal like the President Barack Obama.
War on women???
The President’s efforts to divide our nation appear to be playing out in a big way in the media today. It seems yet another Obama insider has had a slip of the tongue, or not. Liberal attack dog Hilary Rosen is anything but apologetic however, and is defending her comments about Ann Romney and how Rosen feels that being a “stay at home mom” is somehow less than work and a perk of the privileged. (Only if they are Conservative). Moreover, WH Press Secretary “School Boy Jay Carney” couldn’t even man up and address Rosen’s charge that raising 5 children through breast cancer and multiple sclerosis doesn’t qualify as work, but rather went on a tangent about the POTUS’s pandering to the women’s vote. I mean this guy makes me nauseous on so many levels I can’t count them.
Now setting aside the fact that my wife would beg to differ with Rosen, (add angry “stay at home mom” tirade here), this insanity is sure to invite the wrath of many a mom who is simply trying to give their young one(s) the best possible start in this life. Truth be told, there are still those of us who believe that “mom”, as part of a nuclear family where dad can get out and work his damn tail off, is in fact the best and most qualified person to take care of the kids. We also believe that the “broken home”, as well as the home with two working parents, are statistically less conducive to a child’s success by way of many types of pitfalls, thus we make sacrifices in the best interest of our posterity. This does not mean we are wealthy by any stretch. In fact many of us are anything but. It also does not mean that success cannot be achieved despite hardship or disadvantage. The idea is that we should address the root causes of our societal ills and not attempt to disguise them with ideological foolishness and classroom theory, put forth by many a tenured but wholly inexperienced and/or misguided “educator”.
Look, one only has to do a bit of simple homework to know the real story of Romney and his wife and how they held their babies on their laps and studied off a wooden door propped up on saw horses and used as a table so they could get their educations, and how Mitt donated all of his inheritance to his father’s institute so he might make his own mark in this world. But this is the problem. Sacrifice and hard work are ridiculed as dated and “politically incorrect” within the Obama Utopia. Ambition and effort are being replaced by resentment and entitlements at any cost, and that will be the true legacy of this “Hope and Change” President.
Our only “Hope” is that we “Change” Presidents in November…
End game = Acceptance…
The issue of traditional and/or culturally accepted norms is never far from the political discussion for me. Accordingly, and when I engage in these types of arguments, I always take into consideration the Left’s “smoke and mirror” media play for civil debate, so long as in the end, theirs is the only position left as an option. For too long now the Progressive/Liberal movement in our country has been given a pass in this regard. Under the guise of “political correctness”, we have witnessed the slow but steady erosion of the fundamental and stabilizing bedrock of our society. That which we have returned to time and again throughout our storied history to carry us through, is now called into question with alarming regularity. Sadly, there are also mitigating factors which may have catastrophic consequences for our posterity.
You may have read about the recent controversy surrounding a so-called “prayer banner” hanging in a Cranston Rhode Island high school which apparently offended a “16” year old self professed “atheist”. A law suit was initiated by, you guessed it the ACLU, on behalf of the young student, and eventually the city relented for “financial reasons”. (Ironically, they still had to pay over $100,000.00 in legal fees to the ACLU). A sign of the economic times we are living in? I’d say…
Well it seems there is yet another dust up in my home “State of disarray”. A 17 year old young woman (Liz Bierendy), from Pilgrim High School in Warwick Rhode Island is now in the hot seat for painting a mural depicting, get this, a traditional family unit of a father, mother and child, as part of her project to highlight a young man’s journey to adulthood. The family portion of the mural was painted over as it may have offended some who do not espouse to this “way of life”. Huh?
Anyway, I am not going to debate the controversy itself today, but rather what I see as the real reason for it. In the simplest possible terms there are two issues in play here, financial and personal. Regarding the financial aspect, it is easy to see the Left’s ACLU tactic of carefully selecting their targets based on the opponents ability to financially fight back, (protracted court battles and the like). In these times of crippling financial problems for local governments, it is certainly a daunting proposition for any municipality to lock horns with the mighty and extraordinarily well-funded ACLU. This was ultimately the deciding factor for the City of Cranston and may be for Warwick as well. From a purely economic perspective, and on all levels of government, we have literally spent ourselves out of the ability to respond and challenge these frivolous and frankly un-American attacks, and the Left knows it. On the personal side, I will now touch that proverbial raw nerve that causes my email in-box to read – “tilt”.
In this life we are all challenged with the emotion and desire for acceptance. Everyone handles this differently considering a variety of societal factors. In the case of some however, they will cross red hot broken glass barefoot to achieve it, and others may even “cross the line” (fill in the blanks). I have said and will continue to say that, the issue of the traditional family unit, and how it may relate to the causes of gay rights and/or any other “alternative” lifestyle, is purely one of acceptance for the so-called “aggrieved” parties directly involved, and nothing more than a means to a political end/agenda for Liberal politicians pandering to a particular voter block. In all candor, many of my Liberal friends would shudder if they heard some of the references to gay people made by some Democrats with whom I have interacted over the years. That aside, I feel strongly that the line is crossed when the majority are pressured not only to legislatively accommodate the minority, but also to “accept” on a much more personal level, that which they do not believe is true or right. In the end, that acceptance is what is desired, as it justifies, reconciles and lends perceived credibility to the beliefs of the minority, albeit in their own minds. Without it, they is no victory. The problem is, this thought process flies contrary to our Constitution, in that it violates the rights of just about everyone else. What about my beliefs? What about my religion? What about the fundamental and culturally accepted and practiced norm of almost an entire nation?
On the eve of what is likely to be another unnecessary and costly battle over someone’s alleged civil rights, I would add that my commentary is in no way meant to incite a feeling of anti-gay, or for that matter anti-anything. To the contrary, I sit in judgment of no man, women or otherwise and how they choose to lead their lives. I am simply not qualified. With that said however, change simply for the sake of change, without “honest” debate, and enacted purely for “feel good” reasons, often has unintended and negative consequences. While we all have rights, and this is what sets us apart from the rest of the world, we must also remember that the cultural “baseline” on which our nation was founded reminds us those rights come not from the hand of man, and must not trample the rights of another. Bias and hate are wrong and should be challenged and condemned to be sure. But blind acceptance for the sake of political expediency begets tyranny every time.
NBC – “Negligent” Broadcasting Company…
I think it’s important we be able to look at our news outlets and feel confident the reporting is at least accurate, albeit with the occasional ideological slant of the reporter or pundit presenting it. Having said this, when an agency does what NBC did recently and then expects us to believe it was accidental, or a simple editing issue, one has to ask, have we now gone over to state television? Where’s the outrage?
In all honesty I have not looked in great detail at the Trayvon Martin case yet. I will tell you however, that anytime a young person’s life ends in this manner it is a tragedy beyond measure. Unfortunately, it also ends up being a platform for partisan and opportunistic bigots like Sharpton, Farrakhan and Jackson, to fan the flames of racial division in an effort to reconcile their reprehensible existence on the political stage.
Getting back to NBC and for those who had not heard, the folks over there omitted a very important and specific question asked by the police dispatcher of George Zimmerman on the night in question, with regard to the ethnicity of the person he was following, (a routine matter of policy for most if not all police departments and 911 dispatch outlets when securing a physical description). Amazingly, they included only Zimmerman’s response, “he looks black”, implying a racial motivation on the part of Zimmerman.
I have been around a bit and frankly it would be pretty easy to compile a list of Lefty media slants presented by the self-described “main stream” press. But never have I heard such a blatant disregard for the truth, made so much worse by the excuse that it was a mere oversight on the part of “the editing department”. If there is anyone out there reading this right now who believes that NBC did not intentionally try to slant the story against Zimmerman from the outset, then you are indeed part of the problem. So called professional organizations like NBC simply do not make blunders of this magnitude.
Look, I am simply not going to take sides before I know the facts, all of the facts. This is what I do know though: A young boy is dead, his future extinguished, and I care not whether he was black, white, pink or otherwise. He was just a boy. So if it’s truly “justice” we seek, then the “trial by media” we are witnessing in this case will certainly not provide for that justice. For good and/or bad, this incident appears to have many layers and cries out for a full and fair vetting in order to answer the question of (why). To ignore the (who, what, when and where) in the process, for the sake of creating a racial component in a Presidential Election year, is irresponsible to say the very least. Making matters even worse, the POTUS has once again stepped in it, and spoken out not as “The President”, but rather some idealistic professor attempting to manipulate and bring about a particular outcome. Stop the insanity. Bring back journalistic integrity and objective reporting to the news media.
Know your place…
When the President of the United States moves outside traditional campaign parameters and targets another branch of government as part of a broader strategy of intimidation, basically trampling the “separation of powers” fail safe which guards the peoples voice, well then I’d say all bets are off. Moreover, does Mr. Obama believe for one minute that “We the People” cannot see through the “judicial activism” assertion he made the other day when asked about the fate of “Obama-care”? This from the man who brought two of the most Liberal/Progressive jurists (Sotomayor & Kagan) he could find before the Senate for consideration and eventual confirmation by way of one of the most partisan Congress’s in American history. This President would do well to remember that he too is but an instrument of a representative government and not a king. As a so-called “Constitutional law professor” he should understand this better than most, should he not?
On the matter of the “Affordable” Care Act itself, I for one was encouraged to hear the Justices asking the questions they did of both sides. More often than not, the matter of Constitutionality is lost on the lower courts and may only be properly vetted by the Supreme Court.
Having said that, the POTUS and company “front loaded” the bill significantly, and did accomplish their goal of getting folks “on the dole” first so as to make it more difficult to roll back the law. This is a classic Liberal trick and has proven extremely effective over generations, hence our enormous and unsustainable debt. Programs already in place will be on the minds of the justices as they consider the sustainability of Obama-care with no individual mandate. Nonetheless, my feeling is that it will be overturned on the basis of its far reaching and unprecedented intrusion into the choices “We the People” make in our day to day lives. As with so much of what this ideological President has brought to the table, there is the fundamental question of big government and how much of it folks will tolerate. When it’s all said and done in November, I’m pretty sure we will have a much clearer picture of where our country is and where it is going.
Double speak…
I think it’s fair to say that our elected officials, including the President, say quite a bit when they think the microphone is turned off. Then again, if your Joe Biden what the hell difference does it make? Anything coming out of this guys mouth is a verbal minefield to be sure. Having said that, the POTUS’s recent comments to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev speak to something a little different.
From the beginning there have been questions about the President’s representation of his true intentions. Frankly, I disagree with those who say he has been untruthful with regard to his ideological motives. However Mr. Obama has certainly played his cards in less than “transparent” fashion since his election in 2008. So when we hear him making promises that concern something as important as arms control, which will certainly affect the safety and security of “our” next generation, many of us perk up and pay attention.
I think that the best way to put this in perspective is to consider the reaction of the “main stream” press when Mitt Romney referred to Russia as our “#1 Geopolitical Foe”. Now while I would debate Mr. Romney on that assertion, I would also take umbrage with some media types out there portraying our former Cold War adversary as a model Democracy. In fact, the signs are all there that the Russian mindset appears to be one of “longing for the good old days” when they enjoyed a bit more international respect, hence the “re-election” of Mr. Putin. Half a brain and a simple internet connection with access to Google would bear this out.
Regardless, it has been and remains my belief that our President is ideologically driven and has intentions to remake our country in the (United Nations) model. And for those who truly understand what this means, the Presidents posturing with Medvedev, or Hu Jintao, or Hamid Karzai for that matter, is an unnerving proposition/observation to say the least.
For Patriots Only???
Never in our nation’s history have the numbers been so glaringly obvious and the consequences of inaction so dire. All across the United States, cities, towns and even entire state governments are enduring the result of generations of fiscal irresponsibility on the part of some whom we’ve elected to speak for us in government. The power of an organized minority, emboldened by a blatantly hypocritical and complicit “main stream” media, and combined with a hard-working but long complacent majority, have set in motion events which our enemies could not ever have hoped to achieve militarily. As we watch our indebtedness grow beyond our ability to grasp the real figures, our children’s future and any hope for a better America we may leave them, now seem truly unrealistic at best. So I turn to Wisconsin and wonder, would it not be better if the recall elections achieve their desired result? In fact I wonder, would it not be better for this to be the case nationwide so Americans might realize once and for all the true magnitude of our plight? Are we too big to fail?
I am convinced of one thing this Spring, and that is America’s superpower clock is ticking. This November we face the fork in the road I have written about countless times. Do we bear “Left” and abandon a belief system that has set us apart for the better, thus relegating this great nation to an inevitable ash heap of European Socialist doctrine? Or do we bear “Right” and fix only what’s broken so we may begin down what is certain to be a long road back to our posterity’s American dream? The choice is much simpler than many on both sides would have you believe.
One road is easy and its grievous consequences supported by historical fact. The other road is much more difficult, but comes with freedom and peace of mind. Peace in the notion that your children’s future is in their hands and not those of an unseen and uncaring bureaucrat whose only desires our fortune and power/control. I hate to sound lofty and rhetorical, but I cannot listen to another political hack purposely muddy the waters to confuse the voter. “The argument” is most certainly part of the process of Democracy, and an important part at that. But we who engage in the discourse have a duty to be truthful not just in our factual reporting, but in our intent as well.
You see, a Liberal friend once commented to me that he felt unwelcome by the description of this blog, (For Patriots Only). I explained to him that he needn’t feel slighted because I knew of his love for his country, and that makes him a “Patriot” regardless of his political leanings. On the other hand, I feel strongly that some on the Left are hiding behind a Constitution they mean to dissolve or remove as a roadblock to their utopian dream land, and they are my political enemies. Mind you I still support their right to free speech, however I would prefer they be intellectually honest about their true intentions. The only prerequisite I have for “the argument”, is the acceptance of the fact that this nation while not perfect, provides a platform of human freedom unlike any in the world, and that platform has its roots in two documents written to ensure future generations never forget it.
So as I often do, I’m using one issue to broach another. After the Republican Primary, it will be up to voters in Wisconsin to make a choice similar to that which all Americans will consider in November. How far from the Framers intent, an ideal fostered in the mindset of personal freedom and responsibility as the road to individual success, do we wish to go? In the end, history tells us that if we choose the easy road, it is never easy for very long…
In this corner…
Today will be a happy albeit confusing day for my FOX detractors, as I have a beef with the “fair and balanced” network. Let me first say that the Lefts targeting of FOX, including the unabashed cry babying by the (Commander-in-Chief) about how Sean Hannity and company have it in for him, is just plain ridiculous and difficult to listen to. And while I have made it clear that I qualify my thoughts by way all the major networks and other resources of record, it should be obvious to anyone without the most biased of agendas, that a news media playing field without FOX would be shall we say, one-sided (Obama).
Regardless, Brian Kilmeade of “Fox and Friends” got under my skin a little the other day when he put WWE Superstar John Cena on the spot with a political question regarding his thoughts on the Republican Primary field. To his credit, Cena was professional and even intellectual in his response, stating that he had met Candidate Romney at the Daytona 500 and found him to be engaging. Cena made no endorsement and gracefully dodged Kilmeade’s obvious attempt to get him on the record.
For as much as the FOX teams assail their rivals regarding Hollywood hijinks and the “politics” of brainiacs like Rosie O’Donnell and Matt Damon, they should take a page from their own book and leave politics off the “curvy couch” when discussing or highlighting things like the WWE. For the most part, those watching the Cena spot that day could have cared less who the wrestler supports for President, and were much more interested in whether or not a recent car accident may have affected his upcoming rumble with “The Rock”. In any event, a bit of advice for Brian in the words of one of his favorite sports announcers and former football stars: “Com’on man”……
High Gear…
I happened on MSNBC and the President’s re-election campaign commercial with “orator” and Obama sycophant Tom Hanks, a man who seems so ready to hail the greatness of our nation on the silver screen, yet understands little of its true history. That aside, it seems the POTUS and company will continue the mantra of “blame the other guy” and except absolutely no responsibility for our anemic national posture. So let’s have a look at those ugly facts, shall we.
I get a lot of guff from the Left attacking me for being a “FOX Fanatic”. The trouble with this analogy is that I actually get much of my economic info and such from the federal government itself. Moreover, it would be impossible for me to make the case I do without using (all) of the media outlets, to include the international folks. How else would I highlight the Left Wing Media hypocrisy? Nonetheless, I have looked at trending lines of “economy’s past” and can clearly see that the GDP growth rates and subsequent hiring markers we are seeing today are consistent with an economy that would have chugged along at the same pace had the Administration went on a three year vacation after the 08 Election and returned this week. Now say what you will about the condition of things when President Obama took office, but the numbers simply do not bear it out. None of the banks, who are being “stress tested” today, were any better off 20 years ago if we really want to look at their bottom line structure and government mandated mortgage lending practices. And the big three auto makers, despite coming about to build the best cars in the world today, were poorly managed money pits 10 years before GW took office. What I’m getting at here is that this “blame Bush game” is nothing more than a well-orchestrated (and funded) distraction, designed entirely to keep Americans from focusing on and Ideologue President who has governed true to his word to change America, and certainly not for the better.
In fairness, I will not rant on about what I believe the Presidents true agenda is. Instead, I will simply state some facts for the record and ask all of you to rate Mr. Obama with the same scale we have rated all of our Chief Executives, beginning with the question, (Are you better off today than you were three years ago?).
GDP growth – consistently revised to under 2% post 2008
Inflation index – off the charts and across the board for non-durable goods and food stuffs
Gasoline – $1.84 per gallon in 2008, $3.84 per gallon today (And it does not matter what it rose to during the Bush years!)
Unemployment at the same period during the Bush Presidency – 4.7%. Unemployment 2012 – 8.3% with over 20 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, and 2 million less jobs for the finding as well.
Americans on food stamps – 31.9 million in 2008 vs. 46.5 million today
And most importantly – Federal Deficit 2008 – $10.6 trillion, Federal Deficit 2012 – $15.6 trillion and projected to hit 20 trillion or more by 2017 (most likely more as the CBO is now projecting the “Affordable” Care Act will cost double what was promoted by the Obama Administration.
Now unlike the pundits on the other side, I will not lay all the blame on this President or any other President specifically. The road to this economic and un-Constitutional nightmare we are living was paved over many Administrations and with the help of many complicit Congress’s. With that said however, President Obama’s ideological approach to our nation’s woes is ill-timed and dangerous to say the least, and while I’d love to sit and swap books and “factoid sheets” with Libs living in an alternate universe, these numbers are real and will not just go away. They present a direct challenge to the notion that we may leave a better country to our posterity. Consequently, we need action based on sound principle and proven application, and we need it now. We need things that make sense for our free market economy in the short-term, not utopian pipe dreams dreamt and fostered in the classroom only.
So as he “kicks his campaign for re-election into high gear”, and goes on par to spend more money doing so than any incumbent President or candidate in American history, and as the Republican field are vilified by the cut throat “main stream” press for a vetting process not unlike that of Obama / Clinton in 08, Americans will be faced with a choice this Fall, stay the course and gamble our children’s future on broken promises and green algae, or elect a businessman for the times who will collect the books, read the spread sheets and not run from economic reality? That’s right, I have made my decision and I am supporting Mitt Romney for President… I hope everyone had a safe and “Happy St. Patrick’s Day”.