Tag Archives: Liz Bierendy

End game = Acceptance…

The issue of traditional and/or culturally accepted norms is never far from the political discussion for me. Accordingly, and when I engage in these types of arguments, I always take into consideration the Left’s “smoke and mirror” media play for civil debate,  so long as in the end, theirs is the only position left as an option. For too long now the Progressive/Liberal movement in our country has been given a pass in this regard. Under the guise of “political correctness”, we have witnessed the slow but steady erosion of the fundamental and stabilizing bedrock of our society. That which we have returned to time and again throughout our storied history to carry us through, is now called into question with alarming regularity. Sadly, there are also mitigating factors which may have catastrophic consequences for our posterity.

You may have read about the recent controversy surrounding a so-called “prayer banner” hanging in a Cranston Rhode Island high school which apparently offended a “16” year old self professed “atheist”. A law suit was initiated by, you guessed it the ACLU, on behalf of the young student, and eventually the city relented for “financial reasons”. (Ironically, they still had to pay over $100,000.00 in legal fees to the ACLU). A sign of the economic times we are living in? I’d say…

Well it seems there is yet another dust up in my home “State of disarray”. A 17 year old young woman (Liz Bierendy), from Pilgrim High School in Warwick Rhode Island is now in the hot seat for painting a mural depicting, get this, a traditional family unit of a father, mother and child, as part of her project to highlight a young man’s journey to adulthood. The family portion of the mural was painted over as it may have offended some who do not espouse to this “way of life”. Huh?

Anyway, I am not going to debate the controversy itself today, but rather what I see as the real reason for it. In the simplest possible terms there are two issues in play here, financial and personal. Regarding the financial aspect, it is easy to see the Left’s ACLU tactic of carefully selecting their targets based on the opponents ability to financially fight back, (protracted court battles and the like). In these times of crippling financial problems for local governments, it is certainly a daunting proposition for any municipality to lock horns with the mighty and extraordinarily well-funded ACLU. This was ultimately the deciding factor for the City of Cranston and may be for Warwick as well. From a purely economic perspective, and on all levels of government, we have literally spent ourselves out of the ability to respond and challenge these frivolous and frankly un-American attacks, and the Left knows it. On the personal side, I will now touch that proverbial raw nerve that causes my email in-box to read – “tilt”.

In this life we are all challenged with the emotion and desire for acceptance. Everyone handles this differently considering a variety of societal factors. In the case of some however, they will cross red hot broken glass barefoot to achieve it, and others may even “cross the line” (fill in the blanks). I have said and will continue to say that, the issue of the traditional family unit, and how it may relate to the causes of gay rights and/or any other “alternative” lifestyle, is purely one of acceptance for the so-called “aggrieved” parties directly involved, and nothing more than a means to a political end/agenda for Liberal politicians pandering to a particular voter block. In all candor, many of my Liberal friends would shudder if they heard some of the references to gay people made by some Democrats with whom I have interacted over the years. That aside, I feel strongly that the line is crossed when the majority are pressured not only to legislatively accommodate the minority, but also to “accept” on a much more personal level, that which they do not believe is true or right. In the end, that acceptance is what is desired, as it justifies, reconciles and lends perceived credibility to the beliefs of the minority, albeit in their own minds. Without it, they is no victory. The problem is, this thought process flies contrary to our Constitution, in that it violates the rights of just about everyone else. What about my beliefs? What about my religion? What about the fundamental and culturally accepted and practiced norm of almost an entire nation?

On the eve of what is likely to be another unnecessary and costly battle over someone’s alleged civil rights, I would add that my commentary is in no way meant to incite a feeling of anti-gay, or for that matter anti-anything. To the contrary, I sit in judgment of no man, women or otherwise and how they choose to lead their lives. I am simply not qualified. With that said however, change simply for the sake of change, without “honest” debate, and enacted purely for “feel good” reasons, often has unintended and negative consequences. While we all have rights, and this is what sets us apart from the rest of the world, we must also remember that the cultural “baseline” on which our nation was founded reminds us those rights come not from the hand of man, and must not trample the rights of another. Bias and hate are wrong and should be challenged and condemned to be sure. But blind acceptance for the sake of political expediency begets tyranny every time.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Education, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Judiciary, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged , | Comments Off on End game = Acceptance…