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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
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Category Archives: Fred Comella
I-I-I- ???
Smart Car…
As we learn that there is a new proposal from Trans-Canada which will promote routing any oil pipeline around “environmentally sensitive” areas, I thought it was interesting that the latest jobs numbers are now showing the overall weakness of this Administration’s economic policies, and how they relate to real job growth.
Now I think we can all agree that 115,000 jobs created in the month of April is as sickly a number as we could have anticipated. However what’s truly frightening and deserves the attention of both parties, are the numbers within the numbers. It seems that when all the jobless applications are counted, the actual benchmark number drops by just 1/10 of 1% to 8.1. Moreover, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is charged with keeping such records for the federal government, reports that when the number of employable adults who have simply stopped looking for work are added to the benchmark, the jobless number in America rises to a staggering 14.5%, even higher than I have speculated in the past. As you can imagine, the ripple effect has hit the stock market today and the POTUS is in full-out damage control mode.
I would add that the data today reflects the dangerous and apathetic approach to our economic difficulty demonstrated by the Obama WH. And for all my “fans” who are content to pin my analysis on what they believe is my simple dislike of President Obama himself, I would only say that to ignore these numbers today, as evidence of an economy poised to retreat the (short distance) back to recession, is akin to a game of chicken with a Greyhound Bus while driving a “smart” car.
Unfortunately, this is no longer a game of party name calling. The threat is real and looming closer with every passing indicator announcement. Our economy is saddled with crushing national debt and hindered by skittish businesses that see bad times ahead. Corporate profits are indeed up, but those profits are the “paper tiger” in the room with declining orders for durable goods, weakening consumer spending, inflation, disproportionate trade deficits, and a shrinking workforce. Real people are really hurting, and our President leads by way of what separates us rather than what binds us. We are a shadow of our former self as a nation, and the means necessary to correct are growing far more complicated and difficult while we fight over ideological differences and manufactured campaign hype. The Summer of 2012 will be one for the history books, and I will be praying for all those who are caught in the backwash of a Presidential Election slated to burn through hundreds of millions of dollars before it’s over.
National Day of Prayer…
This is something I wrote for a local Christian newspaper last year, “The Good News Today”. I have the link in the side bar. It’s a great paper. Support them if you can.
In 1808 Thomas Jefferson spoke of the danger of affixing federal approval to a national day of prayer. But as I always say, you must put things in context and read a great deal more of Jefferson’s writings to understand he feared only the federal government eventually dictating where, when and how we would pray. This was Jefferson’s way with all things as they related to the federal government and the power granted it by the Constitution. President Lincoln sought divine guidance and healing in a time when we fought against ourselves in the bloodiest of all of our wars. He knew that in times of great peril we must look to a power greater than that of mortal man. President Roosevelt said on “D-Day”, Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. President Reagan I believe said it best though, “On our National Day of Prayer, we join together as people of many faiths to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.”
Those were just a few thoughts as we contemplate the decision of U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb declaring that a “National Day of Prayer” (NDP) is somehow unconstitutional. Now in my haste to blog about what I saw as just another attempt to rid our Country of its founding and guiding principles, admittedly, I seemed to have missed the boat as well. The idea of a NDP is far more involved than I had originally pondered. So let’s go forward and learn something together, shall we?
As I’ve written of late, you do not have to be a Biblical scholar or a theologian to understand the religious frame of mind of the Framers. Now if you have not done your historical homework in this regard, then the rest of the article will only serve to agitate you. That said, the reading of the story of this country is made even more inspiring when we witness the faith of so many of our leaders who have been tested at its helm. When we note Lincoln’s trials and how he sought Gods divine intervention through personal and political turmoil, or how FDR moved to comfort the American people in time of great national sacrifice by praying with them by the fireside, or how the prayers of the American people sustained a grieving family and nation when its leader was shot down in the streets of Dallas, our hearts are filled with a sense of closeness to our God, a closeness and security only attained through recognition of, and faith in His authority and mercy. So when we pick up the paper or turn on the television and witness the slow but steady dismantling of the foundational faith which has set us apart and supported us in times of tribulation, we are obviously angered and confused.
For me personally, being from Rhode Island and all, it is difficult to contain my frustration when I hear some local hypocrite or politician babbling about the “separation of church and state”. I simply want to climb to the highest point I can find and scream, “The Constitution don’t say that”!!! That frustration is made all the more difficult considering our well documented and historically religious background here in “The Ocean State”. But while difficult, we must gather ourselves with the facts first, and proceed with patience.
The National Day of Prayer eventually came to be over a period of about 150 years. It began with President Lincoln as he recognized a Nation on the verge of tearing itself apart, and chose to lead with a belief in God that he wrote about often. In 1863, Lincoln signed a Congressional resolution calling for a day of fasting and prayer during the Civil War that we might pray for the fighting and the fallen, and that with the Lords blessing this great Republic would not perish from the earth.
In April of 1952, both Houses of Congress took it a step further and passed a bill proclaiming that the President should select a day each year as a NDP. President Truman signed that bill into law.
In 1972, a National Prayer Committee was formed, and in 1988 public law 100-307 was signed by President Reagan declaring the first Thursday in May of every year as The National Day of Prayer. Over that time the United States has faced challenges on many levels, but none so great as the one before us today.
Shall we throw away that which has arguably made us the greatest Nation ever to exist on earth? Do we turn our backs on the value of devine providence as it relates to all that we hold dear as citizens of this free Republic? Do we condemn our children to a Godless and secular life by virtue of our ignorance and vanity? You see, this is a question as much about who we are to become as who we are today. Every decision made by someone like Judge Crabb is another revisionist assault on our children’s future. As we hear more and more from the likes of radical Christian hater Mikey Weinstein, a man truly devoid of any common decency (in this author’s opinion anyway), do we sit idly by and let these nut jobs and revisionists change the Founder’s intent with the brush of a pen or the key stroke of a laptop? Do we wake up one day in an atheist society with faith only in ourselves and the government? I submit to you that should that day ever come, you will hear the screams of regret reverberate from sea to shining sea, more than likely with crackpots like Weinstein’s being the loudest.
Every day we hear of attacks on prayer, in our schools, our businesses and in our social gathering places, all under the guise of Constitutionality, when in fact the documents authors sought only to reinforce that religion was something to be cherished and not restricted, and that their new government would ensure all could pray as they wished. Nowhere in any writing of the day do we see the famed “separation of Church and state”. This was the farthest thing from the Framers minds and they would have been disgusted at the notion. You would not know this from the writing of today however, as the secularist progressives seek to rid the world of God so they might advance the cause of a world beholden only to those things granted by mankind. I know this may sound a bit deep and prophetic for someone who lacks any formal Biblical insight, but it just seems so clear to me. The writing is on the wall if you choose to read it…
Children are allowed to wear t-shirts in our public schools depicting murderers like Che Guevara, yet they are ridiculed and forbidden to wear a t-shirt depicting a cross or the likeness of Christ. The double standard one would expect to be checked by the “establishment clause” is allowed so as not to offend the “non-Christians”. I am very sure that was not the intent of the First Amendment or any of its components. Make no mistake, what are clearly under attack here though, are our Judeo/Christian beliefs and values.
They are increasingly portrayed as extreme and un-Constitutional. In a blow near and dear to my heart, the United States Army has now withdrawn its invitation to Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagon on the NDP because of a remark he made about Islam being evil. Now I have always been cautious not to stereotype, but I have also seen the face of the enemy, and he is most certainly proclaiming the religion of Islam in his holy war with the “infidels”, and though he may be the extremist of their faithful, I have still yet to see or hear the outrage from the Muslim community one would expect when a human beings head is sawed off for the cameras. I do not wish to get side tracked here, so I will try and stay on message, though I feel passionately that this is all linked.
Anyway, the NDP is Thursday May 6th 2010, and thankfully, there is some good news on the subject to report as well. There are still some Politicians willing to step up and be counted among the faithful. 40 or so of them, led by Texas Republican Lamar Smith gathered on Capitol Hill in Washington today to voice their support for the NDP, God Bless em’. Also very notable was the support from the CWA (Concerned Women of America), a bipartisan group whose membership feels strongly about protecting the NDP. Vice President of external relations for Focus on the Family Tim Goeglein praised those defending the NDP today as well stating, “If there was ever a time that we needed a National Day of Prayer, it is certainly now.”
With this in mind, we must turn out in the greatest numbers possible on May 6th. Using the “Tea-Party” model of action, I believe that if we are complacent and idle in the face of the “secular army”, and simply discard our religious roots and their priceless worth to our very way of life for the sake of “political correctness”, there simply won’t be a country left to fight for in the end. For as I’ve said, I believe God is watching and pondering what we do with this “best arrangement for mankind under Him” which He has blessed us with. So let’s do our homework and head out to our local rallies and make this year a referendum on the Judge Crabbs of the nation. Let’s send an unmistakable message that tells these elitists we know our history (religious and otherwise), and that we are proud of it and don’t want it to be (revised).
I think it’s time for me to give you a little local flavor on this one as well, that you might be further inspired to action. “Prayer Rhode Island” is a local project established to encourage Rhode Islanders to keep their elected officials cognizant of the importance of prayer as a means to find the wisdom to lead. Now there’s a thought… I think it’s fair to say that we here in RI have a larger “per capita” corrupt politician to population statistic than most other states. In simple terms, our political leaders need all the help they can get. While the battles on (Smith Hill) rage over how to pay for the “sins” of the past 60 years in our state, it is easy to become cynical when we hear folks at both the State and Federal level telling us we need less of God in our lives. 1 Timothy 2:1,2 “I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone -for kings and all those in authority, that we may lead peaceful and quiet lives in Godliness and holiness.” NIV.
I have spent a great deal of time on the Hill arguing about this and that, and I have witnessed firsthand the callous disregard many in that building exercise when plotting “our” collective futures. It makes total sense that Jesus apparently didn’t make it through the security check on the way into the State House Rotunda. For if he had, many in that room would govern from a far different “platform”. Thankfully, there are folks like Cheryl Russell who is in her 11th year with (Prayer RI), and who escorts the Lord into the halls and labyrinth that is the RI State House twice a month to pray for and with our elected officials. (When) they stop to speak with her, she encourages them to think in terms of a holy life first, and as a foundation for any “political” calculation they may be contemplating. Cheryl feels that many of our State Representatives fear any religious overtones in their decision making process as they do not wish to be a target of the ever vindictive and selective ACLU, a political reality for our elected leaders these days. This speaks to what I have been saying about how far we have come from a State that Cheryl points out, touts the Flag of Hope aside of the U.S. Flag, and was founded by a missionary, oh and not to mention that it was the focal flash point of a cast away European culture seeking freedom from “religious” persecution.
Cheryl went on to tell me of her calling to change the hearts and minds of not only politicians, but of all people, from newlyweds to whole families. She spoke of the need for Christians and Non-Christians alike to come out of their “Prayer Closets” and reinforce the message that without God, we are simply out of the light, politically and otherwise. We talked at length about things like the Jericho Walk a couple of years back where some 200 young people walked around the State House professing their faith to all who would listen, as well as what she sees as the need for more to be personally involved in this fight.
Cheryl Russell was at a Woman’s Conference when we spoke by phone, I’m sure doing what she does best, ministering to those in need of spiritual guidance. But she concluded by telling me that the National Day of Prayer, whether it be in Washington or at the State House, is not so much a day as it is a discipline, that should be with us the year round. She feels strongly that the message of that day should be with us always, not just in our local churches, but in our homes, places of business, sporting events, schools and political gatherings. She is an amazing person and resource and I encourage you to read more about her and about upcoming (Pray Rhode Island) events planned for May 6th at
I know this has been a bit long winded and my Editor will be working overtime to try and make it all fit, but there is just so much to say on this topic. I think I can sum up though with a simple thought line. On some level most of us acknowledge God, some more than others, and I’m sure some still with a greater degree of faith. Moreover, most also acknowledge the exceptionalism and worth of this great Republic Divine Providence has given us, whether we discuss it openly or not. So in the humble opinion of this author, it only makes sense that if we wish to leave our legacy, the “hope” and dreams of our faithful forbearers, then our collective message should be loud and clear, hands off “Our National Day of Prayer”.
Fred Comella
They cannot run from this…
I think that if you are even a little concerned about the Constitutionality of the “Affordable Care act” as it was supposedly vetted by the Obama Administration and a Nancy Pelosi controlled Congress, you must watch this video. The discussion was between Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy, and centered around the recent dust-up over the Constitutionality of an HHS Mandate requiring nearly all employers to provide contraceptives, including abortion inducing drugs, via their health care plans, to their employees regardless of any religious foundation or belief associated with a particular organization. If you take the time to listen to this in its entirety, and if you can put aside any ideological and/or preconceived notions you may have regarding religion and government and open your mind, you will see how “We the People” have been blindsided by this President and the Left in Congress.
Unfortunately, an additional consequence of this un-Constitutional nightmare will be the inevitable collapse of our economy under the crushing strain of an Obama intended “single payer system”. Please watch this video and learn what has been the truth from the very beginning of “Obamacare”…
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“Air War”…

Campaign stop?
I would remind Sheppard Smith of FOX News that it was the POTUS himself who launched the ad suggesting Mitt Romney would not have seized the opportunity (provided him by his predecessor) to take out OBL. It was the President’s campaign team which manipulated and took Romney’s words completely out of context, and used them as the first salvo in a campaign that is likely to see a far more dramatic and nasty “air war”. “To be clear”, Romney himself seemed almost disgusted that this non-issue has even been raised.
I just love it when Libs lament against the politicization of certain events, when in fact it is they who fire the first shot most of time…
“Occupy” your mind with facts…
Mitt Romney was speaking as a guest of former NY City Mayor Rudy Giuliani at a city fire station today, to honor the memory of 11 first responders from that dispatch who lost their lives on 9/11. While he was speaking, a female heckler began shouting “Mitt Romney you’re a racist” (laced with numerous “F” bombs), repeatedly and before apparently being led away by police. Now while I feel I understand the First Amendment and what it represents, and while I thought Governor Romney was gracious and polite in not engaging the disrespectful heckler, the moment did make me reflect a bit. It made me realize how in some cases it falls to “We the Pundits” to try and clarify in some cases what is actually “free speech” and what is anarchist psychobabble intended only to disrupt and disenfranchise anyone not in line with the particular message of the purveyor. In this case, it sounded like a young and ignorant “occupier”, incapable of any legitimate or intellectual exchange, and devoid of enough life’s experience to render her thought process at that moment, foolish at best. Moreover and unfortunately, she and her cohorts have chosen a day which marks the celebration of a failed ideology responsible for the enslavement and murder of millions of innocents, to make their case for the so-called 1%. Typical… We are truly living in pivotal times.
Crunching the numbers…
The flailing Obama economy is pretty much self-explanatory. Unemployment and manufacturing numbers today are evidence enough that our fiscal condition has only been prolonged by way of this Administrations academic “solutions” to complex economic problems. But what is more interesting of late, are the unorthodox “techniques” President Obama is using to deflect attention away from the alarming statistics.
Casting his policies (and results) against those of Reagan’s was laughable to say the least. But more recently, the POTUS has taken to the college circuit to promote a crisis that does not even exist. Now one cannot ignore the debt being
acquired by young people making their way through higher education these days, and the potential for disaster if the issue goes unaddressed. But any hike in college loan interest rates was never and is never going to happen, and the President knows that. Still the crowd cheers his statements of the obvious, and Mr. Obama basks in the praise of those who still believe in his damaged “Hope and Change” banner. But in reality he has given up trying to convince the opposition, instead channeling all of his energies to special interests and class warfare techniques to put him over the top in November. Ironically, even his numbers with the under 25 groups have plummeted, not to mention “Independents” heading for the exits as fast as their conscience will carry them.
The truth is the promises were too lofty for problems too significant. But even worse, the President’s response to failure has been to lower the bar beyond the bottom to make his efforts seem somehow worthy.
Let the record show…
I think it’s pretty obvious Team Obama won’t run on their record in 2012. Let’s face it, the “real” numbers, and dramatically low standards this Administration has put forth as evidence of recovery, don’t exactly spell slam dunk re-election for Barack Obama. Moreover, if you believe the polls, this President has succeeded in at least one area, and that is ensuring our nation will be divided and polarized like never before on Election Day.
Let’s have a look at some facts.
The crushing national debt threatens our children’s future in ways we cannot even fathom as yet. The “student loan debt bomb” will certainly explode sooner rather than later regardless of any Election Year Band-Aid the POTUS proposes and/or applies. The chain of collapse for Medicare and Medicaid, which will culminate with the complete and total failure of Social Security by 2033, is downright frightening. It takes 3 working stiffs to support 1 Social Security beneficiary, who on average will collect for more than 20 years with 25% of seniors living to age 90. American States, cities and towns are on the verge of bankruptcy, pummeled by an elitist and unrealistic union hierarchy bent on taking their membership over the edge. The true picture of unemployment, home prices and foreclosures are dirty little secrets most Obama sycophants choose to ignore. Some others might be that the federal government spent over a Trillion dollars on entitlements last year and reported some of the highest levels of food stamp and related assistance in U.S. history. To put this in perspective, one must understand that (feel good and so-called “means tested” entitlement spending) in this country, has risen by an unbelievable 5500% since 1975, (not a typo). Nearly 150 million Americans are currently receiving some sort of government assistance today. Consequently, anyone who says we are not on the fast track to a European style economic “Slip and Slide”, is simply not in touch with reality, or worse yet actually wants such a future for America.
Now for all of you “it’s all the other guys fault” folks, I have never suggested this is entirely the fault of President Obama alone. To the contrary, the problem has roots dating back to the 1930’s. However, I do liken his approach to “fixing” it, (not his motivations which I believe are even more ideologically driven than I originally thought) to putting a gallon of gas in a jetliner, Boston to LA. Look, the facts are simple and daunting. America will fail if we don’t take action to change course. It is clear this President has a plan that is not working, at least not in a way discernible or identifiable by any cognizant and realistic citizen.
So as I cast my ballot for Mitt Romney in the Rhode Island Republican Primary today, I have this to say to my Liberal friends. I was not sleeping when Barack Obama ran for President in 2008. I listened closely and heard everything he had to say. I paid attention when he was speaking from the teleprompter and off the cuff, and I for one have no illusions about his abilities, stated intentions, motivations and vision for our country. For this reason I will take to the keyboard as often as I can and try my level best to make Americans think very carefully about their vote in 2012. Much is at stake…
Motor City Madness…
Qualifier – 18 USC Sec. 871 is a federal class D felony which prohibits threats/extortion and/or violence against the President of the United States. It is my stated position that any person convicted of violating this statute should and must be punished to the fullest extent allowed. Our nation is a Constitutionally protected and governed republic under law. Respect and adherence to those laws is essential to the tenet of freedom and justice for all.
Ted Nugent is anything but timid when he speaks. One rarely has to wonder what his message is. After reading just about every account of the recent dust up over remarks he made at an NRA Convention in St. Louis however, including that of a recent meeting between the “outwardly patriotic Nuge” and the Secret Service where the matter was declared “resolved without necessity of further action“, it is clear the “Motor City Madman” was once again lambasted out of context by the Left and so-called “main stream” press. At this point though, I will leave this specific matter in the capable hands of my astute and educated audience so they may make their own determination(s).
I cannot however, walk away from the blatant and frankly outrageous hypocrisy on the part of the Left in this country when it comes to the argument over civility. For the life of me, I don’t remember a time when that argument has been so one-sidedly misrepresented in the media. When Gabrielle Gifford’s was critically injured in that horrific Tucson massacre, I remember a monotone President who spoke long and fervently about the desperate need for civility in our nation. Since that time we have seen the POTUS inject himself time and again into the “politics of justice” in what can best be described as “muscling” the potential outcome of a politically charged event for personal and political gain. He subsequently jumbles the facts, and even turned a blind eye to threats of violence by a militant and clearly racist organization against a defendant in an as yet unresolved and local criminal matter. Mr. Obama and his supporting cast of Progressive characters have simply missed (or ignored) every opportunity to inspire “We the People” to the obviously higher ground, instead choosing to stoke the flames of descent on both sides. Media elitists and Hollywood insiders get a pass when they berate and insult Conservative women, and Republican politicians are all too often accused of wanting to starve children, pollute the water and air, and cheat our seniors. This from the party of perpetual poverty and dependency and their standard-bearer, a man who is supposedly schooled in Constitutional law, and was once a practicing “civil rights attorney”.
Anyhow, I must admit the “Nuge” issue would have been much easier to digest if it weren’t for the fact that our young people are exposed daily to the vulgar and violent “musical”/”acting” tirades of literally hundreds of entertainment industry thugs, who/which have celebrated and continue to celebrate everything from sexual and physical violence against women, racist terminology and thought, the murder of law enforcement officers, and even the assassination of a former President. I mean, are these folks who are now calling for Ted Nugent’s scalp for real?
While I am disheartened by what I see as a growing chasm between the ideologies in America today, I still feel that civility and Constitutionally realistic compromise are the way forward. For my part, I will continue to argue my position in a “passionate” but “factual” manner. Having said that, I am ready at a moment’s notice to listen to reason and truth, if the other side will as well…
Polls and more polls…
It is interesting to note the average of the Presidential Election polls lately. Mitt Romney would essentially be tied with the POTUS if the election were held today. Now there are a couple of ways to look at this. Firstly, the same polls show huge negatives for the incumbent President when it comes to his handling of the economy. Those same negatives translate into huge positives when folks are asked if they feel Mitt Romney would do a better job in that area. Taking this into consideration one has to wonder why Romney is not ahead in the polling. Secondly, the overall likability and what is said to be “unwavering” union support numbers swing heavily in President Obama’s favor making one ask, why he is not farther ahead?
At the end of the day the election is still months away and I have to believe folks are just not yet engaged. This isn’t to say the current condition of our United States is not on the minds of many Americans. It does however lend itself to my theory that this election will be more about “We the People”, and how we see ourselves just a generation and a half removed from what was once the “American Dream”.
Consequently, if I were to advise Mr. Romney and those handling his campaign I would tell them, these poll numbers may be showing us the Obama class warfare message is finding its mark. We are not the America of the 1950’s any longer, and many young people of this age know little or nothing of the hard work, sacrifice and values that got us here. Revisionist history and a warped version of multiculturalism, applied by way of political correctness, ignorance and American complacency, are being used by the Left to hijack and eventually stamp out our own unique and necessary culture. In November of this year, we shall see just how successful they have been.