Category Archives: Economy

The next four years…

US-POLITICS-INAUGURATION-PARADELet me preface my analysis of President Obama’s Inauguration speech by acknowledging the symbolism of the day, as well as the great sacrifice made by so many to ensure it’s continuance. It is wholly and appropriately representative of The United States.

Now moving ahead of all the pomp and pageantry, one must accept the President’s speech as one of, if not the most partisan and ideological in the history of the event. Mr. Obama’s lofty and often pointed rhetoric finally revealed the entire man to those who were actually listening. And as many in the crowd booed the presence of Paul Ryan and other Republicans, it was painfully obvious #44’s policies of division and class warfare have taken firm root, setting the tone for an epic battle over the soul of this great country.

Now free of the burden of future elections, the POTUS skillfully avoided the critical issues of the day and instead presented himself as the conquering champion of a new civil rights movement. Apparently stale in his eyes, is the individual and entrepreneurial spirit of a free people whose successes (and failures) have built our great nation, and which are now trumped by a glorified mediocrity, and conditionally if not legislatively induced acceptance of “the new norm”. To listen carefully was to hear the ideologically passionate and even resentful dream of a man who has very different ideas about America than those of the Founders. One could even pick out the connection to (Martin Luther King Day), as the President’s voice became “elevated” at times, into something more fitting of the pulpit, a habit which has come easily to the man who rarely deviates from the teleprompter. Ironically, and despite Progressive attempts to portray MLK as a Socialist Icon, Barack Obama would have had little in common with the late Dr. King.

All in all the speech seemed more appropriate for a “State of the Union” address. Nevertheless, it was carefully framed on all sides by American Flags, parades and plenty of red, white and blue eye candy. There were even moments of prayer and reflection, slipped in to appease/confuse those wondering how a man supposedly so consumed with the  “equality” of human kind, could place his hand on two Christian Bibles and deny that same equality to an unborn child.

Make no mistake my fellow Americans, the four years ahead are perilous ones. Our economy teeters on the brink of disaster, held hostage by mathematical realities such as a $5000.00 drop in the median household income, and unemployment numbers the same as when this President took office. Regrettably, the campaign issues which drove him to victory at the polls are but distant memories. Our President’s focus for his second term appears now to be strictly ideological and broad-based in terms of those social issues he believes will move the nation away from its historical foundations, and secure his legacy as the Liberal Progressive President who finally made it happen

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Health Care, History, Home and Family, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment, Women's Issues | 1 Comment

1-20-13, The Inauguration of Apathy…

Inaugural_platform-001_s640x427Whether you agree with him or not, Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of The United States for a second term. The backdrop of this inauguration however, will be one of uncertainty and disillusionment to be sure.

We are living in a time of choices like we have never faced, and they are not necessarily ideological choices. Nevertheless, most Americans must now decide whether they will recognize and accept the factual evidence of our national “situation”, or whether they will choose to ignore that evidence, blame someone or something else, and hope the “situation” will correct itself. Here are some undeniable truths to consider though, if you have the intestinal fortitude…

Our overall economy has already morphed into an over-extended and dormant entity on life support, chugging along at what would normally be considered a pathetic pace. Stocks are up though they are critically overvalued paper, and lack the raw capital which once calmed a long term investor. Unemployment remains under-reported and elevated because of uncertainty over the rising costs associated with owning and running a business. Ideological taxes and benefit burdens threaten to blow up middle America, with a recent report from a former GAO Chief predicting Obamacare may very well collapse the entire economy. (Note: Most credible analysts who aren’t drinking the Obama Kool-Aid support that prediction.) And as a nation, we spend nearly twice what we take in, with our debt now growing beyond our realistic ability to pay it off of our great-grandchildren’s backs.

In full view of all of these facts many have simply chosen to dig in their partisan heals and spit into the proverbial fan. Politicians for life on both sides of the aisle have put us on a collision course with financial Armageddon, and there seems little “We the People” are prepared to do about it. Moreover, Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in a President tomorrow, who lacks both the life experience and historical grasp to lead us back onto the right avenue, a demagogue, drunk on perceived adoration, and who is content see this college experiment through to it’s inevitable conclusion, even if it means the United States emerges but a shell of its former glory.

Now some will call me a racist for my conclusions. Still others will call (me) the partisan, and I will undoubtedly argue against this foolishness to the bitter end. That said, what we are facing here is a mathematical certainty with unimaginable consequences, which can no longer be denied or framed as just some radical doomsday prediction. The hard numbers are now in plain sight. Make no mistake, I too am stunned at how quickly this country was lulled into a catatonic 1960’s mentality, unable to see reality or reason, blinded by rhetoric, and selfishly willing to deny their posterity.

So as I watch and listen to President Obama take the oath of office once more, and I hear him swear to uphold the Constitution of this nation once again, and then I listen some more as he will undoubtedly rehash much of the old “Hope and Change” diatribe, I will be considering my sons and our children’s America. Regrettably, my conclusions will be the same as they were in 2008. The President is not the problem. We are…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Gun Control, Health Care, History, Home and Family, Immigration, International, Jobs, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Terrorism, The Border, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , | Comments Off on 1-20-13, The Inauguration of Apathy…

Little Rhody Reason…

RI DLT Director Fogarty

RI DLT Director Fogarty

Rhode Island’s unemployment rate fell from 10.4 to 10.2 percent. So significant was this to the Chafee Administration, that Charles Fogarty from the Department of Labor and Training sprinted to the airwaves to tout this most momentous of occasions. After listening to Fogarty’s painful “right direction” diatribe, I did a little numbers juggling of my own.

At our present rate of recovery here in “Little Rhody”, we might be at the current national unemployment level by the year 2017. Moreover, the trending numbers, or “indicators” as they are sometimes called, do not take into consideration those who have simply dropped off the employment radar or moved away, nor do they account for small business friendliness and cost of living factors which are all “trending” badly to say the least…

Adding insult to “The Ocean States” already embarrassing economic injury, WPRO Radio Personality Dan York reminded his listeners yesterday, that if Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has his way and lowers the state sales tax to 4.5 percent, there won’t be enough retail money left in Rhode Island to pay for an order of “Chowda” and Clamcakes…

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Deadbeat nation???

President Obama at yesterday's news conference.

President Obama at yesterday’s news conference.

Republicans began the session by reading the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House. Well, I think that’s a great place to start, and sends the appropriate message to the Obama Administration. It should be very clear to any “reasonable” person, that in consideration of an election decided by about the number of Republicans who stayed home, The United States of America is a nation divided right down the middle.

Now there are many reasons for this division having to do with everything from the education, or rather indoctrination of our young ones in the public school system, to a media which has forgotten its responsibilities to “We the People“, but make no mistake, we are at a turning point as a nation. The President of The United States is without any doubt an ideologue, bolstered by a second term, and who has shown he is willing to press beyond the boundaries of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights. Those who know him tell us this is the “entire package”, a person we did not necessarily see the first time around, though I would disagree with the notion he did not make plain “his” vision for America in 2008. Many simply chose to ignore his words for the sake of his skin color and a promised utopia. That said, there can be no illusions. President Barack Obama now sees himself as the star receiver who will carry the (progressive football of change) over the political goal line, dodging any Constitutional cornerbacks along the way. “The American People agreed with me.” This is his mantra. Be damned the nearly half of those people who voted against him and his policies. History tells us delusion is often the friend of the ideologue who sees himself as the righter of perceived wrongs.

Inevitably, right minded members of Congress now have a responsibility to forgo their respective re-election chances and do what must be done to stop this assault on the Constitution. I submit to all of you, this battle is no less important than any our brave Soldiers have fought in order to preserve our children’s future, and the outcome no less pivotal. I now call on all of you to speak out. Start a blog, attend a hearing on an important issue and voice your opinion, or write to the editor of your local news paper. If you value our heritage of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness“, then silence and apathy are no longer options.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Deadbeat nation???

Can you say Banana Republic???

ObamaCoinWhen I first heard about the “trillion-dollar coin” story, I thought the person who emailed me about it was kidding. After some quick research however, I could not believe someone or some entity would actually suggest such a reckless idea. Now, it’s even being reported that the White House is hedging on ruling it out! Only in the age of Obama would our government be considering “creating” phony collateral to sidestep our debt. These people must truly be the quintessential Progressive deadbeats out to destroy our country. What other possible motive could they have for even bringing up such foolishness?

If The United States ever tried something as irresponsible as minting a “special coin”, in an attempt to avoid its fiscal obligations here at home and abroad, by “projecting” the impression of security, economic chaos on an unimaginable scale would certainly be the result. Simply put, the time it would take for the U.S. to go from world power to global joke could be clocked with an egg timer.

What the hell is happening to our country???

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Fred Comella, National Debt, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes | Tagged | Comments Off on Can you say Banana Republic???

Sold a bill of goods…



Al Gore is a smart man. He sold a global warming bill of goods to a public, shanghaied by a complicit “main stream” press. Indeed many bought into the lie of a “man caused planetary demise”, and remain thoroughly brainwashed today. Folks all over the country ran out and bought smart light bulbs and started riding their bikes to work. The yuppie guilt factor kicked in and many a parent started adopting polar bears while crying at night with their children, and praying the fury carnivores would be alright. (Well, maybe not praying.) Solar and wind power, along with electric cars are now synonymous with the Democrat party platform, and the fossil fuel industry is demonized as if having brought some scourge upon mankind, when in fact if it were not for oil, natural gas, and coal, our world would be a very different and unforgiving place. Moreover, The United States currently sits on the largest shale oil supply in the world, to the tune of nearly a trillion barrels, and could easily achieve the goal of energy independence in less than 7 years if we chose to.

Nevertheless, the former VP has done a masterful job of marrying this cause and is almost a billionaire for his fraudulent and disingenuous efforts. And now he has gone and sold his 65,000  (strong) audience network to the very people who have made their fortunes selling that which he has demonized with such zeal, for the grossly inflated price of a half billion dollars, from which he will profit 100 million. Now the true motivation behind this sale to Al-Jazeera (aside from huge financial gain), is an entirely different and all-together puzzling issue for another day. Having said that, I’m wondering if anyone out there who read his books, or watched his discredited film, are having any second thoughts about this pompous but very calculating liar.

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The Self Destruct Button…

The so-called “fiscal cliff” was nothing more than a response to the accountability gauntlet laid out by both the WH and Congress, intended to make “We the People” believe our representative government actually gave a rats you know what about our kids futures. In essence, a made up deadline that when reached, only triggers the cold and broken reality of gridlock politics in Washington.

375px-US_Public_Debt_Ceiling_1981-2010Now the “debt ceiling”, well that’s a whole different ball game. So it was interesting to hear the POTUS going on about how Republicans somehow want to prevent the nation from paying its bills on his weekly radio broadcast. (No Sir, they want to keep those bills from growing beyond our “ability” to pay them). He even attempted to draw a comparison line to the government shut-down of 1995. In fairness, some of the political components may be the same. But the monetary dynamic is something very different, and unlike anything we have ever faced before. The numbers today are, for all intents and purposes, the end of the “green back” road for us. At nearly sixteen and one half trillion dollars in debt, The United States is not only broke Mr. President, it’s darn near bankrupt, and credit reporting agencies like Moody’s know it. Consequently, and in full view of this financial Tsunami, Mr. Obama’s approach in the weeks ahead will be to ask for yet another blank check, signed by the next generation, so he can burn off another boat load of borrowed money that we just don’t have, on a bunch of foolishness that just doesn’t work.

So as our economy remains on life support, with its full potential reined in by bureaucrats in Washington bent on ideological change, “We the People” are left to watch in utter confusion, as those sent to represent our best interest prepare to push the self-destruct button on our economy, as well as a better America for our children.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Jobs, National Debt, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment | Tagged , | Comments Off on The Self Destruct Button…

Stand Fast!!!

boehner_angle_ap_imgJohn Boehner was re-elected for a second term as Speaker of House yesterday, but not without some drama. From what I am hearing, Boehner just cleared the threshold requiring a second round of balloting, with 220 votes. Apparently, there were as many as nine Republican defections.

My take on this is simple. At no time in recent memory has it been more important for our elected representatives to stand on sound fiscal principle. The days of “bi-partisan” shenanigans at the expense of our children must come to an end. And unlike many dreamers out there, I know this has absolutely nothing to do with “inclusiveness” under one tent or another. I am not confused nor will I be swayed from the reality that “We the People” have allowed Washington to financially undo The United States of America. I ask the Speaker to lead in a way which will make him synonymous with our nation’s revival, not its demise.

With the election over, and as we await an Inauguration to mark the peaceful transition from one term to another for President Obama, I remain hopeful Americans will wake from their dreams of utopian bliss and realize our wounds are by and large self-inflicted. And in doing so, chart a new course back to that which makes this, the greatest nation on the face of the earth.

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Sequestration 101…

alan-simpson-erskine-bowles_gi_topAs both sides debate the fiscal cliff right to the very edge of disaster, “We the People” are poised to absorb the blow of Washington’s inexcusable dysfunction. On the one hand, you have Speaker Boehner who just realized he will indeed be held to account by members of his own party for his lack of fortitude and leadership of recent. On the other hand, President Obama enjoys main stream media neutrality, (and even their support), while he chips (spends) away at what’s left of our fragile economy. We are truly on the brink as a nation.

With the election now behind us, we can see the Obama second term taking shape. For the record, while I vehemently disagree with the President’s ideological stance, I do admire Mr. Obama for his political courage. He simply and truthfully pushed a radical and un-Constitutional agenda on a largely complacent electorate, grievously compromised by revisionism and a lack of historical appreciation for our beloved Republic. He seized on the political moment, took the ball down field and is preparing to go in for the touchdown. Sadly, the loser in this critical play-off game will be The United States of America. I have a sickening feeling about the consequences of being right on this one.

Nevertheless, I think it’s important for folks to understand the simple basics of what is about to happen, and in comparative terms to their own lives.

Most credible experts agree that if sequestration is allowed to go forward, and taxes are allowed to go up on all Americans, the economy will contract approximately 3.5 percent. Now as the U.S. economy itself is only growing at an anemic rate of under 2 percent, and the nation is carrying over $16 Trillion in debt with a real unemployment number of about 9 percent, this is critical. Let’s try and look at this as if it were an average middle class family today. Your monthly bills are around $4000.00, but you’re only bringing in about $2900.00 since your spouse was laid off, and her benefits have long expired. (You’re also on the short list to be laid off in the coming year because your employer will not be able to cover his “Obamacare” costs and penalties, and will have to downsize his workforce). You’re borrowing additional money to make up the difference and pay the interest on your credit. Your “projected income” over the next ten years will not keep up so you have to borrow even more money, expanding your debt profile by amounts you cannot account for without cutting your expenses, changing your spending habits “or” borrowing even more money. For the average family, this will eventually lead you to the point where no one will lend you any more money because they know you cannot possibly pay it back, (and you can’t simply print more). Are you following me?? You will now be forced to cut back in ways that you could never have imagined. Your quality of life will be dramatically altered as you may very well be forced into bankruptcy and your credit rating will be destroyed. You will likely lose your home and your car to foreclosure and/or repossession, and your wages may be garnished as debt collectors come for what little you have left. I know that you all are beginning to see this in the appropriate context. Now what the heck do you think it means for our country? What it means is this “cliff” is more like a black hole from which we may never return, but with one major difference for the federal government. They enjoy a luxury you and I do not, the power to tax until the well runs dry to correct the short-fall, ala France, Greece and Spain and their crippling tax rates.

Now we can debate all day about why both parties have politicized the argument in the manner they have, and many a short-sighted partisan fool will do just that. But it will not change the fact that our country’s economy is a mere shadow of what it was. And it certainly won’t change the fact that our elected officials at every level have screwed us to the point where they themselves have now thrown up their hands in utter frustration for lack of ideas or an appropriate and non-political solution.

Ya know, I remember reading the Erskine/Bowles report and listening to them talking about how their recommendations would be painful on all levels, and that was if we adopted those recommendations. The fact that President Obama and Congress have chosen to ignore them, leaves me to wonder if our economic wounds are now fatal.

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“Here’s fourteen bucks, and I’ll see ya’ at the polls”…

minimum_wage(1)Apparently my home state is among those that will raise the minimum wage come 1/1. Across the country there are a number of states which will do the same. But Rhode Island is a great example of the “wrong headedness” which dominates what I like to call the “Obama political landscape” these days.

Let’s put aside for a moment, the idea that minimum wage positions are not meant to be permanent or what many would call “living wage”, but rather starter or entry-level positions, which is what my dad taught me and what I believe to this day. And let’s also put aside the predictable politics of the Left as they fish for support among the uniformed/brainwashed. I would just like to know how in the world an extra $14.00 per week is going to make a significant difference in someone’s, or some family’s bottom line. Now firstly, save that Barrington rich guy stupidity. I’ve seen my share of hard times, and I don’t need a life lesson from any misguided “occupy type” or Progressive sycophant. But in a state legendary for its inhospitable business climate, excruciating tax burdens, and regional cost of living disparities, one would think our elected officials would be hard at work on a more substantial and “maybe even” long term approach.  Alas, Rhode Island will now make it even harder for small business out ahead of “Obamacare”. Moreover, when we hear our Rhode Island Delegation to Washington talk about jobs, one has to ask why in the world you would take away what little incentive there is left for companies to hire. And why in the world would you incentivize those companies to do more with “less” people.

In the face of such dire economic circumstances, Rhode Island offers the same tired and ineffective foolishness. “Here’s fourteen bucks, and I’ll see ya at the polls”…

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