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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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Category Archives: Constitutionality
The Self Destruct Button…
The so-called “fiscal cliff” was nothing more than a response to the accountability gauntlet laid out by both the WH and Congress, intended to make “We the People” believe our representative government actually gave a rats you know what about our kids futures. In essence, a made up deadline that when reached, only triggers the cold and broken reality of gridlock politics in Washington.
Now the “debt ceiling”, well that’s a whole different ball game. So it was interesting to hear the POTUS going on about how Republicans somehow want to prevent the nation from paying its bills on his weekly radio broadcast. (No Sir, they want to keep those bills from growing beyond our “ability” to pay them). He even attempted to draw a comparison line to the government shut-down of 1995. In fairness, some of the political components may be the same. But the monetary dynamic is something very different, and unlike anything we have ever faced before. The numbers today are, for all intents and purposes, the end of the “green back” road for us. At nearly sixteen and one half trillion dollars in debt, The United States is not only broke Mr. President, it’s darn near bankrupt, and credit reporting agencies like Moody’s know it. Consequently, and in full view of this financial Tsunami, Mr. Obama’s approach in the weeks ahead will be to ask for yet another blank check, signed by the next generation, so he can burn off another boat load of borrowed money that we just don’t have, on a bunch of foolishness that just doesn’t work.
So as our economy remains on life support, with its full potential reined in by bureaucrats in Washington bent on ideological change, “We the People” are left to watch in utter confusion, as those sent to represent our best interest prepare to push the self-destruct button on our economy, as well as a better America for our children.
A time for serious people…
Listening to Providence City Council Majority Leader Seth Yurdin yesterday, reminded me that freedom has no enemy like ignorance, willful or otherwise. As many cities and towns now rush to initiate their own responses to the Sandy Hook tragedy, it is increasingly clear that politics will be at the forefront, with fact and reason struggling to keep up. I would only ask Mr. Yurdin what his thoughts are concerning gang violence (as well as many other types of violence) in our capital city, and also what he thinks are the root causes of much of that violence. I’m very sure he would migrate directly back to the question of firearms, and completely ignore the fundamental and obvious issues of broken families, poverty, unemployment, education, drugs and host of other factors which ultimately drive that violence. Accordingly, and in the absence of any recognizable moral code or self-discipline, Yurdin will exploit the Newton nightmare to its fullest potential, and take the political train as far down the track as possible, extracting as much opportunistic face time as he can along the way. I would simply ask those voting in the affirmative on the recent gun control resolution, to get off their irresponsible behinds, get the facts, and then get out into their communities to do the business of the people. Enough with the self-promoting band aid politics! Disgraceful…
A high-jacked Democrat Party…
I was going to do another story on averting “sequestration”, however it appears our elected officials have now successfully kicked the “fiscal cliff” down the road yet again. Thanks folks, I’ll try and explain it to my son when he is older… What a sick joke…
Moving along, I will do my best to avoid the nausea associated with the contempt I know these Washington elitists have for us, and go to another hot button topic, “gun control”. It seems there is a letter circulating from a retired Marine Corporal in which he takes issue with Senator Feinstein’s gun control initiatives. Now I will not bore you again with my opinions of Feinstein, they are well known. Instead I am including the text of the letter so you may judge for yourself. I will then offer a “rebuttal” of sorts, as offered by Des-Moines Register Reporter Donald Kaul.
Senator Dianne Feinstein,
I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.
I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.
I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.
I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.
We, the people, deserve better than you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps
In contrast, and as evidence of the extraordinary and subversive intent of those who mean to circumvent our nation’s Constitution, I would like to add the comments of Des-Moines Register Reporter Donald Kaul. It seems Mr. Kaul does not have much love for the NRA, or for that matter, certain members of Congress. He calls for the burning and then leveling of the NRA Headquarters in Virginia, as well as the torture of House Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell. Now I’m not sure, but as former law enforcement officer, prison guard and now crime prevention officer, that sounds a lot like threats of arson, and of assault against an elected official. So, in the absence of any reasonable or cognitive argument on the part of this “evil” nut job, I would encourage the Des-Moines Police Department, the FBI, BATFE and the Secret Service, to waste no time in investigating these statements and this person.
This is what I mean when I ask that you only listen to the voice of the Left in matters of Constitutional worth. These are the true and dangerous radicals who have hijacked the Democratic Party. Of course you probably won’t read or hear about this story outside of the FOX Network or talk radio, as the “main stream” press is completely and totally of the same mind and concept as Mr. Kaul. Having said that, and as far as I’m concerned, Mr. Kaul is clearly “the” person who should be on every cops radar, and is a great example of a potentially violent offender “red flag” case.
The face of the opposition, Donald Kaul, in his own words.
• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.
• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.
• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.
Well there you have it. I would ask the President and all those who claim they desire a “legitimate and productive conversation” about keeping our kids safe from gun violence, “did you mean with this foolish idiot, Sir???”
Sequestration 101…
As both sides debate the fiscal cliff right to the very edge of disaster, “We the People” are poised to absorb the blow of Washington’s inexcusable dysfunction. On the one hand, you have Speaker Boehner who just realized he will indeed be held to account by members of his own party for his lack of fortitude and leadership of recent. On the other hand, President Obama enjoys main stream media neutrality, (and even their support), while he chips (spends) away at what’s left of our fragile economy. We are truly on the brink as a nation.
With the election now behind us, we can see the Obama second term taking shape. For the record, while I vehemently disagree with the President’s ideological stance, I do admire Mr. Obama for his political courage. He simply and truthfully pushed a radical and un-Constitutional agenda on a largely complacent electorate, grievously compromised by revisionism and a lack of historical appreciation for our beloved Republic. He seized on the political moment, took the ball down field and is preparing to go in for the touchdown. Sadly, the loser in this critical play-off game will be The United States of America. I have a sickening feeling about the consequences of being right on this one.
Nevertheless, I think it’s important for folks to understand the simple basics of what is about to happen, and in comparative terms to their own lives.
Most credible experts agree that if sequestration is allowed to go forward, and taxes are allowed to go up on all Americans, the economy will contract approximately 3.5 percent. Now as the U.S. economy itself is only growing at an anemic rate of under 2 percent, and the nation is carrying over $16 Trillion in debt with a real unemployment number of about 9 percent, this is critical. Let’s try and look at this as if it were an average middle class family today. Your monthly bills are around $4000.00, but you’re only bringing in about $2900.00 since your spouse was laid off, and her benefits have long expired. (You’re also on the short list to be laid off in the coming year because your employer will not be able to cover his “Obamacare” costs and penalties, and will have to downsize his workforce). You’re borrowing additional money to make up the difference and pay the interest on your credit. Your “projected income” over the next ten years will not keep up so you have to borrow even more money, expanding your debt profile by amounts you cannot account for without cutting your expenses, changing your spending habits “or” borrowing even more money. For the average family, this will eventually lead you to the point where no one will lend you any more money because they know you cannot possibly pay it back, (and you can’t simply print more). Are you following me?? You will now be forced to cut back in ways that you could never have imagined. Your quality of life will be dramatically altered as you may very well be forced into bankruptcy and your credit rating will be destroyed. You will likely lose your home and your car to foreclosure and/or repossession, and your wages may be garnished as debt collectors come for what little you have left. I know that you all are beginning to see this in the appropriate context. Now what the heck do you think it means for our country? What it means is this “cliff” is more like a black hole from which we may never return, but with one major difference for the federal government. They enjoy a luxury you and I do not, the power to tax until the well runs dry to correct the short-fall, ala France, Greece and Spain and their crippling tax rates.
Now we can debate all day about why both parties have politicized the argument in the manner they have, and many a short-sighted partisan fool will do just that. But it will not change the fact that our country’s economy is a mere shadow of what it was. And it certainly won’t change the fact that our elected officials at every level have screwed us to the point where they themselves have now thrown up their hands in utter frustration for lack of ideas or an appropriate and non-political solution.
Ya know, I remember reading the Erskine/Bowles report and listening to them talking about how their recommendations would be painful on all levels, and that was if we adopted those recommendations. The fact that President Obama and Congress have chosen to ignore them, leaves me to wonder if our economic wounds are now fatal.
Staying focused…
Amidst the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut remains the stinging reality of our fiscal and other woes. As the nation has been fixed on the horrific events which occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, lawmakers have been pounding at each other from both sides of the aisle over the impending tax hikes and cuts to services which will occur if a deal is not reached soon. While the President is determined to take our country to the doorstep of social welfare for all, and John Boehner searches for any sign of his principles, the effects of Hurricane Sandy have filtered through the employment outlook and jobless claims are creeping up again. Moreover, hiring remains sluggish at best as businesses look to the “fiscal cliff” and hold off any type of expansion hiring. And for those who think this class warfare “line in the sand” way of thinking won’t affect jobs in this country, I hope you’re paying attention. We are all in for a bad taste of reality coming soon to an economy near you.
Sadly though, “We the People” have been experiencing distraction on an unimaginable and gut wrenching level. And so as we appropriately mourn the lost and search for ways to help their families, it is much more difficult to focus on what our politicians are doing behind the “political iron curtain” that is Washington DC. For instance, the Obama Administration’s culpability in the deaths of four brave diplomats in Benghazi is quickly slipping into the depths of bureaucratic smoke and mirrors. Additionally, our President is attempting to manipulate away our voice concerning our children’s debt, by way of failing economic policy and executive privilege not granted to him under the Constitution. And even more pathetic and troubling, is the fact that I cannot remember a time when those charged with objectively bringing us the facts regardless of political or personal ideology have been so negligent in their respective duties. Plain and simple, todays media are by and large, propagandists for this President and his politics.
So as we lay to rest the beloved children of Newtown and their teachers, it is incumbent upon “We the People” to stay focused. We must reach deeper than ever before to find the courage to make the tough choices on a whole range of critical issues which will determine not just our future, but the futures of our children. I truly believe the best way we may honor those lost, is to secure this free nation for those who must carry on.
Honor them…
I suppose that in the age of the 24 hour news cycle we should expect nothing less than bell to bell coverage of the unimaginable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Consequently, we should also expect agenda driven politicians and uniformed ideologues to exploit that tragedy for political and/or ideological gain. I recently posted on Facebook that I was trying desperately not to engage out of respect for the lost and their grieving families, and in spite of the enormous amount of misinformation being spewed by the anti-gun crowd. Unfortunately, it is now painfully obvious this may not be possible. The deaths of these young children and those who sought to protect them at the Sandy Hook Elementary School must not simply be the catalyst for change of the wrong kind, promoted by those of the wrong intent.
Make no mistake, the loss of these innocents by the hand of evil, manifested in the form of a person with mental illness, begs a discussion of a higher sort with the aim of protecting our most valuable resource on planet earth, our children. Having said that, the critical task at hand will require level headed and truthful participants with no ulterior motives, and whose intentions are laser focused on the above and nothing else. So let’s look at what is being put out there at present, both on the political as well as the media fronts.
For starters, it is clear the President will charge ahead with what he ignored in his first term because it was politically dangerous. On its face this should tell you much about Mr. Obama’s political intentions. I would add however, the suggestion his emotion is not genuine is simply ridiculous. The POTUS has two school age daughters and I’m quite sure he has been rattled by the events of 12/14. No, this is an ideological battle not a personal one, at least in terms of any solution going forward.
Notwithstanding personal attacks by either side, President Obama named his VP Joe Biden as the point man for a committee to make recommendations, citing Biden’s input on the Clinton era assault weapons ban. I’m sorry, would that be the ban which had “zero” impact on violent crime, as vetted by every credible reporting agency including the CDC, which conducted no less than 50 inquiries desperately searching for evidence to support the ban but found none? Oh, and Attorney General Eric Holder will be sought out for his input and has already recommended a stronger BATFE. I’m sorry, would that be the Attorney General and BATFE embroiled in the “Fast and Furious” gun running scandal which resulted in the deaths of over nine hundred Mexican civilians and two border agents?
When you add in Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein, two of the most partisan and uniformed politicians on the matter of gun control, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the “discussion” on how to make our children safer will be dominated by politics and misinformation. Moreover, the statistical data continues to show that so-called “assault weapons” account for just 1/5 of one percent of all violent crime, with 1/7 of all guns in circulation in the U.S. being “assault weapons”, just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the “numbers within the numbers” which clearly show the futility of additional gun control. (Note here, one only need look to the states with the highest violent crime rates to find the most draconian gun laws).
Look, this debate is just getting started. And while I continue to believe it is incumbent upon us to focus our efforts on supporting the families in their time of sorrow and loss, we must also guard against feel good applications which always results in the erosion of freedom, while doing nothing to address the issue of violence in our nation. Turning a blind eye to the root causes and societal factors which are at the heart of our “national condition”, is akin to doing nothing at all in the face of this unholy nightmare. As a father, I am with whoever truly endeavors in the name of the victims and the Newtown community, honestly and with the same motivations. As a patriot, I must also endeavor to preserve and protect my son’s liberty from those who would manipulate it by way of false and ideological rhetoric, intended only for political gain and offered not as substantive and genuine solutions. I feel the two approaches are inexorably linked. In the name of those lost, let the truth, the facts and a genuine desire to keep our children safe, be the catalyst for real “change for the better”…
“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
You don’t have to read very deep into our Constitution to find the true intent of those who penned it. I would tell you however, some extra reading on the Founders, and more specifically the personal letters and papers of John Dickinson, Gouverneur Morris, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Edmund Randolph, James Madison, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and George Wythe, would certainly provide you the necessary context so readily dismissed / ignored by our “Constitutional Law Professor” President. But I guess the fact that he believes there are 57 states, gives you an idea how much emphasis / value he places in one of the most influential documents written in all of human history. Nevertheless, let’s briefly examine what was intended to be a simple but definitive preamble to and explanation of the document for which it was written.
1. “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,” – Very simply put, this sentence is meant to identify who the document refers to, and also to make it plain that a perfect union is unattainable by any reasonable measure, hence the (“more” perfect) reference. It is the individual’s journey to that end which makes us collectively exceptional.
2. “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,” – These are references to law enforcement as would be necessary within the framework of a “republic under law or representative republic”, and include things like community policing and local jurisdiction as granted, and for the purposes of security within the borders of the nation and the states.
3. “provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,” – This is where folks go off the reservation and attempt to make the Constitution say something it doesn’t. The first part is clearly the authors stating that a military shall be responsible to protect the country (common defense). And the second part says to promote, (NOT PROVIDE) for the general welfare. (Promote – Further the progress of (something, esp. a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage.) NOT to dictate and/or pay for that which is not set forth therein.
4. “and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” – I feel this is the most important part of the entire preamble. Liberty and freedom must forever be at the root of all we do regarding our Republic, for our sake, and the sake of our children.
I think it’s fair to say that much of this “originalism” as it is now referred to by the academic elite, is lost on many a 60’s burn out, as well as subsequent generations, and has been replaced with a selfish revisionism intended to alter and eventually accommodate those of lesser fortitude and/or values oriented intent. The operative word here is intent, and is meant to infer that I understand the Founders were not perfect. But they themselves understood this well. It was their acknowledgment of that lack of perfection, but also their “pursuit” of it, that made them far different than the grievously flawed leaders of today.
Like it or not folks, there are undeniable truths in this life. Historically speaking, it is human deviation from these truths that is inevitably and always the downfall of free nations.
Reality Check 2012…
Even I thought I would have more time to check the reality of this election. Wrong… Now that the Liberal/Progressives have cemented their place within the future framework of our country, it’s time to take stock of what that really means.
1. Moody’s has put the United States on notice that if a debt deal is not reached very soon they will downgrade our credit rating. They were also pointedly clear to the Fed, that any deal must not be a “kick the can down the road” application, but rather must contain “substantial and significant” measures, that would calm the fears of a watching world with regard to whether or not the U.S. will be a “worthy investment” moving forward. It is now painfully obvious that the simplistic and feel good “fair share” mentality, packaged and sold as the answer to our fiscal woes by this President and his supporters, will be nothing short of inadequate, and a shallow and fruitless approach to the goal of avoiding the fiscal chasm we face.
2. As anticipated, major corporations like Boeing are now preparing to cut staffing levels and work weeks, as well as substantially reduce their overhead (close area support operations), to offset the inevitable costs of “Obamacare”. The President’s signature law will, as predicted, result in skyrocketing healthcare costs to businesses large and small, and eventually diminish care for all Americans.
3. The Obama Administration, aided by a complacent and complicit main stream media, is now laying the foundation for a (major league) cover-up attempt surrounding the (bush league) handling of the Benghazi attack, which resulted in the murder of our Ambassador and three other American heroes. Moreover, the number of questions raised by the recent resignation of General David Patraeus only complicate the issue of any Administration transparency further. How this plays out over the next few months will be a significant measure as to where our nation is headed concerning the accountability of our elected officials. As of this moment, President Barack Obama’s Administration has set new and dangerous precedents along these lines, and appears to be re-writing our beloved Constitution.
As I watch all of this unfolding with lightning speed, and then add many of the pet causes of this now uninhibited ideological President, the words “elections have consequences” burn in my brain. I am also very curious to know how his supporters will react as the bottom ultimately falls away. Who will they blame? What solutions will they offer? Tax the rich some more? And what happens when they have no more to give?
For the first time in our history my fellow Americans, it is now indisputable fact that we will leave our children a lesser country than we inherited…
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.
“Sir Winston Churchill” 1874-1965
Can’t stay away for long…
Ok folks, let’s be honest with ourselves. The Republicans didn’t lose because they oppose abortion or gay marriage, or because some politician has a foot in mouth problem. And they didn’t lose because they don’t work with Democrats, or because Chris Matthews says they are racist. The Republicans lost because their message didn’t include free stuff for those who don’t deserve it.
They lost because of the short-sightedness and selfishness of “Big Labor”, and because folks didn’t want to hear that the deterioration of the American family in our urban centers is the cancer eating away at our Republic. And also, they didn’t want to hear that racism and bigotry are being kept alive only in the ideologies of those who seek excuses, and/or power over an uneducated demographic, which in turn brings them electoral gains. (See Obama Phone video)
No my fellow Americans, this is much more simple than the talking heads tucked away in some obscure wing of one of our “esteemed” halls of academia would have you believe. The simple truth of the matter is, “the free ride” now trumps “freedom”. More Americans feel comfortable with the idea that government can and should provide for them. One need only look from county to county where the President did very well to see this unfolding before our eyes.
So my message to those of the Constitutional persuasion is straight forward today. Do not be tricked into thinking some mindless idiot who needs vindication at the local Starbucks is smarter than they really are. They are simply caught up in the social glamour of this President and wish to be seen with the “in crowd”. These folks are the sheep who would have voted for Obama in spite of the glaring truth. And don’t be fooled by those who would have you “mold” your belief system to accommodate that which you know in your heart to be wrong. And don’t compromise your principles on the premise that somehow, we may be able to spend our way out of this fiscal calamity. It will not happen. Oh, and don’t be tricked into thinking the revolting pictures you saw on the news of the “Occupy” crowd were somehow doctored by the “evil Tea-Party”. No my friends, this is simple socio-economics 101, and the balance of electoral strength now favors the takers.
Now go and read your history books to see how this always turns out…
Enough said!!! Now go and vote your conscience!!!
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