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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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Tag Archives: Iran
Burning Bridges…
Admittedly, I have been a bit pre-occupied with our crumbling economic situation and what our elected leaders must to do to stop the bleeding. However, I heard something on the news this morning that caught my ear with regard to the qualifications of our President during these difficult times. As I’ve said from the beginning of this trip down the “Utopian Yellow Brick Road”, this Administration simply appears to be out of their league and experimenting when they should be leading.
It now seems that in the absence of any discernible record of progress here at home, the POTUS and his re-election team have opted to paint the picture of a tough President on foreign policy. From the credit hogging of the bin-Laden adventure, to the terrorist “kill list” President Obama allegedly keeps on his desk, to the incessant leaking of classified intelligence/information regarding things like the computer virus that nearly crippled the Iranian nuclear program, and finally the outing and then abandoning of the doctor who gave us bin- Laden on a platter, it appears the Obama WH has no problem breaking every covert rule in the book as a means to secure their political future. The problem comes moving forward as we face the world having lost every ounce of credibility that once emboldened a potential freedom fighter to our cause, as these “operators” will now view the POTUS as a disingenuous and self-serving bureaucrat. Note: (Our days as that beacon of freedom and justice to the world are fading along with the President’s credibility).
When I analyze this type of “bush-league” political ineptitude, my confidence that the “Obama Brigade” is even remotely qualified to face the enormous challenges posed by our failing economy is simply not there…
Blind side…
Isn’t it ironic, while our diplomats jockey to establish ties with the “terrorist” Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and seem to grovel for a seat at the (Taliban table of peace), all while our Soldiers are fighting and dying in theater, our President is laser focused on slashing our military in order to make it “leaner”, (code for weaker). I say ironic, as I do not wish to suggest panic at this point. But the fact is, as the so called “Arab” Spring clearly appears to be morphing into an “Islamofascist” Summer, our leaders continue to ignore the root causes of our financial woes here at home while simultaneously cutting the very means necessary to safeguard our children’s national security against these threats.
Meanwhile, the “recess” appointments and regulatory nightmares I wrote about just last week are all coming to fruition as predicted, and have actually been fast tracked by an Administration bent on turning as much Socialist university pabulum into reality as is humanly possible before what could very well be a landslide loss of the WH come this November.
Sadly but as I surmised, 2012 will likely add much to the history books. However it doesn’t seem as though it will be anything good…
Covert freedom…
I think Senator Lindsey Graham R- SC said it all recently when he summed up what a confrontation with the rogue nation of Iran would involve. While the POTUS was off kissing the fannies of the Iranian co-conspirators, Graham noted that simple elimination of Iran’s nuclear facilities would not be enough, and that total destruction of the ability to make war with her neighbors must be the objective. We must keep in mind that the Iranian regime has been allowed to pursue its military advancements essentially unhindered by the West, and has actually been aided by the Russians and the Chinese who would sell gasoline to an arsonist if meant profit and/or the demise of the United States as a world power. Moreover, the Obama Administration’s approach to diplomacy as a means to “negotiate” with stone cold killers has certainly not been much of an impediment either. For all intents and purposes, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been operating on a free pass with only Israel sounding the alarm of Armageddon if this psychotic should succeed in developing a deliverable nuclear device.
Let’s look at the hard reality of this nightmare. This regime and its facilitators are of the most reprehensible sort and see all things through the lens of Sharia law. They have expressed openly, their desire to rid the world of the “Zionist state”, and have even suggested that the documented events of the Nazi Holocaust did not occur. This group condones and carry’s out appalling violence against women, in some cases merely because they are women. Stoning, lashing and public hanging can and have been the punishment for adultery with the men involved walking away. Rejection of their belief system can bring a sentence of death as we are witnessing in the case of a Christian Pastor convert imprisoned by the Mullahs. And it is common knowledge that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard have been actively engaged in supplying weapons and operatives who have brought about the deaths of American soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is just a sampling of a long list of factual evidence suggesting, no, proving this is indeed a rogue regime which when in a position to do so, will act out against those seen as enemies and most certainly with epic consequences. Make no mistake, World War III will begin in Tehran if action is not taken to deter these insane bastards.
Now that we have shown the mindset and intent of this bunch, what to do?? I know there will be those who say a war with Iran will be costly both in blood and treasure and they would be correct. And there will be others who say it is not our place to police the world and they have a point. Some would even suggest that it is the United States which is the rogue nation. All of this is certainly adequate material for a lengthy and lively debate on the matter. But time is now of the essence as the most recent United Nations report on Iran’s nuclear capabilities confirms what we all suspected, that being they are far closer than originally thought or was reported by that phony, Mohamed El-Baradei, when he was the U.N. Nuclear Inspector. With this in mind, and while I would not rule out military action if necessary to avert world conflict, we seem to be forgetting the most well established resistance movement in the world today exists within the nation of Iran itself. Truth be told, these folks have been at it for some time and with the appropriate backing could surely wrestle their own country out from underneath the stench of its current leadership. Long before the so-called “Arab Spring” was even a phrase, Iranians were protesting and dying in the streets for the cause of freedom, and these were not Islamic radicals masquerading as “freedom fighters”, but rather young folks who were expressing themselves in the open and on the social networks, and who clearly identified with a true desire to chart their individual destinies by way of a free and representative government. Why then is our own government not talking more about how they might incorporate this movement into any proposed solution, and soon?
I suspect there are some who walk in military circles and who see the value in this thought process. I can only hope they will have a place at the table for the coming debate. In the end, and despite all of our other issues of late, the world problem that is and has been the rogue nation of Iran is now upon us. To blink now is to invite a world-wide confrontation.
Best friends…
As you all might have expected China is now coming out in defense of Iran calling aggressive sanctions aimed at curbing the rogue states nuclear ambitions, “unnecessary”. If anyone sees this as surprising please take the next train to Smallville. It is certainly something I have been reporting on for some time, and one of the reasons why sanctions against Iran will be as effective only as they relate to China’s willingness to fill any gaps created by unilateral and/or international “diplomatic” maneuvering.
Realistically, the cost benefit of any relationship between the two human rights challenged governments can only be augmented by a shared desire to replace the United States on the list of upper echelon world powers. And that is putting it in the most civilized terms possible. The reality sidebar very rarely discussed, is prominent members within the leadership of both nations see a world without a “United States” which decries everything they represent in terms of human freedom. Now I know there will be “globalists” who will label this post paranoia or right-wing propaganda, to which I would simply say that the facts and evidence are and have clearly been on my side for the better part of the last 70 years.
In this period framed by our severe economic woes, now is not the time to lose sight of who our enemies really are.