Tag Archives: Gun Control

One of ten…

Newsmakers_4_12_13__Gun_Control_Debate_C_824510000_20130412125110_320_240For good or bad, gun-control is now front and center, largely as a result of the Sandy Hook tragedy. I have fought the Second Amendment battle on a number of fronts over the years and I keep coming away with a very disturbing observation. Ironically, it’s not exclusive to the argument over guns, but I continue to be floored by how little politicians know about many of the important issues of our time.

As an example, I was watching WPRI’s Newsmakers recently with Guests, Rhode Island  Rep’s Finn and Chippendale, discussing proposed gun-control legislation coming out of Smith Hill. Firstly, Miss Finn’s “observations” on the availability of data concerning firearms incidents nationwide were almost comical. She was apparently attempting to cite CDC stats, or some lack thereof, and simply flubbed it badly. Her assertions were completely inaccurate and she seemed wholly ill-equipped to make her case. Not to be outdone, Chippendale shanked one of the simplest questions out there, and a favorite of the Liberal television media, concerning “the line” between what Americans can and should be allowed to own. Tim White cleverly threw out the poll-tested “What about bazooka’s?”, to which Rep. Chippendale simply had no discernible retort. The factual and necessary answer would have been that the “National Firearms act of 1934” and subsequent “Gun control Act of 1968” addressed those issues, banning and/or regulating ownership, use, and importation of such/certain weapons. One would think these are questions our elected representatives should be able to answer with ease, thus allowing a more robust debate for “We the People” to consider.

Nevertheless, our freedoms seem precariously balanced in the hands of those who let their emotions and/or political ambitions trump fact and reason. Dangerous ground I would say, as there are another nine Amendments in the BOR. I’m starting to think there should be some sort of test for those who wish to speak for us.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Media, Military, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Second Amendment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on One of ten…

The Politics of Gun Control…

gun-control-posterWhen you ask the average American, “Are you in favor of background checks for people buying guns?”, the obvious answer will be yes. As with all “polls” however, when you adjust the question to reflect the hidden details, you get a different (and more educated) answer. My point is that the President’s assertions about American’s feelings on gun control are skewed and highly political to say the least. Moreover, how in the world can we have a logical discussion on making our children and our nation safer, when our ideological chief executive’s contribution is to exploit the parents of Sandy Hook by flying them around from sound-bite to sound-bite on Air force One.

If there is anyone out there who believes the President of the United States cares about anything other than positioning himself politically by attempting to demonize and divide the opposition, please remove your head from the partisan sand before you suffocate.

“This is not about me.” Really Mr. President? I think this is all about you.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Education, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Not just in Rhode Island…

second-amendment-rifleThe fight for Second Amendment rights in Rhode Island is always interesting. The Ocean State’s unique political landscape lends itself to all kinds of curious interpretations. As a general rule, Rhode Islanders tend to be the quintessential procrastinators, prone to reactionary politics. That said, firearms owners in the state are a passionate bunch when roused. Appropriately and for the purposes of this writing, I think it’s important to identify the two opposing groups on the matter of gun control here in Rhode Island.

Firstly, the states entrenched Leftist politicians oppose the right to “keep and bear arms” as outlined in the federal Constitution and reinforced by an even less debatable state application. Their foremost agenda is “registration” as a means to eventual confiscation. Truth be told, if you hang around in political circles long enough, you’ll hear them say that very thing. Regrettably, their media sanitized efforts are often disguised by a blatant mischaracterization of the Amendment itself, as well as the exploitation of murdered innocents as an acceptable means to the aforementioned end. This is the most despicable kind of political gamesmanship, made even more indefensible by a deliberate end run around the Constitution(s) these elected officials swore an oath to defend.

On the other side there are the ardent few defenders on Smith (Capitol) Hill. Emboldened by a rising tide of awakening gun owners, folks like Representative Chippendale (R) 40 and Costa (R) 31 are often hampered by boatloads of media misinformation, political pandering and a lack of understanding on the part of the general public when considering the true intent of the Second Amendment. It’s always troubling when some in this camp go on about hunting and sport shooting, neither of which have anything to do with the Amendment. This ignorance, willful or otherwise, only makes the task of countering a well-organized and focused opposition more difficult. Ultimately, factual unity around the Second Amendment’s true origin and meaning provides the clarity necessary to understanding how “the right” facilitates/protects additional benefits like hunting and other sporting uses of firearms. Moreover, every gun-owner who values his or her time at the range or in the woods should understand that while the Second Amendment was not drafted for “recreational” purposes and/or reasoning, many of these cultural traditions as well as the God-given right of self-defense, are also protected by way of our founders wisdom, experience and the subsequent Constitutional right to “keep and bear arms”.

Please take some time to read “your” founding documents, as well as the letters and papers of those who wrote them. You will discover they are anything but outdated. In fact, the content could not be more necessary and applicable to our current national posture.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Sports | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Not just in Rhode Island…

True Intent…

Feinstein thinks these folks buy their guns at gun stores.

Feinstein thinks these folks buy their guns at gun stores.

It’s always noteworthy how the wacko Left is so fixated on antagonizing law abiding gun owners instead of pursuing and prosecuting criminals. Truly they are more frightened of an empowered free citizen than some parolee “gang-banger”. Well, that is until that gang-banger shows up in their living room demanding cash and their daughter, and then they start wishing they had their own equalizer.

The idea that Maine’s Governor LePage must now seek an emergency injunction to stop a local news rags attempt to snag personal data on legitimate “carry permit” holders, should be sufficient evidence to any reasonable observer of the Left’s true intent. This fight has not and will never be about crime, but rather it remains an ideological struggle with law-abiding gun owners in one corner and Constitutionally challenged, political opportunists in the other.

The good news is that with every passing day the “gun-grabbers” argument grows more and more strained under the weight of fact and reason, and the Presidents assertions that gun owners “are siding with him” falters against the scrutiny of truth and context.

It appears all of our crises of late are bringing the U.S. closer to a national epiphany certain to set us back on freedoms course, or at least I hope so…



Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Politics, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment | Tagged , | Comments Off on True Intent…

For fear of “We the People”…

linton-3fa8c769e38236131da808da9e567a363b112186-s6-c10I was interested to read some of the comments made by those who attended the (anti- NRA rally), which is what it was, in Washington this past week. Consequently, it’s pretty clear many folks are just uninformed when it comes to our Constitution and the Amendments to it. When you take this in context with other historical challenges to the next generation, it isn’t hard to see why we’re in this mess.

Now there’s plenty of blame to go around, from the revisionists who’ve infiltrated our public schools, to the political opportunists content to look the other way when misinformation facilitates their own selfish endeavor. We may even look in our own homes where some parents fail to set the record straight. Nevertheless, I’m going to take one more crack at the Second Amendment for those who still don’t get it.

Putting aside the numbers, because we understand the real numbers collected by our own government don’t support the argument for “gun control”, and even forgoing the “Lame Stream Media’s” ratings driven sensationalism, as well as their unabashed “solidarity” with 44, you must understand, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting!

If I hear one more brain surgeon talking about “not wanting to take away my hunting rifle”, I’m gonna scream. For the record, the Amendment was debated and added on the premise that an armed “We———the People”, as the POTUS puts it, could not only protect ourselves from would be assailants, but that one of those assailants might just be a renegade government. As difficult as it may be for some to accept, the intent was to ensure “the people” never be deprived of the ability to take up arms and reconstitute, and/or even replace their government, thus the true power would always rest with “the people”. This right is truly unique among nations.

Now understanding of the Second Amendment doesn’t make me a radical who supports armed rebellion, but rather it makes you an idiot for not doing your homework and realizing why our Constitution is such an important document. Or is it something else? Maybe, just maybe, the true intent of the Amendment is what Liberal Progressives fear most, and they seek to destroy it by exploiting grievous tragedy and misrepresenting the facts as they do. Hmmm…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Education, Gun Control, History, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on For fear of “We the People”…

Deadbeat nation???

President Obama at yesterday's news conference.

President Obama at yesterday’s news conference.

Republicans began the session by reading the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House. Well, I think that’s a great place to start, and sends the appropriate message to the Obama Administration. It should be very clear to any “reasonable” person, that in consideration of an election decided by about the number of Republicans who stayed home, The United States of America is a nation divided right down the middle.

Now there are many reasons for this division having to do with everything from the education, or rather indoctrination of our young ones in the public school system, to a media which has forgotten its responsibilities to “We the People“, but make no mistake, we are at a turning point as a nation. The President of The United States is without any doubt an ideologue, bolstered by a second term, and who has shown he is willing to press beyond the boundaries of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights. Those who know him tell us this is the “entire package”, a person we did not necessarily see the first time around, though I would disagree with the notion he did not make plain “his” vision for America in 2008. Many simply chose to ignore his words for the sake of his skin color and a promised utopia. That said, there can be no illusions. President Barack Obama now sees himself as the star receiver who will carry the (progressive football of change) over the political goal line, dodging any Constitutional cornerbacks along the way. “The American People agreed with me.” This is his mantra. Be damned the nearly half of those people who voted against him and his policies. History tells us delusion is often the friend of the ideologue who sees himself as the righter of perceived wrongs.

Inevitably, right minded members of Congress now have a responsibility to forgo their respective re-election chances and do what must be done to stop this assault on the Constitution. I submit to all of you, this battle is no less important than any our brave Soldiers have fought in order to preserve our children’s future, and the outcome no less pivotal. I now call on all of you to speak out. Start a blog, attend a hearing on an important issue and voice your opinion, or write to the editor of your local news paper. If you value our heritage of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness“, then silence and apathy are no longer options.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Deadbeat nation???

Foregone conclusions…

A horrible and sickening event occurred in Newtown Connecticut this past December. A deranged person shot and killed innocent women and children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Consequently, there is little doubt the shock and despair associated with that incident will be with the families of the lost, as well as the nation for some time to come. Regrettably however, and in the time since that fateful day, it has become increasingly clear that the President of The United States, riding some perceived political mandate, will attempt to exploit the lost lives of Newtown in order to advance the ideological issue of gun control.

BidenI do not say this lightly, and indeed I was willing to give the father of two young daughters the benefit of the doubt in the days immediately following the murders. Having said that, Vice President Joe Biden dropped the inevitable political bombshell today, as the newly formed “gun control task force” was meeting in Washington. Simply put, and to no one’s surprise who has been watching this Administration with any objectivity, Biden hinted Mr. Obama might in fact bypass Congress and invoke “executive privilege” to initiate gun control measures. I’m sorry folks, but this abuse of power is unnecessary and unwarranted based on the facts and common-sense. However it does give us great insight into the foregone conclusions drawn of this masquerade run by the VP. There will be no real consideration of the evidence, only a rigged outcome born of a baseless, ideological and un-Constitutional Left Wing agenda, ever-poised to strike with crisis afoot..

Make no mistake, the Newtown tragedy must serve as a catalyst for change, but not the change the President and his Left Wing buddies desire. Sandy Hook should remind us that in any free society there will be evil which must be addressed. Not with the stroke of a pen, or the politically motivated band-aid solution of a self-aggrandizing politician, but rather by way of education, community, prayer, and a fact-based common-sense approach which provides security while preserving liberty. That is the American way, and the best way to honor the memories of those little angels and their teachers.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Education, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Second Amendment, United Nations | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

A high-jacked Democrat Party…

I was going to do another story on averting “sequestration”, however it appears our elected officials have now successfully kicked the “fiscal cliff” down the road yet again. Thanks folks, I’ll try and explain it to my son when he is older… What a sick joke…

imagesMoving along, I will do my best to avoid the nausea associated with the contempt I know these Washington elitists have for us, and go to another hot button topic, “gun control”. It seems there is a letter circulating from a retired Marine Corporal in which he takes issue with Senator Feinstein’s gun control initiatives. Now I will not bore you again with my opinions of Feinstein, they are well known. Instead I am including the text of the letter so you may judge for yourself. I will then offer a “rebuttal” of sorts, as offered by Des-Moines Register Reporter Donald Kaul.

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps

In contrast, and as evidence of the extraordinary and subversive intent of those who mean to circumvent our nation’s Constitution, I would like to add the comments of Des-Moines Register Reporter Donald Kaul. It seems Mr. Kaul does not have much love for the NRA, or for that matter, certain members of Congress. He calls for the burning and then leveling of the NRA Headquarters in Virginia, as well as the torture of House Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell. Now I’m not sure, but as former law enforcement officer, prison guard and now crime prevention officer, that sounds a lot like threats of arson, and of assault against an elected official. So, in the absence of any reasonable or cognitive argument on the part of this “evil” nut job, I would encourage the Des-Moines Police Department, the FBI, BATFE and the Secret Service, to waste no time in investigating these statements and this person.

This is what I mean when I ask that you only listen to the voice of the Left in matters of Constitutional worth. These are the true and dangerous radicals who have hijacked the Democratic Party. Of course you probably won’t read or hear about this story outside of the FOX Network or talk radio, as the “main stream” press is completely and totally of the same mind and concept as Mr. Kaul. Having said that, and as far as I’m concerned, Mr. Kaul is clearly “the” person who should be on every cops radar, and is a great example of a potentially violent offender “red flag” case.

The face of the opposition, Donald Kaul, in his own words.

• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.

Well there you have it. I would ask the President and all those who claim they desire a “legitimate and productive conversation” about keeping our kids safe from gun violence, “did you mean with this foolish idiot, Sir???”

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment | Tagged | Comments Off on A high-jacked Democrat Party…

Gun control and more…

Let me begin with Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Or maybe I should ask, where do I begin with Mayor Mike Bloomberg? This is clearly an individual whose financial and political status have positioned him atop a bully pulpit for which he is neither suited or qualified. His recent comments in the wake of the Aurora shooting are reckless and ill-timed at best. Moreover, the factual numbers concerning gun control have never and will never support his arguments.

One need only read the writings of Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton and a multitude of others to know the “right to keep and bear arms” is inherent and essential to the existence of a free people. Sadly, sound bites and uneducated opinions have found their way into the debate, and clouded the minds of otherwise sensible Americans. Responsible journalism has been replaced by activism, and Bill O’Reilly is now somehow an authority on “automatic” firearms. The problem is, ordinary citizens cannot purchase “automatic” firearms without a special federal license, and the Aurora shooter had no “automatic” weapons in his possession that fateful evening. It is this type of misinformation which permeates the “lame stream” media talking points today, and makes reasonable debate on the matter all the more challenging. In this case I would thank the good Lord for the NRA. That’s right Bill Moyer. The NRA is not the “enabler of death”, but you may very well be the enabler of ignorance and ideological rhetoric. Ah, the frustration of listening to this Left Wing operative try and pass himself off as any kind of journalist or commentator. What a joke.

Actually, if you were to fact check the NRA statistics, you would find that much of their numbers crunching comes from federal agencies to include the BATFE, FBI, and the CDC. When you throw in the figures from states and cities with “right to carry” laws on the books, and which show significantly lower crime rates than those without, one has to wonder how the anti-gun lobby can make any case at all.

Inevitably, it is tragedy like that in Aurora which allows disingenuous fools like Bloomberg, Lautenberg, Feinstein and Schumer, to come out of their respective holes and exploit the loved and lost to make a political, albeit nonsensical point. The truth is even more frightening though, and it is that these opportunists are not the least bit interested in the loss of the innocent, but rather their fear of an educated and armed citizenry, has shaped their ideology into something perversely unconstitutional and un-American.

Please support the 2nd Amendment. It guarantees the rest. Donate to the NRA at: https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?campaignid=bonusgiftwy&EK=Y2GRPPBD&pubID=148.30&hid=15109902

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good”

— George Washington

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Civil Rights, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gun control and more…

Free Ryan Jerome…

Maybe this guy should be applying for Ray Kelly's job...

It’s simply amazing to me that we continue to have these annoying conversations about NYC’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. Not only is Ray Kelly endorsing researching a device which covertly scans folks for firearms while they’re walking down the avenue, but it turns out the NYPD are also arresting Marines for checking their home state legal firearms so they may be in compliance with some of the most ridiculous guns regulations on the books anywhere in the lower 48. Look, I have the utmost respect for the NYPD rank and file and their efforts in what is a tough city to say the least. However, this Kelly character and the sickening way he is almost joined at the hip with one of America’s most disingenuous and unaccountable elected officials is really starting to annoy me.

Message to Bloomberg and company: Please quit hassling America’s heroes and playing politics instead of fighting crime in the “Big Apple”. It’s an absolute disgrace that this should even have been an issue. Moreover, it’s appalling that the mayor and his puppet sidekick police commissioner aren’t down at the Manhattan DA’s office strategizing on how to apologize to this Marine Legacy for what should have been treated as nothing more than a simple misunderstanding.

Please go to “Facebook” and support this defender of the very freedoms those political clowns in New York City enjoy every day at “Free Ryan Jerome”.

Man, it is just so hard sometimes to have legitimate dialog about the critical issues of our time when we can’t even get this stuff right…Shameful… Hang in there Marine, we got your back!



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