Lazy day…

Let’s face it, we all have our moments when we are less than motivated. You know, those times when we just want enjoy the beautiful day, or a late afternoon adult beverage (or two)on the deck, or even play hooky occasionally from the office. I’d have to say these distractions are the things we often take for granted when we forget how truly blessed we are in this world.

Having this in mind however, I take great umbrage when a politician refers to the American institution as “lazy”, especially a Liberal one. On a personal level, I see our President for what he is, a college cling-on who has never really experienced the working man’s side of this life in any meaningful way, but rather has “elected” to exist primarily in the reality vacuum which is the political dynamic in our country. His “efforts” have been focused on changing America first, as opposed to bettering the nation’s proven philosophy in order to promote its Constitutional ideals for all.

I think it is this “disconnect” many did not see back in 2008 when they voted for the change they believed would come within the framework we all understand is America. They were blindsided by the glitz, nuance and teleprompter skills of our first (half black) President and missed all the warning signs. They embraced the remarkable evolution of our young nation unmatched in the world, but failed to truly listen to what Barack Obama was actually saying.

I suppose I should be happy the 2008 election finally facilitated the challenge I have been writing about for years now, a moment in time when Americans would have to wake up and choose a way forward. For it is the moments when this President’s true motivations and thought process are on display, such as on his latest Southeast Asian swing, that we swallow hard and say to our collect selves, “oh boy, what is happening here”? We listen with anxiety as our nation’s leader goes on foreign soil and diminishes and insults the greatest work force and ethic of any people in all of recorded time, and we cringe as we listen to our history being flattened and ridiculed by the same person who was elected on the notion he would bring some sort of collective unity at home and abroad.

Sadly, it is Barack Obama the man that we see up on that podium. It is the real deal Socialist with disdain in his heart for a people who cannot see or understand his “superior intellect”. It is the closet revolutionary whose real loyalties lie with those who would remake our nation in the vein of a failed European experiment. And it is only “We the People” who stand in his way. Stand tall America…



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Covert freedom…

I think Senator Lindsey Graham R- SC said it all recently when he summed up what a confrontation with the rogue nation of Iran would involve. While the POTUS was off kissing the fannies of the Iranian co-conspirators, Graham noted that simple elimination of Iran’s nuclear facilities would not be enough, and that total destruction of the ability to make war with her neighbors must be the objective. We must keep in mind that the Iranian regime has been allowed to pursue its military advancements essentially unhindered by the West, and has actually been aided by the Russians and the Chinese who would sell gasoline to an arsonist if meant profit and/or the demise of the United States as a world power. Moreover, the Obama Administration’s approach to diplomacy as a means to “negotiate” with stone cold killers has certainly not been much of an impediment either. For all intents and purposes, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been operating on a free pass with only Israel sounding the alarm of Armageddon if this psychotic should succeed in developing a deliverable nuclear device.

Let’s look at the hard reality of this nightmare. This regime and its facilitators are of the most reprehensible sort and see all things through the lens of Sharia law. They have expressed openly, their desire to rid the world of the “Zionist state”, and have even suggested that the documented events of the Nazi Holocaust did not occur. This group condones and carry’s out appalling violence against women, in some cases merely because they are women. Stoning, lashing and public hanging can and have been the punishment for adultery with the men involved walking away. Rejection of their belief system can bring a sentence of death as we are witnessing in the case of a Christian Pastor convert imprisoned by the Mullahs. And it is common knowledge that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard have been actively engaged in supplying weapons and operatives who have brought about the deaths of American soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This is just a sampling of a long list of factual evidence suggesting, no, proving this is indeed a rogue regime which when in a position to do so, will act out against those seen as enemies and most certainly with epic consequences. Make no mistake, World War III will begin in Tehran if action is not taken to deter these insane bastards.

Now that we have shown the mindset and intent of this bunch, what to do?? I know there will be those who say a war with Iran will be costly both in blood and treasure and they would be correct. And there will be others who say it is not our place to police the world and they have a point. Some would even suggest that it is the United States which is the rogue nation. All of this is certainly adequate material for a lengthy and lively debate on the matter. But time is now of the essence as the most recent United Nations report on Iran’s nuclear capabilities confirms what we all suspected, that being they are far closer than originally thought or was reported by that phony, Mohamed El-Baradei, when he was the U.N. Nuclear Inspector. With this in mind, and while I would not rule out military action if necessary to avert world conflict, we seem to be forgetting the most well established resistance movement in the world today exists within the nation of Iran itself. Truth be told, these folks have been at it for some time and with the appropriate backing could surely wrestle their own country out from underneath the stench of its current leadership. Long before the so-called “Arab Spring” was even a phrase, Iranians were protesting and dying in the streets for the cause of freedom, and these were not Islamic radicals masquerading as “freedom fighters”, but rather young folks who were expressing themselves in the open and on the social networks, and who clearly identified with a true desire to chart their individual destinies by way of a free and representative government. Why then is our own government not talking more about how they might incorporate this movement into any proposed solution, and soon?


I suspect there are some who walk in military circles and who see the value in this thought process. I can only hope they will have a place at the table for the coming debate. In the end, and despite all of our other issues of late, the world problem that is and has been the rogue nation of Iran is now upon us. To blink now is to invite a world-wide confrontation.


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“Super Committee Crunch”…

I think that in view of what seems to be happening within the so-called “Super Committee”, we can clearly see it is unlikely there will be compromise in Washington anytime soon. And if by some miracle there is bipartisan agreement on how to reduce our enormous national debt, any measures employed to accomplish that goal will be severely scrutinized by one side or the other. I seem to remember the POTUS and others talking way back when, about how this would be a “painful process for all”, yet he seems laser focused on making damn sure it comes at the expense of one group in particular. Notwithstanding the Presidents propensity to play the class warfare card at every possible juncture these days, we are now hearing folks like Leon Panetta crying foul as he sees the catastrophic damage which would result from proposed military budget cuts if an agreement on the debt is not reached. He has even gone so far as to suggest those cuts would at the very least, create an international environment which would embolden our enemies to take action against us. This is all in addition to the very obvious consequences for our economy as world banks and credit reporting agencies will surmise we are ill-prepared or even unwilling to get our fiscal house in order. We can also be sure that any direct cuts to entitlements which go forward without the aforementioned agreement, will be met with the most vile and hateful response imaginable from the Progressive side of the aisle.

So as we watch and wait on the response from the “Occupy” folks out on the West Coast who have been told to end their protest because of incidents of extreme violence and disruption, and who are now allegedly preparing for additional violence against the authorities in the event of any planned dispersal, we can only wonder how all of this “divisiveness” our President and his party have promoted of recent, will play out domestically and even in the view of other nations and “entities”.

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Best friends…

As you all might have expected China is now coming out in defense of Iran calling aggressive sanctions aimed at curbing the rogue states nuclear ambitions, “unnecessary”. If anyone sees this as surprising please take the next train to Smallville. It is certainly something I have been reporting on for some time, and one of the reasons why sanctions against Iran will be as effective only as they relate to China’s willingness to fill any gaps created by unilateral and/or international “diplomatic” maneuvering.

Realistically, the cost benefit of any relationship between the two human rights challenged governments can only be augmented by a shared desire to replace the United States on the list of upper echelon world powers. And that is putting it in the most civilized terms possible. The reality sidebar very rarely discussed, is prominent members within the leadership of both nations see a world without a “United States” which decries everything they represent in terms of human freedom. Now I know there will be “globalists” who will label this post paranoia or right-wing propaganda, to which I would simply say that the facts and evidence are and have clearly been on my side for the better part of the last 70 years.

In this period framed by our severe economic woes, now is not the time to lose sight of who our enemies really are.

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Veterans Day 2011…

As we reflect on yet another “Veterans Day” with thousands of our brave Patriots still in harm’s way around the globe, it can sometimes be easy to lose sight our nations place in this world. With this in mind I must tell you that I am constantly battling my natural instincts to lash out at those who simply “don’t get it” or just “refuse to accept it”.

I sat watching the news recently and was stunned as I listened to a “middle aged” occupy Wall Street person go on about the evil and wicked ways of the United States of America, and I thought to myself, how far have we come when some left over relic from the 60’s is still out there re-writing history and lashing out in a way that would most likely result in his arrest or worse in many of the nations he ideologically identifies with? How far have we come when the youngest generation currently enrolled in our institutions of higher learning, have put their faith in a fatalistic and hopelessly warped view of the world thrust on them by many a social engineer masquerading as an educator? And how far have we come when common decency and respect are no longer part of the free speech and right of lawful assembly equation so many of our brave Soldiers have died to preserve?

On this Veterans Day 2011 I ask only that any discussion, critique, analysis, demonstration against, or protest of – this country, its leaders, politics or policies, actions, initiatives or otherwise – come only after an honest evaluation and subsequent understanding and acceptance of one fundamental truth – and that is that the United States of America, despite all of her faults, mistakes, ambiguity, miscalculations born of arrogance, and at times collective complacency, remains the best arrangement for mankind under God in all of human times. Unless and until we understand this simple truth and the history that lead to it in so short an earthly margin, any simple right of free speech, expression or assembly will not be enough to save us from the fires of our own “individual” and human selfishness.

God bless the Soldiers who are fighting and dying not only for our flag, but for what it represents.


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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs…

There is some good news to report today in that applications for unemployment fell to a seasonally adjusted 390,000, the third decline in four weeks. This comes as economic growth ticked up a bit as well. Economists are still worried however, that consumer spending rose only as household revenues decreased indicating people are using credit again making less money. With crude on the rise again and gas prices soon to follow for the holidays, Wall Street is “sketchy” at best in its forecasts, though the Dow did manage to hold on to modest gains today after yesterday’s plunge. This is probably due in part to some possible stability being reported from overseas within the last 24 hours.

Truth be told, our economic prognosis is still grim at best considering businesses are hedging their bets to make certain they survive. Additionally, and in the absence of any real growth spurring initiatives by this Administration, and with a national debt that looks only to climb dramatically over the next five years, job creators in America are simply looking to outlast the bad times and emerge on the other side. This understandable consensus is only aggravated by the lack of any level of confidence that might be instilled by the current political climate in Washington. Regrettably, I see these infinitesimal upward movements as only the gasps of a grievously wounded economic engine in need of immediate, tangible and “real” stimulus.

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Green snow job…

Vice President Joe Biden is one of the more mellow dramatic politicians to come down the pike in the past two decades or so. And while I’m inclined to sympathize with Biden the man and the traumatic loss which defined his life after his election to Congress in 1992, I cannot sympathize with Biden the politician and the often off the cuff and baseless brand of Liberalism he brings to the discussion. This cagy Washington insider is as much or more the partisan hack as his boss at any given moment on any given day. He has been and continues to be an enthusiastic promoter of the politics of national division to say the least.

Moreover, it appears that he was elbow deep in the push to bring green energy out of the closet before its time and at the expense of everything common sense. Emails recently turned over to the House Committee investigating the Solyndra debacle appear to cast the Vise President and Energy Secretary Steven Chu as its biggest cheerleaders. And while we are still searching for a clear smoking gun, it is obvious based on the email content, that high ranking folks at the WH were aware of a possible appearance of impropriety, and even suggested phraseology to be used if they were ever questioned on their role.

Now look, the Democrats in DC crying Republican foul or witch hunt on the matter of $500 billion dollars of tax payer money going down the toilet, is akin to Bernie Madoff bad mouthing Michael Milken, especially when the job creation they’re yacking about was supposed to have come from these “green energy companies”. Instead, and under the Obama watch I might add, the “venture capitalists” allegedly despised by the Left will most likely be paid through the bankruptcy court first, with everyday investors like you and I taking the pipe. Worse yet, what about all the folks who lost their new “green jobs” at the Solyndra plant itself?


I’m not sure I want to know anymore….




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So maybe it was a bad idea to take your fourth grade class to the Wisconsin State house during a protest against Governor Scott Walker. And maybe it was even worse to have them join in some Socialistic chanting and singing, to which their facial expressions seemed to indicate confusion and fear of the adults in the room acting like a bunch of malcontents. Ya think???

It is getting harder and harder to see the good in the public school system these days. More and more the decent teachers who go to work every day with the intention of giving our little ones the best possible education they can, are being eclipsed by those who see their job as some sort of union/political rallying point, and who are willing to directly involve the young people in their charge so they may make their convoluted point.

Now I am all for an appropriate vetting of any subject having to do with our right to engage in the civil discourse. But any such discussion should first be age appropriate, and then be had in the context of an “unbiased” classroom experiment, which should demonstrate “every” persons individual right to free speech and lawful assembly. In this author’s humble opinion, to abuse your position while co-opting and/or attempting to indoctrinate the youthful mind, is simply one of the worst kinds of malfeasance a public employee or official can engage in.

Regrettably, and after the superintendent initially refused to even look at the tape featured in the URL above, and after it took 22 days for the school to finally inform parents of the issue, the teacher in question will receive only a slap on the wrist, and will most likely be the hero at the next bargaining unit meeting. Please, you must monitor your child’s education. It is our last best defense…





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Open mouth insert foot…

Maybe President Obama should worry about what French President Sarkozy says about “him” when he’s not around, or vice versa. Look, these two quasi Socialists have a lot in common, not the least of which is their disdain for the state of Israel. And so in the end it is not a surprise that they are exchanging their views as such in conversation. That said, and considering the powder keg that is the Middle East as we know it today, one would think that the POTUS might use a little more tact when out on the overseas “campaign” stump.

Facts: The Administration has failed to (re-negotiate) an agreement in Iraq that would have at least facilitated a larger deterrent ground force remaining there to discourage the obvious Iranian influence. Moreover, the President continues to play both sides of the fence regarding the “2 state solution” and the “palestinian question”, while simultaneously picking and choosing which battles for “freedom” he will support. (Note: We all know how that has played out as we watch those engagements descend into Sharia Law.)  

Consequently, we must look at the big picture here and conclude that for all of the Presidents talk about his “unwavering support” of the Israeli State, we only have to listen to his most recent comments, picked up on yet another prudently open microphone, and know the sad and dangerous truth.

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Congressman Paul Ryan sets the record straight…

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This is a must watch video for all who are concerned about the direction of our nation. Representative Paul Ryan speaks the plain truth, and while difficult to hear, turning a deaf ear will only hasten our fall. I’m also using this as a test for my new video plug-in tool. Enjoy…

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