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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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Category Archives: Socioeconomic
High Gear…
I happened on MSNBC and the President’s re-election campaign commercial with “orator” and Obama sycophant Tom Hanks, a man who seems so ready to hail the greatness of our nation on the silver screen, yet understands little of its true history. That aside, it seems the POTUS and company will continue the mantra of “blame the other guy” and except absolutely no responsibility for our anemic national posture. So let’s have a look at those ugly facts, shall we.
I get a lot of guff from the Left attacking me for being a “FOX Fanatic”. The trouble with this analogy is that I actually get much of my economic info and such from the federal government itself. Moreover, it would be impossible for me to make the case I do without using (all) of the media outlets, to include the international folks. How else would I highlight the Left Wing Media hypocrisy? Nonetheless, I have looked at trending lines of “economy’s past” and can clearly see that the GDP growth rates and subsequent hiring markers we are seeing today are consistent with an economy that would have chugged along at the same pace had the Administration went on a three year vacation after the 08 Election and returned this week. Now say what you will about the condition of things when President Obama took office, but the numbers simply do not bear it out. None of the banks, who are being “stress tested” today, were any better off 20 years ago if we really want to look at their bottom line structure and government mandated mortgage lending practices. And the big three auto makers, despite coming about to build the best cars in the world today, were poorly managed money pits 10 years before GW took office. What I’m getting at here is that this “blame Bush game” is nothing more than a well-orchestrated (and funded) distraction, designed entirely to keep Americans from focusing on and Ideologue President who has governed true to his word to change America, and certainly not for the better.
In fairness, I will not rant on about what I believe the Presidents true agenda is. Instead, I will simply state some facts for the record and ask all of you to rate Mr. Obama with the same scale we have rated all of our Chief Executives, beginning with the question, (Are you better off today than you were three years ago?).
GDP growth – consistently revised to under 2% post 2008
Inflation index – off the charts and across the board for non-durable goods and food stuffs
Gasoline – $1.84 per gallon in 2008, $3.84 per gallon today (And it does not matter what it rose to during the Bush years!)
Unemployment at the same period during the Bush Presidency – 4.7%. Unemployment 2012 – 8.3% with over 20 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, and 2 million less jobs for the finding as well.
Americans on food stamps – 31.9 million in 2008 vs. 46.5 million today
And most importantly – Federal Deficit 2008 – $10.6 trillion, Federal Deficit 2012 – $15.6 trillion and projected to hit 20 trillion or more by 2017 (most likely more as the CBO is now projecting the “Affordable” Care Act will cost double what was promoted by the Obama Administration.
Now unlike the pundits on the other side, I will not lay all the blame on this President or any other President specifically. The road to this economic and un-Constitutional nightmare we are living was paved over many Administrations and with the help of many complicit Congress’s. With that said however, President Obama’s ideological approach to our nation’s woes is ill-timed and dangerous to say the least, and while I’d love to sit and swap books and “factoid sheets” with Libs living in an alternate universe, these numbers are real and will not just go away. They present a direct challenge to the notion that we may leave a better country to our posterity. Consequently, we need action based on sound principle and proven application, and we need it now. We need things that make sense for our free market economy in the short-term, not utopian pipe dreams dreamt and fostered in the classroom only.
So as he “kicks his campaign for re-election into high gear”, and goes on par to spend more money doing so than any incumbent President or candidate in American history, and as the Republican field are vilified by the cut throat “main stream” press for a vetting process not unlike that of Obama / Clinton in 08, Americans will be faced with a choice this Fall, stay the course and gamble our children’s future on broken promises and green algae, or elect a businessman for the times who will collect the books, read the spread sheets and not run from economic reality? That’s right, I have made my decision and I am supporting Mitt Romney for President… I hope everyone had a safe and “Happy St. Patrick’s Day”.
What is “Acceptable”???
The U.S. created 227,000 jobs in the month of February. Once again, anytime we see job creation as opposed to job losses, it is a good thing. People are finding work and going about the business of making their way through these difficult times, and it is right that we recognize any betterment in terms of the job market. Now for some qualifying news:
Unemployment remains at 8.3% and has been above 8% for three years now. Almost 45% of those unemployed have collected benefits for longer than at any time in U.S. history. Approximately 13 million Americans are still without work and we have lost 2 million tangible and “countable” jobs since 2007. The number of jobs added is now trending down and those jobs are mainly service sector (temporary) positions and lower paying, which is never a very good sign for long-term growth. Consequently, when you hold up these numbers against a devastating foreclosure rate and skyrocketing gas prices/inflation, it’s hard to jump that “recovery” train with any real enthusiasm.
Look, I have said and will say again, do not be lulled into the “new norm” where 7.5% unemployment will somehow be viewed as “acceptable”, and $4.25 gasoline along a $6.50 box of corn flakes are our economic future. By and large this may very well be our short-term future based on inflationary trending numbers, but our actions this year will determine whether that will be $5.75 gasoline and $7.00 Cheerios moving forward.
Free market economic recovery after a down turn comes in many forms and at varying degrees of speed. It can be affected only at certain times by the policies of a representative government. That is to say there is usually a very small window for politics to have an effect on free market economics. We must also take into account that there will always be a certain amount of what I like to call “natural” recovery, that being the strength of the free market to advance in spite of every effort made by an incumbent Administration or Congress, (and which they will take credit for, you can be sure). With this in mind I submit to my readers that while it does my heart good that anyone benefits from any upswing in the economy, this particular Administration has been nothing but a hindrance to real recovery. Furthermore, until he is either removed from the WH by vote or term limit, President Barack Obama will continue to govern outside and around everything necessary to bring about that real recovery.
Lambasting Limbaugh…
Well it looks like the “main stream” media will take yet another whack at Limbaugh. And once again there will be some knee jerk reactions to that “press”. Subsequently, I will be sure and remove any and all affiliation with, or purchase from “Legal Zoom”, “Quicken Loans” and “The Sleep Train”, makers of the Sleep Number Bed. And this goes for every other entity or business so quick to bow to the whining Socialists which have infiltrated and hijacked journalism in our country.
As I have said many times, Rush is not a journalist, a fact he himself has pointed out so many times on his program. He is a radio talk show personality with an opinion based show which thrives on ratings. (Ironically, all this attention does nothing but drive his ratings even further skyward). Now I will not reiterate again how the reason for the Lefts attacks on the portly pundit are obviously rooted in their failure to present and maintain any semblance of a competitive show to best him, as well as just a simple inability to compete in the arena of ideas. Basically speaking, he cleans their clocks in the ratings markers with embarrassing regularity. Moreover, every Lib show to challenge him has failed miserably because no one is interested enough to listen, (a fact which infuriates the “Fairness Doctrine” folk’s).
In this case, rush as he so often does, was using edgy stuff to draw attention to the fact that the Dems have no problem sending out the innocent to do their dirty work for them. He was reminding his listeners of exactly the tactics the Left uses, and what they essentially lead too. Everyone knows Rush does not support any initiatives which mandate insurers provide birth control to their customers, as those insurers will in turn pass that cost on to the other customers. That is just simple mathematics even an idiot understands. (Accept maybe an ideological idiot). What Rush was doing was verbally illustrating the obvious mine field Progressives send their foot soldiers through with absolutely no regard for the way they will be treated on the other side. He was drawing attention to the notion that this is not a question for prime time and never should have been. As a personal observation, I have no interest whatsoever in this young lady’s sex life, family planning issues or anything else for that matter. It is none of my business. It has little if anything to do with women’s health and everything to do with agenda based political gain. Sadly, young ideologues are often drawn into the web of deceit spun by the Obama sycophants and are subsequently labeled and unjustly ridiculed for it. “Sad but true.”
Now while Rush can be a bit brash at times, he reminds his listeners they must tune in regularly to the program and understand fully his approach to these types of issues, and the entertainment based satire he often uses to make his points. (Anybody remember Don Imus and the shellacking he took from those poster children for racist hypocrites, Sharpton and Jackson??) This is what these guys do. If ya don’t like it, spin the knob…
Look, the bottom line here is stay out of the fire if you can’t take the heat. And to the Democrats who are now holding up this young woman as a cause celeb for no other reason than to silence Limbaugh, shame on you for your indecent and uncaring willingness to use her as a prop for your political gain.
Oh, and I will continue to post a listing of those who abandon Limbaugh, and urge all of my readers to “drop” them as well.
At a time when the Middle East is in turmoil and “tolerance” is talking point #1 on the lips of many a hypocrite, Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have already been executed for his Christian beliefs in Iran. In Afghanistan the Taliban has whipped up a fervor of anti-American and anti-Judeo/Christian sentiment over the inadvertent burning of Korans at a military air base, which threatens to destabilize that struggling country. Now I have gone over the word tolerance and its definition time and again and I’m pretty sure I understand the concept. The question I think, is does the Islamic community understand it?
Now I have been called a bigot, anti-Islam, and other vile things by my detractors when addressing the media and political double standard applied in the area of religious freedom, and that’s fine, as I know their way is to demonize as opposed to recognize and/or compromise. But my questions have always been simple ones. Where are the ringing voices of condemnation from those within the Islamic communities, both here and abroad? Where is the outrage when a good and decent family man may be hung or beheaded simply because he worships different than you? Where are those to speak on behalf of two decorated American Service people shot like animals in the backs of their heads while they were trying to help the Afghan people? And what do we tell their families when they ask, why?
The patronizing and placating of one religion at the expense of any other is a travesty. And while I have always believed that organized religion leaves complex voids in application and discipline, I do believe one’s (personal faith alone) in a higher power should never be a reason for final judgment by the hand of man.
These are the times when the moral compass of a nation founded and nurtured in freedom must be at the forefront. Not as the world’s policeman, but as purveyor and standard bearer of the flame of liberty, religious and otherwise for all mankind. These acts of violence, rooted in “human” intolerance, should be condemned publically by “all” who see them for the injustice they represent.
Now I’m not so naive to think that a perfect world is possible in this context, but it will always be easier when intellectual honesty and common sense are part of the equation. To look inward no matter what you believe and speak out for what you know in your heart to be decent and right, is the single best hope not only for America, but for the world.
Green energy farce…
Make no mistake oh faithful of the blogosphere; rising fuel costs will have a dramatic and undoubtedly negative impact on an already struggling economy this Summer. Whatever anemic improvements and trumped up media hype surrounding any so-called recovery, as framed by this White House, will be consumed by massive inflation brought about by the price of oil and massive debt. It appears to be just one more nail in the coffin of the grand Obama experiment.
Ideology aside, it remains difficult for me to understand the mindset of “We the People” inthe face of such economic Armageddon. How can so many be so easily manipulated by the failed tactics of class warfare and division, spun by those who claim to champion the poor yet have done little but to keep them in a state of perpetual entitlement while enabling a George Soros funded and massive effort to secure their generational vote? How can so many of my time accept the watered down Obama version of our father’s American dream, and be content no less, to make that the foundation for their posterity?
I was debating these and other questions with a political rival recently at a Campaign 2012 event and we landed where we usually do, agreeing to disagree. But putting aside idealistic stuff for a minute, I asked him one more economic question at the end of our discussion which seemed to catch him a bit flat-footed. I asked: even if one were to subscribe to “Obamanomics”, how could one ever reconcile what has been spent these past 3 years against what has been gained? How will we ever pay it back? And how do we explain to our children that we’ve mortgaged “their children’s” future? Before he could answer I answered for him. “We can’t”.
The facts are simple. Unless we dramatically alter our national course, and move to fix what’s broken with a purpose and expeditious diligence, rooted in a common desire to leave a better country for our kids, all will be for not. Anyone, Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, who claims to love this country and yet refuses to recognize the perils of proceeding with ideological blinders firmly affixed, must be guilty of at the very least gross complacency and generational neglect. (I made those up for effect, but I’m serious…)
In the vein of intellectual honesty I will tell you, this is about change from the lowest to the highest levels, from your city councilman to the President of the United States. And at the risk of being accused of melodrama, do your homework and choose wisely this Fall. The vote you cast will have significant implications which are sure to affect you and your family directly.
I can’t think of a President who so effortlessly contradicts himself and does so with such emotional conviction. As if it makes it any less disingenuous. This fact is exasperated by modern media where his contradictions live eternal. Take for instance the many times then Senator Obama slaughtered the Bush Administration for $1.89 gasoline. Today we here the same man attacking Republicans for raising a similar issue,,, must be an election year… And get this, he wants to “double down” on green energy spending and promote the use of “algae” as alternative fuel… Yikes, what are they smoking over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
Look, the problem is things are far worse today when taken in context, and yet the “main stream press” is devoid of (equal opportunity questioning “bashing”). Not once did gas prices come up in last night’s debate. Come on CNN, at least make some effort to look objective. Sadly, as we are finding out that the Keystone project would in fact generate millions of barrels of added oil productivity directly into the Midwest for U.S. consumers, and merely entertaining (broadcasting) the idea of drilling the vast resources available to us right here in our own country would scare the Saudis and company back down to about 70 bucks a barrel, we must acknowledge a simple truth. This Administration could care less about what you pay for gas. The tactic is obvious, that being to use inflated fuel prices as a means to promote their energy plan which will contribute readily to the downfall of America as we know it, and quick. Sigh…
NOTE: Clean green energy has a place in America’s future to be sure, just not next week…
Pills and more pills…
There are times when I wish I were in the room with some of these Liberal politicians when it gets a little heated. But that’s impossible because I would be less concerned about re-election as much as I would be about setting some of these opportunistic ideologues back on their heels.
I was interested to hear the line of questioning by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y at the “contraception hearing” on Capitol Hill today when she asked “where are all the women”. Now one would say this is a good question considering the topic, and that’s where you’d be dead wrong.
The question of whether I want to pay for some else’s birth control is a simple one for me, albeit with a complicated explanation complete with political rational. The answer BTW, is emphatically NO!
That said, and after I thought about it a little more, the question was a complete and well thought out political haymaker. A cheap low ball designed to embarrass the clergy in the room and score points with all the Lefty media sitting on the floor with cameras and cramps. The problem is, and here goes my email ticker, it doesn’t have anything to do with women. If Maloney has a beef with the Catholic Church, or any church for that matter about what their “doctrine” is, then she should take it up with that church and not the American Taxpayer damn it. Furthermore, if all those hypocrites who like to identify with a particular faith but not with its principles and/or tenets have issues, then they should park their behinds in their respective church pews and take it up with their Pastors, Priests or whomever makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, and leave me out of it. I am sick to death of some people looking to the government to somehow legitimize them and everything they do!
Now I know I’ll get a bunch of mail shredding me for my lack of compassion and insight concerning the plight of every American woman in the country, but two things are for certain. And they are that: 1. If you frame the question properly and ask Americans whether they would support this mandate initiative (if it were to violate the tenets of a person’s faith), I am sure most folks would say absolutely not. And 2. The last thing in the world some crack whore is gonna be worried about while she is going about whatever it is she goes about, is trotting out to the local pharmacy to get some free pills, never mind taking them, and I don’t give a rats xxx what Bob Beckel says…
And remember: When the insurance company pays, you pay. It’s as simple as that…
Inflation trigger…
I heard the President make a stunning assertion today claiming that gas prices were rising because of global demand and our “economic recovery”. He said this is the reason we must extend the payroll tax cut immediately. Now that extension and the measly $20.00 it attaches to your pay check every week is an entirely different argument all together. And in spite of the wheel barrel full of class warfare hate mail I’ll get on the matter I will move on.
Mr. President, gas prices are rising because of our dependence on foreign oil and your lack of will to do much of anything about it. Moreover, demand is actually down and supplies are up in February. Ya know, I seem to remember Nancy Pelosi chastising President Bush for $2.00 per gallon gas, yet your solution Sir, is an extra 20 spot for our troubles? Inflation is poised to rear its ugly head this summer unlike at any time in American history, and our leaders are flat-footed and clueless.
The nonchalant and frankly scary way this POTUS frames the critical issues of our time is truly unsettling and smacks of complete indifference and elitism. Even in the face of one of the most significant shovel ready energy projects to come down the pike in the last 20 years (Keystone Pipeline), President Obama has embraced the ideological wing of his party yet again by coming down on the side of the environmentalist nut jobs. Subsequently, as we look as his budget overall and the fact that most members of his own party won’t even vote for it, then we throw in the national debt, and unprecedented food and fuel prices coming to a city or town near you this summer, it is difficult to embrace our Presidents rosy assessment of our condition.
Truth “and” consequence are very often difficult medicine…
Manipulating the vote 2012…
I have written much about how the Liberal Wing of the Democratic Party has manipulated the minority vote in our country over generations. In fact 98% of black voters voted for President Obama in 2008 and 91% still support him today. This statistic by itself represents the magnificent job the Left has done in placating too and coercing this demographic. I have also written about how the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done nothing but inflame the issue with negativity and racial bias, thus only complicating meaningful progress over the years. These two clowns and others like them have gained much both in fame and fortune portraying themselves as champions of the cause of racial equality, when in fact they have simply made their bones on the backs of those they claim to speak for.
Now I will certainly not attempt to address the complicated issue of race in America 2012, but I watched a documentary piece recently which really sums it up for me. Take out the emotional and often factually devoid arguments of the Progressives and you are left with two simple truths. 1. There is no substitute for individual effort, and 2. While there are obstacles, those obstacles are very often man-made.
This post is not meant to bait or invite unwarranted or unproductive argument, but rather it is simply an effort to plead with the so-called minorities in America, and remind them that if there really is a Black, White, Latino, Italian, French, Irish, Mexican or any other America, then it was created by someone who wants you to keep them in the seat of power. We only benefit from equality if we stop letting political charlatans on both sides of the aisle (and in the WH) convince us we are different. If we are to believe their pandering and divisive rhetoric, where then are the results of decades of one party solutions to the plight of “minority America”?
Oh, and if your argument is that the opportunity does not exist equally for all in this country, ask the President of The United States how he became the most powerful man in the free world. E Pluribus Unum… No excuses…
Watch or be content with complacency and a lack of knowledge…
The blueprint…
I must admit I was less than impressed with the Super Bowl Ads this year. Maybe it was because they were viewable on-line before the game. I liked it better when they were a surprise. Nonetheless there is the matter of the Clint Eastwood Ad, and everyone is talking about it. Eastwood has been a hero of mine since I was very young. His success on-screen and behind the camera is the stuff of Hollywood legend. Moreover, the man who brought us the character Dirty Harry and movies like “Gran Torino” and “Unforgivin” has always been a larger than life figure in American culture. So when he appeared during the Super Bowl Half Time Show espousing America itself was in a sort of “Half Time”, I quieted the noisy house to listen to the iconic raspy voice and came away with mixed emotions.
Firstly, I would not question this man’s patriotism or his intentions, for there is simply no reason too. When you listen to the Ad you hear the passion in his voice and feel the genuineness of his approach. I believe Mr. Eastwood is correct, though what he metaphorically refers to as “Half Time”, I have called the “cross roads” many times. Simply put it is time for us to come together as a nation once again and solve our countries problems. We have done it before and that historical blueprint for success remains today, one nation celebrating that which bonds us and not that which divides us.
However I question using Detroit, and more specifically Chrysler as examples of success. Yes there are signs of improvement in the American Auto Industry, but the price has been high and the end is not yet in sight. GM still owes billions to the American Taxpayer, and Chrysler is majority owned by FIAT of Italy having finally severed ties with another foreign entity Daimler just prior, and having taken billions in bail out money as well. Ford remains the shiny penny at this point.
Anyway, it appears to be a great and inspirational commercial on its surface, but leaves many somewhat perplexed as to how this theme was reasoned in. As of today and having watched it a few times now, I will stand with Eastwood on his faith that we may yet rise to the challenge(s) as the second half begins. However, the stakes are much higher than a shiny “Vince Lombardi” Trophy and a trip to Disney. And the price for failure is always the bitter lesson taught us by history.
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Good news…
Still stinging from the Patriots embarrassing loss to the Giants Sunday night, I have decided to move past my disappointment with Mr. Brady for the moment and do some news.
The jobs report is on the tongues of every pundit out there, so I’ll throw in yet another two cents. Republicans are going to have to accept the reality that the latest jobs numbers are damn good news in some ways. If we analyze the Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers for the last quarter, and extrapolate out the trend going back to about the fall of 2009, we can clearly see some movement in the right direction in the areas of Science and technology, engineering, construction and services, to include a pretty good uptick in retail for fiscal 2010-2011. It is noteworthy that in a recovery that has muddled along at what can only be described as a snail’s pace, these types of “numbers inside the numbers” do show improvement. What I mean by this, is putting aside for a moment that the work force has shrunk considerably, and that 24 million Americans remain significantly “underemployed”, the U.S. economy is doing what the U.S. economy always and eventually does, rolling over and coming about, despite whatever Washington is doing to “muck it up”. Some of my readers may recall my writing on this very notion around the time of the great “stimulus debate”.
Appropriately however, I think the Republicans should do their own homework and not get caught bad mouthing any good we can take from very bad times. There is plenty to focus on in the areas of inflation, fuel costs, European financial chaos, our own debt here at home, and how these factors will inevitably impact future jobs reports. But the fact remains that many who have struggled to find work to feed their families and hold on to their homes have found it, and this is absolutely good news…