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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Race
Cultural miscue…
Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90 in NYC has decided that Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” will offend other cultures and is not age appropriate for a kindergarten “graduation”.
Okay … Notwithstanding the saturation of filth and family dysfunction our children are exposed to on a daily basis just by way of their closest television screen, video game or pocket device, or the fact that this so called principal is already on record as not being the most patriotic of educators, why then is Justin Bieber’s flirty song “Baby” deemed somehow appropriate for the same venue? I know the answer to this question, however I’m curious to know what you think?
Thankfully, the outrage over this monumentally ignorant decision by Miss Hawkins is coming from the many cultures she attempts to speak for. Ultimately, the majority of those who have emigrated to this country have not done so to re-establish their culture here, but rather to assimilate into and broaden the (United States culture) and make a better way for themselves and their families. You see, what many Progressives will never admit, is that “E Pluribus Unum” is what makes our nation great. A singular culture made stronger by the “integration” of facets of other cultures, and not by diluting the core principles of its founding. I would tell you that the answer to the question of “why are we so divided today” lies in conundrums such as this one. It all comes down to who “We the People” really are. The answer may be simpler than you think. But it will have far-reaching implications if we ignore what we know to be the truth and goodness of our freedom, in favor of the politically correct and less than honorable intentions of a vocal and well-funded Progressive cause.
Please contact NYC school officials and let them know what you think about Principal Hawkins!
Faculty Lounge Mentality…
I have been sitting on this post for a bit now, but the onset of the election cycle has coaxed me to go with it. For good or bad, I am always at least a little sensitive to the response I get when I write about the President, primarily because many of my Liberal friends and readers are so damn smitten with Mr. Obama. Truth is, for some of those hard core folks the magic remains despite the results.
Recently however, the idea of finally vetting this man who was elected to the most powerful office in all the world, has gained some momentum. I’d have to say that the ridiculous attack on Mitt Romney for something he did in high school certainly spurred some Right Wing PAC’s to go on the offensive in a way they didn’t in 2008 for fear of charges of racism by the “main stream” media. In any event, I’m glad this stuff is finally coming to the table. (And for those complaining about the fat cat money issue, I would direct you to George Clooney’s house. Please stop bitchin about corporate America. It’s just silly, counterproductive and sounds so vindictive. If all those so-called 1%-er’s closed their doors tomorrow, the POTUS would lose the election because he couldn’t raise enough money, you’d be lookin for work, and life as you know it would end, period!)
Anyway, with all due respect to Hannity and company I have been talking about the President’s ideological past for years. I’ve said on many occasions that one only need read “Dreams from My Father” to see the man’s heart. Now while I’m not going to go after the POTUS for bullying some young female admirer on the schoolyard, or lambast him for his candid admission to heavy drug and alcohol use as a young man, (to include numerous driving experiences with a “head clouded with Gin”), I will however take note of his many references to race, class envy and divisive, stereotypical propaganda. From his early days, through his interactions with the literary agencies that would publish his books (and misidentify his place of birth), to his time as the President of the Harvard Law Review, this was, and I believe remains a man firmly entrenched in the ideas of Socialist politics, societal division and class warfare as a means to even what he sees as an uneven playing field.
Election 2012 is certain to be about more than simply Barack Obama, as some have suggested it might be. The mere fact he was elected without the “main stream” press ever having brought any of this to light is proof positive that any cleverly packaged academic, cultivated and sheltered in the petri dish that is American higher education today and protected by a complicit press devoid of any moral responsibility to the people they report to, can be and in this case was elected to the Presidency of The United States. With that said, and all or at least most of the cards sure to be on the table this time around, the real question regarding our nations future will be out there for “We the People” to ponder, and on the first Tuesday in November, to answer…
NOTE: If you haven’t read this book, and you care about your country, please pick up a copy today.
Motor City Madness…
Qualifier – 18 USC Sec. 871 is a federal class D felony which prohibits threats/extortion and/or violence against the President of the United States. It is my stated position that any person convicted of violating this statute should and must be punished to the fullest extent allowed. Our nation is a Constitutionally protected and governed republic under law. Respect and adherence to those laws is essential to the tenet of freedom and justice for all.
Ted Nugent is anything but timid when he speaks. One rarely has to wonder what his message is. After reading just about every account of the recent dust up over remarks he made at an NRA Convention in St. Louis however, including that of a recent meeting between the “outwardly patriotic Nuge” and the Secret Service where the matter was declared “resolved without necessity of further action“, it is clear the “Motor City Madman” was once again lambasted out of context by the Left and so-called “main stream” press. At this point though, I will leave this specific matter in the capable hands of my astute and educated audience so they may make their own determination(s).
I cannot however, walk away from the blatant and frankly outrageous hypocrisy on the part of the Left in this country when it comes to the argument over civility. For the life of me, I don’t remember a time when that argument has been so one-sidedly misrepresented in the media. When Gabrielle Gifford’s was critically injured in that horrific Tucson massacre, I remember a monotone President who spoke long and fervently about the desperate need for civility in our nation. Since that time we have seen the POTUS inject himself time and again into the “politics of justice” in what can best be described as “muscling” the potential outcome of a politically charged event for personal and political gain. He subsequently jumbles the facts, and even turned a blind eye to threats of violence by a militant and clearly racist organization against a defendant in an as yet unresolved and local criminal matter. Mr. Obama and his supporting cast of Progressive characters have simply missed (or ignored) every opportunity to inspire “We the People” to the obviously higher ground, instead choosing to stoke the flames of descent on both sides. Media elitists and Hollywood insiders get a pass when they berate and insult Conservative women, and Republican politicians are all too often accused of wanting to starve children, pollute the water and air, and cheat our seniors. This from the party of perpetual poverty and dependency and their standard-bearer, a man who is supposedly schooled in Constitutional law, and was once a practicing “civil rights attorney”.
Anyhow, I must admit the “Nuge” issue would have been much easier to digest if it weren’t for the fact that our young people are exposed daily to the vulgar and violent “musical”/”acting” tirades of literally hundreds of entertainment industry thugs, who/which have celebrated and continue to celebrate everything from sexual and physical violence against women, racist terminology and thought, the murder of law enforcement officers, and even the assassination of a former President. I mean, are these folks who are now calling for Ted Nugent’s scalp for real?
While I am disheartened by what I see as a growing chasm between the ideologies in America today, I still feel that civility and Constitutionally realistic compromise are the way forward. For my part, I will continue to argue my position in a “passionate” but “factual” manner. Having said that, I am ready at a moment’s notice to listen to reason and truth, if the other side will as well…
Credibility Gap…
I have waited for the District Attorney in the Trayvan Martin case to make a decision regarding whether or not to file charges against George Zimmerman. At least now we may hear some of the actual evidence as put forth by that office and not framed by a media bias/agenda. Sadly however, I watched the family press conference after today’s announcement and saw that fraud Sharpton standing right in the middle of them, hence destroying any credibility or empathy I may have been inclined to lend their way. I will read about the verdict when it’s over…
NBC – “Negligent” Broadcasting Company…
I think it’s important we be able to look at our news outlets and feel confident the reporting is at least accurate, albeit with the occasional ideological slant of the reporter or pundit presenting it. Having said this, when an agency does what NBC did recently and then expects us to believe it was accidental, or a simple editing issue, one has to ask, have we now gone over to state television? Where’s the outrage?
In all honesty I have not looked in great detail at the Trayvon Martin case yet. I will tell you however, that anytime a young person’s life ends in this manner it is a tragedy beyond measure. Unfortunately, it also ends up being a platform for partisan and opportunistic bigots like Sharpton, Farrakhan and Jackson, to fan the flames of racial division in an effort to reconcile their reprehensible existence on the political stage.
Getting back to NBC and for those who had not heard, the folks over there omitted a very important and specific question asked by the police dispatcher of George Zimmerman on the night in question, with regard to the ethnicity of the person he was following, (a routine matter of policy for most if not all police departments and 911 dispatch outlets when securing a physical description). Amazingly, they included only Zimmerman’s response, “he looks black”, implying a racial motivation on the part of Zimmerman.
I have been around a bit and frankly it would be pretty easy to compile a list of Lefty media slants presented by the self-described “main stream” press. But never have I heard such a blatant disregard for the truth, made so much worse by the excuse that it was a mere oversight on the part of “the editing department”. If there is anyone out there reading this right now who believes that NBC did not intentionally try to slant the story against Zimmerman from the outset, then you are indeed part of the problem. So called professional organizations like NBC simply do not make blunders of this magnitude.
Look, I am simply not going to take sides before I know the facts, all of the facts. This is what I do know though: A young boy is dead, his future extinguished, and I care not whether he was black, white, pink or otherwise. He was just a boy. So if it’s truly “justice” we seek, then the “trial by media” we are witnessing in this case will certainly not provide for that justice. For good and/or bad, this incident appears to have many layers and cries out for a full and fair vetting in order to answer the question of (why). To ignore the (who, what, when and where) in the process, for the sake of creating a racial component in a Presidential Election year, is irresponsible to say the very least. Making matters even worse, the POTUS has once again stepped in it, and spoken out not as “The President”, but rather some idealistic professor attempting to manipulate and bring about a particular outcome. Stop the insanity. Bring back journalistic integrity and objective reporting to the news media.
Manipulating the vote 2012…
I have written much about how the Liberal Wing of the Democratic Party has manipulated the minority vote in our country over generations. In fact 98% of black voters voted for President Obama in 2008 and 91% still support him today. This statistic by itself represents the magnificent job the Left has done in placating too and coercing this demographic. I have also written about how the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done nothing but inflame the issue with negativity and racial bias, thus only complicating meaningful progress over the years. These two clowns and others like them have gained much both in fame and fortune portraying themselves as champions of the cause of racial equality, when in fact they have simply made their bones on the backs of those they claim to speak for.
Now I will certainly not attempt to address the complicated issue of race in America 2012, but I watched a documentary piece recently which really sums it up for me. Take out the emotional and often factually devoid arguments of the Progressives and you are left with two simple truths. 1. There is no substitute for individual effort, and 2. While there are obstacles, those obstacles are very often man-made.
This post is not meant to bait or invite unwarranted or unproductive argument, but rather it is simply an effort to plead with the so-called minorities in America, and remind them that if there really is a Black, White, Latino, Italian, French, Irish, Mexican or any other America, then it was created by someone who wants you to keep them in the seat of power. We only benefit from equality if we stop letting political charlatans on both sides of the aisle (and in the WH) convince us we are different. If we are to believe their pandering and divisive rhetoric, where then are the results of decades of one party solutions to the plight of “minority America”?
Oh, and if your argument is that the opportunity does not exist equally for all in this country, ask the President of The United States how he became the most powerful man in the free world. E Pluribus Unum… No excuses…
Watch or be content with complacency and a lack of knowledge…