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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
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Category Archives: Race
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
It’s hard to get past today’s headlines and not ask when will the sins of a nation be forgiven. Factually speaking, “We the People” of the United States have done more to address the injustice of racism while promoting human equality than any nation in recorded history. I think no law passed however, or political will imposed, can take the place of a moral and decent upbringing free of learned prejudices. With that said, it does appear there are those who would continue to promote superficial and manufactured differences instead of the simple humanity which unites every one of us, all while fanning the flames of division for their own selfish interests.
I am not a huge Paula Deen fan per se. I do love her southern cooking style though, and have downloaded a few of her recipes in the past. (Warning – If you have an aversion to such cooking or high cholesterol, then turn the channel or quit whining.) What I can tell you is that by all appearances Deen is a self-made woman who for the last 25 + years has come from the bonds of poverty as a single mom, and achieved the American dream by way of hard work and sacrifice, (something I suspect really irks some Liberal dependency advocates out there). So when I heard of her recent trials, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Then I did my homework on the issue and there it was, that sickening and politically correct hypocrisy which is crippling our country today. Now let me understand this. Instead of lying (as so many do), a sixty something southern woman told the truth in a court deposition, acknowledging some controversial words said many years ago and in a very different time, and we must now punish her for those words? As another consequence, the bandwagon bumpkins at Wal-Mart, Target and The Food Network have all dropped their proverbial drawers, as well as sponsorships and associated Paula Deen product lines because of the flap. Really? Well I’d certainly like to get those CEO’s under oath and ask them some similar questions, the bunch of lying hypocrites. When I analyze this insanity, and throw in the intentionally hateful, sexist and racially charged comments made by fools like Bill Maher, Jamie fox and so many other Left Wing lunatics, the glaring hypocrisy seems as thick as one of Deen’s meatloaf burgers. Layer on some inflammatory “special sauce” from the Zimmerman murder trial, which has already morphed into a matter of race and only race, and my earlier question keeps coming back. When do we move past the self-imposed and politically generated filters, and who has the intestinal fortitude to take us there?
Look, I’m not suggesting that racism and hate do not exist so long as we ignore them. To the contrary, we must battle mightily and continually against the purveyors of division. But we must do this in our homes and churches first, by continuing to reinforce the fundamental maxim that “all men are created equal”, and not by inventing ways to destroy others so they may answer for our own sin…
Amnesty is expensive…
Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson should stick to what he knows. Unfortunately, that’s not a whole lot. Senator Ted Cruz is doing something right however, as he has invited the wrath of the one-time presidential candidate, who champions everything having to do with amnesty just short of complete forfeiture of most of the Southern United States to Mexico. Moreover, Richardson’s creepy affection for all things North Korean has always troubled me a bit. Nevertheless, the former governor “doesn’t feel Cruz is Latino” because he opposes amnesty, and he’s “rude” to his fellow Senators. Really?
Look, Washington politics has taken on a form and function most political observers would say is alarming. Consequently, if the Senators candid approach to addressing the cesspool that has become “The Hill” is somehow offensive to Progressive fools like Richardson, I say tough “you know what”. We don’t have 6 cents to cover the cost of amnesty aka (insanity), never mind $6 Trillion Dollars.
Carson for President???
Dr. Ben Carson’s getting a lot of attention these days. When he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast and basically poked fun at some of the President’s policies, it was immediately news because of the aura of political invincibility surrounding #44. Now whether you agree with his politics or not, the man is clearly objective, and not afraid of speaking the truth in places and situations normally reserved for those who would only pander. Moreover, it’s funny watching politicians and pundits alike struggling with just how to analyze the man. Even one of my local outlets, “”, stumbled a bit as they tried to rationalize MSNBC’s “Toure” and his racial tirade about the Right rolling out black conservatives as part of a broader strategy to win the minority vote. I would only say to that, who cares?
Listen, coming from a state where Progressive Liberal’s regularly try to validate their radical agenda by calling themselves “independents”, we have to ask ourselves, is it the truth we seek, or is it a “version” of the truth which is easier. I will tell you this, I have been listing to this retiring neurosurgeon since he blasted onto the scene, ever so cleverly sidestepping the Obama handlers every inch of the way. He just makes sense. And adding insult to political injury, he espouses rational, sensible, and as he calls them, debatable solutions instead of just ideological rhetoric.
Not sure if I’m endorsing anyone for 16 right now, but I believe there will be a shifting toward our foundations next time around, and Carson gets that . Let’s face it, this trip down “hippie burn-out lane” has led us to “no-where land”, and “We the People” are growing weary of the re-run…
The Mission…
Clearly Senator Marco Rubio (R) FL, scares the crap out of the Left. He is a young, energetic and articulate family man, whose fellow citizens saw fit to send to Washington in their stead. Even worse though, he’s a Latino Conservative with immigrant parents. (Insert collective Liberal gasp here.) Somebody get me some water…
Having stated the obvious, what really got to me after Rubio’s Republican response to the SOTU, was the infantile criticism about the “water bottle”, compliments of the pathetic “lame Stream Press”. Now it should be understood, that if you take anything Chris Matthews says as substantive or meaningful in terms of journalistic credibility, you definitely need your head examined. But this went beyond mean-spirited, bordering on outright foolishness not worthy of the time slot. I thought I was watching Saturday Night Live. This wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact Rubio destroyed everything the President put out there in his Socialist State of the Union, inside of ten minutes. He was simply parched because he speed talked himself dry with the facts, something Mr. Obama need not worry about.
It is indeed unfortunate, that at a time when we need our press folks out there fact checking all of our elected leaders, they instead grovel at the seat of power like a bunch of school yard rejects, basking in the light of relevancy granted them by this “Community Organizer in Chief”. Revenge of the News Nerds, starring Chris Matthews, and guest starring the kooky casts of MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and so on…
Nevertheless, it should come as no surprise, the “mission” of the Left Wing Media is to destroy Rubio at all costs. The last thing these nerds want is a successful Latino who walks the walk, coming along and debunking all their Progressive BS.
The next four years…
Let me preface my analysis of President Obama’s Inauguration speech by acknowledging the symbolism of the day, as well as the great sacrifice made by so many to ensure it’s continuance. It is wholly and appropriately representative of The United States.
Now moving ahead of all the pomp and pageantry, one must accept the President’s speech as one of, if not the most partisan and ideological in the history of the event. Mr. Obama’s lofty and often pointed rhetoric finally revealed the entire man to those who were actually listening. And as many in the crowd booed the presence of Paul Ryan and other Republicans, it was painfully obvious #44’s policies of division and class warfare have taken firm root, setting the tone for an epic battle over the soul of this great country.
Now free of the burden of future elections, the POTUS skillfully avoided the critical issues of the day and instead presented himself as the conquering champion of a new civil rights movement. Apparently stale in his eyes, is the individual and entrepreneurial spirit of a free people whose successes (and failures) have built our great nation, and which are now trumped by a glorified mediocrity, and conditionally if not legislatively induced acceptance of “the new norm”. To listen carefully was to hear the ideologically passionate and even resentful dream of a man who has very different ideas about America than those of the Founders. One could even pick out the connection to (Martin Luther King Day), as the President’s voice became “elevated” at times, into something more fitting of the pulpit, a habit which has come easily to the man who rarely deviates from the teleprompter. Ironically, and despite Progressive attempts to portray MLK as a Socialist Icon, Barack Obama would have had little in common with the late Dr. King.
All in all the speech seemed more appropriate for a “State of the Union” address. Nevertheless, it was carefully framed on all sides by American Flags, parades and plenty of red, white and blue eye candy. There were even moments of prayer and reflection, slipped in to appease/confuse those wondering how a man supposedly so consumed with the “equality” of human kind, could place his hand on two Christian Bibles and deny that same equality to an unborn child.
Make no mistake my fellow Americans, the four years ahead are perilous ones. Our economy teeters on the brink of disaster, held hostage by mathematical realities such as a $5000.00 drop in the median household income, and unemployment numbers the same as when this President took office. Regrettably, the campaign issues which drove him to victory at the polls are but distant memories. Our President’s focus for his second term appears now to be strictly ideological and broad-based in terms of those social issues he believes will move the nation away from its historical foundations, and secure his legacy as the Liberal Progressive President who finally made it happen
Deadbeat nation???
Republicans began the session by reading the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House. Well, I think that’s a great place to start, and sends the appropriate message to the Obama Administration. It should be very clear to any “reasonable” person, that in consideration of an election decided by about the number of Republicans who stayed home, The United States of America is a nation divided right down the middle.
Now there are many reasons for this division having to do with everything from the education, or rather indoctrination of our young ones in the public school system, to a media which has forgotten its responsibilities to “We the People“, but make no mistake, we are at a turning point as a nation. The President of The United States is without any doubt an ideologue, bolstered by a second term, and who has shown he is willing to press beyond the boundaries of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights. Those who know him tell us this is the “entire package”, a person we did not necessarily see the first time around, though I would disagree with the notion he did not make plain “his” vision for America in 2008. Many simply chose to ignore his words for the sake of his skin color and a promised utopia. That said, there can be no illusions. President Barack Obama now sees himself as the star receiver who will carry the (progressive football of change) over the political goal line, dodging any Constitutional cornerbacks along the way. “The American People agreed with me.” This is his mantra. Be damned the nearly half of those people who voted against him and his policies. History tells us delusion is often the friend of the ideologue who sees himself as the righter of perceived wrongs.
Inevitably, right minded members of Congress now have a responsibility to forgo their respective re-election chances and do what must be done to stop this assault on the Constitution. I submit to all of you, this battle is no less important than any our brave Soldiers have fought in order to preserve our children’s future, and the outcome no less pivotal. I now call on all of you to speak out. Start a blog, attend a hearing on an important issue and voice your opinion, or write to the editor of your local news paper. If you value our heritage of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness“, then silence and apathy are no longer options.
I will see you on the field in 2013…
… As we attempt to take stock of Christmas 2012, there is obvious angst in America, and with good reason. I will be honest and tell you, I’m going to take a page from Bill O’Reilly’s book, and be “much tougher on the opposition this year”. For too long many of us have given a pass to those whose intentions we know to be anything but honorable, both in the political and news media arena. The truth and the facts have been watered down to accommodate a very vocal, disingenuous and agenda driven minority. Our heritage and culture are in danger of extinction, and our future is in question because we allow the argument to be framed as the enemies of freedom would have it. Our children will not live in their grandparents United States, as we parents have allowed their “inheritance” to be squandered in the name of a false utopia, predestined for failure by historical truth and example. No, I have decided there is far too much at stake, and little to be gained by simply allowing Progressivism to extinguish the torch of Liberty so many have died to protect. 2013 must be different. “We the People” must acknowledge and accept that we have dropped the ball, and time is no longer on our side. We must make a choice, or become just another failed nation which cast off freedom in favor of being ruled.
In the midst of a maelstrom of economic strife, albeit not just of one party’s making, President Barack Obama was elected and promised “Hope and Change” in 2008. He stood in the glow of history and eloquently described a new road for our country, a road paved with bi-partisan thinking and cooperation. Instead, we are on track to double our debt, and our economy is now on the brink of yet another crippling and potentially far more debilitating recession. Moreover, we have never seen a more uninformed and divided America, nor have we known a president more focused on ideological change and partisan politics, as this one. Now some may try and answer this with cries of racism and other baseless accusations, but I submit to you that there has not been an administration in U.S. history which has done more to promote that which they lament with such fervent gusto.
I’m sorry, but no more lies. No more acceptance of what common sense and sound principle tells us is wrong simply for the sake of “consensus”. In the end, a “consensus” of wrongheaded individuals who offer up the same tired, debt laden, and counterproductive so-called solutions, only prolongs the inevitable failure of a structure built on a compromised foundation.
We are indeed compromised in so many ways my fellow Americans. To deny this only makes you part of the problem. Instead, let us join together and face a storm unlike any we have ever faced. It will begin in our hearts, in our homes, and yes, in our churches. And it will only transcend to our cities, our states and to the nation, if it is shaped in the mold of a national movement to re-capture the “American Dream” we have lost. The reality is our “national death clock” has been sped up dramatically by irresponsible representation from local government to Washington, as well as a hijacking of the American self-reliant and entrepreneurial spirit our parents and grandparents passed on to us. We cannot and should not stand by and allow that spirit to be squashed by the naysayers and revisionists. This is not about party my friends. It’s simply “now or never” …
Can’t stay away for long…
Ok folks, let’s be honest with ourselves. The Republicans didn’t lose because they oppose abortion or gay marriage, or because some politician has a foot in mouth problem. And they didn’t lose because they don’t work with Democrats, or because Chris Matthews says they are racist. The Republicans lost because their message didn’t include free stuff for those who don’t deserve it.
They lost because of the short-sightedness and selfishness of “Big Labor”, and because folks didn’t want to hear that the deterioration of the American family in our urban centers is the cancer eating away at our Republic. And also, they didn’t want to hear that racism and bigotry are being kept alive only in the ideologies of those who seek excuses, and/or power over an uneducated demographic, which in turn brings them electoral gains. (See Obama Phone video)
No my fellow Americans, this is much more simple than the talking heads tucked away in some obscure wing of one of our “esteemed” halls of academia would have you believe. The simple truth of the matter is, “the free ride” now trumps “freedom”. More Americans feel comfortable with the idea that government can and should provide for them. One need only look from county to county where the President did very well to see this unfolding before our eyes.
So my message to those of the Constitutional persuasion is straight forward today. Do not be tricked into thinking some mindless idiot who needs vindication at the local Starbucks is smarter than they really are. They are simply caught up in the social glamour of this President and wish to be seen with the “in crowd”. These folks are the sheep who would have voted for Obama in spite of the glaring truth. And don’t be fooled by those who would have you “mold” your belief system to accommodate that which you know in your heart to be wrong. And don’t compromise your principles on the premise that somehow, we may be able to spend our way out of this fiscal calamity. It will not happen. Oh, and don’t be tricked into thinking the revolting pictures you saw on the news of the “Occupy” crowd were somehow doctored by the “evil Tea-Party”. No my friends, this is simple socio-economics 101, and the balance of electoral strength now favors the takers.
Now go and read your history books to see how this always turns out…
Enough said!!! Now go and vote your conscience!!!
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