Category Archives: Politics

President’s Day 2012…

I think that as we witness the glaring hypocrisy of the “main stream” media when covering the President of The United States in modern times, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the nation’s two greatest leaders. Men who were flawed as are we all, but possessed conviction and strength of character which allowed them to rise above petty differences and lead for the greater good. Men who understood the importance of freedom framed by sacrifice and honor, and who subsequently defined the times in which they lived. And men who understood the significance of their potential contributions and acknowledged a “power greater than their own” necessary to fulfill that potential. My, times have changed….


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Projo rocks!!!

Every so often I will print a response to one of my articles or “letters to the editor” of the newspapers I write to, and then my rebuttal. They are interesting and sometimes even funny.  In this case it is my home state of Rhode Island and the Providence Journal. I simply can’t respond to all of them, but some just beg to be educated. Read on: (Last names omitted)

Anthony xxxxxxxx: Comella’s vendetta

Anthony xxxxxxxx: Comella’s vendetta

Comments 14 | Recommend 0

February 15, 2012 9:33 am

The tone and content of recent letters by Fred Comella suggest he has a vendetta against President Obama. He whines about about a whole litany of tribulations that include our financial woes and our soldiers fighting and dying. It wasn’t President Obama who started two illegal wars based on lies that will carry a price tag of over $1 trillion before they are finished, besides the tragic loss of life and suffering resulting from these conflicts.

It wasn’t President Obama who gave a $700 billion tax break that mostly helped the top 1 percent. These events along with others sent our economy into a free fall. I wonder if the name George W. Bush rings a bell with Mr. Comella? President Obama did accomplish what Bush couldn’t: the extermination of Osama Bin Laden, who must have been Comella’s worst nightmare.

Comella seems to exist in a state of constant terror. With Bin Laden gone, his imagination appears to conjure other demons to dread.

Anthony xxxxxxxx
West Warwick

Now while I have been told that contributors letters to the Providence Journal should not attack the author but rather the content of his/her writing, it seems the Journal has made an exception in my case. Nonetheless, they have always been fair with me and printed many of my letters so I bear no ill will.

Regarding the content of Anthony’s letter, let me respond in kind and for the record. George W. bush enforced UN Resolution 1441, and subsequent resolutions with majority support of the Security Council and the U.S. Congress. Additionally, the Afghan War was initiated to seek out and destroy the forces which launched the attacks of 9/11. Once again facts are cast aside and replaced with (Bush hatred) and Left wing Rhetoric. Moreover, for all the Lefty vitriol concerning President Bush’s intelligence, he must have been pretty damn smart to fool all those Democrats of superior intellect in Congress. And I won’t even begin to address how many of those “lies” are now being vetted and proved correct. Frankly, the notion that our brave men and women have died in vain, as it seems Anthony is suggesting, is outrageous. I would add here that Seal Team 6 killed bin-Laden after receiving the “proceed” order from President Obama, and as initiated by yes, President Bush.

And would those tax breaks Anthony mentions be the ones President Obama has signed off on yet again this past year?

I am not asking that The Projo print this as simply a rebuttal, but rather in the vein which they have done so in the past, that of fairness. This is America and we are all entitled to our opinions, hence the Op-Ed page. And while I’m certainly not frazzled by the volume of email I receive, some of which can be “very negative”, sometimes the discussion begs both sides. I do not live in a “constant state of terror” Anthony, but I do fear my son’s America will look very different if this President’s policies are allowed to take root unchecked by our Republic, that’s all…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Economy, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left | Tagged | 3 Comments


And yes this is from FOX. Prove it inaccurate...

I think that when you have a media outlet claiming to be a journalistic watchdog but receiving monetary assistance from the likes of George Soros and other far Left radicals, there are understandably questions. And when you throw in the fact that this media outlet enjoys tax exempt status claiming to be an “educational entity”, there are more questions. And when that outlet circulates internal memos highlighting how its members should search out and destroy the characters of members of a another particular media outlet which they see as having “opposing views”, there are even more questions. And finally, when that media outlet is in bed with a branch of the federal government in the way that “Media Matters” is in bed with the White House these days, one has to ask what the hell is happening to journalism in America? Are certain agencies now simply mouth pieces for the government? It does not take a history major to see what’s coming with another four years of the Obama Administration.

It is ironic though, that when we Conservatives bring attention to the important issues of the day and question this Administration’s policies regarding those issues, we are labeled as hate mongers, obstructionists and partisans with a “vendetta”. And yet when the Left wing attempts to blame the fall of Rome on George W. Bush while simultaneously  attacking the personal lives of those who would challenge the so-called “main stream media” version of things, they are hailed for their journalistic prowess by the Arianna Huffington’s of the world.

Every day it becomes more apparent that this election will be about much more than just the economy. Rhetoric rules the day and cold hard facts are ignored for the sake so-called bi-partisanship. You can be sure there is nothing bi-partisan about anything going on in Washington. Things are changing right before our very eyes and there are some who are content watch our founding principles slip away, and others still who wish to hasten America’s decline…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left | Tagged | 1 Comment

Pills and more pills…

There are times when I wish I were in the room with some of these Liberal politicians when it gets a little heated. But that’s impossible because I would be less concerned about re-election as much as I would be about setting some of these opportunistic ideologues back on their heels.

I was interested to hear the line of questioning by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y at the “contraception hearing” on Capitol Hill today when she asked “where are all the women”. Now one would say this is a good question considering the topic, and that’s where you’d be dead wrong.

The question of whether I want to pay for some else’s birth control is a simple one for me, albeit with a complicated explanation complete with political rational. The answer BTW, is emphatically NO!

That said, and after I thought about it a little more, the question was a complete and well thought out political haymaker. A cheap low ball designed to embarrass the clergy in the room and score points with all the Lefty media sitting on the floor with cameras and cramps. The problem is, and here goes my email ticker, it doesn’t have anything to do with women. If Maloney has a beef with the Catholic Church, or any church for that matter about what their “doctrine” is, then she should take it up with that church and not the American Taxpayer damn it. Furthermore, if all those hypocrites who like to identify with a particular faith but not with its principles and/or tenets have issues, then they should park their behinds in their respective church pews and take it up with their Pastors, Priests or whomever makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, and leave me out of it. I am sick to death of some people looking to the government to somehow legitimize them and everything they do!

Now I know I’ll get a bunch of mail shredding me for my lack of compassion and insight concerning the plight of every American woman in the country, but two things are for certain. And they are that: 1. If you frame the question properly and ask Americans whether they would support this mandate initiative (if it were to violate the tenets of a person’s faith), I am sure most folks would say absolutely not. And 2. The last thing in the world some crack whore is gonna be worried about while she is going about whatever it is she goes about, is trotting out to the local pharmacy to get some free pills, never mind taking them, and I don’t give a rats xxx what Bob Beckel says…

And remember: When the insurance company pays, you pay. It’s as simple as that…

Posted in "Patriot64", Congress, Fred Comella, Health Care, Media, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged | 2 Comments

Inflation trigger…

I heard the President make a stunning assertion today claiming that gas prices were rising because of global demand and our “economic recovery”. He said this is the reason we must extend the payroll tax cut immediately. Now that extension and the measly $20.00 it attaches to your pay check every week is an entirely different argument all together. And in spite of the wheel barrel full of class warfare hate mail I’ll get on the matter I will move on.

Mr. President, gas prices are rising because of our dependence on foreign oil and your lack of will to do much of anything about it. Moreover, demand is actually down and supplies are up in February. Ya know, I seem to remember Nancy Pelosi chastising President Bush for $2.00 per gallon gas, yet your solution Sir, is an extra 20 spot for our troubles? Inflation is poised to rear its ugly head this summer unlike at any time in American history, and our leaders are flat-footed and clueless.

The nonchalant and frankly scary way this POTUS frames the critical issues of our time is truly unsettling and smacks of complete indifference and elitism. Even in the face of one of the most significant shovel ready energy projects to come down the pike in the last 20 years (Keystone Pipeline), President Obama has embraced the ideological wing of his party yet again by coming down on the side of the environmentalist nut jobs. Subsequently, as we look as his budget overall and the fact that most members of his own party won’t even vote for it, then we throw in the national debt, and unprecedented food and fuel prices coming to a city or town near you this summer, it is difficult to embrace our Presidents rosy assessment of our condition.

Truth “and” consequence are very often difficult medicine…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Jobs, Politics, Socioeconomic, The Middle East | Tagged | 3 Comments

Manipulating the vote 2012…

I have written much about how the Liberal Wing of the Democratic Party has manipulated the minority vote in our country over generations. In fact 98% of black voters voted for President Obama in 2008 and 91% still support him today. This statistic by itself represents the magnificent job the Left has done in placating too and coercing this demographic. I have also written about how the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done nothing but inflame the issue with negativity and racial bias, thus only complicating meaningful progress over the years. These two clowns and others like them have gained much both in fame and fortune portraying themselves as champions of the cause of racial equality, when in fact they have simply made their bones on the backs of those they claim to speak for.

Now I will certainly not attempt to address the complicated issue of race in America 2012, but I watched a documentary piece recently which really sums it up for me. Take out the emotional and often factually devoid arguments of the Progressives and you are left with two simple truths. 1. There is no substitute for individual effort, and 2. While there are obstacles, those obstacles are very often man-made.

This post is not meant to bait or invite unwarranted or unproductive argument, but rather it is simply an effort to plead with the so-called minorities in America, and remind them that if there really is a Black, White, Latino, Italian, French, Irish, Mexican or any other America, then it was created by someone who wants you to keep them in the seat of power. We only benefit from equality if we stop letting political charlatans on both sides of the aisle (and in the WH) convince us we are different. If we are to believe their pandering and divisive rhetoric, where then are the results of decades of one party solutions to the plight of “minority America”?

Oh, and if your argument is that the opportunity does not exist equally for all in this country, ask the President of The United States how he became the most powerful man in the free world. E Pluribus Unum… No excuses…

Watch or be content with complacency and a lack of knowledge…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Fred Comella, Judiciary, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Border | Tagged | 1 Comment

There is a right way…

Evil x 3

As much as Ron Paul would tell you “it doesn’t matter” when looking at world events and how they relate to our own status, most intelligent folks would beg to differ. Now there is certainly something to be said for the U.S. acting as policeman for the world, and I would not argue the point that our overseas expenditures are excessive to say the least. But I do believe there is money well spent in other nations and that money can make a difference if allocated and used appropriately.

Setting aside the United States as a free and compassionate nation which feeds the world in many respects, what do we do about the violence in Syria? As a matter of fact, what do we do about the Middle East period? Now there are those who advocate for a complete “hands off” policy, and still others who are firmly affixed to the screwy notion that we created the entire mess, so we must now step aside and let the world descend into chaos and anarchy as punishment for our sins. (What troubles me is there is even anyone who supports this view). That said, the question remains where do we go from here? In the broadest of terms, a war in the Middle East should be avoided at all costs. However, the world having allowed the likes of Bashar al-Assad and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to metastasize like malignant rectal cancer, has put our collective backs to the proverbial wall. There is I believe, a way out though.

In both Iran and Syria, there are real folks fighting for freedom, literally sometimes with sticks and stones. As I know the comparison email will flow, these are not Hezbollah and Hamas folks, who are terrorists and kill innocents in the name of their sadistic and twisted ideology. No, these are people who have lived under established and murderous regimes, in some cases for generations. I believe we have an opportunity to use the clandestine skills of our intelligence agencies, along with some muscle in the form of (weaponry only), to rid these nations of the cancer that is killing them and threatening world peace. In essence, provide these people who are fighting and dying in the streets, with the means to free their own country from the clutches of evil. Not in the way that the Obama Administration did so in Egypt, as we can see what’s happening there. We must see it through and frame the argument in a simple and obvious truth. And that is in order for any nation to engage in the discourse of legitimate international diplomacy, that nation must first have a foundation which acknowledges basic human rights and freedom first. What is so wrong with celebrating that? What is so wrong with associating with and promoting that? Who other than the most ardent Socialist/Communist would say, “Well maybe human rights are just not their way”, I’m sorry??

My thought process on the matter of Syria, and frankly all the Middle East at this point, is that I support standing with our allies and supporting those who truly want freedom. And don’t tell me, that with all of our capabilities there is not a way to legitimately do this without American boots on the ground to do the heavy lifting. Freedom is never free, and this should always be the first lesson.

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The blueprint…

I must admit I was less than impressed with the Super Bowl Ads this year. Maybe it was because they were viewable on-line before the game. I liked it better when they were a surprise. Nonetheless there is the matter of the Clint Eastwood Ad, and everyone is talking about it. Eastwood has been a hero of mine since I was very young. His success on-screen and behind the camera is the stuff of Hollywood legend. Moreover, the man who brought us the character Dirty Harry and movies like “Gran Torino” and “Unforgivin” has always been a larger than life figure in American culture. So when he appeared during the Super Bowl Half Time Show espousing America itself was in a sort of “Half Time”, I quieted the noisy house to listen to the iconic raspy voice and came away with mixed emotions.

Firstly, I would not question this man’s patriotism or his intentions, for there is simply no reason too. When you listen to the Ad you hear the passion in his voice and feel the genuineness of his approach. I believe Mr. Eastwood is correct, though what he metaphorically refers to as “Half Time”, I have called the “cross roads” many times. Simply put it is time for us to come together as a nation once again and solve our countries problems. We have done it before and that historical blueprint for success remains today, one nation celebrating that which bonds us and not that which divides us.

However I question using Detroit, and more specifically Chrysler as examples of success. Yes there are signs of improvement in the American Auto Industry, but the price has been high and the end is not yet in sight. GM still owes billions to the American Taxpayer, and Chrysler is majority owned by FIAT of Italy having finally severed ties with another foreign entity Daimler just prior, and having taken billions in bail out money as well. Ford remains the shiny penny at this point.

Anyway, it appears to be a great and inspirational commercial on its surface, but leaves many somewhat perplexed as to how this theme was reasoned in. As of today and having watched it a few times now, I will stand with Eastwood on his faith that we may yet rise to the challenge(s) as the second half begins. However, the stakes are much higher than a shiny “Vince Lombardi” Trophy and a trip to Disney. And the price for failure is always the bitter lesson taught us by history.

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Posted in "Patriot64", America, Judiciary, Media, Politics, Socioeconomic, Sports | Tagged | 2 Comments

Religion when it suits him…

So now our “Separation Clause” President is gonna weigh in on what Jesus would think about taxes. Yup, it seems the President of the United States has called out Christians implying that Christ would have supported his redistribution efforts. Oh brother…..

I must tell you, there are days when I have great respect for this man’s intellect, and then there are others when I question his ability to reason his way out of a paper bag. As many of you know, I very rarely jump in the religious fray because it is simply above my pay grade. But I am a believer and have read enough of the Bible to know that the POTUS’s “implication” is nothing more than a cheap political ploy. Jesus also spoke personal responsibility and self-reliance, and the Bible has many passages proclaiming the goodness of “work and success”. I mean does he take us all for fools???

I’m gonna leave this one be, as my Pastor will have my “you know what” for going down this road. But I would ask this Progressive President to adhere to that which his party celebrates and (can it) with the Jesus references. Disingenuous does not do this crap justice… This is gonna be a rough 10 months…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Donation shell game???

The Susan G. Komen Foundation (SGKF) seems to be making some headlines these days. As a rule, I really try and stay out of the women’s issues as I am obviously not qualified. That said, I can and do support several, what I believe to be worthy causes, and while SGKF may not be one of them, I think there is a certain legitimacy to the question of how they disseminate the donations they receive. One would have to assume they would target areas which could show a documented effort in the fight against breast cancer specifically. Why then is Planned Parenthood receiving money? I have done a little homework on the issue and it appears that most of the diagnostic and subsequent treatment of breast cancer issues is farmed out by the controversial agency. Moreover, I think it is fair to say that Planned Parenthood is much more oriented toward “family planning” as they like to call it, with far less emphasis on complex health issues like breast cancer.

Now as I have indicated, this is certainly not my area of expertise, and I do not wish to denigrate and or minimize in any way, the vital work being done by many well-intentioned folks associated with the SGKF. Having said that, I do have strong pro-life political views and will tell you I despise what goes on these Planned Parenthood places. So I guess my question would be why was the SGKF giving money to Planned Parenthood in the first place? And why after stopping said funding did Nancy G. Brinker appear to be a complete and total hack by bowing to political pressure and reinstating those funds?

Let’s just put it this way, if you feel strongly about pro-life issues, you would be well served to take a closer look at the SGKF to be sure that as the preeminent entity in the battle against breast cancer, they are not be distracted or persuaded away from the goal for which you give your money to see forwarded. I think this is fair.

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