Category Archives: Political Correctness

Divided we fall…

I thought it was interesting amidst all the economic chaos in Europe, how we are reminded of President Reagan’s premise that freedom is always one generation away from extinction. Well then it should come as no surprise, that with nations like Greece and Spain poised to ignite financial Armageddon across the pond, the Neo-Nazi party in Greece has gained in political strength from 2 percent  to 22 percent, and now holds 21 seats in Parliament. These frightening trends are also becoming more noticeable in France and Italy. So a note to the complacent among you: When government fails to make good on promises it should never have made in the first place, the gates are then opened for the sinister forces of evil to invade the minds of a disgruntled populous causing confusion and mayhem. In the whirlwind of debate which ensues, blame is more easily affixed and the truth becomes lost in the fog of ideology. This is exactly what the Fascists and Communists used to insert their illegitimate causes into the mainstream of European politics, eventually causing the deaths of tens of millions of innocents in the 1930’s and 40’s. (Ironically, more than one third of the population of Greece would eventually be murdered by the Nazis during World War II).

I tell you this because I believe history is our greatest friend. It can also be our worst enemy should we “choose” to ignore its pointed lessons. The United States is undoubtedly in the grip of great financial stress, the complexities of which we have not seen before. And we do not have to look far to see some of the same forces of evil attempting to exploit our nations weakened condition. The likes of George Soros and the millions he pumps into organizations like “Acorn” and “Media Matters”, are a stark reminder that the very freedom our soldiers are dying to protect is threatened more covertly (but effectively) by those who are content to manipulate and promote our collapse from within.

It is certainly not my intention to be the predictable “prophet of doom”, but rather to wake Americans from their complacent slumber and remind them that what we are going through is real and getting worse. These circumstances always leaves us more vulnerable, especially if we are fractured and divided. We must remember there will always be wolves at the door of liberty, and that the lessons of history are there for us to embrace and learn from so our posterity may at least have a fighting chance.

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed by Americans.” – President Clinton – “But we must first unite behind a common culture and the original, Constitutional intent.” – Fred Comella





Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Health Care, International, Media, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Unemployment, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Divided we fall…

It’s only the first debate…

Just a couple of observations. (If) we are to believe the polls, Governor Romney did exactly what he needed to do and took the fight to the President. He was on message, articulate and described what is the most basic but important part of this election, “the vivid contrast” between two visions for America. And while the President did seem a bit disinterested and smug, that actually didn’t surprise me one bit.

Now I won’t get into why I feel the POTUS is not necessarily the “likable” guy many folks seem to think he is. I might just let the recently revealed tapes of a couple of very divisive speeches he made before he was elected speak for themselves on that matter. Consequently, I definitely got the feeling the Obama camp was trying mightily not to appear outside of that “likability” comfort zone. Let’s face it, Romney pretty much showed that’s really all they have. Arguably however, this is only the first debate. And judging from the “Shame Stream Media” response thus far, they will be out in full force today to spin this to the President’s advantage as best they can.

The simple truth is that in November, “We the People” will in fact have to do exactly what Governor Romney said last night, and choose between two very different ideological directions for our country. One thing is for certain after watching last night’s contest though, and that is neither of the candidates  attempted to hide theirs. Using only this as a benchmark, I score the night a tie.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Home and Family, Immigration, Jobs, Judiciary, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on It’s only the first debate…

Re-elect the slate…

Gas and food prices continue to sky-rocket, foreclosure rates among the highest in the country, unemployment well above the national average, and a business climate not suitable for a sidewalk lemonade stand. So what do the Rhode Island voters have to say? “Re-elect the slate again”.

When Brendan Doherty enjoyed a 14 point lead in the polls, I told many of my like-minded friends not be over-confident, as the “perfect pandering politician” had not yet wound up his class warfare campaign machine of hate. And now that the “do nothing Socialist spitfire” who destroyed our home city of Providence has made quick work of Anthony Gemma, he may now turn his mean-spirited and propagandist lies in the direction of the retired State Police Colonel.

Look, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that David Cicilline is the quintessential baby kisser when it counts. What’s sad is that Rhode Islanders appear to be game for “more of the same” yet again. A few folks on a campaign commercial talking about how these dolts came to their rescue for a photo-op, and presto, all is well in Little Rhody. Demonize the opposition by framing real and critically necessary solutions to monumental problems in the context of perceived “radical reform”, while simultaneously and shamefully scaring the collective crap out of old folks and those who don’t know any better, and you have a recipe for assured collapse of what is left of this pitiful state.

Sadly, I think Doherty will lose a close race, and the other Republicans will be pummeled by the rest of the entrenched leaches . And that as they say will be that for Rhode Island.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Congress, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Jobs, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Re-elect the slate…

The Eye of the Storm…

My wife and I renewed our wedding vows this past weekend and then traveled to our favorite Block Island Bed and Breakfast to recharge our batteries. It’s amazing how some quiet time on the beach can promote introspection. The ocean has always been a friend to me, and I’ve run back wounded to the sea many times. It also doesn’t hurt to be married to a like-minded soul. This trip had special meaning though, and our son’s future was a huge part of that. Things are changing in our country and I’m becoming more and more aware of what we as a nation seem increasingly comfortable with leaving behind. It’s almost as if there are forces at work lopping off huge chunks of our cultural identity and no one seems to care. Ironically, as we head back to the mainland and I turn on the news for the first time in a few days, I see things getting steadily worse, yet the President’s poll numbers are getting steadily better.

For too many reasons I’m sure, there is a growing segment of the U.S. population who are completely comfortable with barely an, or even no effort at all. These entitlement voters have either been convinced or have convinced themselves the “American Dream” is dead and buried, and they are now somehow owed their “fair share” at the expense of someone else who earned theirs. Social mainstays that are the foundations for all which has made us unique and exceptional, are now routinely manipulated and attacked as “out of touch” by revisionist anarchists with only selfish motivations. Progressive politicians are rewriting our founding documents in order to establish and maintain an environment were even change for the worse can be viewed as favorable so long as you can blame all the negative results on something or someone else. And the simple truths of God given and inalienable rights are called into question when they stand in the way of wealth redistribution and/or some perceived utopian fantasy world without accountability. Yes, it is a sad day in America when a man with as many secrets as President Barack Obama can slip in under the radar and alter the course of freedom, because so many Americans are asleep at the wheel, and still others have simply surrendered their reason at the altar of Left-Wing Progressivism.

Alas, I suppose I must continue the fight despite the growing number who continue to fly in the face of fact and history. I would tell you though, I think Kirk Cameron got it right at the end of the movie “Monumental”, a short film I think every American should watch with their children close by…

“The responsibility to secure freedom for my family lies in my hands. For 400 years we’ve had the strategy. We’ve got the game plan. And its produced a nation that is healthy strong and free. And every time we’ve strayed from it, we’ve suffered the consequences. The seed that grew this nation is faith in God. That faith produces character. A character that produces great courage. Courage to self-govern. Courage to guide and educate our children in the right world view. And the courage to elect today’s liberty men and women who will take the torch from our forefathers.The answer doesn’t begin at the White House, it begins at your house. I’m no longer gonna sit on the sidelines. I’m gonna get involved. And I know there are millions who feel like I do. As for me and my family we’re going this way. The way of our heroes, who fought against all odds and changed the world. The time is now. Join me, and together we will secure a monumental future for our children…” – Kirk Cameron —-Amen!



Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Terrorism, Unions, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on The Eye of the Storm…

OMG!!! The truth is so painful for the Left…

49 percent of Americans pay no income tax. 47 percent receive government assistance, more than half of which is (Welfare related). And nearly 40 percent of those who are able to work, are now unemployed or looking for work. Wake up people, this is the sad reality of President Barack Obama’s America.

Now I will argue till I’m blue in the face about who is responsible for these numbers, and I won’t absolve either party. But I also won’t cut off my nose to spite my face and continue down a failed path because some dolt thinks the President is a nice guy. Our children’s America is slipping away, and Barack Obama’s policies are providing additional ice. Lying about, or dismissing the facts for political gain is irresponsible and tantamount to purposely jeopardizing our kid’s future.

Message to the union hierarchy, Liberals and Progressives: Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it. And thank you Governor Romney for telling the truth and stating the obvious.

Oh, and shame on the “Lame Stream media” for getting wrong, (again)…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Economy, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Unions | Tagged , , | Comments Off on OMG!!! The truth is so painful for the Left…

The mirage in the mirror…

Listening to the “line up” before Michelle Obama the other night made it very difficult to take her rosy assessment of her husband and his job performance seriously.

I love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us” and “them” – he doesn’t care whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above…he knows that we all love our country…and he’s always ready to listen to good ideas…he’s always looking for the very best in everyone he meets”.

Excuse me????

Did the First Lady listen to the speakers ahead of her? Did she listen to the vitriolic Rhetoric and pandering? Has she been listening to her husband and his campaign crew these past months? Was she asleep during the health care and debt ceiling debates? Maybe she’s just content to live in an alternate Liberal/Progressive universe where truth is “negotiable”.

Look, I will not deny that with the exception of one fleeting moment on the night he won the 2008 Election, I don’t believe I’ve seen anything like how the media portray this man or his wife. I would agree that while all outward appearances show they are the attentive and caring parents of two lovely young girls, their political persona’s on the other hand, are manufactured, embellished and disingenuous at best. And we need look no further than the last couple of weeks for validation of same.

In a nut shell, the Republicans did a pretty good job of keeping the “red meat” often associated with these conventions to a minimum, and were dam respectful of the office, (Eastwood’s performance notwithstanding, though really funny and not without merit..) Clearly the same has not been afforded the Republican ticket thus far. The man who “doesn’t care whether you’re a Democrat or Republican” has sat on his hands while his minions have shredded and disrespected the Romney-Ryan ticket and Republicans far beyond any acceptable limits, to include no less than 3 references so far comparing the GOP to Nazi’s. Now while I believe the evidence shows the opposite to be true, it is still somewhat stunning to hear Mrs. Obama get up in front of the whole world and say the words she said. And while I’m quite sure I will catch heck for it, I think she’s full of it…

Man, can we get on to the debates??

Note: The fact that this Jason Biggs scumbag is even relevant, speaks volumes about the decline of modern America… What a low-life….

Note 2: Anyone wanna buy a couple of tickets to Obama’s outdoor extravaganza?? Cheap!!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged | Comments Off on The mirage in the mirror…

The man behind “Hope and Change”…

In many ways, when it comes to politics there is much the politicians put past “We the People” in terms of complicated and often factually challenged information. However, every so often someone comes along and digs up some tangible stuff which then provides the necessary clarity and understanding. That is, if we chose to acknowledge and accept it.

Tucker Carlson recently reported on a very significant but mostly overlooked lawsuit from 1995 in which then “Community Organizer” Barack Obama, on behalf of 186 mortgage applicants, brought a class action lawsuit against Citibank. The suit claimed applicants were discriminated against during the bank’s mortgage evaluation process because they lived in depressed areas, and thus were not given home loans as a result. The long and short of the story is that Obama won and the bank was forced to issue loans to people, who otherwise would not have qualified, and who records would later show had no business getting “any kind of loan” at all. In fact many who were represented had bankruptcies and worse on their credit reports prior to and even during the process of applying to Citibank. In the end to date, just 19 of the original 186 managed to keep their homes. The rest wound up in foreclosure, bankruptcy or both.

Now that part of the story would seem to be the end, right? Wrong. This is where we get a glimpse of the man who would be President. Moreover, it tells us much about his political ideology, and personal belief systems. Firstly, Community Organizer Obama openly championed the cause of these people, as he noted they deserved their piece of the “American dream”. (Apparently this meant whether they could pay for it or not). And secondly, it was that very foolishness going on in the sub-prime lending market at the time, which was the real iceberg that sank our economy in the first place. Now you will hear the arguments back and forth about the Bush years, and how the wars also contributed to our debt, and I would welcome that comparative debate as it does have some merit. Nonetheless, we cannot ignore the real root causes of this mess, and the costly entitlement culture that has been haunting our economy for generations. To do so is to disregard the speeding freight train racing directly towards us in 2012.

I must say, there has not been an election cycle I can remember where so much information has been out there for the vetting. This is just one of many significant examples which validate a return to fiscal responsibility at the earliest juncture for our country. We simply cannot afford to dismiss this stuff. To every voter considering giving Barack Obama 4 more years I beg you please, do your homework and see the real man behind the slogan. Oh, and see the movie!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Congress, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes | Tagged , , | Comments Off on The man behind “Hope and Change”…

Truth is power!!!


I watched and listened to the amazing Condoleezza Rice, Marco Rubio and folks like Artur Davis and Mia Love speak down in Tampa, and it made me think about the hypocrisy of the Left when they attempt to label Republicans as racially or gender biased. I listened to the stories of these people who refused to be swayed from the “American Dream” by the mischaracterizations and lies of the Left, these people who would not sacrifice their shot at the best possible future by any phony excuses and politically driven rhetoric.

So as I turned back to the internet to do my research for the morning release, what did I find? The Left Wing attack machine had high jacked the Wikipedia page of Mia Love, and filled it with such vile and hateful crud, that I simply won’t repeat it here. This Mayor of Saratoga Springs and daughter of Haitian immigrants, who is a rising star in the Republican Party, has been railed against and vilified for one simple fact, and that is she is indeed a Republican. You see, people like Love make it very hard to exploit the notion of racial or gender bias on the part of the Right. These attractive and honest success stories (and millions more like them) basically slam shut the Leftist idea that all minorities and women must somehow be “demagogues for Democrats” and/or Left Wing apologist or ideologues.

Sadly, as we listen and read of the Progressive smearing and down-right hateful attacks, which in lieu of any discernible record of achievement, or a plan to solve our fiscal woes, appear to be the Democratic battle plan for the foreseeable future, one is left to wonder about the state of the Democrat Party moving forward.

Or maybe this all begs the question, is this the party of Truman and JFK? I think not!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Truth is power!!!


The latest ad from the Elizabeth Warren camp is a picture perfect example of a campaign in crisis mode. The Liberal Democratic Candidate for Senator Scott Brown’s seat in Massachusetts has latched on to the Akin controversy with the talons of a desperate competitor who is in trouble and out of ideas, (if she had any to begin with). The fact that the ad is flat-out rubbish and awash with mischaracterizations and down right lies, is almost lost behind what sounds like the gasping tone of it.

Listening to Warren speak is almost painful. She is easily flustered and devoid of any logical or factual debate. Her lack of knowledge on even the most basic issues regarding the current economic crisis we face, is trumped only by her missteps and bumbling attempts to clarify her “Native American” heritage.

I simply cannot defend the Akin remarks, and I have stated as much in recent commentary. Having said that, if Ms. Warren would like to speak out for women in America today, maybe she could offer a solution to the disproportionate unemployment numbers for women during the “Obama years”, rather than fear mongering and propagandizing. Then again, that’s what the Left does best. What a joke…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Health Care, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Ole’ Joe, at it again…

I’ve been taking some time to digest the Vice Presidents comments from the other day in Virginia, as I do not want to be accused of overreacting or piling on. Having said this, it seems to me, it is what I always say it is. The Left simply cannot compete in the arena of ideas, and must therefore descend to the gutter and proceed with their Plan B, “divide and demonize”.

Joe Biden has never been much of a coherent speaker. The reality is, he probably couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag with 2 hands and a flashlight. The VP is more of an entrenched political hack who has managed to buffalo enough folks over his career to remain somewhat relevant. Frankly, I would find him amusing if I didn’t know the true intent of his base. Somewhat Ironic though, this clown would in fact become President of The United States if the POTUS could not continue in that role for some reason. Now I don’t know about you, but that scares me. Admittedly, I am no fan of President Obama’s policies, but with Ole’ Joe in the rear view mirror, Mr. Obama has my hopes and prayers for a healthy and fully complete (1) term as President.

Nonetheless, if anyone believes Biden wasn’t expressing and/or somehow framing the Obama campaigns position(s) as they travel the “57” states, then they should just refrain from opining at all. The only thing happening here, is the President and his minions, including Ole’ Joe, are doubling down on their rhetoric. They are keenly aware of their own policy and ideological “exposure” at this juncture, and are simply becoming more and more comfortable with that “exposure”.

In the absence of any tangible economic progress to speak of, President Barack Obama and his campaign, are apparently now content to show “We the People” their true colors. Vitriolic and hate filled rhetoric will be used to avoid any discussion of critical issues like entitlement reform, taxes, healthcare, Medicare, and joblessness. Sadly, and as I often point out, these divisive tactics do draw out (the real radical haters) who are on the Left, as we see today with the individual who tried to shoot up the Conservative Family Research Council’s office in Washington.

Anyway, if I were to advise the Romney/Ryan ticket in any fashion, I would tell them not to be suckered into this type of phony race baiting and class warfare crap, except to refute it for what it is, the desperate flailing of an intellectually and morally bankrupt political strategy. Focus on the issues and come forward with your own clear and concise vision for our children’s future, and this shouldn’t even be close.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Economy, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left | Comments Off on Ole’ Joe, at it again…