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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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Category Archives: National Debt
Penance and Progress…
As infuriating as it is to hear the country’s sworn Attorney General make the case that requiring an individual to prove he/she is a citizen before voting is akin to the poll taxes of the post slavery era, I must account for the fact this man is obviously a disingenuous and despicable politician and not a true lawman. Having said that, I happened to catch Mitt Romney today addressing the same group of NAACP hypocrites Holder addressed just days before. I was pleased during the beginning of the speech as Romney made a very heartfelt appeal to the crowd to see what was in his heart and not be duped by the Obama class warfare rhetoric. Then things got ugly. As Romney started speaking about common sense, sound fiscal policy and fairness as means to address huge disparities in unemployment numbers for African-Americans, he was met by groans and at some point outright jeers. Later, when he spoke of rolling back Obamacare for a more sensible and realistic approach that wouldn’t bankrupt the country for all Americans, the audience flat-out booed him.
Well, as I have said before and will say for the record today, there are many within the minority caucuses and causes who are content to have race be a factor for the foreseeable future and beyond. I cannot imagine what would have happened, and how the “Lame Street Media” would have lamented had the POTUS been booed in a venue of predominantly white people. This is the height of hypocrisy and speaks to much of what is wrong in America today. There is simply no interest on the part of the Left in solving the “problems” of minority communities, only exasperating the theme of division and bigotry. And what happened to Mitt Romney today is proof positive of that.
I absolutely applaud Candidate Romney for going into the lion’s den. Sadly though, and for the same old reasons, it was an extraordinary waste of time and effort. What a disgraceful moment in our nation’s history. I am truly embarrassed this day for the country which has done more in far less time than any other to address the issues of human rights across the board. I guess the NAACP and the likes of Benjamin Jealous, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan will decide when and if we will ever be free of our sins, or receive credit for penance and progress…
Presidential disconnect…
For a POTUS presiding over unemployment numbers realistically closer to 15%, it boggles the mind how the word taxes can even cross his lips. I suppose his ideological mindset will simply not allow for common sense and/or history’s lessons.
Firstly, when President Obama spoke of “those making $250,000.00 or more” as the “wealthy” among us today, it was maddening to think he was incapable of drawing the connection between small business, DBA’s, small LLC’s and other folks, who are the life’s blood of our economy, and who are the only hope of any meaningful recovery. This “tax plan” is simply another class warfare stunt that will further handicap any infinitesimal progress to date on the economic front. How any logical thinking person can believe this type of Progressive tax approach, along with massive regulation and now universal healthcare, are somehow conducive to economic growth is simply inexplicable. However, that is a topic for another day, (and many more after that).
Anyway, the “revenue” generated by this massive tax will explode the national debt by $4 “T”rillion dollars over 4 years and generate only enough usable capital to run our bloated government for just about 8 days, yes people 8 days! Is there anyone out there who truly believes this “tax the rich” scheme is legitimate and not a campaign tactic meant to distract and destroy? If you do, you are beyond all reason and actually a big part of the problem.
For my part, I believe this President knows full well he cannot find enough revenue on Wall Street to fuel his “hope and change”, and so he intends to cut a line even closer to the beating but injured heart of our nation. Hopefully, he and his Marxist college buddies will be shown the door in November, before “We the People” bleed out from the many flesh wounds already inflicted.
Spin cycle…
The POTUS and Team Obama are scrambling to deflect criticism over and/or explain his claim the “Obama Care” mandate was not a tax. Well considering there are about 20 other taxes in the law, I’m not really sure where he’s going with that. The President’s hypocrisy has come full circle to outright misrepresentation of the facts as we know them. I think I have said this before but it bears repeating. In the age of modern media there has never been a POTUS caught on tape so many times in full contradiction mode, and yet he and his “lame street media” seem to just blow it off and move on. Now here’s the truly scary part.
The President of The United States and his Administration hold the people of this nation in utter contempt, and appear to be very comfortable in the notion that we simply don’t care. Well, do you???
A week for the history books…
The week ahead promises to be nothing short of dramatic in a political sense. So to kind of sum up, I will give you my take on some of the hot button issues.
I’ve been listening to Democrat pundits for the last two weeks try and explain away Eric Holder’s refusal to surrender certain documents to Congress regarding “Fast & Furious”. Now the obvious dilemma here is the Terry family is demanding answers to questions about their sons murder, and rightfully so. What I found interesting however, is the explanation by partisan Democrats that Republicans are simply grandstanding for political reasons, and that Holder has already turned over thousands of documents. In truth, the “documents” turned over were literally thousands of largely redacted and blacked out emails and papers which actually contained little or nothing about the shooting, who authorized it and at what level did the chain end. In that matter, the POTUS has now come to the rescue of his friend / AG and claimed “executive privilege”, apparently to prevent any incriminating disclosures. Ultimately, someone gave their “blessing” to the “gun walking” which was not part of the original operation, someone in a high office. And it was that gun walking that led to Agent Terry’s death. Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Well it is. Come clean Mr. Holder, and admit that something went very wrong in the Justice Department on your watch. Now a Border Agent’s family is left to ask why their Law Enforcement hero son was murdered on the border of his own country with weapons put in play by his own side. Release the documents or be held in contempt of Congress Sir. Next >
This is an easy one. Arizona reserves the right, Constitutionally and legally, to protect its border and uphold standing Federal Immigration Law if the feds themselves don’t do it. I believe the Supreme court will agree. Having said that, I concur with Senator Rubio in that I don’t believe Arizona should be the national model. The problems which exist there are exclusive to the region and therefore present LE officials with additional challenges for which they need appropriate “latitude”. Next >
And finally The “Affordable” Care Act. Arguably one of, if not the largest federal power grab in American history. An expensive, unsustainable and by every account, unworkable entitlement program that will bankrupt our children and ultimately destroy the greatest healthcare system known to mankind. It is my hope that the Supreme Court will strike it down as the Constitutional overreach it is. Regrettably, the President’s play to enact feel good portions of the law ahead of the full onslaught of its huge cost will make it difficult to transition to true comprehensive healthcare reform in the future. Moreover, Republicans and Democrats alike will seek to make political hay over the decision, and the truth will most likely be lost in the mix.
Anyway, have a good week people… 😉
Going political “dutch”…
If Republicans chewed and screwed, the Democrats certainly didn’t show up to pay the bill. They held up the joint and cleaned out the register. I mean, is this President auditioning for a Saturday Night Live gig after politics? These corny one liners are really getting tedious considering all the real life drama unfolding around our nation. I guess when you “got nutin”, you go comic…
Anyway, the POTUS is so far off base as usual, he is sure to get caught stealing. (No pun intended.) The facts though, as reported by CBS no less, show Obama has already outspent Bush’s entire eight years in office and his policies are projected to have us well beyond $20 (T)rillion in the red by 2016. The price of a gallon of gas has doubled and many feel it is the new norm. Unemployment is realistically 9.2% and American wealth has diminished a staggering 40% while the median household income is down almost 8% since 2007. The housing market is on life support and corporations are hording cash for a “double dip” they know is coming. And as if these numbers aren’t sobering enough, what is the President of the United States talking about, the “unfunded” prescription drug program of (2003). For God’s sake and by their own admission, Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported that bill had there been more government and less private sector in the final draft. Ultimately they had been begging for expanding it in one form or the other since the early 1970’s. Let’s face it, when has any “Democrat” initiative ever been “funded”? Come on Mr. President, is that all you’ve got???
Fact – This President has promised more and delivered less, (with a two house mandate through his first election cycle) than any POTUS in recent memory. And he has done so by burdening our posterity with additional debt they will never be able to pay.
Look, I’m not here to tell you, that for fear of being attacked as ogres and granny killers, Repubs haven’t signed onto a lot of unreasonable and frankly unconstitutional entitlement crap over the years just to keep from getting booted from office. What I’m saying, is that common sense tells us in our own daily budgeting that we cannot continue to spend when carrying this kind of unconscionable debt. President Barack Obama had better own up, tell the truth, and kick the “bash Bush” habit quickly, or he may just wind up an ugly foot note rather than a debatable albeit ideological chapter in American History.
Burning Bridges…
Admittedly, I have been a bit pre-occupied with our crumbling economic situation and what our elected leaders must to do to stop the bleeding. However, I heard something on the news this morning that caught my ear with regard to the qualifications of our President during these difficult times. As I’ve said from the beginning of this trip down the “Utopian Yellow Brick Road”, this Administration simply appears to be out of their league and experimenting when they should be leading.
It now seems that in the absence of any discernible record of progress here at home, the POTUS and his re-election team have opted to paint the picture of a tough President on foreign policy. From the credit hogging of the bin-Laden adventure, to the terrorist “kill list” President Obama allegedly keeps on his desk, to the incessant leaking of classified intelligence/information regarding things like the computer virus that nearly crippled the Iranian nuclear program, and finally the outing and then abandoning of the doctor who gave us bin- Laden on a platter, it appears the Obama WH has no problem breaking every covert rule in the book as a means to secure their political future. The problem comes moving forward as we face the world having lost every ounce of credibility that once emboldened a potential freedom fighter to our cause, as these “operators” will now view the POTUS as a disingenuous and self-serving bureaucrat. Note: (Our days as that beacon of freedom and justice to the world are fading along with the President’s credibility).
When I analyze this type of “bush-league” political ineptitude, my confidence that the “Obama Brigade” is even remotely qualified to face the enormous challenges posed by our failing economy is simply not there…
PAV – Political Assault Vehicle…
I am simply not going to jump on the (political rapid assault vehicle) and mindlessly ridicule the POTUS based on this latest and very sobering jobs report. Frankly the two political parties are wrapped so tight these days I think blood vessels are going to begin popping soon. I will however state the facts and appeal to President Obama’s common sense to accept that his approach is simply not working . You see, we can argue indefinitely about whose fault it was/is. But unlike many of my Lefty counterparts, I care far less about the road traveled than I do about the road forward. They are two very different avenues (arguments).
The facts are we remain heavily burdened as a nation with unsustainable debt and our government is doing little to promote either economic growth or job creation. For the President’s part, he seems focused on using an ideological mechanism as a means to quickly and fundamentally change the way our country functions, and that approach is collapsing under the weight of its own un-workability. Moreover, the usual Liberal sycophants continue to advertise this fraud as a “recovery” when it is now plainly anything but. Previous monthly and quarterly figures revised, current numbers embarrassingly, (no dangerously) low, and predictions of a total economic breakdown are the realities we face, and I am today begging our President to put his children’s country before his failing ideological vision.
Enough time has passed and this is now beyond the blame game Sir. Your numbers do not add up. There must be a balance, a place where we can meet and put our future and those of our posterity ahead of short term political gain, (ala Bill Clinton?). Even if Paul Ryan’s budget is not the answer, there must be something in there worth negotiating. Remember that all of your own budgets have been DOA as well, and in a friendly Senate no less. Maybe there is something in those documents which can be brought back to life.
My point in all of this is, I and many around this country are becoming increasingly concerned we may run out of road soon. So concerned in fact, that this Conservative pundit has no qualms about meeting in the middle somewhere just to avoid what is still an avoidable disaster. We can fight about the logistics and particulars another day. But the truth is, there are some very simple incentive based applications which will stop the bleeding and get our country headed back in the right direction. Ironically, most of our representatives know and understand what these applications look like because they have been tried and have worked in the past.
The whole world is watching and waiting to see which way America goes and I have to tell you, one misstep in this ever-growing economic minefield, and this chalice of success through freedom may not pass to the next generation.
Flagging the Obama Camp 15 yards…
Bullying is not acceptable, and it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to monitor and identify when our young folks are acting irresponsibly. OK?
Raising the issue of an incident that occurred more than 50 years ago, and which has been disputed by several witnesses including members of the alleged victim’s family, is nothing but an attempt by the POTUS to divert attention away from his failed record. It must be increasingly clear to the President’s polling people that he will only win this election if he can successfully portray the 65-year-old Romney as some sort of elitist bully. Go figure, the Democrats will now run on their own pet “social issues” because they have nowhere else to go. This is the most politically pathetic stunt I have seen this early in an election, and it is indicative of what appears to be a very worried Obama camp.
I should qualify my thoughts by stating emphatically that I do not condone bullying in any way. All I’m saying is this is a separate discussion that has now become an issue, having been deliberately injected into the campaign by desperate Obamabots who see trouble ahead for the President concerning his time in office thus far. He cannot not run on his record and have any hope of enjoying the “magic” of 2008, so he definitely needs a new marketing strategy.
Message to the Romney camp: Do not misplay this and wind up descending into a disingenuous BS fest with folks who wrote the book on political hit jobs. Be apologetic and engaged, but be firm in your presentation of “it’s the economy stupid“.
Message to the Obama camp: Look in the mirror…
Who is the real bully Mr. President?-
Punch Line…
President Obama kicked off his campaign on familiar ground today, a university campus. His strategists are certainly advising him well to seek safe haven among the young, inexperienced and easily manipulated sheep who flocked to his 2008 adventure. Help from Moderates will be much harder to garner this time around however. Many who may still be inclined to voice their support for the President in a Starbucks Wi-Fi Hot Spot, are far less likely to shade in the line next to his name behind a voting booth curtain in November.
Make no mistake though, the Progressive Left will be at the Polls in force to cast their votes for the man who brought their Socialist causes to the mainstream under the disguise of “hope and change”. But for those who saw Mr. Obama’s election as vindication of their 1960’s feel good ideology, and who are now finding it difficult to reconcile Utopia against the reality of mortgages, retirement, healthcare and the price of gas, “hope and change” has been relegated to the trash heap of history like so many campaign punch lines of old.
The mantra today was, “we have come too far to turn back now“. Well Mr. President, with all due respect, turning back now is our only “hope”…
Smart Car…
As we learn that there is a new proposal from Trans-Canada which will promote routing any oil pipeline around “environmentally sensitive” areas, I thought it was interesting that the latest jobs numbers are now showing the overall weakness of this Administration’s economic policies, and how they relate to real job growth.
Now I think we can all agree that 115,000 jobs created in the month of April is as sickly a number as we could have anticipated. However what’s truly frightening and deserves the attention of both parties, are the numbers within the numbers. It seems that when all the jobless applications are counted, the actual benchmark number drops by just 1/10 of 1% to 8.1. Moreover, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is charged with keeping such records for the federal government, reports that when the number of employable adults who have simply stopped looking for work are added to the benchmark, the jobless number in America rises to a staggering 14.5%, even higher than I have speculated in the past. As you can imagine, the ripple effect has hit the stock market today and the POTUS is in full-out damage control mode.
I would add that the data today reflects the dangerous and apathetic approach to our economic difficulty demonstrated by the Obama WH. And for all my “fans” who are content to pin my analysis on what they believe is my simple dislike of President Obama himself, I would only say that to ignore these numbers today, as evidence of an economy poised to retreat the (short distance) back to recession, is akin to a game of chicken with a Greyhound Bus while driving a “smart” car.
Unfortunately, this is no longer a game of party name calling. The threat is real and looming closer with every passing indicator announcement. Our economy is saddled with crushing national debt and hindered by skittish businesses that see bad times ahead. Corporate profits are indeed up, but those profits are the “paper tiger” in the room with declining orders for durable goods, weakening consumer spending, inflation, disproportionate trade deficits, and a shrinking workforce. Real people are really hurting, and our President leads by way of what separates us rather than what binds us. We are a shadow of our former self as a nation, and the means necessary to correct are growing far more complicated and difficult while we fight over ideological differences and manufactured campaign hype. The Summer of 2012 will be one for the history books, and I will be praying for all those who are caught in the backwash of a Presidential Election slated to burn through hundreds of millions of dollars before it’s over.