Category Archives: Military

“Super Committee Crunch”…

I think that in view of what seems to be happening within the so-called “Super Committee”, we can clearly see it is unlikely there will be compromise in Washington anytime soon. And if by some miracle there is bipartisan agreement on how to reduce our enormous national debt, any measures employed to accomplish that goal will be severely scrutinized by one side or the other. I seem to remember the POTUS and others talking way back when, about how this would be a “painful process for all”, yet he seems laser focused on making damn sure it comes at the expense of one group in particular. Notwithstanding the Presidents propensity to play the class warfare card at every possible juncture these days, we are now hearing folks like Leon Panetta crying foul as he sees the catastrophic damage which would result from proposed military budget cuts if an agreement on the debt is not reached. He has even gone so far as to suggest those cuts would at the very least, create an international environment which would embolden our enemies to take action against us. This is all in addition to the very obvious consequences for our economy as world banks and credit reporting agencies will surmise we are ill-prepared or even unwilling to get our fiscal house in order. We can also be sure that any direct cuts to entitlements which go forward without the aforementioned agreement, will be met with the most vile and hateful response imaginable from the Progressive side of the aisle.

So as we watch and wait on the response from the “Occupy” folks out on the West Coast who have been told to end their protest because of incidents of extreme violence and disruption, and who are now allegedly preparing for additional violence against the authorities in the event of any planned dispersal, we can only wonder how all of this “divisiveness” our President and his party have promoted of recent, will play out domestically and even in the view of other nations and “entities”.

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Veterans Day 2011…

As we reflect on yet another “Veterans Day” with thousands of our brave Patriots still in harm’s way around the globe, it can sometimes be easy to lose sight our nations place in this world. With this in mind I must tell you that I am constantly battling my natural instincts to lash out at those who simply “don’t get it” or just “refuse to accept it”.

I sat watching the news recently and was stunned as I listened to a “middle aged” occupy Wall Street person go on about the evil and wicked ways of the United States of America, and I thought to myself, how far have we come when some left over relic from the 60’s is still out there re-writing history and lashing out in a way that would most likely result in his arrest or worse in many of the nations he ideologically identifies with? How far have we come when the youngest generation currently enrolled in our institutions of higher learning, have put their faith in a fatalistic and hopelessly warped view of the world thrust on them by many a social engineer masquerading as an educator? And how far have we come when common decency and respect are no longer part of the free speech and right of lawful assembly equation so many of our brave Soldiers have died to preserve?

On this Veterans Day 2011 I ask only that any discussion, critique, analysis, demonstration against, or protest of – this country, its leaders, politics or policies, actions, initiatives or otherwise – come only after an honest evaluation and subsequent understanding and acceptance of one fundamental truth – and that is that the United States of America, despite all of her faults, mistakes, ambiguity, miscalculations born of arrogance, and at times collective complacency, remains the best arrangement for mankind under God in all of human times. Unless and until we understand this simple truth and the history that lead to it in so short an earthly margin, any simple right of free speech, expression or assembly will not be enough to save us from the fires of our own “individual” and human selfishness.

God bless the Soldiers who are fighting and dying not only for our flag, but for what it represents.


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