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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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Category Archives: Military
Deadbeat nation???
Republicans began the session by reading the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House. Well, I think that’s a great place to start, and sends the appropriate message to the Obama Administration. It should be very clear to any “reasonable” person, that in consideration of an election decided by about the number of Republicans who stayed home, The United States of America is a nation divided right down the middle.
Now there are many reasons for this division having to do with everything from the education, or rather indoctrination of our young ones in the public school system, to a media which has forgotten its responsibilities to “We the People“, but make no mistake, we are at a turning point as a nation. The President of The United States is without any doubt an ideologue, bolstered by a second term, and who has shown he is willing to press beyond the boundaries of the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights. Those who know him tell us this is the “entire package”, a person we did not necessarily see the first time around, though I would disagree with the notion he did not make plain “his” vision for America in 2008. Many simply chose to ignore his words for the sake of his skin color and a promised utopia. That said, there can be no illusions. President Barack Obama now sees himself as the star receiver who will carry the (progressive football of change) over the political goal line, dodging any Constitutional cornerbacks along the way. “The American People agreed with me.” This is his mantra. Be damned the nearly half of those people who voted against him and his policies. History tells us delusion is often the friend of the ideologue who sees himself as the righter of perceived wrongs.
Inevitably, right minded members of Congress now have a responsibility to forgo their respective re-election chances and do what must be done to stop this assault on the Constitution. I submit to all of you, this battle is no less important than any our brave Soldiers have fought in order to preserve our children’s future, and the outcome no less pivotal. I now call on all of you to speak out. Start a blog, attend a hearing on an important issue and voice your opinion, or write to the editor of your local news paper. If you value our heritage of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness“, then silence and apathy are no longer options.
Fact and reason only please…
I always cut radio and television folks a little slack, as I understand the ratings component. That said, I caught a bit of John DePetro’s broadcast on 630 WPRO AM this past Friday, when he seemed to belittle callers for their notions about the Second Amendment. During the segment he attempted to define the use of firearms in the case of a government ordered forfeiture. In doing so he was pitting firearms proponents against the Rhode Island National Guard in a fictitious battle, and asking if they would fight our volunteer army in defense of their guns, a foolish and cheap assertion at best. Now it is understood that not everyone is a Constitutional scholar, but let me see if I can help you understand what your callers were trying to say as you ridiculed them on the air, Mr. DePetro.
The simple truth is that the Second Amendment does in fact have a very specific meaning, one which politicians and gun control advocates don’t like discussing. It doesn’t suggest war with our Armed Forces, but it does speak to a populace left defenseless against an unbridled government, one which has forgotten its oath and origin, and which has moved away from the Liberty for which it was formed. This nation is unique in that posture John, and dare I say, its free citizens understand some of the collateral negatives associated with the misuse of firearms by those of an evil design.
We are all mournful to the horrors of Newtown, and we are all searching for answers. However, fact and reason must rule the day if those answers are to be realized. The idea of “safety” is not related to the Second Amendment as written. In fact the violence which occurs during a mass shooting is symptomatic of much broader and complicated social manifestations, which our elected officials do not wish to be scrutinized for.
Understand something Sir, history dictates that oppression and genocide in the 20th Century were always preceded by the subjugation of the masses, very often by removing the means by which the masses might prevent that subjugation. To think that it will never happen here, is to be, well, naïve.
No one is suggesting armed confrontation with our brave men and women in uniform. But purposely misrepresenting a Constitutional Amendment for the sake of generating controversy, speaks volumes for our declining recognition and respect for the document, and just makes you part of the problem.
A high-jacked Democrat Party…
I was going to do another story on averting “sequestration”, however it appears our elected officials have now successfully kicked the “fiscal cliff” down the road yet again. Thanks folks, I’ll try and explain it to my son when he is older… What a sick joke…
Moving along, I will do my best to avoid the nausea associated with the contempt I know these Washington elitists have for us, and go to another hot button topic, “gun control”. It seems there is a letter circulating from a retired Marine Corporal in which he takes issue with Senator Feinstein’s gun control initiatives. Now I will not bore you again with my opinions of Feinstein, they are well known. Instead I am including the text of the letter so you may judge for yourself. I will then offer a “rebuttal” of sorts, as offered by Des-Moines Register Reporter Donald Kaul.
Senator Dianne Feinstein,
I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.
I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.
I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.
I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.
We, the people, deserve better than you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps
In contrast, and as evidence of the extraordinary and subversive intent of those who mean to circumvent our nation’s Constitution, I would like to add the comments of Des-Moines Register Reporter Donald Kaul. It seems Mr. Kaul does not have much love for the NRA, or for that matter, certain members of Congress. He calls for the burning and then leveling of the NRA Headquarters in Virginia, as well as the torture of House Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell. Now I’m not sure, but as former law enforcement officer, prison guard and now crime prevention officer, that sounds a lot like threats of arson, and of assault against an elected official. So, in the absence of any reasonable or cognitive argument on the part of this “evil” nut job, I would encourage the Des-Moines Police Department, the FBI, BATFE and the Secret Service, to waste no time in investigating these statements and this person.
This is what I mean when I ask that you only listen to the voice of the Left in matters of Constitutional worth. These are the true and dangerous radicals who have hijacked the Democratic Party. Of course you probably won’t read or hear about this story outside of the FOX Network or talk radio, as the “main stream” press is completely and totally of the same mind and concept as Mr. Kaul. Having said that, and as far as I’m concerned, Mr. Kaul is clearly “the” person who should be on every cops radar, and is a great example of a potentially violent offender “red flag” case.
The face of the opposition, Donald Kaul, in his own words.
• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.
• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.
• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.
Well there you have it. I would ask the President and all those who claim they desire a “legitimate and productive conversation” about keeping our kids safe from gun violence, “did you mean with this foolish idiot, Sir???”
Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, August 22, 1934 – December 27, 2012…
In a nation seemingly scarce of true heroes these days, the passing of Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf conjures up images of a not so distant past for America. Simple recognition of right and wrong and an unwavering commitment to “duty, honor, and country” were most certainly the foundations of this man’s life.
We were truly enriched as a nation to have counted him among those who took up arms in our stead. And as some of us watch with anxiety, the declining health of President George HW Bush, it is increasingly difficult to see The United States with the depth of character and courage embodied in these great men going forward.
RIP “Stormin’ Norman”… Your dedication to this Republic is duly noted, and your place in history secure.
God please look after President Bush as he battles on…
A-123 Red Light!!!
The President has hailed many things as success stories, which supposedly relate to what is actually the fleecing of the American Tax Payer to the tune of almost $800 billion dollars, ( The American “Recovery” and Re-Investment Act). So it is like nails on a chalk board when I hear that voice from the past talking about companies like “A123” and how they were proof positive his (college try) was “and is working”. Even worse, A123 joins a growing list of companies and banks snatched up by the Chinese at bargain prices after being subsidized by “We the People”. It is simply unimaginable and frustrating to think that reasonable people can look at any of the cost to benefit ratios having to do with the 2009 “stimulus” plan, and not come to the conclusion that it has been an enormous and costly failure.
As we will see the Obama years inevitably yield a more economically and militarily compromised United States on the world stage, and as the nation continues its steady decline into “the new norm”, with a smaller work force, higher taxes for all, and inflation and gas prices more closely resembling those of Europe, it appears the President may indeed have been successful. Not in leaving a better America for our children, but rather in diminishing and reigning in the “arrogant, divisive and derisive” nation he has so openly and forthrightly criticized. Congratulations Mr. President, “mission accomplished“.
Obama AWOL on fiscal talks…
In the face of economic challenges he himself has called the “worst since the Great Depression”, The President of United States is “absent without leave” when it comes to addressing those challenges. His cavalier and irresponsible “I won the election” attitude, demonstrates what I have referred to all along as his “community organizer style of governing”. Regrettably, this is a time for real leadership from our President, leadership he pledged to provide and instead has now settled in for a long winters nap while planning his four million dollar holiday extravaganza.
With inflation creeping into the mix, a jobs report which proves only that the American work force is shrinking to historic lows, and a consumer spending and confidence index in the toilet this holiday season, the POTUS seems oddly cocksure and confident, predictably casting the “compromise” word to the trash heap of election year BS .
Admittedly, I have been torn between the notion of letting the country go over the fiscal cliff or allowing the president’s proposals to go forward. On the one hand, the country would suffer mightily if we go over this so called cliff, with unemployment skyrocketing and taxes reaching unprecedented levels for all tax-“payers”. On the other hand, if we allow the President’s policies to go forward, fiscal chaos and another recession are an economic reality for the nation. Doesn’t seem like much of choice now does it.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when you unleash the power of a masterfully packaged, albeit ideologically flawed plan on our Constitutional Republic. Precious time is wasted on the nuances of party politics and class warfare, as the country’s true economic engine is starved of the very fuel which makes it run: the entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and ingenuity of “We the People”.
Consequently, and as a Constitutional Conservative, I feel nothing short of bound to an old amusement park rollercoaster I don’t want to be on. As the rickety ride screams at breakneck speed toward inevitable calamity, I can see a duly elected President who readily ignores fact, truth and history, in what can only be described as a political high-jacking of our national identity, pitted against an weak-kneed opposition party, held hostage by the inability of its elected representatives to secure a principled position and stand on that position for better or worse. Hang on…
“a date which will live in infamy”…
Benghazi footnote…
I’m quite sure I don’t understand the comparison being drawn between the unfortunate and tragic deaths of brave security contractors in an Iraqi war zone, to the attack on our consulate in Benghazi Libya, an area the Obama Administration had all but called stable and “operationally secure”. Frankly, the notion that a coordinated al-Qaeda terrorist attack on an embassy compound resulting in the murder of a United States Ambassador and his attaché as well as two CIA special operators coming to their rescue, is somehow to be seen in the same light as an operation in a combat area, put in play to augment and/or replace a stressed U.S. military presence on the ground providing logistical security in that area, just tells me the effort to make Ambassador Steven’s murder go away continues at the highest levels. It also tells me that the idea this would be swept under the rug with the re-election of Barack Obama as President was not altogether bluster by those who knew better. What will be sickening to watch however, is how the politicians who originally championed this for what it was, will now run for political cover to save their own place in the game instead of fighting for what they know is right.
Tragically, the truth may be lost forever. And those who either dropped the ball, or worse yet purposefully manipulated the situation on the ground in Libya so as to not jeopardize this Liberal President’s failed ideological vision for “peace in that region”, may very well never face justice or have to explain their reasoning to the families of those lost.
I must admit, I am not disheartened by the election results so much as I am the disintegration of any remaining honor and integrity at the highest levels of our government under this President. Though, I did expect it…
Thanksgiving 2012…
Many died on the journey. More than half perished during the first winter, mostly women and children. Their lives were marked by unimaginable struggle. So when that storied Thanksgiving Day feast came to pass, what could they possibly have to be thankful for?
Well in truth, by that time the “separatists” were making strides in the “new world”. Despite the revisionist Indian apocalypse that was allegedly taking place, lasting bonds had been forged with the indigenous peoples, and a way of life had been cast for future generations that would change the world. It had not been, nor would it ever be perfect. But a covenant had been made which would forever challenge mankind to a higher standard of living by example.
Nonetheless, as we struggle with a beleaguered economy and fractured vision of our nation today, one cannot even imagine the strife those early Americans endured. Yet they still found the courage of conviction to be thankful. I have come to understand this was because they measured their lives in terms of what they had, not what they didn’t. They took stock of what few blessings were theirs and not those which eluded them. They had faith in God and in what they were doing, making a better way for their families and those who would come after them. This is the true measure of sacrifice in the name of something greater than your own success or failure.
It’s easy to be confused in times such as these, and we often find ourselves whining about this or that. But my charge to all of you (and myself) this Thanksgiving is to look beyond the obvious. Look beyond that Christmas wish list or the annoying relative(s) and reach deep for the truth. There is something in all of our lives we can be thankful for. Use that spark, however small it may be, to make a better day tomorrow and beyond. Remember all those who have suffered before you, and those who are suffering today in ways that eclipse whatever may be troubling you this Thanksgiving, and pray for them. Rejoice with family and friends, inspired by hope and unleashed in thanksgiving. But most of all, rejoice in your own heart that God grants us yet another sunrise to begin anew and fight the good fight.
Oh, and this is brought to you by God almighty, and the United States Military. Remember them and their families this day…
I wish you all, a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday…
Main Stream Media AWOL, FOX to the rescue…
Once again it’s Ed Henry and Jonathon Hunt of FOX News who “dare” to ask the pertinent and tough questions of this President.
For the first time in eight months Mr. Obama took questions from the media in a press conference format. As expected, the usual suspects from the main stream press threw out the soft balls and allowed the POTUS to bloviate about how he’s going to “fix” our fiscal and immigration problems, all the while continuing to blame everyone but the WH Chef for those problems. And while the fiscal cliff and comprehensive immigration reform are certainly critical issues, I think everyone would agree the news of the day was the Petraeus scandal and Benghazi cover up.
Two things continue to stand out for me regarding this ever-growing nightmare, the first being what I see as a lack of outrage over the loss of one of our Ambassadors and three other American hero’s to a terrorist attack. This is made even more intolerable by the main stream press and their disgraceful behavior when it comes to uncovering the truth about the attack. The downright fawning over President Obama yesterday is something I have never witnessed, and it is sickening to watch. Secondly, it is just plain unacceptable that the “most powerful man in the world”, and the one who you would think should be able to answer a simple question like “what orders did you give to protect the American people”, basically has nothing to say.
I wrote recently that in my judgment, I felt Barack Obama was not suited nor qualified to do the job of the President, and that his ill-tempered and misguided response to this crisis in particular would be his undoing. I stand by that predication with one caveat, that being whether or not the pre-meditated and terrorist murder of four Americans in a foreign land means anything to America any longer…
My hat’s off today to Senator John McCain and others in Congress, and especially to Senator Lindsey Graham for his honest and forthright retort of the President after Mr. Obama’s “appearance” yesterday. We have reached those crossroads my fellow Americans, and it is going to take men of deep personal conviction, character and fortitude to pull us back from the clutches of cowardice and deceit. The families of those four brave souls who perished that horrible night back on “9/11”, deserve nothing short of the truth from the President of The United States.
Stay tuned..