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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Living the numbers…
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- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Holidays
Independence Day 2013…
Every July I write a lot about the birth of this great nation. As part of that discussion this year I posted a story on Facebook and Twitter about “Lady Gaga” and how she elected to “modify” our National Anthem during a recent appearance. Mind you, I will always celebrate the hard-fought freedom which facilitates any persons free speech, including that of the controversial performer from New York. But free speech should always come with a fundamental understanding and basic respect for the price paid to attain it. Accordingly, I am substituting the following video for my annual Independence Day post as just another way I may suggest reflection and education when it comes to our country’s beginnings. Make no mistake, liberty and freedom are inherent and essential maxims derived from our maker and not any man or government. That said, many have died in their defense and we must take care to preserve and protect them for posterity’s sake.
Be well and be safe this holiday weekend, and may God please continue to bless the United States of America.
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Memorial Day 2013…
Memorial Day is always special to me. I think of the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of knowing and loving who are no longer with us. I remember family who have served, along with all the others who’ve made it possible for me to share this day with my wife and son. And I remember two special individuals with whom I share an exclusive bond. There is not a day goes by I do not remember you…
No matter how much I write, I’m always at a loss on Memorial Day. It seems I can never find just the right words. Having said that, I posted a picture on Facebook on Friday that was originally posted by one of my “Twitter” friends. It was a photograph of a women lying on the grave of who was most likely her soldier husband, with an outstretched arm and gently touching his headstone. I have seen similar photos in the past, but this one just nailed me right in the gut. I thought of all the lost holidays, birthdays and special moments, and I could literally feel a pain I am all too familiar with as if it happened yesterday. I shared it in order to convey the sacrifice borne by our military for the sake of “We the People”, but also to remind folks there are some things in this life worth dying for. Now I know this is not a 21st Century concept to be sure, but for those who understand freedom. But someone took me by surprise when he commented on the post stating only, “senseless death”. Normally, I am not moved unnecessarily by the things people comment about my writing. Frankly, one must have quite a thick skin to do what I do, especially around the North East where I’m from. But on this day, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I contemplated how little some in our country truly understand of our heritage and creed. So from my basement, and just recovering from the floor after working on my “sick” water heater (again), I quickly punched out the following on my trustworthy iPhone. I later realized, (after many positive comments from some true Patriots), it said it all… Be safe this Memorial Day weekend friends, and please join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for the brave men and women of the United States Military.
– To see a world without the necessity of these brave souls and their sacrifices, is self-induced blindness to fact and reason. We may debate the politics to a fault, but reality reaches back to our beginnings. No matter your stripes, you should understand the historical cause of this great nation, and mind the cost of your liberty and security… Fred Comella
I will see you on the field in 2013…
… As we attempt to take stock of Christmas 2012, there is obvious angst in America, and with good reason. I will be honest and tell you, I’m going to take a page from Bill O’Reilly’s book, and be “much tougher on the opposition this year”. For too long many of us have given a pass to those whose intentions we know to be anything but honorable, both in the political and news media arena. The truth and the facts have been watered down to accommodate a very vocal, disingenuous and agenda driven minority. Our heritage and culture are in danger of extinction, and our future is in question because we allow the argument to be framed as the enemies of freedom would have it. Our children will not live in their grandparents United States, as we parents have allowed their “inheritance” to be squandered in the name of a false utopia, predestined for failure by historical truth and example. No, I have decided there is far too much at stake, and little to be gained by simply allowing Progressivism to extinguish the torch of Liberty so many have died to protect. 2013 must be different. “We the People” must acknowledge and accept that we have dropped the ball, and time is no longer on our side. We must make a choice, or become just another failed nation which cast off freedom in favor of being ruled.
In the midst of a maelstrom of economic strife, albeit not just of one party’s making, President Barack Obama was elected and promised “Hope and Change” in 2008. He stood in the glow of history and eloquently described a new road for our country, a road paved with bi-partisan thinking and cooperation. Instead, we are on track to double our debt, and our economy is now on the brink of yet another crippling and potentially far more debilitating recession. Moreover, we have never seen a more uninformed and divided America, nor have we known a president more focused on ideological change and partisan politics, as this one. Now some may try and answer this with cries of racism and other baseless accusations, but I submit to you that there has not been an administration in U.S. history which has done more to promote that which they lament with such fervent gusto.
I’m sorry, but no more lies. No more acceptance of what common sense and sound principle tells us is wrong simply for the sake of “consensus”. In the end, a “consensus” of wrongheaded individuals who offer up the same tired, debt laden, and counterproductive so-called solutions, only prolongs the inevitable failure of a structure built on a compromised foundation.
We are indeed compromised in so many ways my fellow Americans. To deny this only makes you part of the problem. Instead, let us join together and face a storm unlike any we have ever faced. It will begin in our hearts, in our homes, and yes, in our churches. And it will only transcend to our cities, our states and to the nation, if it is shaped in the mold of a national movement to re-capture the “American Dream” we have lost. The reality is our “national death clock” has been sped up dramatically by irresponsible representation from local government to Washington, as well as a hijacking of the American self-reliant and entrepreneurial spirit our parents and grandparents passed on to us. We cannot and should not stand by and allow that spirit to be squashed by the naysayers and revisionists. This is not about party my friends. It’s simply “now or never” …
Hanukkah 2012…
Remember that which binds us as a nation and as a people to our friends in Israel. May they be blessed during this holiday season, and during their time of struggle…
Obama AWOL on fiscal talks…
In the face of economic challenges he himself has called the “worst since the Great Depression”, The President of United States is “absent without leave” when it comes to addressing those challenges. His cavalier and irresponsible “I won the election” attitude, demonstrates what I have referred to all along as his “community organizer style of governing”. Regrettably, this is a time for real leadership from our President, leadership he pledged to provide and instead has now settled in for a long winters nap while planning his four million dollar holiday extravaganza.
With inflation creeping into the mix, a jobs report which proves only that the American work force is shrinking to historic lows, and a consumer spending and confidence index in the toilet this holiday season, the POTUS seems oddly cocksure and confident, predictably casting the “compromise” word to the trash heap of election year BS .
Admittedly, I have been torn between the notion of letting the country go over the fiscal cliff or allowing the president’s proposals to go forward. On the one hand, the country would suffer mightily if we go over this so called cliff, with unemployment skyrocketing and taxes reaching unprecedented levels for all tax-“payers”. On the other hand, if we allow the President’s policies to go forward, fiscal chaos and another recession are an economic reality for the nation. Doesn’t seem like much of choice now does it.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when you unleash the power of a masterfully packaged, albeit ideologically flawed plan on our Constitutional Republic. Precious time is wasted on the nuances of party politics and class warfare, as the country’s true economic engine is starved of the very fuel which makes it run: the entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and ingenuity of “We the People”.
Consequently, and as a Constitutional Conservative, I feel nothing short of bound to an old amusement park rollercoaster I don’t want to be on. As the rickety ride screams at breakneck speed toward inevitable calamity, I can see a duly elected President who readily ignores fact, truth and history, in what can only be described as a political high-jacking of our national identity, pitted against an weak-kneed opposition party, held hostage by the inability of its elected representatives to secure a principled position and stand on that position for better or worse. Hang on…
Thanksgiving 2012…
Many died on the journey. More than half perished during the first winter, mostly women and children. Their lives were marked by unimaginable struggle. So when that storied Thanksgiving Day feast came to pass, what could they possibly have to be thankful for?
Well in truth, by that time the “separatists” were making strides in the “new world”. Despite the revisionist Indian apocalypse that was allegedly taking place, lasting bonds had been forged with the indigenous peoples, and a way of life had been cast for future generations that would change the world. It had not been, nor would it ever be perfect. But a covenant had been made which would forever challenge mankind to a higher standard of living by example.
Nonetheless, as we struggle with a beleaguered economy and fractured vision of our nation today, one cannot even imagine the strife those early Americans endured. Yet they still found the courage of conviction to be thankful. I have come to understand this was because they measured their lives in terms of what they had, not what they didn’t. They took stock of what few blessings were theirs and not those which eluded them. They had faith in God and in what they were doing, making a better way for their families and those who would come after them. This is the true measure of sacrifice in the name of something greater than your own success or failure.
It’s easy to be confused in times such as these, and we often find ourselves whining about this or that. But my charge to all of you (and myself) this Thanksgiving is to look beyond the obvious. Look beyond that Christmas wish list or the annoying relative(s) and reach deep for the truth. There is something in all of our lives we can be thankful for. Use that spark, however small it may be, to make a better day tomorrow and beyond. Remember all those who have suffered before you, and those who are suffering today in ways that eclipse whatever may be troubling you this Thanksgiving, and pray for them. Rejoice with family and friends, inspired by hope and unleashed in thanksgiving. But most of all, rejoice in your own heart that God grants us yet another sunrise to begin anew and fight the good fight.
Oh, and this is brought to you by God almighty, and the United States Military. Remember them and their families this day…
I wish you all, a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday…
Enough said!!! Now go and vote your conscience!!!
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Let the battle begin…
I did my level best to keep an open mind during last night’s debate, which is more than I can say for some of my email detractors. You folks really need to consider anger management classes. With that said, I think not many minds were changed by this last meeting of President Obama and Governor Romney. I did feel the President sounded more like the challenger rather than the incumbent. But overall, the stark contrasts between the two men and their ideologies was only reinforced.
I have framed this election for the last four years as a battle for the soul of this country. I stand by that assessment even more steadfastly today. In the end, folks will have to do a great deal of gut checking when they go into the voting booth. And while there will always be the party loyalists who vote their emotions instead of on the basis of truth, this election will ultimately be decided when clear-headed individuals make a conscious choice in terms of where they see our country in twenty years.
With the debates now over, I cannot remember a more divided America. Sadly, this is our own doing and not that of some political boogie man conjured up by either side. We have failed in so many ways to safeguard that which was entrusted to us, and are therefore left to fight over what the founders had intended to be so much more clear. Our value system is in chaos and the minority has paralyzed an entire culture, because so many have chosen apathy and political correctness over the time-tested principles of individual liberty and accountability. Dependency is now revered and success is demonized. Revisionist history is the norm and few of our children are learning the greatness of America or of those who gave their futures to keep it that way.
Nonetheless and in the simplest of terms, for Governor Romney to become President there must be enough voters out there who understand, our current direction will erode and eventually erase the exceptionalism which has made The United States the greatest arrangement for mankind in all of human history. And for President Obama to remain President, there must be enough voters who have become comfortable with a globalist, big government, big debt and “live in the moment” application. On November 6, 2012, the world will know whether “We the People” shall rise up from adversity once again, and unite to leave our children a better future as we have done for generations, or whether we will simply be another political punch-line, remembered only for the missed opportunity of having learned the lessons of history. Please put any ill-conceived or resentment filled rhetoric in its proper place and vote your conscience this November…There is much at stake…
President’s Day 2012…
I think that as we witness the glaring hypocrisy of the
“main stream” media when covering the President of The United States in modern times, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the nation’s two greatest leaders. Men who were flawed as are we all, but possessed conviction and strength of character which allowed them to rise above petty differences and lead for the greater good. Men who understood the importance of freedom framed by sacrifice and honor, and who subsequently defined the times in which they lived. And men who understood the significance of their potential contributions and acknowledged a “power greater than their own” necessary to fulfill that potential. My, times have changed….
2012 is sure to be remembered by historians and political junkies as a defining year. Many things I thought would surely be part of my son’s lifetime are somehow coming to pass in my own. I would not profess to be able to explain this, but will admit it is disconcerting for me to bear witness to it at times.
With my pessimism as a backdrop to this New Year’s Eve, I ask my readers to consider something other than the present tonight. I ask that you consider and then promote a future solidified by the ideals and principles on which this great nation was founded. Accepting our faults and frailties, and in the interest of our posterity and legacy as a nation, let us celebrate our exceptionalism and all that has allowed us to triumph in the face of adversity while thriving in the acknowledgement of (one culture) come from many.
My faith tells me of a certain inevitability for which I should always be ready. Every day I do my best to aspire to that faith. However, I also look at the gifts we enjoy as a country and wonder how we may control that which we can. I respond in writing daily to the questions of politics in the 21st century. I argue the finer points of my beliefs and ideals until my fingers and neck hurt. But when all is said and done, I keep coming back to the same question that haunts me, and which seems to define all the rest. I ask myself how a child anywhere in this modern world can go to bed hungry. What are we doing wrong?
So as we begin the 12th year of this 100, shame on those who see this analogy as overly majestic or hyperbole. For my part, I think that if I do anything right in 2012, it will be to steadfastly pursue an answer to that question.
May God bless and keep all of you this New Year…