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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Living the numbers…
- Mark Poirier on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Fred Comella
“NIGHTLINE” nuttiness…
I picked up on a “Twitter” post highlighting “Nightlines” hit-job on “GLOCK”. It intrigued me so I had a look at the piece. Basically it was another example of how objectivity in modern journalism has taken a proverbial nose dive of recent. Moreover it reflected the ideological trending of the “Lame Stream Media” in the 21st Century.
That said, there is always something one can pick out of these media debacles, one bit of contrived propaganda they try and slip by you for effect. In this case it was “Nightlines” claims that “one” study showed women are three times more likely to be murdered in homes with handguns, and that sixteen times more women were killed by men they knew and not by strangers.
Okay, Let’s move by the fact these assertions are made by the “Violence Policy center”, an ardent anti-gun agency with a proven track record of misinformation and questionable statistics. Let’s also move past the “Kleck” study which suggests firearms are used successfully for self-defense in more than two million unreported instances every year, and that in every state with a “right to carry” statute, there has been a marked reduction in violent crimes over the last ten years, to include the rape and murder of women specifically. As a matter of fact, let us also set aside the “notion” that women are sixteen times more likely to be killed (not necessarily shot), by men they know, for the sexist insinuation and societal issue it really is. No, let’s look at this for what it truly is, a corrupt and irresponsible news media which has placed its full faith and credibility, in the radical Left wing policies of an Administration with little regard for the Constitutional liberties which made this nation great. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell removed all doubt of these media “tendencies” when she scolded her fellow reporters for letting the “Assault Weapons Ban die”. Therefore it should come as no surprise to GLOCK, COLT, or any other legitimate firearms manufacturer, that they have few friends other than the NRA in the wider messaging war.
As a seasoned firearms instructor my message to Patriot Women around the country is this. I know it’s tiresome. I know you’re busy with your careers and families, and I know firsthand how deciphering the statistical data can give you a splitter. But you owe it to yourself and your children to do the research. Please don’t bet your lives on the likes of Andrea Mitchell or the fools over at Nightline…
“We ourselves must Pilgrims be”…
“Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side;
Some great cause, God’s new Messiah, offering each the bloom or blight,
Parts the goats upon the left hand, and the sheep upon the right,
And the choice goes by forever ‘twixt that darkness and that light.” – James Russell Lowell
The issues of our time are daunting to be sure. It’s often hard to even get our minds around much of it. And whether it’s our narcissistic and ideologically driven President, or a media constrained and indecisive Speaker of the House, we are just not getting our money’s worth out of Washington. To watch these self-centered opportunists juggle our children’s future would be laughable for all the pandering and posturing, that is if it weren’t so down-right irresponsible. And so it falls to “We the People” to look beyond this political cartoon to the truth, for posterity sake.
There is good and bad in this, the good obviously being the God-given freedom to change our representative government by way of the vote when necessary. The bad news is that ignorance of fact and history, as well as a growing entitlement mindset, drive that vote for some. The result is often the slow but inevitable decline of a once powerful nation. Nevertheless, for some of us the battle continues as we refuse to give up on that “American Dream”, a dream framed by the Founders and nurtured by wiser generations than ours. Change may be a constant, but it is only good when defined by faith, principle and Liberty.
I began this post with some poignant words from Lowell and I will close with them. In the end, we have choices…
“We ourselves must Pilgrims be,
Launch our Mayflower, and steer boldly through the desperate winter sea,
Nor attempt the Future’s portal with the Past’s blood-rusted key.” – James Russell Lowell
Just answer the question…
Senator Ted Cruz (D) Texas, has a political affliction which could be characterized as a form of leprosy in Washington. You see when he speaks, the truth seems to slip out, and when he defines issues in the context of the Constitution he swore an oath to uphold, he is immediately lambasted by cowards on both sides of the aisle. It seems any “Bill of Rights” question he asks is immediately taken as some kind of umbrage by the Liberal recipient. Now I’m pretty sure a working knowledge of our Constitution is somewhat of a prerequisite for the privilege of serving as an elected official, or at least it should be. So why was Senator Feinstein so “offended” when Cruz asked her a simple Constitutional question? The answer itself is simple.
If “We the People” desire a fair and balanced debate on any issue, it should be noted that Liberals are not at all interested in those types of debates. Talking points and (sensationalism for effect) are the time-tested and proven strategies of the Left. Questions and accountability are seen as unnecessary considering their “superior” intellectual abilities and usually elicit a form of annoying whining, inevitably followed by dodging the question altogether, much like we saw in the Cruz/Feinstein exchange.
Considering this political quandary, my message to politicians like McCain, Graham, Reid and Feinstein is, the founding documents were written in part to remind elitist fools who would be masters of the “low information voter”, that they must answer the question. Moreover, if Senator Ted Cruz is a “crazy bird” for asking the tough and relevant questions other politicians run from, then I shall send him an appropriate amount of bird seed so he may continue to defend my son’s Constitution.
Not just in Rhode Island…
The fight for Second Amendment rights in Rhode Island is always interesting. The Ocean State’s unique political landscape lends itself to all kinds of curious interpretations. As a general rule, Rhode Islanders tend to be the quintessential procrastinators, prone to reactionary politics. That said, firearms owners in the state are a passionate bunch when roused. Appropriately and for the purposes of this writing, I think it’s important to identify the two opposing groups on the matter of gun control here in Rhode Island.
Firstly, the states entrenched Leftist politicians oppose the right to “keep and bear arms” as outlined in the federal Constitution and reinforced by an even less debatable state application. Their foremost agenda is “registration” as a means to eventual confiscation. Truth be told, if you hang around in political circles long enough, you’ll hear them say that very thing. Regrettably, their media sanitized efforts are often disguised by a blatant mischaracterization of the Amendment itself, as well as the exploitation of murdered innocents as an acceptable means to the aforementioned end. This is the most despicable kind of political gamesmanship, made even more indefensible by a deliberate end run around the Constitution(s) these elected officials swore an oath to defend.
On the other side there are the ardent few defenders on Smith (Capitol) Hill. Emboldened by a rising tide of awakening gun owners, folks like Representative Chippendale (R) 40 and Costa (R) 31 are often hampered by boatloads of media misinformation, political pandering and a lack of understanding on the part of the general public when considering the true intent of the Second Amendment. It’s always troubling when some in this camp go on about hunting and sport shooting, neither of which have anything to do with the Amendment. This ignorance, willful or otherwise, only makes the task of countering a well-organized and focused opposition more difficult. Ultimately, factual unity around the Second Amendment’s true origin and meaning provides the clarity necessary to understanding how “the right” facilitates/protects additional benefits like hunting and other sporting uses of firearms. Moreover, every gun-owner who values his or her time at the range or in the woods should understand that while the Second Amendment was not drafted for “recreational” purposes and/or reasoning, many of these cultural traditions as well as the God-given right of self-defense, are also protected by way of our founders wisdom, experience and the subsequent Constitutional right to “keep and bear arms”.
Please take some time to read “your” founding documents, as well as the letters and papers of those who wrote them. You will discover they are anything but outdated. In fact, the content could not be more necessary and applicable to our current national posture.
Filibuster Fallout…
Rand Paul put the “represent” back in representation recently, with his old style “filibuster” on the floor of the Senate. Evidently this didn’t sit well in “Obamanation”. Following a very short and terse letter from AG Holder, another Constitutionally challenged glory seeker, basically acknowledging he was asleep in U. S. History class, John Brennan eventually took “the oath” of office for the position of CIA Director with his hand on a copy of the Constitution without Amendments. This crew just can’t get it right, not even when trying to be sarcastic.
Now any lack of understanding/outright ignorance on the part of President Obama and company in terms of our Liberty and the documents which outline it, should come as no surprise to anyone who is not completely and utterly brainwashed. Leaving out the Bible and any hint of recognition of a higher authority than one’s self however, speaks volumes to the arrogance and abuse of power tendencies of this Administration. What’s more, all efforts made by the White House to frame the argument(s) of our day, make these facts plain. The inmates are clearly running the asylum…
It’s the labor force stupid…
Listening to the “lame Stream Media” hype the latest jobs numbers would be laughable if weren’t so damn irresponsible. Well as I always say, let’s look at “the numbers within the numbers”.
CNS did a very good job hashing it all out so we can see the very real and troubling disparities plaguing our economy and labor force. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough respectable journalists willing to put aside their “Obama-love” for just a minute and report the truth. And so that task falls to those of us willing to embrace the facts, and they are pretty much these:
– the number of Americans designated as “not in the labor force” in February was 89,304,000, a record high, up from 89,008,000 in January, according to the Department of Labor. This means that the number of Americans not in the labor force increased 296,000 between January and February, (and there goes your jobs added last month…)
– The fact is that the labor participation rate in our country remains at a record low 63.5%. Just to put that into perspective, when Barack Obama took office, the labor participation rate was 65.7%.
– The U6 unemployment rate, which measures those who are unemployed and underemployed, is 14.3%.
– The jobs that are being added to our economy are part-time, rather than full-time jobs. According to the Household Survey, the number of full-time jobs declined by 77,000 from 115,918, to 115,841 while the number of part-time workers rose from 27,467, to 27,569, or 102,000 jobs.
– The number of Americans out of work for more than 27 weeks rose in February by 89,000, going from 4.7 million to 4.8 million.
Now don’t take my word for it, and save your ridiculous rhetoric. Get off your behinds and do the numbers yourselves. I know it’s easy to simply attack the messenger and believe the lie, but what good does that do our kids???
This message brought to you by someone who actually gets it…
Source –
Holder’s Constitutional Conundrum…
With every new gadget that makes defending freedom easier for our gallant military, comes the unintended consequences which can sometimes challenge the very same freedom. Whether it’s high-tech computer surveillance, or a “Predator” drone bringing America’s enemies to extreme/fatal temperature by way of a strategically placed AGM Hellfire missile, we must be vigilant to make sure this technology is never used to circumvent the rights of citizens here in the United States. Appropriately, one would think the Constitution addresses these types of questions, and one would be right. Of course this doesn’t apply if you’re Attorney General Eric Holder, the chief law enforcement officer in the land, and someone you’d think would know his Constitution.
I listened recently as Holder came before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain a letter sent by his office to Senator Rand Paul, advising him the Obama Administration would consider drone strikes against American Citizens. Senator Ted Cruz prodded Holder for a simple yes or no answer to the question of Constitutionality when considering the use drones against a civilian, and in the absence of any “imminent threat” to national security, or due process. Simple right? Not so much…
In typical Obama Administration fashion, Holder danced around Cruz’s questions for what seemed like an eternity, obviously struggling with the absolute power he and his boss believe was bestowed upon them via the elections of 2008 and 2012. In the most refreshing display of political courage I’ve seen in some time however, Senator Cruz was relentless in his pursuit of a “straight answer”, and eventually corralled Holder into what kinda sounded like, “ok already, it’s un-Constitutional damn it!”. Bravo Senator. I never thought I’d be writing this, but simple Constitutionality is a breath of fresh air in Washington these days…
And the Liberty death clock ticks on…
Sorry, we’re closed…
In my notes from yesterdays article, I mentioned that if you call the White House (Media Events and Visitors Office) you will hear a recording telling you, “Due to sequestration and resulting staffing reductions, tours of the Executive Mansion have been suspended”.
This is what I mean when I write about the inexperience and flat out immaturity of the Obama Administration. They are the college debate team taking their ball and going home because they were made the fools for their distortions and misrepresentations during the sequestration battle. Regrettably, their lack of depth and understanding of our Republic and its creed, are trumped only by their elitist and irresponsible application of their responsibilities to “We the People”. For what does it say of this so-called recovery, when the President of the United States would spite a bunch of wide-eyed school children and not advocate for their futures by doing his job.
Unnecessary and unbecoming of the office to say the least Mr. President.
The Dow and a few notes…
The Dow closed at its highest level ever today, and true to form my in-box exploded with praise for Obama and company. Well far be it from me not to dampen the little Lefty illusion with a soaking dose of reality. Ultimately, (and as usual), a quick lesson is necessary in that the stock market is not the economy and vice versa. They are very different entities with very different points of reference and influence. I’m no financial advisor however, so I won’t attempt further instruction. That said, let’s look at some numbers.
When we examine this “paper tiger” economy the President is touting as a success, we see a sputtering engine, beleaguered by inexperience and ineptitude at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and struggling for the fuel only a confident free market can provide. The last time the stock market was close to these numbers, the United States economy was in a far different place. It was 2007 and a gallon of gas was around $2.50. Americans were making about $6000.00 a year more, and there were around seven million folks unemployed compared to thirteen million today. There are twice as many people on food stamps today than in 07, our debt was nine trillion and consumer confidence was at 99 percent as opposed to 69 percent today. Additionally, much of our so-called economic growth in the last five years, has come bolstered by the Fed printing capital and restraining interest rates at dangerously low levels.
Bottom line is, don’t break out the champagne just yet. The stock market will correct, and the effects of this administrations failed college application will continue to contract an already weakened and hollow economy. Regrettably, the worst is still ahead of us…
Late Note: The Socialist South American dictator, arguably responsible for the deaths of many in the Venezuelan opposition, as well as the theft of billions in civilian property, is dead. I’m sure Joe Kennedy and Sean Penn are grieving this very minute.
Note 2: According to the answering service, White House tours have been cancelled due to “sequestration”. The President of the United States is throwing a tantrum. Childish, unnecessary, and inexcusable.
Note 3: In acknowledgement of the recent movement by college students/campuses around the country to divest in fossil fuel companies, will all students please turn in all electronic equipment manufactured and operated by way of fossil fuels immediately. Better yet, you may send all Apple notebooks, iPads and iPhone 5’s to my business address. Thank you.
Wake up kids, before it’s too late!!!
Lessons for Lefties…
This dust-up between poor “Watergate Bob Woodward” and the White House over sequestration tells the story of what happens when you fall out of grace with the Left Wing Machine. Astonishingly, it appears the lap-dog Obama media have also thrown (one of their own) over the side.
I have said many times that this President and his college sycophants play fast and loose with a Constitution they don’t respect. From the very beginning, President Obama made no secret of the fact he intended to get his way regardless of any “Congressional oversight”. But when I heard Lou Dobbs speaking with Megyn Kelly recently on “Happening Now”, it really kinda hit home. Dobbs was incensed at the lack of outrage over the Administration’s side stepping of Congress and the “work” for benefits clause in the Clinton Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. He pointed out the President has no authority to pick and choose what laws he will abide by. Dobbs commented further on how “patient” Congress has been in similar situations, when the POTUS basically imposed his will at the expense of separation of powers and/or the appearance of any co-equal function of government in Washington.
I think when you look at the last five years in totality, and then listen to the well documented comments made by Mr. Obama and his over-educated but inexperienced side-kicks, you will find they have little regard for a process which empowers “We the People” first. Moreover, it appears they mean to bully and intimidate anyone in their way, including past collaborators.