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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Living the numbers…
- Mark Poirier on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Fred Comella
The Unseen War…
When I send my little one off to school every day I must admit I do so with trepidation and doubt. I’m fully aware this is not the public school system I attended at his age. Frankly it has been overrun by the Leftists, and education has been largely replaced by indoctrination. Only a handful of teachers remain to stand against the tide of union financed apathy and mediocrity. All this I know, but still when I hear the individual who chastised the student for exercising his First Amendment right instead of celebrating that right, I am no less horrified.
These types of tirades by folks who clearly have no business teaching our posterity, are proof beyond the shadow of a doubt there is trouble in our schools. Be it a fundamental disconnect when it comes to our country, its Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, or simply an ideological desire to suppress free speech and/or thought, these “teachers” are waging a war against America in classrooms from East to West and all the way through higher education. Parents must be vigilant like at no time in our nation’s history if we are to preserve our American culture and true history.
Just another battle to consider as we make our way toward this historic election.
Facebook False – Step…
Facebook (FB) is now a public company. I’m certainly not enough of a stock guru to prognosticate on Mark Zuckerberg and “friends” brainchild as it relates to any future of the premiere social networking site. I will tell you though, that I have mentioned Zuckerberg and the other co-founders of FB prominently and in various posts for their ingenuity, hard work and entrepreneurial prowess. Let’s face it, their creation is an American success story.
Having said that, I have been watching a few issues closely on FB which have me seriously considering leaving the site all together. You see I have gone back and forth with the concept of FB and other social sites for some time now, and truth be told I see no tangible or crucial benefits. I have stayed with it as I can interact with “friends” from time to time and pick up new ideas to write about. But one of the more recent FB faux-pas that has me a bit put out, is they have banned a young Tennessee mom’s photos of her child who passed away shortly after birth because of a fatal physical defect. I am told the photos were taken down because they showed the deformed little ones head, and the FB elite must have felt this was unacceptable. Mom Heather Walker re-posted the photo’s and was subsequently banned for 24 hours from the social mega-site.
Now I’m gonna put aside my sympathy for the family and the emotions they must have been, and continue to be feeling regarding the loss of their child, but what the heck are these bumpkins at FB thinking. I have read and seen some pretty sickening content on FB that continues to be allowed, seemingly without recourse. Yet when this mom wants to “share” her life experiences, (sad as they may be) as the site promotes is the reason for its existence, she is treated like a spam artist and degenerate.
Now again, I applaud Zuckerberg and his buddies for their successes thus far and I hope this is just a simple misunderstanding which will be rectified post haste. However, if these folks at FB turn out to be nothing more than a bunch of idealistic censorship artists, allowing only material of a particular “party branding”, then I, and I suspect many others may begin to head for the exits. Moreover, I would at that point take up the cause to ensure that everyone I reach will know the true marketing intentions of FB should they be less than honorable about the whole thing. You boys have made it big. Don’t mess up big and blow this. Your company is now publicly traded, and it doesn’t take an investment banker to know that even the mightiest have fallen in that arena.
Faculty Lounge Mentality…
I have been sitting on this post for a bit now, but the onset of the election cycle has coaxed me to go with it. For good or bad, I am always at least a little sensitive to the response I get when I write about the President, primarily because many of my Liberal friends and readers are so damn smitten with Mr. Obama. Truth is, for some of those hard core folks the magic remains despite the results.
Recently however, the idea of finally vetting this man who was elected to the most powerful office in all the world, has gained some momentum. I’d have to say that the ridiculous attack on Mitt Romney for something he did in high school certainly spurred some Right Wing PAC’s to go on the offensive in a way they didn’t in 2008 for fear of charges of racism by the “main stream” media. In any event, I’m glad this stuff is finally coming to the table. (And for those complaining about the fat cat money issue, I would direct you to George Clooney’s house. Please stop bitchin about corporate America. It’s just silly, counterproductive and sounds so vindictive. If all those so-called 1%-er’s closed their doors tomorrow, the POTUS would lose the election because he couldn’t raise enough money, you’d be lookin for work, and life as you know it would end, period!)
Anyway, with all due respect to Hannity and company I have been talking about the President’s ideological past for years. I’ve said on many occasions that one only need read “Dreams from My Father” to see the man’s heart. Now while I’m not going to go after the POTUS for bullying some young female admirer on the schoolyard, or lambast him for his candid admission to heavy drug and alcohol use as a young man, (to include numerous driving experiences with a “head clouded with Gin”), I will however take note of his many references to race, class envy and divisive, stereotypical propaganda. From his early days, through his interactions with the literary agencies that would publish his books (and misidentify his place of birth), to his time as the President of the Harvard Law Review, this was, and I believe remains a man firmly entrenched in the ideas of Socialist politics, societal division and class warfare as a means to even what he sees as an uneven playing field.
Election 2012 is certain to be about more than simply Barack Obama, as some have suggested it might be. The mere fact he was elected without the “main stream” press ever having brought any of this to light is proof positive that any cleverly packaged academic, cultivated and sheltered in the petri dish that is American higher education today and protected by a complicit press devoid of any moral responsibility to the people they report to, can be and in this case was elected to the Presidency of The United States. With that said, and all or at least most of the cards sure to be on the table this time around, the real question regarding our nations future will be out there for “We the People” to ponder, and on the first Tuesday in November, to answer…
NOTE: If you haven’t read this book, and you care about your country, please pick up a copy today.
Biden breakdown…
I was gonna write about something else tonight, but I just heard O’Reilly commenting on Joe Biden’s recent and frankly scary meltdown. I’ve gotta be honest. I think this guy Biden has lost it. Either that or he is scared to death President Obama is gonna go pre-convention shopping for a new and sane VP. Does it bother anyone else that this person is a heartbeat away from the “big chair”. Heck, what does it tell you that bin-Laden was plotting the assassination of our President, but told his followers to leave Biden alive to screw up the country…
Anyway, It seems JB thinks “we” don’t get him. Well Mr. Vice President, I think I get you loud and clear. You are an entrenched Liberal politician who is scared of losing his job and will say anything (even if it’s a lie) to keep it. You are frustrated because you miscalculated and figured “We the People” might be as stupid as you are. You didn’t think we could understand that there are only 3 million (millionaires) out of 351 million American citizens, and you hoped we would ignore the fact that 70% of them made their money the hard way and earned it. And it’s killing you that 50% of (your) voting bloc pay no income tax at all while the “rich folks” pay more than 50% of all the income tax collected. And finally, you’re utterly pissed off that the phony class warfare thing you and the POTUS are selling, the average hard-working American ain’t buyin…
Getting back to O’Reilly’s comments. Regarding Biden’s references to his own parents, Bill mentioned how his mom and dad were from very humble beginnings as well, but never dissed the rich about anything. They just kept plugging and helped him become the hard working, very wealthy and successful broadcasting personality he is today. It reminded me of how my parents told me time and again, that jealousy and envy would be the ruination of this country. And that if I wanted anything in this life it would be, AND SHOULD BE, up to me to go out and get it…
Message to Joe Biden: It is you and your boss Sir, who just don’t get America.
Starbucks Politics…
I can be overly analytical at times, but in this day of poll driven politics, one must look beyond the sound bite to get to the truth. Accordingly, if we look at some of the polling numbers today, we see the divisive social issues President Obama and team are using to divert attention away from the economy and jobs don’t seem to be working. I think it’s also true however, that an issue like “gay marriage” is sure to gin up the base of both sides regardless. But it’s the “Independent” vote that will win the day in November.
Now I have written much about the 2008 Election and how Barack Obama was able to use a clever package, complete with a nostalgic albeit misguided component of 1960’s style “hope and change”, to coax a “politically correct” Independent block into voting for an arguably questionable candidate. The problem is the shine is off that plastic apple and reality is knocking hard at the door of the very same voter this time around.
It should be noted there is still plenty of time before the election and the Democrats have only just begun to engage their politically destructive machine, but I’m gonna go out on a limb here and make a prediction. I believe the majority of so called independent thinkers who had cast their votes for Obama in 2008, have now seen the reality of his vision and will run from it as if it were a contagious cancer. Curiously however, they may yet espouse their politically correct notions on everything from gay marriage to global warming to their elitist friends at the local Starbucks. But on that fateful Tuesday when it matters to their posterity as well as the nation they leave behind, they will cast their vote for Mitt Romney.
I am beginning to see this election in a very different light, and the POTUS is helping me do that…
And not to be outdone, the Governor of Rhode Island (Lincoln Chafee) embarrassed himself beyond even his pathetic approval ratings and jumped on the gay marriage train as well…
Flagging the Obama Camp 15 yards…
Bullying is not acceptable, and it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to monitor and identify when our young folks are acting irresponsibly. OK?
Raising the issue of an incident that occurred more than 50 years ago, and which has been disputed by several witnesses including members of the alleged victim’s family, is nothing but an attempt by the POTUS to divert attention away from his failed record. It must be increasingly clear to the President’s polling people that he will only win this election if he can successfully portray the 65-year-old Romney as some sort of elitist bully. Go figure, the Democrats will now run on their own pet “social issues” because they have nowhere else to go. This is the most politically pathetic stunt I have seen this early in an election, and it is indicative of what appears to be a very worried Obama camp.
I should qualify my thoughts by stating emphatically that I do not condone bullying in any way. All I’m saying is this is a separate discussion that has now become an issue, having been deliberately injected into the campaign by desperate Obamabots who see trouble ahead for the President concerning his time in office thus far. He cannot not run on his record and have any hope of enjoying the “magic” of 2008, so he definitely needs a new marketing strategy.
Message to the Romney camp: Do not misplay this and wind up descending into a disingenuous BS fest with folks who wrote the book on political hit jobs. Be apologetic and engaged, but be firm in your presentation of “it’s the economy stupid“.
Message to the Obama camp: Look in the mirror…
Who is the real bully Mr. President?-
“Conviction” of late…
Does anyone really think the President or any of his sycophant cronies like Jack Reed of Rhode Island are “coming out” in support of gay marriage because of any deep felt conviction? Come on folks, the POTUS has been riding the fence on this issue for his entire Presidency thus far, and Jack Reed lost any conviction he may have had along with his conscience some time ago. This is nothing more than a political tactic, carefully vetted through the prisms of polling and focus groups. It was even a bit nauseating to hear President Obama invoke the sacrifice of Jesus Christ while discussing the issue on ABC. This from the man who immediately springs his ACLU umbrella every time someone even mentions the words church and state in the same sentence.
Now I am not an overly religious man, and I try very hard to keep my opinions on things like gay marriage and abortion rooted in cultural, historical and Constitutional context, because I don’t feel qualified otherwise. But nothing lights my fire more than a pandering politician trying to pass him/herself off as actually caring about an issue, when nothing could be further from the truth. Frankly, if I were in the marriage equality camp, I would be pretty damn offended it took Mr. Obama so long to “develop” his “conviction “on the matter. “Come on man”!!
Romney – Rubio 2012!!!
Chris Wallace is the consummate journalist and asks the hard questions. Rarely is he boxed in by one of his guests. That was not the case today on FOX News Sunday when the straight forward Wallace hosted Marco Rubio (R) Florida on his program. To his credit Wallace did not mince words as the competition often does so they may elicit a particular ideological slant, but rather he sparred with Rubio on everything from gay rights to the Vice Presidential rumor mill, and the results left me little if any doubt about the answer to the VP question.
Rubio is an engaging and articulate family man and politician. He is bright beyond his years and frankly sounded more like a VP than the VP himself. He has wowed all corners of the Washington talk circuit and done his homework on foreign policy, while continuing to engage the Senate on matters concerning his constituency. He is not afraid to drive a reporter’s line of questioning and turn it in the direction “he” feels it should go, but does so with the respect and politeness of a man who has obviously been properly raised. I was impressed with his candor and grasp of the issues, particularly when Wallace pressed him on the question of the “Hispanic vote”, and whether or not Romney can win without improving his current standing in that demographic. Rubio explained that to perceive or assume the “Hispanic vote” is centralized in some way, or predisposed to a particular “carrot” or message, would be a mistake on the part of any party. He went on to remind Wallace of the diversity within that vote and how Romney has only just begun to make his case.
At the end of the interview Rubio explained, in the most impressive and understandable way I have heard yet, the case for school and service visa’s for young people who are in this country illegally through no fault of their own. He emphasized that the incomplete legislation he is considering would not be amnesty, but rather would require those same young people in college or the Armed Services, to eventually take the path to citizenship as currently outlined by federal law without exception. He made his case with the passion of a true and focused representative of the American people, not someone pandering with the intent to divide, (like maybe the POTUS?)
I’ve been considering the many VP choices Mitt Romney has for some time now, and have arrived at the following conclusion. While anyone would be an improvement over the current vernacularly challenged Joe Biden, Marco Rubio would not only be a fine choice for VP, but an extraordinary one at that. (Romney – Rubio 2012)
“Gitmo” Shenanigans…
As I watch and listen to the courtroom shenanigans coming out of Gitmo, my heart is filled with sadness for the families of those lost on 9/11. I think of the anguish they must be feeling all these years later. Not only have they had to endure delay after delay while Eric Holder argued for the “rights” of the terrorists, they must now sit and peer at monitors as these murdering bastards mock the military proceedings, and their lawyer argues for the right to wear “appropriate” clothing out of respect for the religious beliefs of the enemy combatants. What is happening over on that Godforsaken little Communist island?
“Judge Fred (Patriot64)” would offer the following as a solution:
1. Jurists – Please submit your briefs by the first of the month.
2. Miss Bormann, you will wear clothing appropriate for a military tribunal without deviation, end of discussion.
3. Both sides will have 1 – day long evidentiary session to present their case.
4. A verdict will follow within 24 hours, with sentencing and “punishment” to be carried out at sunrise the following morning. (No appeals), and relatives will be afforded the right to view the proceedings as well as take part if they are so inclined. (Please submit written requests for participation by tomorrow.)
5. I will make a formal statement apologizing to the victims’ families for the delay of justice, prior to the punishment phase.
6. And finally, Gitmo will be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and serve as a staging area for the construction of a resort hotel and beach front, to be utilized by the “Wounded Warrior Foundation” as a treatment and rehabilitation center, free of charge, for all who have sacrificed on behalf of their country.
No joke people…
Punch Line…
President Obama kicked off his campaign on familiar ground today, a university campus. His strategists are certainly advising him well to seek safe haven among the young, inexperienced and easily manipulated sheep who flocked to his 2008 adventure. Help from Moderates will be much harder to garner this time around however. Many who may still be inclined to voice their support for the President in a Starbucks Wi-Fi Hot Spot, are far less likely to shade in the line next to his name behind a voting booth curtain in November.
Make no mistake though, the Progressive Left will be at the Polls in force to cast their votes for the man who brought their Socialist causes to the mainstream under the disguise of “hope and change”. But for those who saw Mr. Obama’s election as vindication of their 1960’s feel good ideology, and who are now finding it difficult to reconcile Utopia against the reality of mortgages, retirement, healthcare and the price of gas, “hope and change” has been relegated to the trash heap of history like so many campaign punch lines of old.
The mantra today was, “we have come too far to turn back now“. Well Mr. President, with all due respect, turning back now is our only “hope”…