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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
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Category Archives: Economy
Very frustrated with the lies of the Left today, indulge me…
Warning! Right Wing rant…
“The economy is in recovery”, Really???
Someone please tell that to the millions of still unemployed or severely “underemployed” out there today struggling with living on half their normal income. Someone please tell that to the worker who has been told the doors to the plant he has worked at the past 15 years are closing and he must find other employment. Someone please tell that to construction worker watching and waiting as truly shovel ready projects are shelved by this Administration because of trumped up, or worse yet the manufactured regulatory concerns of particular political lobbies. Someone please tell that to the small business owner who is hanging by a thread with no plans to do anything but survive for the short-term, as well as the big business owner who has retooled his approach to do more with fewer employees while the economic climate remains fragile. Someone please tell that to the homeowner, last on his street to lose his home, who is watching its value plummet as desperate folks strip his neighbors foreclosed houses of their copper plumbing and aluminum siding for cash. Someone please tell that to the mom of 4 who is paying 1/3 more for her families groceries than she did just a year ago. Someone please tell that to the commuter still waiting for the lower gases prices he was promised in 2008. Wow, this is so easy but far too real and painful for so many.
Now don’t whine and tell us about how you were “handed a mess” and the like. This is the real world and you are the President of the United States Mr. Obama! Stop blaming everyone else! You sailed into the office with lofty rhetoric and hypocritical campaign hype, and we are now mired in the most lethargic and pathetic economic uptick (doesn’t even qualify as a recovery) in American history. Is this the new America you promised? Is this the new “norm”? Is this what you envisioned for our children’s future? Or is this a failed “college try” that has certainly set us back at least a decade?
“Yes we can” what Sir, double the national debt, bankrupt the nation’s healthcare system, regulate any remaining industry out of existence, destroy a free market economy that has shaped the world, decimate the military force which has secured our place on the planet for over 235 years???
Four more years of an inexperienced and bitterly partisan community organizer, I think not… Ultimately however, that depends on “We the People” on Election Day 2012…
Do not be fooled, read between “the numbers”. Our nation is changing, (dying)…
“Out of control” spending…
[yframe url=’’] I thought it was interesting that “FOX NEWS” was the only major network broadcasting the President’s stump speech from 2008 where he characterized President Bush as “unpatriotic” for using a “credit card issued by the People’s Republic of China” to raise the national debt ceiling. I wonder which credit card he’s using to double that very number now. I wonder which one he is using to chain our great-grandchildren to the yoke of international debt at the cost of their own futures and freedoms. Isn’t it ironic that something so glaringly obvious is so conveniently overlooked by the “main stream press” when reporting on President Barack Obama?
Now while we have come to expect this from most of the media today, sadly there are many partisans and sycophants who will ignore this type of blatant hypocrisy by our President and support him in spite of the facts. Moreover, they deny as if it were not reality, his total failure to accomplish anything but the most ideological of initiatives as our nation’s Chief Executive.
I wonder if Americans are just simply numb to the fact that this Administration is on par to eclipse $20 trillion in debt even before the new health care law is fully enacted. My God, “asleep at the wheel” of a hurtling tractor-trailer without brakes is an understatement when used to describe the registered voters who are still polling this President in the high forties.
Tax lies and coal in Sheriff Joe’s stocking…
I know I said I would be back after the holiday, but there are a couple of issues which demand a response before I go. I understand the President will read a few letters today which he and his class warfare WH have solicited two days before Christmas, concerning what some Americans could do with the forty or so dollars they might lose if the (“temporary” “tax holiday”) payroll percentage reduction is not extended. Now maybe the President should be asking what some of those same Americans might have been able to do this Christmas had the shovel ready jobs he promised panned out, but I digress. The truth of the matter is the “temporary” tax break is something the President never intended to be permanent in the first place but is now championing like he somehow supports (tax cuts). FLASH: this President has spent more of your money than any in U.S. history and is on par to raise taxes (if elected again), to levels no American could possibly fathom. Many words come to mind as I ponder this whole debate and the President’s as well as the Liberal Democrats roles in it, but there is only one I can use to describe them in light of my stated “blog decorum”.
Warning, Right Wing Rant – Please feel free to fill in the blanks “off post”.
To borrow the POTUS’s worn-out line, “let’s be clear” about something: Sheriff Joe Arpaio has done and continues to do his duty. He is enforcing the law of the land and keeping his jurisdiction safe. In doing so he has interfered with the Obama Justice Department’s policy of appeasement and amnesty with regard to illegals living on the U.S. side of the Southern Border. Now there will be those who trumpet the upward tick in deportations on Obama’s watch, but those numbers are quickly negated by the scores of illegals allowed to move freely about the Southern States in direct violation of Federal Law. Enter the high profile Arpaio and his like-minded Lawmen. In doing his job on behalf of the citizens and as he is sworn to do, Arpaio has brought the wrath of a Federal Government embarrassed and agitated by the fact most Americans side with Sheriff Joe. Not only has the border issue cost this country time, money and the blood of innocent Americans and their Border Agents, but it has become the pivot point concerning any comprehensive immigration reform on the table at this time. Now, Eric Holder will waste additional boatloads of taxpayer cash attempting to paint Arpaio as a racist in Federal Court, money which could certainly be used to enhance border security. Again we see this bunch of college upstarts flying in the face of common sense and justice with lies and Progressive propaganda, and using your money to do it!
If I hear one more Liberal whining about how the rich keep getting richer, or how there is some grand conspiracy to facilitate “Corporate rule”, I’m gonna vomit. Turns out the truth is richer Americans, those making in excess of $340,000.00 a year are the most volatile and most likely to lose it all group of all the “classes”. Moreover, a number of studies now confirm that lower-income brackets are far more likely emerge from recession with lesser percentage losses than the “rich”, with the higher income folks more often going completely belly up. This debunks many of the Liberal talking points like “the rich are rich forever, inherit their money, and/or benefit from some exclusive tax code”, while certainly not working for their money. Unfortunately, this has and will continue to be what the Left is taught and subsequently what they embrace. For this reason, and as we’ve seen recently, many of them will wind up protesting one thing or another with the luckiest among them going on to become Massachusetts politicians instead of making the most of their God-given freedom to succeed, each according to their will and effort…
Shoe sale…
From Axelrod claiming the GOP is “screwing up the economy” for President Obama, to Biden saying the “Taliban are not our enemies”, one has to wonder if the wheels have finally come off the “hope and change” train. I think I’m willing to give Axelrod a pass as he is clearly frustrated with the failure of his Bosses vision for a new and more European United States. The Presidents chief advisor is wholly representative of the “blame everyone but ourselves” gang who have occupied the halls of the White House since 2008. Biden however is a different animal.
I have commented many times on this guy’s ability to find any shoe in the room and stick it right in his yap. His haphazard and callous way with words has led me to believe he was not so good at ad-libbing when necessary. But after hearing that he feels a group, who for so long has reiterated its hatred for the “crusader enemy”, and who has backed up that hatred by spilling the blood of our brave soldiers on the fields of Afghanistan primarily by way of trick weapons and booby-traps, is now somehow not our enemy, I’m convinced that the Vice President of the United States is an imbecile.
It pains me to say this as I am aware of VP Biden’s son and his contributions as a combat veteran. With that said however, the assertion that the Haqqani network is not a clear and present danger to the interest of the United States, demonstrates a critical disconnect which should never exist at that office level during time of conflict. There are men and women in harm’s way who know with clarity the enemy they face, and this Vice President would do well to join them on the battlefield for a “hands on” tutorial. This is to say nothing of the obvious and fundamental human rights issues which place the U.S. and Taliban on very different and ultimately conflicting paths.
This is war Mr. Vice President, please do not confuse the issue any more than the “main stream” press has done already.
“We the People” vs. “We the People”…
When we look at the possible matchups for President it is striking, considering all the problems we are facing today, that the POTUS is still polling as “high” as he is. Mind you he’s still well below the magic 50% number and his negatives on things like handling the economy are growing, but it remains curious nonetheless. I would point out that Jimmy Carter was polling similarly against Ronald Reagan in 1980. That said, there is something very different going on in 2011.
It is not simply the notion that American politics should stop at the water’s edge, but more the troubling idea that a President is so compelled to highlight what “he” sees as American flaws when addressing our international counterparts. And it is not just about flying a flag or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools, but rather why the calculated effort to revise, re-write and/or simply erase an ideal, that while not without trial, has transformed humanity for the better and like no other in its short 235 year history. I would also say to my Reagan friends, it is not simply a bad economy but rather a question of economic, Constitutional and social direction. There are far more folks today who have benefited from the free ride than in the early 1980’s. And still more who have opted out of the American dream in favor of the American hand out. The truth will actually shock many of you who have bothered to do your homework, but the reality is the number of Americans receiving some kind of assistance from the government is staggering and unprecedented, and there seems no end in sight. The entitlement evolution/revolution will apparently succeed where so many of our enemies have failed.
So I personally am not inclined to stare with confusion at the T.V. when I see the President polling two points ahead of Romney, because I know this election is not really about Mr. Obama. It is however about “We the People”. In the end only we can decide whether we will leave our children freedom or the chains of debt. In the end only we can decide if we wish to stop the revisionist train before it derails our future. And in the end only we can “elect” to return to success through hard work and individual achievement which knows only the boundaries of our efforts. No my friends, it is not as simple as Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative. That would be far too easy…
The Great White Hunter…
It’s tough not to make every post about this President lately. As we approach the heart of Election 2012 it will get worse. It doesn’t help that every time he opens his mouth he provides yet another opportunity for those like me to read between the “Obama lines” without care for his manufactured political prowess, and report his true motivations.
The POTUS spoke of President Roosevelt today. No, the other one. Teddy Roosevelt was indeed an antagonist of big business in his day. However, comparing his politics to that of today and to those of the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is like comparing apples and squash. It is true TR did not like the notion of an all-encompassing monopoly with the power to exploit an entire workforce. And while he was pretty much a “fat cat” himself, his forthright honesty and initiative were instrumental in bringing about historic regulatory measures to make sure that would not happen in the future. But that was a very long time ago and the United States of 2011 looks absolutely nothing like that of the very early 20th century. And though TR espoused a role for the federal government, he would have been appalled by the all-in, entitled, lazy, un-American and in your face approach of the Progressive Left today. Roosevelt’s so called “Progressivism” was universal and a product of his time. It was born of betterment not dependency and exclusive to the conundrums of the day. Barack Obama’s attempt to parallel his own class warfare agenda against that of TR’s is laughable and smacks of a desperate politician fighting for his political life. Disingenuous, disgraceful and dangerous come to mind as well…
Gingrich magic, not magic at all…
Newt Gingrich is a hard man to like. I’m sure folks on both sides of the aisle would agree with that assertion. There is certainly a lot to look at politically as we vet this seasoned politician. However, America is in dire straits. Our economy is in shambles, a good part of the world has lost faith in our initiatives as well as the idea that we may rise above it all and the rest simply want to kill us. Americans who give a damn are looking for a straight shooter who is not hobbled by some past indiscretions, (as they may be seen through the eyes of opponents or political foes), to offer up thoughtful and applicable solutions to what is wrong with our ailing country. Now despite what the press would have you believe with regard to the “flavor of the month” analysis, this is the reason for the recent poll which drives away from the Romney question and instead pits Gingrich against President Obama with Gingrich winning 45 – 43. Most folks, who have a clue and are not blinded by ideology or dreams of anarchy, are beginning to understand that talk is cheap if there is no substance to the words.
Whether you like the former speaker or not, and whether or not you agree with his campaign offerings, you have to admit it appears he will in fact destroy the “teleprompted POTUS” in a debate if ever given the chance. Moreover, his “cool as cucumber” approach is somewhat reassuring to a staggering electorate attempting to wrap their collective arms around any candidate at the moment.
So in a contest which is shaping up to be the bloodiest and most expensive in our political history, in the end it will be, (and should be) about the facts and a realistic and doable platform that the voters feel a candidate can pull off both for the short and longer term. And with the apparent implosions of Perry and Cain, combined with the inability of the rest of the Republican field to gain any sort of traction, it is looking more and more like a fight to the finish between Romney and Gingrich. For those of you who simply must know, I am inclined to support Gingrich for the moment. But hell, that’s what primaries are for, so we can keep changing our minds…
If I’m guilty of anything it is my passion for the things I believe, some more than others. Consequently, when I look at the big picture there is always one common thread. No matter the direction of the political wind, nor who we elect as President, and no matter our personal motivation, frankly speaking, if we fail to educate our young people adequately and accurately about this great nation and what it means to be an “American”, we lose…
Jack Chambless, Professor of Economics at Valencia College, asked his students to submit essays basically having to do with the federal government’s role in our lives. And while there where a small number of college age folk who felt government should stand aside and let the individual shine as was Constitutionally intended, better than 70% of his class wrote in terms of free healthcare as well as government provided college, jobs and pensions. One young man even wrote something to the effect of “human beings could not provide for themselves and that it was the (government’s responsibility) to do it for them”.
This is the sort of thing that should scare every freedom loving American who is reading it. Not only is it scary that this could be the thought process of anyone preparing to go into the world for real, but more so because somewhere along the line, at home and/or within the public school system, there was a “void of learning” which can only be attributed to parental complacency and an ignorant and flawed union ideology rooted in most of the public education system today. We are producing an entire generation of entitlement robots devoid of the fundamental principles of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, a class of young people who simply have not been taught to recognize or understand the goodness in free will, self-reliance and individual exceptionalism. Simply put, our nation will instead have to deal with a totally new entitlement class, poor and deficient not by circumstance but by choice.
Get in the damn game…
I think it’s fair to say when looking at the failure of the “Super Committee”, Governor Christie is spot on when he asks the POTUS: “What the hell are we paying “you” for”? Put aside for a minute Christi’s accurate assertion that President Obama has been essentially AWOL during the debt debate choosing instead to heckle from the side lines. What is truly amazing is that he’s made around 50+ trips to 11 potential 2012 swing states of recent, and all on our dime, that’s more than any of his predecessors. Moreover, I continue to chuckle every time I hear School Boy Jay Carney say things like: “It would be a stretch to think we would know which states will be battleground states”. I mean, how stupid does this clown think we are. Truth be told, the Obama team has a group of individuals whose sole responsibility is to monitor every detail of his election campaign, specifically something as critical as the 80 or so electoral votes he must get to win in 2012.
So putting aside Carneys contempt for the “unwashed”, it is not “a stretch” when we ask our President to get off the campaign train, jog on over to Capitol Hill, and get in the damn game!