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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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Category Archives: Constitutionality
The values of Chicago???
This statement on its face is laughable. Rohm Emanuel continues to remove all doubt that he is not up to the job of dog catcher, never mind mayor. Moreover, his affinity for those who would selectively apply the First Amendment depending on the message, is now cemented for all to see with this (Chick-Fil-A) situation.
Why is it that whenever a person espouses traditional values or Christian sentiment, their right of free speech is somehow diminished by the shrill cries of the Progressive hate mongers. Dan Cathy, a man who is simply seeking to expand his business (Chick-Fil-A), which in turn will create much needed tax revenue and jobs, is now being ridiculed and shut out because he endorses the traditional American family. Initially, I did not want this to be an ideologically based post, but now I find it necessary to go a bit further concerning the decision of some cities to block (Chick-Fil-A) because of their presidents statements on gay marriage.
Firstly, at no point did company President Dan Cathy advocate discrimination of any sort against any segment of the population. He was responding to a question concerning “fatherless families” and expanded his answer on the “Ken Coleman Show” to include his Christian belief system. It was a completely appropriate format and his statements were in the context of that forum. In fact, Cathy has repeatedly stated that the franchise serves any and all patrons with no exceptions. The hoopla is exclusively tied to his companies support of a traditional family, and the fact that “his” value set does not condone gay marriage. Now reading any further into the issue is merely an attempt by the Lunatic Left to smear those who are not “politically correct”. Translation: If you do not believe as we do, you are a bigot who should not be allowed your First Amendment rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights. Insane? Maybe, but I think it’s worse than that.
For my part, I have a simple philosophy, and that is no person shall enjoy rights beyond those of another, or at the expense of another. No special laws, and no special consideration. A crime is a crime whether it is committed against a gay, straight, black, white, red, yellow or polka-dot person. A violation of that or any persons civil rights shall constitute no special treatment either way, just a sound and fundamental application of the law as written and vetted through the court system. The notion that we will pick and choose whose rights are valued more than another is ludicrous and irresponsible. We are all entitled to our value systems and opinions. But those systems and opinions should never be the basis for any shallow and self serving political hack, to incite undue and/or unreasonable public discourse rooted in their own or some groups bias and bigotry. And yes, Christians are entitled to the same considerations as gays or any other group.
At the end of the day, there will be much more at stake in November than many realize. America as we know it is in jeopardy, and for all the wrong reasons. Do not boycott (Chick-Fil-A), but rather defend their rights to believe as they wish, as you would have yours defended. If you chose not to patronize their business, let that be a personal decision which shall come with my respect. However, for a politician to block a legitimate business for the sake of ideological differences and political expediency, is reckless, unlawful and compromises all that America stands for. So to the Mayors who are considering this action against (Chick-Fil-A), your understanding of the Bill of Rights and your responsibilities is flawed. In the best interest of your constituents, resign immediately, go back to history and civics class and start over.
Bad people do bad things…
Normally I would not jump so quickly to comment on a news story, but Aurora is already crumbling under the weight of a media circus as the networks scramble to find a phone booth.
Appropriately however, we must first step back and remember the lost and pray with vigor for those left to bear an unimaginable burden of grief. It is being reported that very young children have lost their lives, and this is certain to wrench the hearts of all Americans. With that said, My thoughts go immediately to what I believe is the desensitizing of life in our American culture. From the battles over when it begins, to the plethora of ultra-violent and graphic “movies” and video games which depict the wanton taking of it, many of our young people no longer seem to value the gift that is this life.
Sadly, this will most likely be overshadowed by the coming tide of political sentiment having to do with the gun control debate singular. Many a political hack with the intent to subvert the United States Constitution will rise up once again and sight this horrific incident as another reason for draconian, irresponsible and ineffective gun control laws. This is always accompanied by a blatant disregard for the truth or real solutions and usually flies directly in the face of any reason and/or facts. Nonetheless, the victims and their families will be misrepresented and exploited by fools like Mike Bloomberg, who care far less for anyones immeasurable loss than for their own selfish and malicious causes.
Presidential disconnect…
For a POTUS presiding over unemployment numbers realistically closer to 15%, it boggles the mind how the word taxes can even cross his lips. I suppose his ideological mindset will simply not allow for common sense and/or history’s lessons.
Firstly, when President Obama spoke of “those making $250,000.00 or more” as the “wealthy” among us today, it was maddening to think he was incapable of drawing the connection between small business, DBA’s, small LLC’s and other folks, who are the life’s blood of our economy, and who are the only hope of any meaningful recovery. This “tax plan” is simply another class warfare stunt that will further handicap any infinitesimal progress to date on the economic front. How any logical thinking person can believe this type of Progressive tax approach, along with massive regulation and now universal healthcare, are somehow conducive to economic growth is simply inexplicable. However, that is a topic for another day, (and many more after that).
Anyway, the “revenue” generated by this massive tax will explode the national debt by $4 “T”rillion dollars over 4 years and generate only enough usable capital to run our bloated government for just about 8 days, yes people 8 days! Is there anyone out there who truly believes this “tax the rich” scheme is legitimate and not a campaign tactic meant to distract and destroy? If you do, you are beyond all reason and actually a big part of the problem.
For my part, I believe this President knows full well he cannot find enough revenue on Wall Street to fuel his “hope and change”, and so he intends to cut a line even closer to the beating but injured heart of our nation. Hopefully, he and his Marxist college buddies will be shown the door in November, before “We the People” bleed out from the many flesh wounds already inflicted.
Independence, what does it mean? What did it mean to the founders in the middle 18th Century and how does that transcend today? When I think of these questions, I personally am not the least bit confused or even hesitant about the answers. A third graders understanding of the historical facts tell us that, by and large the colonists sought to be free of Great Britain’s cross Atlantic and all-encompassing King and Parliament. Though there was no immediate or coordinated approach to achieving such an unheard-of ambition for the times, the “rebels” would eventually come to understand the basic premise of unalienable rights afforded not by the hand of a “tender and merciful Monarch”, but by the grace of God. And they would fight for those rights. Oh, there were certainly the loyalists (Progressives?) who could not reconcile a life “un-ruled”, but liberty would eventually win the day and freedom would come to America by way of great bloodshed and sacrifice.
So taking into consideration the incomprehensible size and scope of our government today, I ask you two questions on this 4th of July 2012, and I look forward to your answers. Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives alike, what does independence mean to you today, and does our nation’s current status and application hold true to its founding?
Ultimately, I believe these questions will be answered this November. And at the very moment when Election Day 2012 is settled and “We the People” have spoken, we shall know our children’s (and our own) future…
July 4th, 1776 – 2012…
With all the political hullabaloo over healthcare, immigration and the like, I’m content to be a bit reflective this “Independence Day”. I am also quick to remind my readers this time of year that we are for all intents and purposes, a young nation. Nonetheless, The United States of America has changed the world for the better like no other before it. Having read and written thousands of pages in print and on-line over the years in my quest to communicate what I believe is this nation’s best destiny to whomever would listen, I keep coming back to the same diagnosis for what is ailing “We the People”. We appear to be suffering from “generational degradation”, born of selfishness, complacency and a lack of real understanding of this country and its founding. Please let me explain.
Removed from the sacrifices of WW II and Korea, and born to parents determined to shield them from the horrors of their own lives by any and all means of pampering, there are those of the “boomer generation” who would take our nations imperfections and manipulate them into decades of ideological hatred and class warfare. Subsequently over time, the cause of “liberty for all” has been hijacked and smeared by those unwilling or simply unable to process the fact of its God-given origins. Idealistic politicians with a societal axe to grind, drive wedges and “categorize” Americans in order to foster a sense of entitlement and resentment, as they posture for political power and a platform to change what wasn’t meant to be changed. So called minority or (community) leaders coerce the young and the impressionable with the (have and have not) argument so they may cement their status and reap their own financial rewards, all while leaving their target audience with no hope and no direction. And many Americans increasingly sit on their hands (some even willingly), as their children are spoon fed a steady diet of anti-Americanism and revisionist history in our public school system and on into higher education. The loud and angry voice of a smaller but focused opposition is drowning out truth and reason, and the principles on which this great nation was founded are passing into history. We are becoming that which we separated from in 1776.
I know this must sound like a rather bleak assessment of our national status, and I apologize if I can no longer sugarcoat reality with fancy words and non-confrontational tactics. I believe we are beyond that approach. And while this is not a blanket synopsis, the facts are these. The enemies of freedom cannot win in the arena of ideas. Therefore they are in many ways content to fan the flames of discontent with lies and distortions so we may die slowly from within from a thousand knife wounds. For our part, we are not doing our collective homework and thus making it easy for the enemy. We are leaving the spiritual and cultural identity of “One nation under God” by the roadside, and molding our posterity to fit a world so many brave Patriots died to distinguish us from. A simple truth which addresses this is that there can be no God in the life of a Socialist. Personal responsibility and accountability for our actions are not tenets of a politically correct society, and to pursue a better way for you and your family is seen as not in line with the “fair shake” philosophy.
Hear me people of this great country. We have made our mistakes. On this we should have no illusion. But The United States has done more to advance the cause of humanity than any nation on earth. In our short time we have resolved to fight the fights un-fought by other nations from the beginning. And while there have been battle wounds and scars, we have won, and continue to win those battles today. Appropriately, it is only by the grace of God that we have enjoyed these successes, and by that same grace that we may go forward. “We the People” of this great nation are poised at the precipice of truth. The question on this “4th of July” 2012 is, do we fix what’s broken and hold fast to that which has provided our greatness, or do we accept the message of globalism and mediocrity for the sake of some unholy “new world order” that welcomes genocidal dictators into its ranks?
Teach your children of America’s true history and greatness. Explain to them that while no nation is perfect, they are truly blessed to live in this one. And send a message to those who mean to represent us, that we will not be stripped of that which the Declaration and the Constitution outlines and God guarantees us.
And to all who have worn the uniform of The United States Military and provided that we might celebrate 236, some at the cost of their own longevity, I am reflecting on you as well this 4th. Thank you and may God bless and keep you all…
Spin cycle…
The POTUS and Team Obama are scrambling to deflect criticism over and/or explain his claim the “Obama Care” mandate was not a tax. Well considering there are about 20 other taxes in the law, I’m not really sure where he’s going with that. The President’s hypocrisy has come full circle to outright misrepresentation of the facts as we know them. I think I have said this before but it bears repeating. In the age of modern media there has never been a POTUS caught on tape so many times in full contradiction mode, and yet he and his “lame street media” seem to just blow it off and move on. Now here’s the truly scary part.
The President of The United States and his Administration hold the people of this nation in utter contempt, and appear to be very comfortable in the notion that we simply don’t care. Well, do you???
Department of “Justice”???
“Contempt”- an act of disrespect that impedes the administration of justice. I have written enough on the fact that Eric Holder has been nothing short of negligent and possibly even complicit in the death of Agent Brian Terry. I have also written about how these types of things don’t happen without an “Administrators” blessing. Nonetheless, one only has to observe the Attorney General’s posturing and listen to his comments after the vote to understand he is certainly a contemptuous individual with little regard or respect for the family of the slain Border Agent.
While I was prepared to cut this loose if the AG provided what was asked of him, I am now convinced he was never equal to the title of our nation’s “Chief Law Enforcement Officer”. He should resign immediately or be fired by the President. Disgraceful…
It’s high time…
I’m still not ready to jump on Chief Justice Roberts for his vote yesterday, but that may change. I believe the fact the “Affordable” Care Act became law in the first place is proof positive that our nation is broken and foundering. As I posted yesterday, the question of Constitutionality as it relates to fines vs. taxes was addressed in the decision. With that said, we have become so desensitized to Constitutionally questionable entitlements built around payroll deductions, what’s one more tacked on? For good or bad, an entitlement class is alive and thriving in America.
Some of you have suggested I seem a bit indifferent to the Supreme Court ruling. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s just that I expected, and quietly hoped for it. Voting down the law would only have served to embolden the radical Left to war status, and kick the can down the road in terms of a larger and more productive discussion. If we do not fight the “haves and have not’s” fight right now, it simply may be too late.
Ironically, Mitt Romney must now step into the uncomfortable role of Conservative champion, and the Presidential Campaign I envisioned will come to pass. There is simply no getting away from the ideological confrontation which has been festering for more than two generations and now threatens to destroy our country. I must admit however, there is still a part of me that would welcome the total collapse that will most certainly come should America not change course in November. It just seems it’s the only way many on the Left will finally understand this “utopian dream”, perpetuated by a twisted ideology and promoted by an educated but inexperienced and reckless President, is a fraud. Moreover, that stark reality, which will likely come in the form of economic strife the likes of which this nation has never known, is close at hand.
I wonder though, would that be enough to convince them or would they blame that on Bush too???
It was a tax all along!!!
“This is not a tax”! How many times did we hear the POTUS and his Liberal Congress make that assertion? Actually, right up to the point when they had to actually argue the “Affordable” Care Act’s Constitutionality before the High Court, then the lawyers pulled out their trump (tax) card. For all intents and purposes it ended up being CJ Roberts who made the difference for the Obama Administration. Roberts makes the assertion, and I believe he is correct, that the mandate, (as an extension of Congressional power), is clearly unconstitutional (Commerce Clause). However, the Court asserts that Congress may level a tax to accomplish the same goal.
Translation: It was a tax all along and the Obama White House lied to the American people once again. This day will set the stage for the rest of the election year. I will have more to say when I read the entire decision, but it is now game on!
September 20, 2009 – President Barack Obama when pressed by George Stephanopoulos: “No George, this is NOT a tax”.
A week for the history books…
The week ahead promises to be nothing short of dramatic in a political sense. So to kind of sum up, I will give you my take on some of the hot button issues.
I’ve been listening to Democrat pundits for the last two weeks try and explain away Eric Holder’s refusal to surrender certain documents to Congress regarding “Fast & Furious”. Now the obvious dilemma here is the Terry family is demanding answers to questions about their sons murder, and rightfully so. What I found interesting however, is the explanation by partisan Democrats that Republicans are simply grandstanding for political reasons, and that Holder has already turned over thousands of documents. In truth, the “documents” turned over were literally thousands of largely redacted and blacked out emails and papers which actually contained little or nothing about the shooting, who authorized it and at what level did the chain end. In that matter, the POTUS has now come to the rescue of his friend / AG and claimed “executive privilege”, apparently to prevent any incriminating disclosures. Ultimately, someone gave their “blessing” to the “gun walking” which was not part of the original operation, someone in a high office. And it was that gun walking that led to Agent Terry’s death. Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Well it is. Come clean Mr. Holder, and admit that something went very wrong in the Justice Department on your watch. Now a Border Agent’s family is left to ask why their Law Enforcement hero son was murdered on the border of his own country with weapons put in play by his own side. Release the documents or be held in contempt of Congress Sir. Next >
This is an easy one. Arizona reserves the right, Constitutionally and legally, to protect its border and uphold standing Federal Immigration Law if the feds themselves don’t do it. I believe the Supreme court will agree. Having said that, I concur with Senator Rubio in that I don’t believe Arizona should be the national model. The problems which exist there are exclusive to the region and therefore present LE officials with additional challenges for which they need appropriate “latitude”. Next >
And finally The “Affordable” Care Act. Arguably one of, if not the largest federal power grab in American history. An expensive, unsustainable and by every account, unworkable entitlement program that will bankrupt our children and ultimately destroy the greatest healthcare system known to mankind. It is my hope that the Supreme Court will strike it down as the Constitutional overreach it is. Regrettably, the President’s play to enact feel good portions of the law ahead of the full onslaught of its huge cost will make it difficult to transition to true comprehensive healthcare reform in the future. Moreover, Republicans and Democrats alike will seek to make political hay over the decision, and the truth will most likely be lost in the mix.
Anyway, have a good week people… 😉