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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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What folks are saying…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Living the numbers…
- Mark Poirier on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Congress
My fellow Americans…
The President of the United States is sure to tell Congress tonight that the “state of the union” is improving. He’s done this several times already. But here’s what he will really be saying:
My fellow Americans, I believe that our nation must be one with other nations and that we have enjoyed far more success than we are rightfully entitled to. Our exceptionalism has come not as a result of hard work, sacrifice and entrepreneurial initiatives born of God-given freedom and liberty, but rather at the expense of the rest of the world, and it is high time we pay the price. My intention is to transform our nation using the European model of big government and featuring entitlement as the primary mind-set of the people. I will continue to push for “reforms” which create a larger and more vocal entitlement class who know only protest and class warfare as answers for their lot in life, and who have little or no interest in success based on diligence and effort. I will tell Americans that $48,000.00 in debt to each and every child born this day, and a “real numbers” national debt of $202 trillion is a small price to pay for our place in the world, and I will demonize Capitalism as the root of all evil and the free market enterprise as merely a tool of the rich. I will re-write history to convince the impressionable youth of our nation that we are the problem and must suffer for all of our transgressions. I will reach into the classrooms of the youngest of them and use manipulated, inconclusive and false data to make them cry about that which in many cases we are powerless to control. I will tell them there is no God and that if they believe there is, they must keep it to themselves for fear of offending. I will explain inaccurately that Columbus was a murderer and that he brought only disease to the continent, and I will teach them that Communism is just another form of government and not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people.
And finally my fellow Americans, I will do all of this under the banner of “hope and change”. I will ostracize and vilify all who oppose me as bigots, racists, homophobes, and out of touch. I will deny the very intent of the Framers and finally wash away all remaining memories of a government “of the people, by the people, for the people…
NOTE: This is merely an attempt to invite the broader debate. But it is also a reminder that to continue down our current path with the proverbial/ideological blinders of either side of the argument firmly affixed, is tantamount to slamming the door in our children’s faces. We need to return to searching for the things which bind us…
Romney’s America…
I think Mitt Romney’s sometimes contradicting and confusing resume in many ways personifies what is troubling America today. I don’t mean this as a negative per-se, but more as a window into what I see as the nation’s posture in 2012. To put it mildly, there are far more Americans willing to turn a blind eye to societal and socioeconomic decline today, than at any time in U.S. history. “Middle of the road” politics or the so called “Independent” vote shaped the election of Barack Obama as President in 08 and will certainly factor into Election 2012. The willingness of many Americans to forego the ideals and principles of their fathers and grandfathers, by way of political correctness or some perceived social acceptance clause, has paved the way for the slow and steady erosion of our American culture, a culture that once defined “We the People” to the world. Moreover, that indifference has trickled into many important areas and aspects of our lives, as well as every corner of American government, from the halls of Congress to the Judiciary.
Now I’m not suggesting that Governor Romney is the cause exclusive of our national woes, however it is clear that the division within the Republican Party regarding the way forward is shaping the debate. In a manner of speaking, the Right/Left pull “within” the GOP mirrors what we will hear on the campaign trail once the nominee is chosen. Unfortunately this plays right into the hands of the Democrats who have no such primary or candidate vetting issues in this election cycle and are loving the head start.
Personally, I’m an old school political junkie who still believes the primaries are a mechanism to examine each candidate and their belief systems before making a decision. I’ve always thought that was the intended purpose. Sadly, the “main stream” media and the 24 hour news cycle have transformed the primary into a focused blood bath highlighting a manufactured negativity in ways it would never been highlighted before. Inevitably, it will be up to whoever emerges from the ashes to reshape the message into one which appeals to the “likely voter”, that voter who is cognizant of reality and truly concerned about their children’s America. I can only hope there are enough of those folks left to make a difference.
Reality sucks…
Whether it’s the almost $6 trillion dollars this President and Congressional Democrats have added to our children’s debt, or the 25 million now “under-employed” folks within America’s work force, or the record number of homes in foreclosure, or the rising oil and gas prices, or the 10% uptick in consumer credit card use in November/December with a matching decline in savings, or the myriad of other frightening indicators there for us to read if we only dare, it is obvious this President’s legacy is playing out long before the book is ever written.
This election is not about the next 4 years but rather the next 10, because those 10 years will certainly be the most consequential and critical in our nation’s history. Sadly, it may not be the wars sure to come as a result of the Obama Administration’s placating of our sworn enemies. No, it will however be the steady decline/erosion of the fundamental principles which have provided the foundation for our successes.
Whether you are a Republican or Democrat I ask only that you look a little closer. I ask that you set aside the partisan bickering on both sides and do your homework. The age of the internet has provided the tools necessary to do just that.
For my part, and while I remain inexorably tethered to my beliefs and ideals, I’m also convinced that we are living in desperate and dangerous times for America, and that if we ignore what is right in front of us, we do so at our nations, no, our children’s peril.
Blind side…
Isn’t it ironic, while our diplomats jockey to establish ties with the “terrorist” Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and seem to grovel for a seat at the (Taliban table of peace), all while our Soldiers are fighting and dying in theater, our President is laser focused on slashing our military in order to make it “leaner”, (code for weaker). I say ironic, as I do not wish to suggest panic at this point. But the fact is, as the so called “Arab” Spring clearly appears to be morphing into an “Islamofascist” Summer, our leaders continue to ignore the root causes of our financial woes here at home while simultaneously cutting the very means necessary to safeguard our children’s national security against these threats.
Meanwhile, the “recess” appointments and regulatory nightmares I wrote about just last week are all coming to fruition as predicted, and have actually been fast tracked by an Administration bent on turning as much Socialist university pabulum into reality as is humanly possible before what could very well be a landslide loss of the WH come this November.
Sadly but as I surmised, 2012 will likely add much to the history books. However it doesn’t seem as though it will be anything good…
Barack Obama is obviously a President who will use the power of the office in the most technical of ways to benefit politically. His minions have already made no secret of the fact his campaign will be an exercise in gutter politics as he targets a Congress with very low approval ratings. But while the POTUS attempts to deflect blame for a nation in crisis, by emphasizing Congressional negatives to an electorate that only dislikes the Senators and Congressmen from “other districts/states”, I will be watching the behind the scenes tactics of this ideological politician as he contemplates recess, or what are known as “adjournment appointments” of those most radical of his cabinet submissions who could not initially generate an up or down vote on Capitol Hill.
It’s always dangerous when a President has failed the leadership test in every way and then attempts the end around game to accomplish that which he could not have otherwise. The implications of these “appointments”, while temporary in nature “if” a new President is subsequently elected, and the damage which could occur in the interim, could be catastrophic. Federal agency policy and application related to everything from the EPA to the newest and ultra-controversial “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau” could be affected in dramatic and consequential ways to “We the People”.
These types of maneuvers have taken place on the watches of past Presidents to be sure, but as I have written, these are extraordinary times. What we allow to go unchecked in 2012 is sure to haunt us far beyond…