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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-----
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Categories
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- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Living the numbers…
- Mark Poirier on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Eugene Bolton on “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)
- Fred Comella "Patriot64" on June 6, 1944…
- Jeffrey A. Coulter on Indifference on a Presidential scale…
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Category Archives: Congress
More home state politics…
Why is it when we hear the campaign commercials of Liberal politicians like David Cicilline, they always seem so selective. In his first real media outing thus far, the clever congressman exploits the usual demographics, including the elderly women with the heavy Rhode Island drawl. And while assisting in removing any bureaucratic red tape which may have prevented a deserving Patriot from receiving his just due, or making sure a senior citizen gets her meds are certainly admirable efforts, in many ways these are simply normal functions of the constituents representative office. What is the message however? Will Representative Cicilline advocate only for certain voter blocs, or will he act in the best interest of “all” Rhode Islanders? Moreover, what tangible or “passable” piece of legislation has the congressman authored which would boost our pitiful economy here in the Ocean State? And what has he been doing to create jobs for the smallest state in the union with the second highest unemployment rate?
All I’m saying here, is this guy has basically been AWOL on our “collective” behalf for two years. And it turns out he duped a whole bunch of folks on his way out as Mayor of the City of Providence. Ultimately, our entire Washington Delegation has been off the reservation in terms of “representing “We the People” here in Little Rhody. So I say unto you my fellow 1st District voters, if the “political experience” of the “usual suspects” has taken us to the road we are on now, maybe we need a fresh perspective in Washington. Maybe we need a guy like Brendan Doherty, whose first order of business might just be representing “all” of his constituents, not just a few! P.S. – My young son would really appreciate it…
The new reality sucks…
With Gas prices still hovering above $3.00 a gallon, 2 million mortgages in foreclosure and an equal amount 3 payments or more behind, and a measly 85,000 jobs created last month in a total work force that has shrunk by almost 3 percentage points since this President took office, I suppose one would have no choice but to try and spin these dire numbers as somehow “a step in the right direction“. I’m just not so sure I like that direction.
Look, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz can blabber on all she wants about how GW was the Anti-Christ and all bad things in Washington are Republicans fault. But the facts are our economy is flailing and in danger of going out of business, and the Presidents approach has been one of more debt, more taxes, and divisive class warfare. Consumer confidence continues to plummet as Americans are far smarter than the Dems give them credit for. “We the People” can see the ship is sinking and we are not overly anxious to back up and hit the iceberg again.
Then Candidate Obama was very frank when he told a reporter that if he couldn’t fix this in three years, his would be a one term Presidency. Well, all he has done is exasperate a bad situation, and I think we should hold him to his own prediction.
Department of “Justice”???
“Contempt”- an act of disrespect that impedes the administration of justice. I have written enough on the fact that Eric Holder has been nothing short of negligent and possibly even complicit in the death of Agent Brian Terry. I have also written about how these types of things don’t happen without an “Administrators” blessing. Nonetheless, one only has to observe the Attorney General’s posturing and listen to his comments after the vote to understand he is certainly a contemptuous individual with little regard or respect for the family of the slain Border Agent.
While I was prepared to cut this loose if the AG provided what was asked of him, I am now convinced he was never equal to the title of our nation’s “Chief Law Enforcement Officer”. He should resign immediately or be fired by the President. Disgraceful…
It’s high time…
I’m still not ready to jump on Chief Justice Roberts for his vote yesterday, but that may change. I believe the fact the “Affordable” Care Act became law in the first place is proof positive that our nation is broken and foundering. As I posted yesterday, the question of Constitutionality as it relates to fines vs. taxes was addressed in the decision. With that said, we have become so desensitized to Constitutionally questionable entitlements built around payroll deductions, what’s one more tacked on? For good or bad, an entitlement class is alive and thriving in America.
Some of you have suggested I seem a bit indifferent to the Supreme Court ruling. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s just that I expected, and quietly hoped for it. Voting down the law would only have served to embolden the radical Left to war status, and kick the can down the road in terms of a larger and more productive discussion. If we do not fight the “haves and have not’s” fight right now, it simply may be too late.
Ironically, Mitt Romney must now step into the uncomfortable role of Conservative champion, and the Presidential Campaign I envisioned will come to pass. There is simply no getting away from the ideological confrontation which has been festering for more than two generations and now threatens to destroy our country. I must admit however, there is still a part of me that would welcome the total collapse that will most certainly come should America not change course in November. It just seems it’s the only way many on the Left will finally understand this “utopian dream”, perpetuated by a twisted ideology and promoted by an educated but inexperienced and reckless President, is a fraud. Moreover, that stark reality, which will likely come in the form of economic strife the likes of which this nation has never known, is close at hand.
I wonder though, would that be enough to convince them or would they blame that on Bush too???
It was a tax all along!!!
“This is not a tax”! How many times did we hear the POTUS and his Liberal Congress make that assertion? Actually, right up to the point when they had to actually argue the “Affordable” Care Act’s Constitutionality before the High Court, then the lawyers pulled out their trump (tax) card. For all intents and purposes it ended up being CJ Roberts who made the difference for the Obama Administration. Roberts makes the assertion, and I believe he is correct, that the mandate, (as an extension of Congressional power), is clearly unconstitutional (Commerce Clause). However, the Court asserts that Congress may level a tax to accomplish the same goal.
Translation: It was a tax all along and the Obama White House lied to the American people once again. This day will set the stage for the rest of the election year. I will have more to say when I read the entire decision, but it is now game on!
September 20, 2009 – President Barack Obama when pressed by George Stephanopoulos: “No George, this is NOT a tax”.
Pelosi’s shame…
Watching Alan Colmes on Megyn Kelly’s “America Live” is simply painful. Apparently, Colmes and the Liberals are content to let the outrageous claims of racism and voter suppression leveled against Darrell Issa and the Republicans pursuing answers in “Fast and Furious”, stand as valid. Damned be the politician and/or advocate who would suppress justice by such means. I would add that America’s future is in grave doubt if her citizens continue to put power in the hands of irresponsible fools such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Additionally, if minority groups continue to place their trust and faith in the likes of racists like Sharpton and Jackson, the righteous cause of human equality will be forever damaged in America.
A week for the history books…
The week ahead promises to be nothing short of dramatic in a political sense. So to kind of sum up, I will give you my take on some of the hot button issues.
I’ve been listening to Democrat pundits for the last two weeks try and explain away Eric Holder’s refusal to surrender certain documents to Congress regarding “Fast & Furious”. Now the obvious dilemma here is the Terry family is demanding answers to questions about their sons murder, and rightfully so. What I found interesting however, is the explanation by partisan Democrats that Republicans are simply grandstanding for political reasons, and that Holder has already turned over thousands of documents. In truth, the “documents” turned over were literally thousands of largely redacted and blacked out emails and papers which actually contained little or nothing about the shooting, who authorized it and at what level did the chain end. In that matter, the POTUS has now come to the rescue of his friend / AG and claimed “executive privilege”, apparently to prevent any incriminating disclosures. Ultimately, someone gave their “blessing” to the “gun walking” which was not part of the original operation, someone in a high office. And it was that gun walking that led to Agent Terry’s death. Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Well it is. Come clean Mr. Holder, and admit that something went very wrong in the Justice Department on your watch. Now a Border Agent’s family is left to ask why their Law Enforcement hero son was murdered on the border of his own country with weapons put in play by his own side. Release the documents or be held in contempt of Congress Sir. Next >
This is an easy one. Arizona reserves the right, Constitutionally and legally, to protect its border and uphold standing Federal Immigration Law if the feds themselves don’t do it. I believe the Supreme court will agree. Having said that, I concur with Senator Rubio in that I don’t believe Arizona should be the national model. The problems which exist there are exclusive to the region and therefore present LE officials with additional challenges for which they need appropriate “latitude”. Next >
And finally The “Affordable” Care Act. Arguably one of, if not the largest federal power grab in American history. An expensive, unsustainable and by every account, unworkable entitlement program that will bankrupt our children and ultimately destroy the greatest healthcare system known to mankind. It is my hope that the Supreme Court will strike it down as the Constitutional overreach it is. Regrettably, the President’s play to enact feel good portions of the law ahead of the full onslaught of its huge cost will make it difficult to transition to true comprehensive healthcare reform in the future. Moreover, Republicans and Democrats alike will seek to make political hay over the decision, and the truth will most likely be lost in the mix.
Anyway, have a good week people… 😉
Reliving a nightmare…
I think it’s fair to say, if you asked those who survived the Fort Hood massacre to describe that event, “war zone” would come to their collective thought. The location alone serves to remind us our soldiers face military threats here at home as well as abroad. Some were in uniform that day and some in civilian clothes preparing for oversees action, but all nonetheless engaged in activities related to the defense of our nation and the “war on terror”. So when the shooter, Major Nidal Malik Hasan screamed “allahu-akbar” and began indiscriminately shooting people in a processing center, there could be no doubt that the war had come home to Fort Hood.
So why then does our President deny “Purple Heart” combat medals to those involved opting instead to address the “incident” in the “broader scope of work place violence“???? Huh?????
Could it be because an admission of military foundation could jeopardize AG Holders ongoing attempts to locally criminalize enemy combatant (terrorist) related issues. This matter alone speaks volumes to the inexperience and/or lack of real understanding of DOD matters exhibited by this Administration. From the complacency on behalf of the military afforded Hasan for fear of being labeled politically incorrect, to the propensity of the Obama Administration overall to de-militarize what is clearly military in nature, one has to wonder who have we entrusted our children’s safety too.
So when I hear folks talking about the President’s foreign policy prowess, I think of things like this and wonder, does the carrying out of an order by the previous CIC, and a few on target drone strikes a foreign policy President make? I’m not so sure…
Going political “dutch”…
If Republicans chewed and screwed, the Democrats certainly didn’t show up to pay the bill. They held up the joint and cleaned out the register. I mean, is this President auditioning for a Saturday Night Live gig after politics? These corny one liners are really getting tedious considering all the real life drama unfolding around our nation. I guess when you “got nutin”, you go comic…
Anyway, the POTUS is so far off base as usual, he is sure to get caught stealing. (No pun intended.) The facts though, as reported by CBS no less, show Obama has already outspent Bush’s entire eight years in office and his policies are projected to have us well beyond $20 (T)rillion in the red by 2016. The price of a gallon of gas has doubled and many feel it is the new norm. Unemployment is realistically 9.2% and American wealth has diminished a staggering 40% while the median household income is down almost 8% since 2007. The housing market is on life support and corporations are hording cash for a “double dip” they know is coming. And as if these numbers aren’t sobering enough, what is the President of the United States talking about, the “unfunded” prescription drug program of (2003). For God’s sake and by their own admission, Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported that bill had there been more government and less private sector in the final draft. Ultimately they had been begging for expanding it in one form or the other since the early 1970’s. Let’s face it, when has any “Democrat” initiative ever been “funded”? Come on Mr. President, is that all you’ve got???
Fact – This President has promised more and delivered less, (with a two house mandate through his first election cycle) than any POTUS in recent memory. And he has done so by burdening our posterity with additional debt they will never be able to pay.
Look, I’m not here to tell you, that for fear of being attacked as ogres and granny killers, Repubs haven’t signed onto a lot of unreasonable and frankly unconstitutional entitlement crap over the years just to keep from getting booted from office. What I’m saying, is that common sense tells us in our own daily budgeting that we cannot continue to spend when carrying this kind of unconscionable debt. President Barack Obama had better own up, tell the truth, and kick the “bash Bush” habit quickly, or he may just wind up an ugly foot note rather than a debatable albeit ideological chapter in American History.
Watch out Senator Brown…
I’m doing my best to stay away from President Obama’s press conference comments. The level of elitism at that podium yesterday was simply too high even for me to analyze and still afford all due respect to the office. So I’ve decided to go a little closer to home today.
I supported Scott Brown for Ted Kennedy’s old seat basically because it was a historical opportunity to shake loose the Progressive strangle hold on Massachusetts. Frankly, Senator Brown was and has been somewhat less than Conservative on most issues. However he certainly doesn’t resemble the (“Liberal” Lion of the Senate) in any way. Truth be told, he is even advertising the fact that he was voted the most “bi-partisan” Senator of the bunch. As I’ve said, I’m all for a little “bi-partisanship” at this juncture, so long as I don’t have to vacate my principles, turn over my guns, and kneel before the corrupt “Whore house Harry Reid”.
Anyway, I read an interesting comment in the Providence Journal recently from Democratic Senatorial Candidate and Brown opponent Elizabeth Warren. I would add here that anyone who doubts this persons Liberal qualifications must be living under a rock. Brown’s “bi-partisanship” aside, Warren makes him look like Barry Goldwater. Nonetheless, I thought it was extremely telling that she was quoted at the “Netroots” Convention recently as having said, “progressives must change the conversation in Washington“. That one stand alone statement reinforces what I’ve consistently espoused concerning the true intent of the Left in this country. It is not about making our free republic better by way of a healthy debate rooted in the content of our nation’s founding documents, but rather it is about (changing) that free republic to a big government, European style entitlement state.
I am asked quite often by Liberals about the title page of my political blog, “For Patriots Only”. It seems they feel I am excluding them from the argument. I tell them simply, the only pre-qualification I have for their comments, (which are Constitutionally protected), is that they love their country for its basic principles as set forth by the Framers, and not forego those principles for the sake of failed ideologies or selfish apathy. Translation: Know your history and learn from it. Do not blame others for your station in this life, but rather use your God-given freedom and talent to succeed. And together let us leave a greater United States of America to our posterity… How’s that for changing the conversation Liz???