Daily Archives: 2013/04/27

Now what, Mr. President…

obamacare-cartoon-2-aPelosi: “We have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it”. Do you all remember that shameful moment in American politics when a sitting member of Congress embarrassed herself and her Democratic colleagues with that revelation? Well it turns out that her party did ram that bill through, (The “Affordable” Care Act), and there is apparently little about it that’s “affordable”. In fact, long-time Washington player Senator Max Baucus likens the coming implementation of some of the main components of the new health care law to a “train wreck”.

From the fight over who exactly is to pay for the so-called exchanges from state to state, to the plethora of tax increases associated with the law, and as doctors are walking out of meetings in protest of what they say is a lack of discernible forethought in terms of the implementation of the five-year roll-out plan, “Obamacare” looks to be just as Baucus suggested, a “train wreck”.

For those of us who predicted this very nightmare scenario, there is some vindication in the knowledge that when you allow a government bureaucracy to be involved in what should be left to the private sector to hash out, it will always go badly. Regrettably however, there will also and always be victims of ill-conceived and unrealistic legislation like this.

Not sure where we go from here on out, but the road ahead looks bumpy to be sure, and will no doubt be far more costly than Candidate/President Barack Obama was ready to admit when he sold us this bill of goods.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Unemployment, Women's Issues | Tagged | Comments Off on Now what, Mr. President…

Enough already…

bk-bush-20130425-2511MSNBC’s Rachel “Mad Cow” Maddow, John Stewart and the rest of the “usual suspects” wasted no time attacking the Bush Library ceremonies the other night. It’s always a bit amusing to me though, that in the midst of an Obama Presidency, marred by unprecedented inexperience, reckless indecision, and the legacy of which will be consequences so significant that we are already feeling the far-reaching effects, that these ideologically imbalanced sycophants are still caught up in the Bush bashing thing. I hate to break it to you folks, this stopped being “about Bush” after the “stimulus” passed, if it ever really was about him in the first place. So I have a suggestion for all the Progressive junkies out there who see GW as the popular guy in school who made you feel a little silly and insignificant, (and this includes media types working for ratings challenged cable networks),  “get over it will ya?”…

Posted in "Patriot64", Election 2014, Fred Comella, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Enough already…