Daily Archives: 2012/10/25

Look to Rhode Island and see where we are headed…

Rhode Island’s local internet news outlet “golocalprov.com” is reporting today that at least one in five Rhode Islanders are receiving some sort of public assistance. (Ouch!) Ironically, it is only a somewhat different demographic breakdown which separates this figure from the national average of one in three Americans receiving assistance, (Double ouch!) But I’m gonna stay local for the most part today.

This is my message to Rhode Islanders who have either been hoodwinked by our current Washington Delegation, or who simply choose to ignore their pathetic record. “Wake up!” You are compromising your children, grand children and even your great grand children. If you don’t know, go look and you will see. Medicare is going bankrupt. Social Security will begin going bankrupt in 2013, we are borrowing nearly $4 billion dollars a day (mostly from China) to pay the interest on our debt, and the new health care law is in the red right out of the gate, with folks average premiums up over $2000.00 in real time. Now let me help you some more. Despite what conniving liars like David Cicilline, Sheldon Whitehouse and Jim Langevin are telling you, Seniors today have absolutely nothing to fear from any Republican budget plan. That is of course if Mitt Romney is actually elected and returns the over $700 billion dollars President Obama raided from the Medicare program to make his health care law doable on paper. Additionally, Governor Romney has pledged not to raise taxes on the middle class. Now I know everyone wants to know how he will pay for this, and the answer is simple. He will do much like President Reagan did by reaching across party lines and finding the necessary combination of tax cuts and code revisions to make it happen, all while finally removing the doubt which has chained small business to the side lines for four years now. And we should rightfully hold him to those promises. But also, to the claim of our own Rhode Island Congressional Delegation, that the President “lowered taxes” over three thousand dollars for the “middle class”, well, He did! And the median income for that same tax bracket fell by more than four thousand dollars in the same period because of his economic policies. (WT-X) Consequently, in very few areas of this nation are the effects of this disastrous “recovery” more evident than in Rhode Island. Please tell me what the heck the elected officials we’ve sent to Washington have done to address these monumental, and defining issues of our time. The answer is simple. Nothing!

Look, all I’m asking is that the Democratic Party “lever pullers” in my home state stop kidding themselves and look around. The evidence of ideological failure in Rhode Island is everywhere. Doesn’t it then make sense we turn to our representatives to answer for this, especially when they enjoyed the greatest concentration of political power in recent memory when this President was elected, and did nothing with it except add to our unborn children’s crippling debt? This is a truly contemptuous and disgraceful bunch.

Wake up Rhode Island and focus on the records of these individuals, and not the thirty second T.V. spot where they highlight some poor soul they “may” have helped while thousands of others go belly up. Where is their legislative record of accomplishments on our behalf. Oh, and do not be fooled by the Pell Grant BS being spouted by Senator Whitehouse, as Congressman Ryan’s proposal was just that a proposal. Governor Romney has actually pledged to expand the program in the third debate.

Enough is enough. “I’m gonna fight for you” is getting old without tangible results. The bottom line is if you keep sending these lying charlatans back to Washington without accountability, the days of our downfall will soon be at hand. The well has run dry people! We either fix this problem or we’re all screwed! Please give someone else a chance, for my son’s sake…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Jobs, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged , , | 1 Comment