Tag Archives: Entitlement Class

“Trust me”…

Demonize your opponent and keep it small and petty. Now the “Left Wing Blogosphere” is attacking Romney for his debate characterization of how he sought out women for high level positions within his administration, “Bindergate”. Lost in the mix is the ratio of women to men in Romney’s cabinet was the highest in the country during his time as Massachusetts Governor. Thankfully, women are coming to his defense, including  those who worked for the Governor.

More and more I find myself hoping Americans see beyond the desperation of not only a failing presidential campaign, but a divisive Liberal/Progressive ideology of class warfare and hate. And I hope everyone will see this type of rhetoric for what it is, and understand that it ascends to the highest levels of the Democratic party elite in ways that would make JFK and Truman cringe with disgust.

In the face of legitimate questions regarding the overseas deaths of Americans in service to their country, and a domestic policy approach which has brought our nation to the precipice of European style economic ruin, the ideological platform and application of the 2012 Democratic Presidential Campaign, is simply to smear your opponent while simultaneously engaging in cheap office cubical tactics. Heck, if the POTUS can keep this type of soap opera politics out front, he may never have to talk about his own vision for the future of the United States. (That’s the idea!)

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Media, Politics, Socioeconomic, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on “Trust me”…


Please download free healthcare, college and future employment into my memory banks...

If I’m guilty of anything it is my passion for the things I believe, some more than others. Consequently, when I look at the big picture there is always one common thread. No matter the direction of the political wind, nor who we elect as President, and no matter our personal motivation, frankly speaking, if we fail to educate our young people adequately and accurately about this great nation and what it means to be an “American”, we lose…

Jack Chambless, Professor of Economics at Valencia College, asked his students to submit essays basically having to do with the federal government’s role in our lives. And while there where a small number of college age folk who felt government should stand aside and let the individual shine as was Constitutionally intended, better than 70% of his class wrote in terms of free healthcare as well as government provided college, jobs and pensions. One young man even wrote something to the effect of “human beings could not provide for themselves and that it was the (government’s responsibility) to do it for them”.

This is the sort of thing that should scare every freedom loving American who is reading it. Not only is it scary that this could be the thought process of anyone preparing to go into the world for real, but more so because somewhere along the line, at home and/or within the public school system, there was a “void of learning” which can only be attributed to parental complacency and an ignorant and flawed union ideology rooted in most of the public education system today. We are producing an entire generation of entitlement robots devoid of the fundamental principles of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, a class of young people who simply have not been taught to recognize or understand the goodness in free will, self-reliance and individual exceptionalism. Simply put, our nation will instead have to deal with a totally new entitlement class, poor and deficient not by circumstance but by choice.


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