Tag Archives: IRS Scandal

Abolish the IRS,,, and impose term limits too…

Looks a little like an old Chris Matthews, doesn't he???

Looks a little like an old Chris Matthews, doesn’t he???

I think it’s now fair to say, many Liberals in Congress have absolutely no idea what’s contained in the founding documents. Either that, or individuals like Representative Jim McDermott (D) WA, simply could care less about the intent of the framers, or the great tenets of liberty and freedom which have made the United States the freest and greatest nation in the history of nations!

As I watched the “Ways and Means Committee” hearings on the IRS scandal play out, I was floored by the atrocious comments coming from fools like McDermott, and the other brain surgeon with the poke-a-dot bowtie and day glow green bicycle on his lapel, (Blumenauer (D-Ore.). How in the world has this country descended to such a point where its people are targeted by their own government for speaking freely, and then forced to listen to a bunch of ignorant bureaucrats attempt to pass off their own ideological horse excrement as truthful explanations for the aforementioned ignorance. If there were ever a time to abolish the IRS, while simultaneously implementing strict term limits in both the House and Senate, now would be that time!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Politics, Taxes | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Abolish the IRS,,, and impose term limits too…

IRS “Franken”stein…

220px-Max_S_Baucus220px-Charles_Schumer_official_portrait220px-Carl_Levin_official_portraitstuart-smalleyThe fact that Al Franken was apparently pushing the IRS to investigate Tea Party and other Conservative groups should come as no surprise. The man is a goofy Hollywood hack and has no business representing anything or anyone, except maybe some of those “light-bulbs in Minnesota”. That said, it appears FOX is tracking as many as a dozen letters sent to the IRS Office of Tax Exempt Status during the period 2010 / 2011 from folks like Schumer, Levin and Baucus. This is troubling because despite the Lefts propensity to substitute emotion in place of fact and reason, I spend a lot of time advocating for everyone’s right to free speech and to engage in the arena of ideas. I would have expected as much from these so-called “Senior Senators”. Regrettably, these jackasses stepped way outside their Constitutional boundaries and at the very least, may have encouraged un-Constitutional and possibly even criminal behavior on the part of the most feared of all government agencies.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time Congress names an independent special prosecutor with subpoena power and access to a grand jury, so we might have some appointee and politician posterior alike dragged before “We the People” to answer for this lunacy.

Wake up people. America’s enemies are emboldened and shedding their disguises.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Hollywood Hijinx, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, Taxes | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on IRS “Franken”stein…