Tag Archives: First Amendment

The values of Chicago???

This statement on its face is laughable. Rohm Emanuel continues to remove all doubt that he is not up to the job of dog catcher, never mind mayor. Moreover, his affinity for those who would selectively apply the First Amendment depending on the message, is now cemented for all to see with this (Chick-Fil-A) situation.

Why is it that whenever a person espouses traditional values or Christian sentiment, their right of free speech is somehow diminished by the shrill cries of the Progressive hate mongers. Dan Cathy, a man who is simply seeking to expand his business (Chick-Fil-A), which in turn will create much needed tax revenue and jobs, is now being ridiculed and shut out because he endorses the traditional American family. Initially, I did not want this to be an ideologically based post, but now I find it necessary to go a bit further concerning the decision of some cities to block (Chick-Fil-A) because of their presidents statements on gay marriage.

Firstly, at no point did company President Dan Cathy advocate discrimination of any sort against any segment of the population. He was responding to a question concerning “fatherless families” and expanded his answer on the “Ken Coleman Show” to include his Christian belief system. It was a completely appropriate format and his statements were in the context of that forum. In fact, Cathy has repeatedly stated that the franchise serves any and all patrons with no exceptions. The hoopla is exclusively tied to his companies support of a traditional family, and the fact that “his” value set does not condone gay marriage. Now reading any further into the issue is merely an attempt by the Lunatic Left to smear those who are not “politically correct”. Translation: If you do not believe as we do, you are a bigot who should not be allowed your First Amendment rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights. Insane? Maybe, but I think it’s worse than that.

For my part, I have a simple philosophy, and that is no person shall enjoy rights beyond those of another, or at the expense of another. No special laws, and no special consideration. A crime is a crime whether it is committed against a gay, straight, black, white, red, yellow or polka-dot person. A violation of that or any persons civil rights shall constitute no special treatment either way, just a sound and fundamental application of the law as written and vetted through the court system. The notion that we will pick and choose whose rights are valued more than another is ludicrous and irresponsible. We are all entitled to our value systems and opinions. But those systems and opinions should never be the basis for any shallow and self serving political hack, to incite undue and/or unreasonable public discourse rooted in their own or some groups bias and bigotry. And yes, Christians are entitled to the same considerations as gays or any other group.

At the end of the day, there will be much more at stake in November than many realize. America as we know it is in jeopardy, and for all the wrong reasons. Do not boycott (Chick-Fil-A), but rather defend their rights to believe as they wish, as you would have yours defended. If you chose not to patronize their business, let that be a personal decision which shall come with my respect. However, for a politician to block a legitimate business for the sake of ideological differences and political expediency, is reckless, unlawful and compromises all that America stands for. So to the Mayors who are considering this action against (Chick-Fil-A), your understanding of the Bill of Rights and your responsibilities is flawed. In the best interest of your constituents, resign immediately, go back to history and civics class and start over.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Constitutionality, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The values of Chicago???

“Clause” and effect…

I still love my home State of Rhode Island...

I have always said that in order for us to better understand the words and meaning of our founding documents, it is necessary to “be in the heads” of the men who wrote them. Such is true for the “Establishment Clause” of the 1st Amendment. Now I will not put all of you to sleep with my interpretation of Jefferson’s “Wall of separation” letter, which was actually drafted by Madison, nor will I dissect the myriad of legal challenges to the so called “separation” which have arisen over generations. What I will say however, is that if one is a true study of history and desires to be intellectually honest, one must admit to the central place of the church and its influence within the fabric of early American history.

Mind you I am no zealot, nor am I qualified to speak to the problems of religion in our world. I am also certain that any theocratic approach to governance “applied by the hand of man” is dangerous to freedom. But it occurs to me there were some very basic foundational beliefs shared by a majority of folks back in the day which most certainly would have shaped their opinions, complete with every nuance and caveat. Having said this, and accounting for all the whims and contradictions which defined Jefferson’s life and work, I think that when one “Atheist” young person, who is most likely unsure and/or at least unclear on the many changes of opinion she will surely express in her long life, is allowed to rip the cultural and foundational rug from under the common sensibilities of the collective majority, then this can only be part of that slow and steady unraveling of our future I write about almost every day. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/11/federal-court-orders-rhode-island-school-to-remove-prayer/


Posted in "Patriot64", America, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Judiciary, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , | Comments Off on “Clause” and effect…