Battle brewing…

When folks like Sally Kohn spew their hate filled and baseless rhetoric about how the Right is actually “sabotaging the economy” so as to bring about the defeat of Barack Obama in 2012, I have to laugh. Hell, he’s doing that all by himself. It does always make me think of the Presidents civility speech back in Arizona though, and how Liberals must have had the volume turned down on that one.

I have long predicted that this election would finally bring both ideologies clearly into focus. Folks would now have an opportunity to make the most difficult choice of their political lives, to embrace “pie in the sky” Progressive Utopia in the hopes that the “Professor Obama college try” will somehow yield better times, or to vote for America and the fundamental and proven truths of human freedom, hard work and self-reliance. I don’t believe anyone is denying there is much to be fixed however, and that we have been asleep at the wheel as “both” our government and corporate America have gone astray of the values which we have entrusted to them. But to abandon the very principles which have allowed our nation to prosper in ways unmatched the world over and through all of time is simply a non-starter. To think along these lines is promote a way of life that has failed the rest of the world time and again and throughout history with often horrible consequences.

As we mark exactly one year to Election Day, I am contemplating the months ahead and how they will most likely be filled with the most vitriolic rhetoric we have ever known in a campaign. I am cognizant of something that I never would have imagined seeing in my lifetime, and I am painfully aware that we are losing our history at an alarming rate. Sadly, it is being replaced with the marching orders of the Progressive Left and the lazy, intellectually and morally corrupt anarchists we are now seeing with more and more frequency on the nightly news. Even more alarming is that just a few short years ago I would have scoffed at the notion that America would die from within, and that “We the People” would chose the free ride as opposed to earned success. This script does remain to be written however.

It just seems as though we are no longer arguing about who is successful, or the phrase (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness), but rather whether or not any measure of success is simply a birth right which must be pre-figured and guaranteed by an all-encompassing federal entity. This has been and always will be the result of politically promoted class warfare. Read your history for the end result…




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“In God we trust”…

So the President doesn’t like that Congress voted on the reaffirmation of “In God we trust” as the nation’s motto. His message was of course laced with rhetoric regarding his contention that the Republican led House has been doing nothing to put America back to work.

There are a couple of peculiar things about the President’s decision to mock congress on the “motto thing” though, not the least of which is that Speaker Boehner has in fact sent over 15 jobs proposals for the Senates consideration which have all been labeled “dead on arrival” by WH Harry Reid. Maybe that should be the Senates motto. Are they part of the “do nothing Congress” the President is referring to, or is he frustrated because his initial stimulus did little if anything besides stimulate a whole lot of fraud investigations. Or maybe he feels a little silly going out and touting all these “shovel ready projects” again. Or possibly, he is stumped on how the hell he’s gonna pay for any of it, or for that matter how to explain why entitlement spending has usurped all of the cash away from its Constitutional destination… This guy is the poster child for political hypocrisy. Moreover, the Congress deals with literally thousands of such bills and moves them with relative speed under accelerated procedural rules. It is the day-to-day business of Capital Hill and (former 180 day Senator Barack Obama) damn well knows it.

Now on the issue of the motto itself, it is school boy Jazzy Jay Carney who has once again helped us to define his bosses Administration. His uneducated comment on the phrase “God helps those who help themselves” which he mistakenly stated was from the Bible when referencing the POTUS’s earlier comments, demonstrates how little faith these nitwits have in anything but their own ideological belief system. They are truly devoid of honor in any form and therefore incapable of leading with the confidence necessary to represent “We the People”.

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Getting there…

We are on our way… If you check the “patriot64 archives”
tab, we are up to 6 pages and some 90,000 words of commentary from yours truly,
with another 12 pages and more than 180,000 words coming from the old format.
Sadly, many of the pics are copy-written and no longer available for re-print,
thus some punch lines may produce a bit of a blank stare on the reader’s part.
It is the price I have paid for this new and more appropriate format.

Be well Patriots…

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A Black Conservative???

I do not condone nor would I suggest that sexual harassment in the workplace, specifically against women, is acceptable for any reason, it is not. That said, the vetting of a particular occurrence is a matter for the
company in question to address and/or face the possibility of federal involvement.

In the matter of Presidential Candidate Herman Cain it is
clear that until a gag order put in place by the presiding judge is lifted, all
the facts are simply not there. Consequently, I shall reserve my opinions until
that time. This however, does not mean that I will not comment on the foaming at the mouth Liberal attack dogs who see this man as the greatest possible threat to “their black imposter” in the White House.  

What could possibly be worse than a black Conservative? A self-made
man who defied the “odds” and made it happen for himself and for his family, a
man who refused to be labeled as anything but an American trying to succeed, a
man who did not listen to Washington Progressives when they told him that he
was being kept down, and a man who is now calling out the current President for
the phony working class hero, entitlement and class warfare crap he has been

Look, I expect Herman Cain to do what I believe is in his heart and tell the truth. Moreover, I see genuineness in him which is markedly different in the appeal department than the packaged presentation of our current “Professor in Chief”. All things considered, if it turns out that Candidate Cain has been less than truthful, I will certainly support someone else moving forward. However, if it is determined that this is a smear campaign with little or no basis in fact, less the stories of a few easily manipulated and money hungry perverts, will the Liberals then offer an apology to the front-runner and champion the
cause of hard work, dedication and determination to a minority populous which needs
and damn well deserves the truth, and not some race based agenda of lies and manufactured disadvantages? I think not…

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Back in the “stand”…


Well we have arrived and I’m trying to get a handle on my
new “home”. Thank you all for your supportive emails and a special thanks to those who recommended this new company, they are absolutely wonderful. Thank you to all who sent me advice and educational links that have helped me down the road to a more hands on approach to my blog. I hope to get it all in line within a couple of weeks. I must admit however, that hunting season is upon me and I really do need some time in the woods.

Fear not though, I am on top of it all, from the (Lefts) attacks on Herman Cain because they are scared senseless of a black Conservative, to Eric Holder running for cover and doing his own rendition of “Bush bashing” when it comes to “Fast and Furious”, and even the POTUS trying to look like a “regular” guy… Really???

I will also be posting all of the archives which I brought over from the “other hosting company” in bulk form on so you can browse and reminisce…

Once again thank you, and let’s get this show on the road…
(Right after I bag my first big deer for the season.)

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