Daily Archives: 2013/05/05

No School Boy Jay Carney, it’s not old news…

Old news???

Old news???

Some of you may recall I predicted Benghazi would bring down the Obama Administration, and I stand by that prediction. The question however, is are we officially living in a climate where things like the murder of one of our ambassadors and three of his support staff simply don’t matter as much anymore. I think any reasonable person would agree, had this happened during Bush 43, impeachment hearings would have been well under way by now. Nevertheless, there are four dead Americans whose sacrifices we have yet to reconcile, and it’s becoming more apparent these real life instances are far more challenging than the elitist up-starts in the White House had figured on.

In the days and weeks ahead we will finally be hearing from those who were on the ground in real-time as it happened, and we will also watch Socialist politicians and the Obama propaganda press machine attempt to take them apart. For Republicans on the other hand, it will be a game of restraint so as not to look like a bunch of desperate sharks cruising a chum line. Inevitably however, it will fall to “We the People”, to decide what is acceptable in terms of how much the United States will tolerate to garner some perceived international acceptance and/or false accolades. Our President and his political sycophants apparently believe there is some sort of twisted trade-off to be had here. Disgraceful…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, International, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism | Tagged , | Comments Off on No School Boy Jay Carney, it’s not old news…

NRA not the problem…

This is a letter from a doctor in my home state of Rhode Island. Read my response below.

Doreen Ciancaglini: NRA vs. our children

                                     Doreen Ciancaglini: NRA vs. our children

Comments 10

                    April 18, 2013 12:32 pm

As a pediatrician, I spend much of my day providing guidance to the parents of my patients, to educate them regarding many issues, ranging from nutrition to safety. I was disheartened to see the defeat of the  bill on expanded background checks on gun sales bill. Most of us want less gun violence. Most of us want fewer gun fatalities, such as in the Newtown tragedy.

Most of us want our schools safe for our kids. How can this be accomplished? We have to make a start. The organization that promotes gun ownership at all cost, the National Rifle Association, is not primarily interested in these safety issues. They aggressively and actively lobby senators to reject any type of reform. They’ve duped some Americans into believing that it’s about their freedoms.

Their victory is a defeat for those if us seeking to keep our children safe.

As I and my colleagues continue to advise parents on child safety, we hope that part of our anticipatory guidance won’t have to include “since there are so many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people, just stay home.”

Doreen Ciancaglini, M.D. North Providence



The biggest problem supporters of the Second Amendment face is ignorance, (purposeful or otherwise), in terms of what it really means. After that, it’s just plain ideological.

This is evidenced in Doreen Ciancaglini’s letter of 5/5/13. In it she refers to the NRA as “not primarily interested in these safety issues”, referring to the defeat of the “background checks” bill. Now I don’t necessarily wish to school the good doctor on the “entire” text of that particular piece of legislation, or for that matter, the nightmares sure to arise out of legal challenges by way of the “HIPAA” statutes, (regulations I would hope she is familiar with), but I will take issue with her assertion on safety. It is a simple fact that there is no agency or entity which has done more to promote the safe ownership and handling of firearms in this country than the NRA. A simple google search would help the average person understand this. Regrettably however, and while I respect and admire her commitment to serve her fellow human being, Dr. Ciancaglini (and others) seem content to demonize that which they clearly do not understand. I wonder what her position is on, swimming pools, automobiles, alcohol, or even “fireworks and ball bearings”, none of which are directly associated with one of the “Bill of Rights”, or the foundational liberty which built and now protects the nation she practices in. The “reasonable discussion” continues to elude…

Posted in "Patriot64", Congress, Constitutionality, Education, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Home and Family, Politics, Second Amendment | Comments Off on NRA not the problem…