Tag Archives: Paul Deen

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

Paula Deen

Paula Deen

It’s hard to get past today’s headlines and not ask when will the sins of a nation be forgiven. Factually speaking, “We the People” of the United States have done more to address the injustice of racism while promoting human equality than any nation in recorded history. I think no law passed however, or political will imposed, can take the place of a moral and decent upbringing free of learned prejudices. With that said, it does appear there are those who would continue to promote superficial and manufactured differences instead of the simple humanity which unites every one of us, all while fanning the flames of division for their own selfish interests.

I am not a huge Paula Deen fan per se. I do love her southern cooking style though, and have downloaded a few of her recipes in the past. (Warning – If you have an aversion to such cooking or high cholesterol, then turn the channel or quit whining.) What I can tell you is that by all appearances Deen is a self-made woman who for the last 25 + years has come from the bonds of poverty as a single mom, and achieved the American dream by way of hard work and sacrifice, (something I suspect really irks some Liberal dependency advocates out there). So when I heard of her recent trials, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Then I did my homework on the issue and there it was, that sickening and politically correct hypocrisy which is crippling our country today. Now let me understand this. Instead of lying (as so many do), a sixty something southern woman told the truth in a court deposition, acknowledging some controversial words said many years ago and in a very different time, and we must now punish her for those words? As another consequence, the bandwagon bumpkins at Wal-Mart, Target and The Food Network have all dropped their proverbial drawers, as well as sponsorships and associated Paula Deen product lines because of the flap. Really? Well I’d certainly like to get those CEO’s under oath and ask them some similar questions, the bunch of lying hypocrites. When I analyze this insanity, and throw in the intentionally hateful, sexist and racially charged comments made by fools like Bill Maher, Jamie fox and so many other Left Wing lunatics, the glaring hypocrisy seems as thick as one of Deen’s meatloaf burgers. Layer on some inflammatory “special sauce” from the Zimmerman murder trial, which has already morphed into a matter of race and only race, and my earlier question keeps coming back. When do we move past the self-imposed and politically generated filters, and who has the intestinal fortitude to take us there?

Look, I’m not suggesting that racism and hate do not exist so long as we ignore them. To the contrary, we must battle mightily and continually against the purveyors of division. But we must do this in our homes and churches first, by continuing to reinforce the fundamental maxim that “all men are created equal”, and not by inventing ways to destroy others so they may answer for our own sin…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Civil Rights, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Judiciary, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged , , | 2 Comments