Tag Archives: 2nd Amendment

One of ten…

Newsmakers_4_12_13__Gun_Control_Debate_C_824510000_20130412125110_320_240For good or bad, gun-control is now front and center, largely as a result of the Sandy Hook tragedy. I have fought the Second Amendment battle on a number of fronts over the years and I keep coming away with a very disturbing observation. Ironically, it’s not exclusive to the argument over guns, but I continue to be floored by how little politicians know about many of the important issues of our time.

As an example, I was watching WPRI’s Newsmakers recently with Guests, Rhode Island  Rep’s Finn and Chippendale, discussing proposed gun-control legislation coming out of Smith Hill. Firstly, Miss Finn’s “observations” on the availability of data concerning firearms incidents nationwide were almost comical. She was apparently attempting to cite CDC stats, or some lack thereof, and simply flubbed it badly. Her assertions were completely inaccurate and she seemed wholly ill-equipped to make her case. Not to be outdone, Chippendale shanked one of the simplest questions out there, and a favorite of the Liberal television media, concerning “the line” between what Americans can and should be allowed to own. Tim White cleverly threw out the poll-tested “What about bazooka’s?”, to which Rep. Chippendale simply had no discernible retort. The factual and necessary answer would have been that the “National Firearms act of 1934” and subsequent “Gun control Act of 1968” addressed those issues, banning and/or regulating ownership, use, and importation of such/certain weapons. One would think these are questions our elected representatives should be able to answer with ease, thus allowing a more robust debate for “We the People” to consider.

Nevertheless, our freedoms seem precariously balanced in the hands of those who let their emotions and/or political ambitions trump fact and reason. Dangerous ground I would say, as there are another nine Amendments in the BOR. I’m starting to think there should be some sort of test for those who wish to speak for us.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Media, Military, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Second Amendment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on One of ten…

Gun control and more…

Let me begin with Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Or maybe I should ask, where do I begin with Mayor Mike Bloomberg? This is clearly an individual whose financial and political status have positioned him atop a bully pulpit for which he is neither suited or qualified. His recent comments in the wake of the Aurora shooting are reckless and ill-timed at best. Moreover, the factual numbers concerning gun control have never and will never support his arguments.

One need only read the writings of Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton and a multitude of others to know the “right to keep and bear arms” is inherent and essential to the existence of a free people. Sadly, sound bites and uneducated opinions have found their way into the debate, and clouded the minds of otherwise sensible Americans. Responsible journalism has been replaced by activism, and Bill O’Reilly is now somehow an authority on “automatic” firearms. The problem is, ordinary citizens cannot purchase “automatic” firearms without a special federal license, and the Aurora shooter had no “automatic” weapons in his possession that fateful evening. It is this type of misinformation which permeates the “lame stream” media talking points today, and makes reasonable debate on the matter all the more challenging. In this case I would thank the good Lord for the NRA. That’s right Bill Moyer. The NRA is not the “enabler of death”, but you may very well be the enabler of ignorance and ideological rhetoric. Ah, the frustration of listening to this Left Wing operative try and pass himself off as any kind of journalist or commentator. What a joke.

Actually, if you were to fact check the NRA statistics, you would find that much of their numbers crunching comes from federal agencies to include the BATFE, FBI, and the CDC. When you throw in the figures from states and cities with “right to carry” laws on the books, and which show significantly lower crime rates than those without, one has to wonder how the anti-gun lobby can make any case at all.

Inevitably, it is tragedy like that in Aurora which allows disingenuous fools like Bloomberg, Lautenberg, Feinstein and Schumer, to come out of their respective holes and exploit the loved and lost to make a political, albeit nonsensical point. The truth is even more frightening though, and it is that these opportunists are not the least bit interested in the loss of the innocent, but rather their fear of an educated and armed citizenry, has shaped their ideology into something perversely unconstitutional and un-American.

Please support the 2nd Amendment. It guarantees the rest. Donate to the NRA at: https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?campaignid=bonusgiftwy&EK=Y2GRPPBD&pubID=148.30&hid=15109902

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good”

— George Washington

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Civil Rights, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gun control and more…