Daily Archives: 2012/05/11

Flagging the Obama Camp 15 yards…

Bullying is not acceptable, and it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to monitor and identify when our young folks are acting irresponsibly. OK?

Raising the issue of an incident that occurred more than 50 years ago, and which has been disputed by several witnesses including members of the alleged victim’s family, is nothing but an attempt by the POTUS to divert attention away from his failed record. It must be increasingly clear to the President’s polling people that he will only win this election if he can successfully portray the 65-year-old Romney as some sort of elitist bully. Go figure, the Democrats will now run on their own pet “social issues” because they have nowhere else to go. This is the most politically pathetic stunt I have seen this early in an election, and it is indicative of what appears to be a very worried Obama camp.

I should qualify my thoughts by stating emphatically that I do not condone bullying in any way. All I’m saying is this is a separate discussion that has now become an issue, having been deliberately injected into the campaign by desperate Obamabots who see trouble ahead for the President concerning his time in office thus far. He cannot not run on his record and have any hope of enjoying the “magic” of 2008, so he definitely needs a new marketing strategy.

Message to the Romney camp: Do not misplay this and wind up descending into a disingenuous BS fest with folks who wrote the book on political hit jobs. Be apologetic and engaged, but be firm in your presentation of  “it’s the economy stupid“.

Message to the Obama camp: Look in the mirror…

Who is the real bully Mr. President?- http://hotair.com/archives/2012/04/27/the-list-obamas-campaign-attacking-private-citizens-again/

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Economy, Fred Comella, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics | Comments Off on Flagging the Obama Camp 15 yards…