Category Archives: Health Care


Please download free healthcare, college and future employment into my memory banks...

If I’m guilty of anything it is my passion for the things I believe, some more than others. Consequently, when I look at the big picture there is always one common thread. No matter the direction of the political wind, nor who we elect as President, and no matter our personal motivation, frankly speaking, if we fail to educate our young people adequately and accurately about this great nation and what it means to be an “American”, we lose…

Jack Chambless, Professor of Economics at Valencia College, asked his students to submit essays basically having to do with the federal government’s role in our lives. And while there where a small number of college age folk who felt government should stand aside and let the individual shine as was Constitutionally intended, better than 70% of his class wrote in terms of free healthcare as well as government provided college, jobs and pensions. One young man even wrote something to the effect of “human beings could not provide for themselves and that it was the (government’s responsibility) to do it for them”.

This is the sort of thing that should scare every freedom loving American who is reading it. Not only is it scary that this could be the thought process of anyone preparing to go into the world for real, but more so because somewhere along the line, at home and/or within the public school system, there was a “void of learning” which can only be attributed to parental complacency and an ignorant and flawed union ideology rooted in most of the public education system today. We are producing an entire generation of entitlement robots devoid of the fundamental principles of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, a class of young people who simply have not been taught to recognize or understand the goodness in free will, self-reliance and individual exceptionalism. Simply put, our nation will instead have to deal with a totally new entitlement class, poor and deficient not by circumstance but by choice.


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Call it what it is…

I read an editorial in the Providence Journal the other day which focused on why, under Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, the “Affordable” Care Act would eventually be upheld as Constitutional when it is heard this coming summer in the U.S. Supreme Court. After I finished and accepted that the author, who was from Los Angeles and spoke of regulatory constraints in terms marijuana legalized for medicinal purposes, was obviously attempting stretch the Commerce Clause far beyond any discernible measure, I refocused on the battle over the debt raging within the so-called “Super committee” and how the two debates are ultimately related.

Anyone who can perform the most basic mathematical equations must conclude in large part that our current fiscal ditch was dug primarily with an entitlement shovel. Spending beyond our means and outside of our Constitutional responsibilities has resulted in the fiscal breakdown of government from the cities and towns to the federal black hole. Consequently, I want to leave the question of Constitutionality off the table for a moment and sprinkle a little common sense on this dilemma. In view of how almost every government entitlement program has wound up (in debt and insolvent), why in the name of God would anyone ever think of adding more to that already bloated and foundering ship by way of yet another tax and spend initiative? In beating to death the question of whether we can, many on Capitol Hill have not even bothered to ask if we should.

I would submit to all of you the fundamental problem in Washington today, is born not of a lack of intelligence, reason or capability, but rather reflects simple irresponsibility in the face of overwhelming truth. It is this foolhardy and blatant disregard for our children’s America that will be our undoing, not some silly deal to cut a lousy 1.5 trillion dollars over ten years from a debt number that will swallow that much long before 2021.

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