Daily Archives: 2011/11/08



So maybe it was a bad idea to take your fourth grade class to the Wisconsin State house during a protest against Governor Scott Walker. And maybe it was even worse to have them join in some Socialistic chanting and singing, to which their facial expressions seemed to indicate confusion and fear of the adults in the room acting like a bunch of malcontents. Ya think???

It is getting harder and harder to see the good in the public school system these days. More and more the decent teachers who go to work every day with the intention of giving our little ones the best possible education they can, are being eclipsed by those who see their job as some sort of union/political rallying point, and who are willing to directly involve the young people in their charge so they may make their convoluted point.

Now I am all for an appropriate vetting of any subject having to do with our right to engage in the civil discourse. But any such discussion should first be age appropriate, and then be had in the context of an “unbiased” classroom experiment, which should demonstrate “every” persons individual right to free speech and lawful assembly. In this author’s humble opinion, to abuse your position while co-opting and/or attempting to indoctrinate the youthful mind, is simply one of the worst kinds of malfeasance a public employee or official can engage in.

Regrettably, and after the superintendent initially refused to even look at the tape featured in the URL above, and after it took 22 days for the school to finally inform parents of the issue, the teacher in question will receive only a slap on the wrist, and will most likely be the hero at the next bargaining unit meeting. Please, you must monitor your child’s education. It is our last best defense…





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Open mouth insert foot…

Maybe President Obama should worry about what French President Sarkozy says about “him” when he’s not around, or vice versa. Look, these two quasi Socialists have a lot in common, not the least of which is their disdain for the state of Israel. And so in the end it is not a surprise that they are exchanging their views as such in conversation. That said, and considering the powder keg that is the Middle East as we know it today, one would think that the POTUS might use a little more tact when out on the overseas “campaign” stump.

Facts: The Administration has failed to (re-negotiate) an agreement in Iraq that would have at least facilitated a larger deterrent ground force remaining there to discourage the obvious Iranian influence. Moreover, the President continues to play both sides of the fence regarding the “2 state solution” and the “palestinian question”, while simultaneously picking and choosing which battles for “freedom” he will support. (Note: We all know how that has played out as we watch those engagements descend into Sharia Law.)  

Consequently, we must look at the big picture here and conclude that for all of the Presidents talk about his “unwavering support” of the Israeli State, we only have to listen to his most recent comments, picked up on yet another prudently open microphone, and know the sad and dangerous truth.

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