Tag Archives: Why I hate reigion but love Jesus..

They make it easy…

I dislike this YouTube video with some confliction as I agree with much of what this young man has to say. The problem is he assumes all “Republicans” sport “religion” or “Christianity” as a pillar of their political belief system, when in fact many on the right simply fear the dissolution of a fundamental truth about our nation. And that is “one nation under God”, while religious in its overtones, was simply an acknowledgment of faith and the understanding that inevitably we are not as human kind, the “be all and end all”. I submit to you, that simple and humble expression is what has separated us from the very people this young man speaks of in his video. In the end, his effort to de-politicize the argument over religion actually politicizes it right out of the gate, when he generalizes and then labels “Republicans” as the exclusive purveyors of religion. It’s a valiant effort but falls short and right into the category of ideology. Maybe if we try harder to find the commonality that should bind us as a country, as opposed to highlighting that which may separate us culturally, the issue of religion and politics would be much less divisive. Sorry Jeff, nice albeit youthful try though…

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IAhDGYlpqY’]

Posted in "Patriot64", Campaign 2012, First Amendment, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left | Tagged | Comments Off on They make it easy…