Tag Archives: Seperation Clause

Religion when it suits him…

So now our “Separation Clause” President is gonna weigh in on what Jesus would think about taxes. Yup, it seems the President of the United States has called out Christians implying that Christ would have supported his redistribution efforts. Oh brother…..

I must tell you, there are days when I have great respect for this man’s intellect, and then there are others when I question his ability to reason his way out of a paper bag. As many of you know, I very rarely jump in the religious fray because it is simply above my pay grade. But I am a believer and have read enough of the Bible to know that the POTUS’s “implication” is nothing more than a cheap political ploy. Jesus also spoke personal responsibility and self-reliance, and the Bible has many passages proclaiming the goodness of “work and success”. I mean does he take us all for fools???

I’m gonna leave this one be, as my Pastor will have my “you know what” for going down this road. But I would ask this Progressive President to adhere to that which his party celebrates and (can it) with the Jesus references. Disingenuous does not do this crap justice… This is gonna be a rough 10 months…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left | Tagged , | 3 Comments