Tag Archives: Obama slams Catholic Schools

Divisive is as divisive does…

Presidents should wear straight T's. Just sayin'...

Presidents should wear straight T’s. Just sayin’…

Once again the Commander-in-Chief has chosen to denigrate his own country while “campaigning” abroad. Judging by the crowd at the Brandenburg Gate, it has done little to stop the slide of his once rock-star persona. As with many Progressive thinkers, the President attempts to twist and contort freedom into something which divides instead of empowers, this time pitting certain schools and educational (choices) against the Constitution. This from the POTUS who has arguably done more to promote class warfare and division than any before him. He even harkened back to the Civil War and the lasting pain of slavery, leaving out of course, the far shorter road to equality and human justice as its legacy, and as opposed to much of the rest of the world for thousands of years before.

A president’s second term is always a window into his true beliefs, as his focus shifts to legacy instead of re-election. This president is no different, and I would argue less ambiguous than his predecessors. His disdain for America, combined with an alternative albeit inaccurate view of its history, helps paint the picture of a bitter and uncompromising ideologue, reluctant at best to engage in any debate which might contradict his interpretations, a regrettable outcome to a Presidency sold as “Hope and Change”. Moreover, his continuing desire to promote his viewpoint on the “other side of the pond” leaves little doubt of his intent to rally sympathetic forces outside the homeland. Thankfully, and as appears to be the case here in the States, his influence has waned under the righteous stress of truth and reason.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Education, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, International, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Divisive is as divisive does…