Tag Archives: Judiciary

Romney’s America…

I think Mitt Romney’s sometimes contradicting and confusing resume in many ways personifies what is troubling America today. I don’t mean this as a negative per-se, but more as a window into what I see as the nation’s posture in 2012. To put it mildly, there are far more Americans willing to turn a blind eye to societal and socioeconomic decline today, than at any time in U.S. history. “Middle of the road” politics or the so called “Independent” vote shaped the election of Barack Obama as President in 08 and will certainly factor into Election 2012. The willingness of many Americans to forego the ideals and principles of their fathers and grandfathers, by way of political correctness or some perceived social acceptance clause, has paved the way for the slow and steady erosion of our American culture, a culture that once defined “We the People” to the world. Moreover, that indifference has trickled into many important areas and aspects of our lives, as well as every corner of American government, from the halls of Congress to the Judiciary.

Now I’m not suggesting that Governor Romney is the cause exclusive of our national woes, however it is clear that the division within the Republican Party regarding the way forward is shaping the debate. In a manner of speaking, the Right/Left pull “within” the GOP mirrors what we will hear on the campaign trail once the nominee is chosen. Unfortunately this plays right into the hands of the Democrats who have no such primary or candidate vetting issues in this election cycle and are loving the head start.

Personally, I’m an old school political junkie who still believes the primaries are a mechanism to examine each candidate and their belief systems before making a decision. I’ve always thought that was the intended purpose. Sadly, the “main stream” media and the 24 hour news cycle have transformed the primary into a focused blood bath highlighting a manufactured negativity in ways it would never been highlighted before. Inevitably, it will be up to whoever emerges from the ashes to reshape the message into one which appeals to the “likely voter”, that voter who is cognizant of reality and truly concerned about their children’s America. I can only hope there are enough of those folks left to make a difference.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Fred Comella, Judiciary, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left | Tagged , | Comments Off on Romney’s America…