Tag Archives: Bill Maher

Race Card…

Never was much of a Sam Donaldson fan. He has never really tried to hide the fact he is a Liberal masquerading as an objective journalist. I would not necessarily put him in the Bill Maher category of unintelligent misfit, but his motivations are obvious.

Nonetheless, I think that it does “We the People” a great disservice when someone as allegedly “mainstream” as Donaldson plays the race card. It implies that to disagree with the POTUS is to be a racist and nothing more. In addition, when CNN and some of the other ratings challenged cable networks jump on board, it just cheapens and diminishes our political process in the eyes of the world.

I am actually anticipating the great flood of criticism leveled against critics of the President when he is no longer President. It should be very interesting to listen to the “Obama Nation” explain away the mistakes and sheer inexperience of 44 by way of highlighting bigotry as the reason for his failures. More astonishingly, it never ceases to amaze me that so many forget or simply choose to ignore his biracial heritage. Inconvenient to the argument of “first black President” I would imagine… Chris Matthews is such an idiot…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Race Card…