Tag Archives: Ambassador Stevens

“Stylistic” cover-up…

1132876At this juncture, I think it’s reasonable to assume the White house and State Department conspired to manipulate CIA intelligence on Benghazi, so it would fit the 2012 Obama Campaign’s narrative of a diminished al-Qaeda threat on the President’s watch. Moving passed the obvious for a minute however, I think what’s getting lost in all this, is the CIA warned of a possibly coordinated terrorist attack on the consulate proper in the days and weeks prior to 9/11/2012, and the Obama Administration did nothing about it. Now let me save all of you “Barackapologists” a lot of hot air and tell you that any Congressional discussion of funding for additional security was just that, “discussion”, and had no direct impact regarding real-time safety considerations on the ground in Libya. (See Ambassador Pickering threat).

benghazi0Having been vindicated once again by the truth, there is still something troubling me about this tragedy, and it is Hillary Clinton’s well publicized rant when pushed by Senator Johnson about the reason for the attack. When taken in the context of Deputy Chief of Mission Hicks’s treatment by the State Department after he decided to testify, and in consideration of State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nulands “specific objections” to the original CIA talking points draft which she felt “could be used by the political opposition”, one can only surmise this situation was at the very least bungled from beginning to end, and/or at the very worst, a reprehensible and possibly even criminal political cover-up. Regardless, the families of those brave souls who sacrificed all that night in a foreign land, deserve to know the truth.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on “Stylistic” cover-up…

No School Boy Jay Carney, it’s not old news…

Old news???

Old news???

Some of you may recall I predicted Benghazi would bring down the Obama Administration, and I stand by that prediction. The question however, is are we officially living in a climate where things like the murder of one of our ambassadors and three of his support staff simply don’t matter as much anymore. I think any reasonable person would agree, had this happened during Bush 43, impeachment hearings would have been well under way by now. Nevertheless, there are four dead Americans whose sacrifices we have yet to reconcile, and it’s becoming more apparent these real life instances are far more challenging than the elitist up-starts in the White House had figured on.

In the days and weeks ahead we will finally be hearing from those who were on the ground in real-time as it happened, and we will also watch Socialist politicians and the Obama propaganda press machine attempt to take them apart. For Republicans on the other hand, it will be a game of restraint so as not to look like a bunch of desperate sharks cruising a chum line. Inevitably however, it will fall to “We the People”, to decide what is acceptable in terms of how much the United States will tolerate to garner some perceived international acceptance and/or false accolades. Our President and his political sycophants apparently believe there is some sort of twisted trade-off to be had here. Disgraceful…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, International, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism | Tagged , | Comments Off on No School Boy Jay Carney, it’s not old news…

Charles Woods deserves to know how and why his son died…

I was taken back when I heard the father of Special Operator Woods’ father commenting on Benghazi and the death of his hero son, Tyrone. Charles Woods is a soft spoken man but his pain and sorrow were evident. As someone who has seen his fair share of tragedy, I assure you I’m taking that pain into account as I write this post.

Nonetheless, Mr. Woods went a long way to making my point the other night about the major news outlets stuffing the Benghazi story until the President is re-elected. And given the latest revelations from high level sources on the ground in Libya during the attack, which detail the horrific battle that was raging there, the scandal continues to grow larger and more sinister with each passing day.

I must tell you, the Administration’s attempts to stonewall the truth about what happened in Libya have now become the story. Pandora’s box is open and there are now a host of new questions regarding everything from the Obama foreign policy, to military preparedness and operational questions. And Mr. Obama’s decision to haunt the Hollywood talk shows instead of holding a press conference to clarify all of this “intelligence” he supposedly received, might just cost him his job. At the end of the day, if the President can’t provide the American people with an explanation, then who do we go to? “We the People” look to the POTUS as the leader of the free world. He was elected on the promise of “Hope and Change”, “transparency” and a new way forward. Therefore, he is either inept and not up to the job, or he is lying.

The actions of S/O Woods, and S/O Doherty on the night of September 11th in Benghazi, were nothing short of selfless and morally courageous. They readily stepped up and gave their own lives to save their comrades in harm’s way. I Implore the Commander-in-Chief to fulfill his responsibility to their families, the families of Ambassador Stevens and Attaché Sean Smith, as well as the American people, and hold a press conference today to explain just what the hell happened over there, what he knew and when he knew it.

The anguish of Mr. Woods and the other family members is only magnified when they don’t have a clear picture of how their love ones were lost. Moreover, the ridiculous but initially adamant claims by Secretary of State Clinton, Ambassador Rice and Jay Carney, that these events were somehow related to a foolish and inconsequential video made in a free country, should be fully investigated by an oversight committee with appropriate sanctions leveled if needed. These people answer to us damn it, and Charles Woods deserves to know how and “why” his son died, Mr. President.

As a side note: If we are to believe Mr. Woods claims, (and we have no reason not to), regarding the remark made to him by VP Biden as his sons casket was being loaded into a hearse concerning the size of his sons “balls” in relation to those of “cue balls”, then President Obama should pull that jackass aside and explain the merits of his immediate retirement from public service. What a disgrace!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Constitutionality, Election 2012, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Politics, RIP, Terrorism, The Middle East, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Charles Woods deserves to know how and why his son died…

Cowboy Diplomacy vs. Vegas Diplomacy…

Apparently the President’s “chickens have come home to roost”. The policy of apathy and apology is a flaming disaster. Even SOS Clinton was stunned and heard to say “how could this happen”?

So how does the POTUS respond? He misrepresents and lies regarding Governor Romney’s statement concerning the attack in Libya, blows off yet another “intelligence” briefing, then jets off to Vegas to raise some campaign cash calling Ambassador Stevens’ death “a bad day”. Mr. Obama’s strategy for addressing a monumental failure of policy and leadership, which in this author’s opinion resulted in the coordinated murder of 1 United States Ambassador and 3 Diplomatic/military attaches’ on the anniversary of 9/11, appears to be to do more of the same.

Nonetheless it is ironic, that with memories of the DNC Convention still lingering, and all the attempts to portray Mr. Obama as somehow foreign policy savvy, that we now see the complete ineptitude of an inexperienced political creation way out of his league. Even more ironic though easier to reconcile, is that the press feels it is unacceptable to question the Administration or the POTUS regarding foreign policy during a campaign cycle. This from the same bunch of dolts that couldn’t print enough of then Candidate Obama’s distortions about President Bush’s foreign policy initiatives. Heck, the “Lame Stream Media” unwittingly gave us all of the one liners and sound bites we now use against the President. Turns out Obama in his own words is a treasure trove of material.

Ultimately, my advice to the President at this time would be this. You have just lost a senior and well respected diplomat to a terrorist attack, and there must be accountability. Your Administration is the laughing stock of the Middle East and most everywhere else but the U.S. East and West Coast. I beg you please, do your Constitutional duty Sir and protect the interest and safety of the American people here and abroad.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Military, Religion, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Middle East, Unions | Tagged , | Comments Off on Cowboy Diplomacy vs. Vegas Diplomacy…