Category Archives: Right vs. Left

IRS “Franken”stein…

220px-Max_S_Baucus220px-Charles_Schumer_official_portrait220px-Carl_Levin_official_portraitstuart-smalleyThe fact that Al Franken was apparently pushing the IRS to investigate Tea Party and other Conservative groups should come as no surprise. The man is a goofy Hollywood hack and has no business representing anything or anyone, except maybe some of those “light-bulbs in Minnesota”. That said, it appears FOX is tracking as many as a dozen letters sent to the IRS Office of Tax Exempt Status during the period 2010 / 2011 from folks like Schumer, Levin and Baucus. This is troubling because despite the Lefts propensity to substitute emotion in place of fact and reason, I spend a lot of time advocating for everyone’s right to free speech and to engage in the arena of ideas. I would have expected as much from these so-called “Senior Senators”. Regrettably, these jackasses stepped way outside their Constitutional boundaries and at the very least, may have encouraged un-Constitutional and possibly even criminal behavior on the part of the most feared of all government agencies.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time Congress names an independent special prosecutor with subpoena power and access to a grand jury, so we might have some appointee and politician posterior alike dragged before “We the People” to answer for this lunacy.

Wake up people. America’s enemies are emboldened and shedding their disguises.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Hollywood Hijinx, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, Taxes | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on IRS “Franken”stein…

Pfeiffer beats the drum…

This Dan Pfeiffer character reminds me of that clown who kept telling the news media Sadam was in charge and running Iraq while American soldiers were having lunch in his Chalet.

My boss is awesome. That's all you need to know!

My boss is awesome. That’s all you need to know!

I have to say, the most maddening thing about the Obama Administration and its surrogates, is their downright arrogance and condescension when called to answer “We the People”. Now I have always said this bunch were elitists academics too smart for their own good, and who don’t have the first clue about our Constitutional Republic, but boy I wonder what Chris Matthews would have said to a Bush spokesperson who told him his questions were “irrelevant”.

During one of the Sunday show interviews, Pfeiffer stated the Benghazi review board concluded there was “no wrongdoing on the part of the Secretary of State”, and that the Inspector General’s Office didn’t feel the IRS scandal was “politically motivated”. Moving past the obvious foolishness of those statements, the Benghazi panel didn’t even bother to interview Mrs. Clinton (a women no stranger to scandals), and I have four words for you on the IRS thing, Nixon Impeachment Article Two. Damn these people think we’re stupid…

“He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.”

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left | Comments Off on Pfeiffer beats the drum…

Accountability, front and center please…


“And for my next lie”,,,,

If Americans aren’t paying attention when their representatives speak in Washington, they should be. This is especially true for folks in California when Barbara Boxer opens her pie hole. May we finally resolve the issue of security funding for diplomatic missions, and more specifically the safety of the Benghazi Consulate as “considered” recently by the misguided Senator?

Firstly, I’m always curious when Liberals start talking about budget “cuts”, because frankly there’s no such thing in Washington! From 2008 -2012, increases to mission security budgets (including Benghazi) were over 90% of their proposed allowances. Subsequent negotiations in the House were routine, and likely regarding the size of proposed “increases” as possible cost saving measures going forward. Keep in mind, these types of “adjustments” are usually miniscule relative to the overall numbers, and according to folks on the ground in Tripoli, not a factor whatsoever concerning the safety of the Benghazi mission proper or any requests for additional security.

“Let me be clear” Senator Boxer. You’re just a liar…

The likely truth no one wants to talk about: The State Department was concerned the appearance of heightened security in the wake of the President’s proclamation that terrorism was all but defeated would be “problematic” during his re-election bid. Moreover, they were actively recruiting inexperienced locals to provide security in Libya to reinforce a notion of tranquility despite the CIA’s repeated warnings about the presence of al-Qaeda and of a possible attack on the consulate.

Simply put, what we’re hearing from the WH and others within the President’s front line defense, is a less than subtle attempt to cover up a bungled agenda which likely caused the deaths of four brave America’s caught in the middle.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Middle East, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Accountability, front and center please…

Side show???

obama_press-conference_3-620x413It appears the Obama Presidency is unraveling with astonishing speed. That said, I’ve always felt the POTUS’s aversion to accountability and the Constitution would be his undoing. Ideologies aside though, many Americans are finally beginning to see the light in terms of what we expect from a Commander-in-Chief. I say this because whether or not he believes it himself, and for good or bad, the buck will eventually stop at Mr. Obama’s desk. It’s simply part of being President of the United States.

Nevertheless, it’s imperative all Americans understand where we are. When looked at collectively, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, and now the troubling issue of secret subpoenas and wire-taps at the Associated Press speak to an alarming pattern of behavior which suggests a discernible tone of indifference from top to bottom in the Obama government, for the Constitutional rights of Americans on every level. Accordingly, if the Administration and those agencies under its direct supervision, as well as supporting and ideologically driven politicians like Rhode Island’s Junior Senator Sheldon Whitehouse are comfortable with the facts so far, then “We the People” should be concerned, very concerned.

My quick email to Senator Whitehouse:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Notwithstanding “so help me God”, as I’m sure you might have us do away with the phrase, what part of the above do you not understand Senator?

At a time when “We the People” of Rhode Island are looking to our elected officials for clarity of purpose and Constitutional integrity, we instead have you Sir, towing the party line and sounding like a mindless sycophant. Regrettably, it is understood politics in Washington has become a game of one-upmanship and ideological demagoguery on both sides of the aisle, devoid of true and thoughtful representation. That said, I think we are coming back to a period when folks may be demanding a little more than what you are providing Senator Whitehouse. Your allegiance to this President does not negate fact and reason, and may not be substituted for the above oath. Please, at the very least, try and consider who it is you serve.

Oh, and no return “campaign letter” is necessary in consideration of this correspondence. 


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Side show???

Who the hell is Kermit Gosnell???

Kermit-Gosnell-Philadelphia-Abortion-Clinic-27054632What could possibly be more horrific than partial birth abortion? Inducing labor on a 17 year-old to cause the delivery of a living breathing baby, only to snip his tiny spinal cord with medical scissors and discard him in a plastic shoe box for later “disposal”, that’s what!

Now I try to temper my writing on the issue of abortion as it evokes strong personal emotions for me. I’m also inclined to see it in terms of the oaths I’ve taken over the years as opposed to any particular political belief. Having said that, I think it’s important to recognize the role, or lack of role the media has played in the case of accused abortion clinic murderer Kermit Gosnell. Clearly, we are witnessing a circling of the wagons if you will, as a complicit “lame stream media” barely raises a collective eyebrow to the monstrous and barbaric charges involved in this case, because they cast a wholly appropriate cloud of evil over the Left’s defense of everything “Planned Parenthood”.

Once again I would ask decent Americans to take a good look around. From the unsupervised birth control “rights” of a 15 year-old child, to the brutal rape and forced captivity of three innocent young women in Ohio, to Kermit Gosnell’s “house of horrors” in West Philly, “We the People” seem lost for the outrage these types of events would normally elicit. Indeed for some, that outrage has been replaced by a morbid but disconnected curiosity satisfied only by the next 24 hour news cycle. Moreover, the news media we once sought to ask the tough questions on society’s behalf has now embraced a particular ideology in spite of truth and reason. What does all this mean for the value of human life, and ultimately for the longevity of a nation with our creed and Constitution? Anyone???

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Law Enforcement, Politics, Right vs. Left, RIP, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged , | Comments Off on Who the hell is Kermit Gosnell???

“Stylistic” cover-up…

1132876At this juncture, I think it’s reasonable to assume the White house and State Department conspired to manipulate CIA intelligence on Benghazi, so it would fit the 2012 Obama Campaign’s narrative of a diminished al-Qaeda threat on the President’s watch. Moving passed the obvious for a minute however, I think what’s getting lost in all this, is the CIA warned of a possibly coordinated terrorist attack on the consulate proper in the days and weeks prior to 9/11/2012, and the Obama Administration did nothing about it. Now let me save all of you “Barackapologists” a lot of hot air and tell you that any Congressional discussion of funding for additional security was just that, “discussion”, and had no direct impact regarding real-time safety considerations on the ground in Libya. (See Ambassador Pickering threat).

benghazi0Having been vindicated once again by the truth, there is still something troubling me about this tragedy, and it is Hillary Clinton’s well publicized rant when pushed by Senator Johnson about the reason for the attack. When taken in the context of Deputy Chief of Mission Hicks’s treatment by the State Department after he decided to testify, and in consideration of State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nulands “specific objections” to the original CIA talking points draft which she felt “could be used by the political opposition”, one can only surmise this situation was at the very least bungled from beginning to end, and/or at the very worst, a reprehensible and possibly even criminal political cover-up. Regardless, the families of those brave souls who sacrificed all that night in a foreign land, deserve to know the truth.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Congress, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, International, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on “Stylistic” cover-up…

Keeping evil in check…

050813_missing_girl2_640Possibly more victims. Alleged sexual assault on an unconscionable scale. Miscarriages, infanticide, beatings, locked basements and chains, a house of horrors, and neighbors who apparently ignored their better judgment and looked the other way. This is undoubtedly just the beginning of a very long investigation.

Media types, politicians and pundits alike, including myself, pontificate on a regular basis about where we are and how we got here. Recently I even commented on Facebook about how I missed the country I grew up in, the long bike rides far from home, and traipsing about in a pair of shorts with no shoes almost without a care in the world. Regrettably those days are gone, and my 10-year-old is missing out on the special things that were so much a part of what America used to be.

So in lieu of any fancy statistical data, sociological analysis and/or doctoral prestige, I would offer only this as an observation regarding the events in Ohio. If we are to have any hope at all of addressing the national quandaries before us, then we must return to the beginning. We must revisit family and community, values and faith, and aspire to a culture and code of accountability that while imperfect, has proven its overall worth through generations of our forefathers. Our courts must also re-evaluate their role in terms of the judicial application, but “We the People”  must rise up as fathers and mothers, friends and neighbors, to coral evil where we can before it graduates to levels like we are seeing on our television screens today. Only when we nurture kindness and character in our own homes can we expect our children to carry those tenets forward into society. Only when we set and enforce boundaries within a stable and caring family structure will we enjoy the success of a community that acts in the best interest of all its people. And only when we begin to accept responsibility for our own personal safety and security can we expect those who would do us harm to think twice.

Please join me in prayer for these girls who were forced to become women within the confines of madness and evil, but also pray that we awaken as a society to re-embrace our former nation so we may overcome that evil, or at least confront it with a clear conscience.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Political Correctness, Politics, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic, Women's Issues | Tagged | Comments Off on Keeping evil in check…

Amnesty is expensive…

4_bill_richardsonFormer New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson should stick to what he knows. Unfortunately, that’s not a whole lot. Senator Ted Cruz is doing something right however, as he has invited the wrath of the one-time presidential candidate, who champions everything having to do with amnesty just short of complete forfeiture of most of the Southern United States to Mexico. Moreover, Richardson’s creepy affection for all things North Korean has always troubled me a bit. Nevertheless, the former governor “doesn’t feel Cruz is Latino” because he opposes amnesty, and he’s “rude” to his fellow Senators. Really?

Look, Washington politics has taken on a form and function most political observers would say is alarming. Consequently, if the Senators candid approach to addressing the cesspool that has become “The Hill” is somehow offensive to Progressive fools like Richardson, I say tough “you know what”. We don’t have 6 cents to cover the cost of amnesty aka (insanity), never mind $6 Trillion Dollars.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Health Care, Immigration, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Terrorism, The Border, United Nations | Tagged , | Comments Off on Amnesty is expensive…

No School Boy Jay Carney, it’s not old news…

Old news???

Old news???

Some of you may recall I predicted Benghazi would bring down the Obama Administration, and I stand by that prediction. The question however, is are we officially living in a climate where things like the murder of one of our ambassadors and three of his support staff simply don’t matter as much anymore. I think any reasonable person would agree, had this happened during Bush 43, impeachment hearings would have been well under way by now. Nevertheless, there are four dead Americans whose sacrifices we have yet to reconcile, and it’s becoming more apparent these real life instances are far more challenging than the elitist up-starts in the White House had figured on.

In the days and weeks ahead we will finally be hearing from those who were on the ground in real-time as it happened, and we will also watch Socialist politicians and the Obama propaganda press machine attempt to take them apart. For Republicans on the other hand, it will be a game of restraint so as not to look like a bunch of desperate sharks cruising a chum line. Inevitably however, it will fall to “We the People”, to decide what is acceptable in terms of how much the United States will tolerate to garner some perceived international acceptance and/or false accolades. Our President and his political sycophants apparently believe there is some sort of twisted trade-off to be had here. Disgraceful…

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“This is what change looks like.” – Barack Obama (2010)

Barack ObamaChange looks like economic instability fueled by ignorance and/or even disdain for a free market system which has made our nation the envy of the world. Change looks like the empty promises of an ideological demagogue, embraced by those who seek “promise” without price. Change looks like fast flight from accountability in all its forms and the validation of excuses as a way of life. Change looks like selfish manipulation of the nuclear family to the detriment of posterity and of society as a whole. Change looks like “Plan-B” for a 15 year old child, further relegating the sanctity of human life to that which is fueling our moral decay. Change looks like a Newtown Police Chief, wounded by unimaginable tragedy, but blinded by that same tragedy to all truth and logic, describing the Constitutional rights so many have died to protect as “entitlements” which must now be forfeit for the “greater good”. Change looks like higher taxes and the strengthening of an all-encompassing federal government far beyond that which our founders envisioned, and at the expense of historical fact and reason. And change looks like a President of the United States who feels “constrained” rather than empowered by two of the three greatest documents ever penned by the hand of man.

So you tell me my fellow Americans, what does change look like for your kids?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Health Care, History, Home and Family, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Women's Issues | Tagged | Comments Off on “This is what change looks like.” – Barack Obama (2010)