Category Archives: Jobs

Gruff old Liberal…

I was gonna give this a couple of days to percolate, but I think something got lost in the mix last night. Clearly Paul Ryan steadfastly adhered to a pre-planned strategy for the debate. So much so I believe he missed a number of opportunities to knock that arrogant old fart off the stage with a cold blast of facts. However, it was even more simple than that. Biden was on point and delivered the pandering message in order to scare the living crap out of the old folks, as well as every other “hot button” group he could think of. The problem was he misrepresented every issue he raised.

Now I know the fact checkers will eventually pick this thing apart and they should. But here are just a few basic points. I’m a big Reagan fan and I can tell you President Reagan initially provided very few specifics on his tax reform plan in 1986. #40 knew full well that a tax code  printed on about 50,000 pages back then was sure to contain enough wiggle room to accomplish his “across the board” goals. He was right and legendary House Speaker Tip O’Neil knew it. That was how the extraordinary bipartisan arrangement was facilitated. So “Old Joe” got his wires a bit crossed on that one.

And how many times is the Obama Administration going to count that 700 + billion dollars they raided from Medicare? The reality is they could not possibly pay for “Obamacare” on the promise of simply cutting waste and fraud within the existing structure of the law. As a matter of fact, the CBO figured they would be about 500 billion dollars short. Joe Biden knows this but bullied his way passed a very polite Ryan to make his case for a necessary, albeit clandestine “middle class tax hike” in order to recoup the shortfall. Moreover, Obamacare adds in another 300+ billion dollars in taxes over the next ten years to account for the ever “graduating” costs of the program. Obamacare will be the greatest money pit Americans have ever seen. It is inevitable.

Biden was also out in “Left” field when he repeatedly misrepresented small business folks and how they fit into the tax structure. Team Obama continually returns to this theme because they believe Americans are too stupid to understand how many small business owners file their tax returns. Those numbers must ultimately be adjusted to reflect the (cost of actually “doing” business) including business tax, medical coverage for employees (impending Obamacare), simple overhead and a slew of other state and federal regulatory taxes and fees. So what does their final paycheck look like, and whose gonna get that tax hike Joe? This is simple economics that unfortunately even the fact checkers and economists have a hard time understanding beyond their singular academic prowess. The Democrats hope is you don’t get it, because they need that tax revenue to pay for their massive spending. Inevitably, Ryan was right. If the Dems have their way, better than a half a million jobs will likely be lost next year alone, as those small businesses will downsize and close under the suffocating pressure of “Obamanomics”. And the “big businesses” will simply just go into hibernation like they always do.

And then there was Libya. Well, that one is gonna play out soon, and I personally think it sinks the Obama Administration. (Just sayin…)

In the end, I think Ryan was too polite but did no damage, and Biden had a good night in the eyes of the red meat Libs. Talking points were on the menu and Biden “cooked” them up. Having said that, I believe the real Biden was up last night. Not the nice guy that even many Republicans portray, but a gruff old Liberal with rocks in his head, and a grudge against the truth.


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“The Obama Curve”…

“The Obama Curve”

Okay, so can we finally acknowledge what the job numbers really and truly are? Of the 800 thousand plus households polled in the so-called “family survey”, most are underemployed. This means they have taken any part-time work out there to pay the bills. This also mean that folks with once sought after qualifications are helplessly adrift on the “Obama recovery” ocean. This brings me to my next point.

Every credible economist not on the Obama Campaign payroll will tell you, we must create North of 200,000 new full-time positions just to keep up with the rate of college graduation and population demographics. The U.S. economy created less than 120,000 jobs last month, and has been right around that number consistently for months now. This brings me to my last and probably most sobering stats.

More than 600,000 Americans who are able to work have simply given up and left the job market, lowering the percentage of labor force participation, an index measured by you guessed it, the federal government, from about 66.2 when President Obama took office to 63.6 percent now. When these hard figures are calculated back into the jobless numbers, which are actually a reflection of the “family survey”, the real unemployment numbers look more like about 13.9 percent.

So you tell me… Who is lying to who Mr. Axelrod??

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What’s in a number???

I know there are those Left Wing Lunatics who say Conservatives were actually hoping for higher unemployment numbers as a means to lambast the POTUS. Therein lies part of the partisan problem we are facing in our nation today. Despite the idiocy of such a broad and divisive assumption, the latest numbers from the Labor Department are definitely not what they seem. Sadly, those numbers  will most likely be revised, and dare I say, there may be questions about how they were calculated and by whom. To think that operatives inside “the fray” might manipulate statistics to cushion the blows President Obama took in Wednesday’s debate, is disheartening to say the least. Nonetheless, I have no hard data to support that assertion as yet, and so I will let it play out.

I would add however that if you calculate the miniscule jobs added per month since this “recovery” began, the alarming reality is that hundreds of thousands of Americans have simply walked away from the stagnant job market. When you add these poor folks back into the mix, you get an actual unemployment number North of 11 percent. To go one step further, as if we needed to, when we consider the dollar value per” job unit” against what this Administration has spent to achieve them, your knees begin to tremble with the realization that we may never ever be able to pay it forward.

Inevitably, when we start hearing words like “anomaly” and “unbelievable” from the mouths of folks like retired GE CEO Jack Welch regarding the most recent jobs report, one has to pause and brace for what may be more unprecedented tactics (cheating) on the part of the incumbents campaign.

What a crock/////

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It’s only the first debate…

Just a couple of observations. (If) we are to believe the polls, Governor Romney did exactly what he needed to do and took the fight to the President. He was on message, articulate and described what is the most basic but important part of this election, “the vivid contrast” between two visions for America. And while the President did seem a bit disinterested and smug, that actually didn’t surprise me one bit.

Now I won’t get into why I feel the POTUS is not necessarily the “likable” guy many folks seem to think he is. I might just let the recently revealed tapes of a couple of very divisive speeches he made before he was elected speak for themselves on that matter. Consequently, I definitely got the feeling the Obama camp was trying mightily not to appear outside of that “likability” comfort zone. Let’s face it, Romney pretty much showed that’s really all they have. Arguably however, this is only the first debate. And judging from the “Shame Stream Media” response thus far, they will be out in full force today to spin this to the President’s advantage as best they can.

The simple truth is that in November, “We the People” will in fact have to do exactly what Governor Romney said last night, and choose between two very different ideological directions for our country. One thing is for certain after watching last night’s contest though, and that is neither of the candidates  attempted to hide theirs. Using only this as a benchmark, I score the night a tie.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Home and Family, Immigration, Jobs, Judiciary, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on It’s only the first debate…

Re-elect the slate…

Gas and food prices continue to sky-rocket, foreclosure rates among the highest in the country, unemployment well above the national average, and a business climate not suitable for a sidewalk lemonade stand. So what do the Rhode Island voters have to say? “Re-elect the slate again”.

When Brendan Doherty enjoyed a 14 point lead in the polls, I told many of my like-minded friends not be over-confident, as the “perfect pandering politician” had not yet wound up his class warfare campaign machine of hate. And now that the “do nothing Socialist spitfire” who destroyed our home city of Providence has made quick work of Anthony Gemma, he may now turn his mean-spirited and propagandist lies in the direction of the retired State Police Colonel.

Look, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that David Cicilline is the quintessential baby kisser when it counts. What’s sad is that Rhode Islanders appear to be game for “more of the same” yet again. A few folks on a campaign commercial talking about how these dolts came to their rescue for a photo-op, and presto, all is well in Little Rhody. Demonize the opposition by framing real and critically necessary solutions to monumental problems in the context of perceived “radical reform”, while simultaneously and shamefully scaring the collective crap out of old folks and those who don’t know any better, and you have a recipe for assured collapse of what is left of this pitiful state.

Sadly, I think Doherty will lose a close race, and the other Republicans will be pummeled by the rest of the entrenched leaches . And that as they say will be that for Rhode Island.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Congress, Economy, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Jobs, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Re-elect the slate…

The Eye of the Storm…

My wife and I renewed our wedding vows this past weekend and then traveled to our favorite Block Island Bed and Breakfast to recharge our batteries. It’s amazing how some quiet time on the beach can promote introspection. The ocean has always been a friend to me, and I’ve run back wounded to the sea many times. It also doesn’t hurt to be married to a like-minded soul. This trip had special meaning though, and our son’s future was a huge part of that. Things are changing in our country and I’m becoming more and more aware of what we as a nation seem increasingly comfortable with leaving behind. It’s almost as if there are forces at work lopping off huge chunks of our cultural identity and no one seems to care. Ironically, as we head back to the mainland and I turn on the news for the first time in a few days, I see things getting steadily worse, yet the President’s poll numbers are getting steadily better.

For too many reasons I’m sure, there is a growing segment of the U.S. population who are completely comfortable with barely an, or even no effort at all. These entitlement voters have either been convinced or have convinced themselves the “American Dream” is dead and buried, and they are now somehow owed their “fair share” at the expense of someone else who earned theirs. Social mainstays that are the foundations for all which has made us unique and exceptional, are now routinely manipulated and attacked as “out of touch” by revisionist anarchists with only selfish motivations. Progressive politicians are rewriting our founding documents in order to establish and maintain an environment were even change for the worse can be viewed as favorable so long as you can blame all the negative results on something or someone else. And the simple truths of God given and inalienable rights are called into question when they stand in the way of wealth redistribution and/or some perceived utopian fantasy world without accountability. Yes, it is a sad day in America when a man with as many secrets as President Barack Obama can slip in under the radar and alter the course of freedom, because so many Americans are asleep at the wheel, and still others have simply surrendered their reason at the altar of Left-Wing Progressivism.

Alas, I suppose I must continue the fight despite the growing number who continue to fly in the face of fact and history. I would tell you though, I think Kirk Cameron got it right at the end of the movie “Monumental”, a short film I think every American should watch with their children close by…

“The responsibility to secure freedom for my family lies in my hands. For 400 years we’ve had the strategy. We’ve got the game plan. And its produced a nation that is healthy strong and free. And every time we’ve strayed from it, we’ve suffered the consequences. The seed that grew this nation is faith in God. That faith produces character. A character that produces great courage. Courage to self-govern. Courage to guide and educate our children in the right world view. And the courage to elect today’s liberty men and women who will take the torch from our forefathers.The answer doesn’t begin at the White House, it begins at your house. I’m no longer gonna sit on the sidelines. I’m gonna get involved. And I know there are millions who feel like I do. As for me and my family we’re going this way. The way of our heroes, who fought against all odds and changed the world. The time is now. Join me, and together we will secure a monumental future for our children…” – Kirk Cameron —-Amen!



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OMG!!! The truth is so painful for the Left…

49 percent of Americans pay no income tax. 47 percent receive government assistance, more than half of which is (Welfare related). And nearly 40 percent of those who are able to work, are now unemployed or looking for work. Wake up people, this is the sad reality of President Barack Obama’s America.

Now I will argue till I’m blue in the face about who is responsible for these numbers, and I won’t absolve either party. But I also won’t cut off my nose to spite my face and continue down a failed path because some dolt thinks the President is a nice guy. Our children’s America is slipping away, and Barack Obama’s policies are providing additional ice. Lying about, or dismissing the facts for political gain is irresponsible and tantamount to purposely jeopardizing our kid’s future.

Message to the union hierarchy, Liberals and Progressives: Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it. And thank you Governor Romney for telling the truth and stating the obvious.

Oh, and shame on the “Lame Stream media” for getting wrong, (again)…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Economy, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Unions | Tagged , , | Comments Off on OMG!!! The truth is so painful for the Left…

Hooray, we’re #7!!!

My hero, the late Dale Earnhardt liked to say, “second place is just the first loser”. So what does that make us at #7 in the world when it comes to “global competitiveness”. Sliding for yet another year since this President took office, the “World Forum” has reported the United States’ decline from its coveted and long-held position of number #1, all the way to #7 and falling. The biggest reasons given, you guessed it. Out of control debt, as well as unemployment and economic instability brought on by a cavernous void of distrust of the federal government by U.S. businesses. We simply cannot continue down this road away from what has made us great.

The “Obama way” is not new you know. It has been applied by many a socialist politician as a feel good cure for a nation in trouble, and whose people seek change.  In fact, economic class warfare and a centralized all-powerful federal system, have been tried many times around the world, often with catastrophic and even fatal results. Just look around even today and see the chaos created by promises of utopia absent a real and viable economic plan for the future.

This is not just a headline people. This is what happens when you entrust a proven and profitable free market system, which in practice has been responsible for so much good in the world, to an inexperienced college ideologue, lost in the dreams of his Progressive mentors. He is attempting to fool you once again.

Vote accordingly…

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The true “Standard Bearer”…

Listening to President Clinton speak, is an exercise in analytics. He is masterful and boring all in the same framework. He is a consummate politician and has made an art form out of playing the crowd. The problem always arises however, when we must break down and analyze closely, what he is saying.

Putting aside his often palpable disdain for the POTUS for a minute, one needs to understand that for Bill Clinton the man, there is always an underlying strategy. He himself loves to boast of his accomplishments, most of which came as he tactically switched sides in “94” and left his own party stunned and wondering about his motivations. Simply put, Clinton understands politics like Barack Obama can only dream of. And this is exactly why many Americans still believe he was a great President.

I personally believe “Bubba” was a decent President if only because he could read “We the People” like very few Presidents could, and “We the People” were somewhat better off because of it. However when we look at some of his actual as well as philosophical policy nomenclature, we find things like the adaptation of the 1977 “Community Reinvestment Act”, the deregulation of 1932 GlassSteagall, all of which some would argue paved the way for the unethical and misguided lending practices, which are in fact a major root cause of all our current economic bleeding. And we also see the “paper tiger”, high leverage businesses of the late 90’s, in it for lopsided short term gain, and with no real foundational liquidity to carry them through to the other side of any recession.

You won’t hear much about these and other “inconvenient Clinton truths” from the Dems. Instead (he and they) are far more comfortable with the mythical status, built around the philandering former Commander in Chief. A myth so convoluted, and yet fostered as if Biblical, that it far overshadows the current POTUS, eclipsing him as any sort of “Standard Bearer”. Clinton himself is the real Standard Bearer, and he is content to hold that title, at least until (2016). Hillary???

Ultimately, I will not watch the President tonight, as I only see a man bent on changing what I understand should never be changed. I only see a man with limited if not clouded life experience, whose persona has been hyped beyond even his own ability to sustain it. Frankly, too much is at stake. So I will read the excerpts tomorrow looking for what I know I will find, and write about that. In the mean time, I will listen to Clinton’s speech again and ponder Charles Krauthammer’s analysis in which he refers to the lengthy diatribe as, “Sprawling, undisciplined and self-indulgent…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Jobs, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unions | Comments Off on The true “Standard Bearer”…

Onward to victory…

I learned a lot about Governor Mitt Romney these past few days. I learned things far beyond my “elect a businessman” attitude toward this election. No matter what you may think of his politics, this is a self-made and accomplished man of faith, with no apparent motivation but to serve. Light years away from some phony academic/hypothetical platform of “hope and change”, that has absolutely no basis in sound economics or life experience, this guy has it in his head to use his talent, drive and business sense to fix what’s wrong with our country and get us pointed in the right direction once more.

The Republican National Convention of 2012 was the best I’ve seen, and the message of truth over perceived utopia was refreshing and motivating. It has literally left the MSNBC pundits naked and freezing in the cold weather of hypocrisy and false idols. Listening to them try and spin Governor Romney’s acceptance speech is painful to say the least, and gives rise to the notion that large segments of the modern media are no longer even trying to hide their Progressive inclinations. What a sad state of affairs has befallen the majority of American news outlets today. Once revered as objective truth seekers, charged with making sure all was out front for “We the People” to digest, to now be recognized as “in the tank” for one political party is nothing short of embarrassing.

Nonetheless, Mitt Romney was finally “humanized”, (to use a familiar phrase of the Left), to the country and to the world last night, and it turns out he is the real deal!!! We also got to see the likes of Rubio, Martinez and Love, coupled with the gruff and unforgettable humor of an American screen icon. And so now, as we prepare to hear the Democrat response coming shortly, we are left to ponder the line in the sand I have pontificated about for months. It appears the choice we face is even more contrasting than I could ever have imagined, and the argument(s), while they will be difficult and at times caustic, will be useful, “critical” and necessary in every way.

Mitt Romney for President!

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