Category Archives: Foreign policy

Divisive is as divisive does…

Presidents should wear straight T's. Just sayin'...

Presidents should wear straight T’s. Just sayin’…

Once again the Commander-in-Chief has chosen to denigrate his own country while “campaigning” abroad. Judging by the crowd at the Brandenburg Gate, it has done little to stop the slide of his once rock-star persona. As with many Progressive thinkers, the President attempts to twist and contort freedom into something which divides instead of empowers, this time pitting certain schools and educational (choices) against the Constitution. This from the POTUS who has arguably done more to promote class warfare and division than any before him. He even harkened back to the Civil War and the lasting pain of slavery, leaving out of course, the far shorter road to equality and human justice as its legacy, and as opposed to much of the rest of the world for thousands of years before.

A president’s second term is always a window into his true beliefs, as his focus shifts to legacy instead of re-election. This president is no different, and I would argue less ambiguous than his predecessors. His disdain for America, combined with an alternative albeit inaccurate view of its history, helps paint the picture of a bitter and uncompromising ideologue, reluctant at best to engage in any debate which might contradict his interpretations, a regrettable outcome to a Presidency sold as “Hope and Change”. Moreover, his continuing desire to promote his viewpoint on the “other side of the pond” leaves little doubt of his intent to rally sympathetic forces outside the homeland. Thankfully, and as appears to be the case here in the States, his influence has waned under the righteous stress of truth and reason.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Education, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, International, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, United Nations | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Divisive is as divisive does…

National security or my iPhone…

nsa-leakerAs we debate the issue of combating terrorism in the 21st Century, a number of things come to mind. Ben Franklin once reflected that those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither. I support that assertion. History tells us the eventual providers of the “security” we seek, often become the tyrants who rob us of what remains. Nevertheless, we are faced with a global enemy who means to exploit our freedoms in order to murder innocents, (9/11, Boston Marathon etc…). So where is the balance? Frankly, I’m not sure there is one.

To be sure, “We the People” simply cannot allow our government carte blanche access to the privacy associated with our individual and unalienable rights as outlined in the Constitution. We must however accept that “terrorism police work” often requires the same “NCIS” tactics which glue us to the flat screen on Tuesday night. Consequently, in order to occupy that “national security” middle ground everyone is talking about, judicial oversight must be ever-present, relentless, and transparent, with swift and significant accountability for any abuses. Our freedoms are far too unambiguous and precious. Moreover, what we are seeing today is proof that “clandestine” data mining and the like, can corrupt even the most well-intentioned of efforts, especially if government is involved. So as keepers of that government, and if we continue to immerse ourselves in the wonders of rapidly advancing technology, then we must also be steadfast and diligent in policing its misuse.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, First Amendment, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, History, International, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , | Comments Off on National security or my iPhone…

End-run around Congress???

Kathleen-SebeliusIt should come as no surprise that funding for the “Affordable” Care Act simply doesn’t exist in real money. So notwithstanding what we know to be the Administrations true desire for a “single payer” system of healthcare, it now appears HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is strong-arming health care execs for cash ahead of the official 2014 roll-out of all the budget busting parts of “Obamacare”.

As we watch the IRS scandal unfold before our eyes, and we hear the likes of Eric Holder attempt to explain away lying to Congress and breaking the laws he’s supposed to enforce, and as the truth of Benghazi ebbs and flows like blood through the cracks of an al-Qaeda prison cell floor, this latest departure from ethical government leaves me to contemplate the words of our President back in 2009. “I will also hold myself as president to a new standard of openness …. Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” – President Barack Obama 

What a complete and total crock!

I ask the Left, as well as the media sycophants who unbelievably continue to turn a blind eye to the obvious, are you comfortable with this? Is this your idea of our children’s America? Is this your answer to the dreaded George Bush? Shame on you, all of you…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Terrorism, The Middle East | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on End-run around Congress???

Who is Joe Biden???


Do you know this man?

For this “40 something” there is an element of surprise at the lack of outrage over the recent scandals plaguing the Obama Administration, though I would point to a recent Quinnipiac poll showing the President’s job approval numbers finally taking a hit. That said, I can’t help but wonder how we go forward when so many people seem unconcerned with matters that will surely impact them in the short-term and their children in the not so long-term.

As a research outlet, I watch most of the news and commentary shows, (with the exception of “Hardball”). Matthew’s analysis lacks even a shred of objectivity, and his unbridled affection for the Commander-in-Chief borders on “sketchy”. FOX’s O’Reilly on the other hand mixes it up a bit. I especially love it when he sends out roving crews to ask basic civics questions of the American Electorate. Now these forays are interesting and even entertaining at times, but they’ve become more troubling recently. As an example, I think it’s fair to say when your average “20/30 something” has no clue who the VP is, especially considering the infamous gaffe-master in waiting Joe Biden, then “We the People” are a little more than just “disengaged”. Moreover, when the average American is unaware of a terrorist attack that took the lives of four brave Americans on foreign soil, including an American Ambassador, it’s downright sad.

It is clear the IRS, Benghazi and Holder scandals are the stuff which break Presidential Administrations and erode the confidence of a people in their government. But what of the current time and a President twice elected more on the basis of his skin color than qualifications? What of a national posture of historical revisionism and/or indifference for the sake of political correctness and diminished accountability? And what of a country which sets aside storied values and principles that have undoubtedly changed the world for the better, and chooses a road of dependency instead? Look, I’m not suggesting “We the People” are done just yet. But in the absence of the “Greatest Generation” who are fast passing into history themselves, the task of resurrecting out of our current situation, that spirit which won “the great wars”, inspired economic revolution, and served as beacon of liberty and opportunity to millions around the globe seems daunting at best. To be sure, time is certainly not on our side, and our enemies know this…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Benghazi, Campaign 2012, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, Fred Comella, History, Media, Military, Political Correctness, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Who is Joe Biden???

Indifference on a Presidential scale…

Barack ObamaListening to the same tired talking points from the POTUS yesterday was as it always is for me, nauseating. Not surprisingly, there was the all too familiar elitist condescension as his remarks dripped with disdain for his critics and political opponents. What was striking this time, was that even in the face of a legacy which will most certainly be bracketed by unprecedented acts of corruption and ideological warfare, the President of (our) United States seemed indifferent, unapologetic, and even arrogant. Nevertheless, his inexperience and non-negotiable style have cost the President in terms of how he is perceived here and abroad, and have handicapped this nation’s overall standing as well as the future potential of its posterity.

In his remarks I did not hear a President humbled by the raging scandals playing out on his watch. I did not hear a leader accepting a stitch of responsibility for the actions and tone of his Administration during these crises. I did not hear a man willing work with Congress for the betterment of “We the People” and/or to resolve the critical issues of our time, but rather I heard a headstrong ideologue anxious to press a bad position no matter the cost, and willing to re-write the pages of history as it happens to reflect his version, to change the truth if you will, in order to fit the narrative of a failed agenda.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Election 2014, Election 2016, Foreign policy, History, Immigration, International, Media, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Border, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment