Category Archives: Environment

POTUS knows best…

062213_JER_Obama_640The science of “climate change” is debatable at best, and while curbing pollution should be an objective of any civilized nation, it mustn’t come solely at the expense of the economic stability necessary to pay for it. I am not writing today to debate President Obama’s assumptions about global warming, but to condemn his use of personal ideology to “dictate” policy in spite of our Constitutional Republic. This Commander-in-Chief has set new benchmarks for side-stepping the process of a free government in order to promote and enact that which (he believes) is ultimately necessary. This is the height of elitism and Socialist expression.

History clearly demonstrates that when politics trump the best interest of “We the People”, no good ever comes of it for “We the People”. Now I’m not suggesting an economic approach devoid of the regulation necessary to ensure the fundamental public health and safety, but rather one enabled by “common sense” application of those regulations which does not unduly handicap the industry and companies creating jobs and producing products we need and use every day. The goal of a world without fossil fuel is unachievable inside a period of time acceptable in “quality of life” terms, and it turns out, wholly unnecessary. These goals can be addressed in a far more realistic and generational manner, while ensuring economic and international stability throughout the process. In the end, one man’s selfish quest for ideological glory must not come at the expense of our representative government and the “unfiltered” will of its people.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Election 2014, Election 2016, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, History, Home and Family, International, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Middle East | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on POTUS knows best…

The next four years…

US-POLITICS-INAUGURATION-PARADELet me preface my analysis of President Obama’s Inauguration speech by acknowledging the symbolism of the day, as well as the great sacrifice made by so many to ensure it’s continuance. It is wholly and appropriately representative of The United States.

Now moving ahead of all the pomp and pageantry, one must accept the President’s speech as one of, if not the most partisan and ideological in the history of the event. Mr. Obama’s lofty and often pointed rhetoric finally revealed the entire man to those who were actually listening. And as many in the crowd booed the presence of Paul Ryan and other Republicans, it was painfully obvious #44’s policies of division and class warfare have taken firm root, setting the tone for an epic battle over the soul of this great country.

Now free of the burden of future elections, the POTUS skillfully avoided the critical issues of the day and instead presented himself as the conquering champion of a new civil rights movement. Apparently stale in his eyes, is the individual and entrepreneurial spirit of a free people whose successes (and failures) have built our great nation, and which are now trumped by a glorified mediocrity, and conditionally if not legislatively induced acceptance of “the new norm”. To listen carefully was to hear the ideologically passionate and even resentful dream of a man who has very different ideas about America than those of the Founders. One could even pick out the connection to (Martin Luther King Day), as the President’s voice became “elevated” at times, into something more fitting of the pulpit, a habit which has come easily to the man who rarely deviates from the teleprompter. Ironically, and despite Progressive attempts to portray MLK as a Socialist Icon, Barack Obama would have had little in common with the late Dr. King.

All in all the speech seemed more appropriate for a “State of the Union” address. Nevertheless, it was carefully framed on all sides by American Flags, parades and plenty of red, white and blue eye candy. There were even moments of prayer and reflection, slipped in to appease/confuse those wondering how a man supposedly so consumed with the  “equality” of human kind, could place his hand on two Christian Bibles and deny that same equality to an unborn child.

Make no mistake my fellow Americans, the four years ahead are perilous ones. Our economy teeters on the brink of disaster, held hostage by mathematical realities such as a $5000.00 drop in the median household income, and unemployment numbers the same as when this President took office. Regrettably, the campaign issues which drove him to victory at the polls are but distant memories. Our President’s focus for his second term appears now to be strictly ideological and broad-based in terms of those social issues he believes will move the nation away from its historical foundations, and secure his legacy as the Liberal Progressive President who finally made it happen

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Health Care, History, Home and Family, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Unemployment, Women's Issues | 1 Comment

1-20-13, The Inauguration of Apathy…

Inaugural_platform-001_s640x427Whether you agree with him or not, Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of The United States for a second term. The backdrop of this inauguration however, will be one of uncertainty and disillusionment to be sure.

We are living in a time of choices like we have never faced, and they are not necessarily ideological choices. Nevertheless, most Americans must now decide whether they will recognize and accept the factual evidence of our national “situation”, or whether they will choose to ignore that evidence, blame someone or something else, and hope the “situation” will correct itself. Here are some undeniable truths to consider though, if you have the intestinal fortitude…

Our overall economy has already morphed into an over-extended and dormant entity on life support, chugging along at what would normally be considered a pathetic pace. Stocks are up though they are critically overvalued paper, and lack the raw capital which once calmed a long term investor. Unemployment remains under-reported and elevated because of uncertainty over the rising costs associated with owning and running a business. Ideological taxes and benefit burdens threaten to blow up middle America, with a recent report from a former GAO Chief predicting Obamacare may very well collapse the entire economy. (Note: Most credible analysts who aren’t drinking the Obama Kool-Aid support that prediction.) And as a nation, we spend nearly twice what we take in, with our debt now growing beyond our realistic ability to pay it off of our great-grandchildren’s backs.

In full view of all of these facts many have simply chosen to dig in their partisan heals and spit into the proverbial fan. Politicians for life on both sides of the aisle have put us on a collision course with financial Armageddon, and there seems little “We the People” are prepared to do about it. Moreover, Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in a President tomorrow, who lacks both the life experience and historical grasp to lead us back onto the right avenue, a demagogue, drunk on perceived adoration, and who is content see this college experiment through to it’s inevitable conclusion, even if it means the United States emerges but a shell of its former glory.

Now some will call me a racist for my conclusions. Still others will call (me) the partisan, and I will undoubtedly argue against this foolishness to the bitter end. That said, what we are facing here is a mathematical certainty with unimaginable consequences, which can no longer be denied or framed as just some radical doomsday prediction. The hard numbers are now in plain sight. Make no mistake, I too am stunned at how quickly this country was lulled into a catatonic 1960’s mentality, unable to see reality or reason, blinded by rhetoric, and selfishly willing to deny their posterity.

So as I watch and listen to President Obama take the oath of office once more, and I hear him swear to uphold the Constitution of this nation once again, and then I listen some more as he will undoubtedly rehash much of the old “Hope and Change” diatribe, I will be considering my sons and our children’s America. Regrettably, my conclusions will be the same as they were in 2008. The President is not the problem. We are…

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Sold a bill of goods…



Al Gore is a smart man. He sold a global warming bill of goods to a public, shanghaied by a complicit “main stream” press. Indeed many bought into the lie of a “man caused planetary demise”, and remain thoroughly brainwashed today. Folks all over the country ran out and bought smart light bulbs and started riding their bikes to work. The yuppie guilt factor kicked in and many a parent started adopting polar bears while crying at night with their children, and praying the fury carnivores would be alright. (Well, maybe not praying.) Solar and wind power, along with electric cars are now synonymous with the Democrat party platform, and the fossil fuel industry is demonized as if having brought some scourge upon mankind, when in fact if it were not for oil, natural gas, and coal, our world would be a very different and unforgiving place. Moreover, The United States currently sits on the largest shale oil supply in the world, to the tune of nearly a trillion barrels, and could easily achieve the goal of energy independence in less than 7 years if we chose to.

Nevertheless, the former VP has done a masterful job of marrying this cause and is almost a billionaire for his fraudulent and disingenuous efforts. And now he has gone and sold his 65,000  (strong) audience network to the very people who have made their fortunes selling that which he has demonized with such zeal, for the grossly inflated price of a half billion dollars, from which he will profit 100 million. Now the true motivation behind this sale to Al-Jazeera (aside from huge financial gain), is an entirely different and all-together puzzling issue for another day. Having said that, I’m wondering if anyone out there who read his books, or watched his discredited film, are having any second thoughts about this pompous but very calculating liar.

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Enough said!!! Now go and vote your conscience!!!

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Let the battle begin…

I did my level best to keep an open mind during last night’s debate, which is more than I can say for some of my email detractors. You folks really need to consider anger management classes. With that said, I think not many minds were changed by this last meeting of President Obama and Governor Romney. I did feel the President sounded more like the challenger rather than the incumbent. But overall, the stark contrasts between the two men and their ideologies was only reinforced.

I have framed this election for the last four years as a battle for the soul of this country. I stand by that assessment even more steadfastly today. In the end, folks will have to do a great deal of gut checking when they go into the voting booth. And while there will always be the party loyalists who vote their emotions instead of on the basis of truth, this election will ultimately be decided when clear-headed individuals make a conscious choice in terms of where they see our country in twenty years.

With the debates now over, I cannot remember a more divided America. Sadly, this is our own doing and not that of some political boogie man conjured up by either side. We have failed in so many ways to safeguard that which was entrusted to us, and are therefore left to fight over what the founders had intended to be so much more clear. Our value system is in chaos and the minority has paralyzed an entire culture, because so many have chosen apathy and political correctness over the time-tested principles of individual liberty and accountability. Dependency is now revered and success is demonized. Revisionist history is the norm and few of our children are learning the greatness of America or of those who gave their futures to keep it that way.

Nonetheless and in the simplest of terms, for Governor Romney to become President there must be enough voters out there who understand, our current direction will erode and eventually erase the exceptionalism which has made The United States the greatest arrangement for mankind in all of human history. And for President Obama to remain President, there must be enough voters who have become comfortable with a globalist, big government, big debt and “live in the moment” application. On November 6, 2012, the world will know whether “We the People” shall rise up from adversity once again, and unite to leave our children a better future as we have done for generations, or whether we will simply be another political punch-line, remembered only for the missed opportunity of having learned the lessons of history. Please put any ill-conceived or resentment filled rhetoric in its proper place and vote your conscience this November…There is much at stake…

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It’s only the first debate…

Just a couple of observations. (If) we are to believe the polls, Governor Romney did exactly what he needed to do and took the fight to the President. He was on message, articulate and described what is the most basic but important part of this election, “the vivid contrast” between two visions for America. And while the President did seem a bit disinterested and smug, that actually didn’t surprise me one bit.

Now I won’t get into why I feel the POTUS is not necessarily the “likable” guy many folks seem to think he is. I might just let the recently revealed tapes of a couple of very divisive speeches he made before he was elected speak for themselves on that matter. Consequently, I definitely got the feeling the Obama camp was trying mightily not to appear outside of that “likability” comfort zone. Let’s face it, Romney pretty much showed that’s really all they have. Arguably however, this is only the first debate. And judging from the “Shame Stream Media” response thus far, they will be out in full force today to spin this to the President’s advantage as best they can.

The simple truth is that in November, “We the People” will in fact have to do exactly what Governor Romney said last night, and choose between two very different ideological directions for our country. One thing is for certain after watching last night’s contest though, and that is neither of the candidates  attempted to hide theirs. Using only this as a benchmark, I score the night a tie.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Home and Family, Immigration, Jobs, Judiciary, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on It’s only the first debate…

Punch Line…

President Obama kicked off his campaign on familiar ground today, a university campus. His strategists are certainly advising him well to seek safe haven among the young, inexperienced and easily manipulated sheep who flocked to his 2008 adventure. Help from Moderates will be much harder to garner this time around however. Many who may still be inclined to voice their support for the President in a Starbucks Wi-Fi Hot Spot, are far less likely to shade in the line next to his name behind a voting booth curtain in November.

Make no mistake though, the Progressive Left will be at the Polls in force to cast their votes for the man who brought their Socialist causes to the mainstream under the disguise of “hope and change”. But for those who saw Mr. Obama’s election as vindication of their 1960’s feel good ideology, and who are now finding it difficult to reconcile Utopia against the reality of mortgages, retirement, healthcare and the price of gas, “hope and change” has been relegated to the trash heap of history like so many campaign punch lines of old.

The mantra today was, “we have come too far to turn back now“. Well Mr. President, with all due respect, turning back now is our only “hope”…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Economy, Education, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Home and Family, Immigration, International, Jobs, Judiciary, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Middle East | Tagged , | Comments Off on Punch Line…

Green energy farce…


Make no mistake oh faithful of the blogosphere; rising fuel costs will have a dramatic and undoubtedly negative impact on an already struggling economy this Summer. Whatever anemic improvements and trumped up media hype surrounding any so-called recovery, as framed by this White House, will be consumed by massive inflation brought about by the price of oil and massive debt. It appears to be just one more nail in the coffin of the grand Obama experiment.

Ideology aside, it remains difficult for me to understand the mindset of “We the People” inthe face of such economic Armageddon. How can so many be so easily manipulated by the failed tactics of class warfare and division, spun by those who claim to champion the poor yet have done little but to keep them in a state of perpetual entitlement while enabling a George Soros funded and massive effort to secure their generational vote? How can so many of my time accept the watered down Obama version of our father’s American dream, and be content no less, to make that the foundation for their posterity?

I was debating these and other questions with a political rival recently at a Campaign 2012 event and we landed where we usually do, agreeing to disagree. But putting aside idealistic stuff for a minute, I asked him one more economic question at the end of our discussion which seemed to catch him a bit flat-footed. I asked: even if one were to subscribe to “Obamanomics”, how could one ever reconcile what has been spent these past 3 years against what has been gained? How will we ever pay it back? And how do we explain to our children that we’ve mortgaged “their children’s” future? Before he could answer I answered for him. “We can’t”.

The facts are simple. Unless we dramatically alter our national course, and move to fix what’s broken with a purpose and expeditious diligence, rooted in a common desire to leave a better country for our kids, all will be for not. Anyone, Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, who claims to love this country and yet refuses to recognize the perils of proceeding with ideological blinders firmly affixed, must be guilty of at the very least gross complacency and generational neglect. (I made those up for effect, but I’m serious…)

In the vein of intellectual honesty I will tell you, this is about change from the lowest to the highest levels, from your city councilman to the President of the United States. And at the risk of being accused of melodrama, do your homework and choose wisely this Fall. The vote you cast will have significant implications which are sure to affect you and your family directly.


I can’t think of a President who so effortlessly contradicts himself and does so with such emotional conviction. As if it makes it any less disingenuous. This fact is exasperated by modern media where his contradictions live eternal. Take for instance the many times then Senator Obama slaughtered the Bush Administration for $1.89 gasoline. Today we here the same man attacking Republicans for raising a similar issue,,, must be an election year… And get this, he wants to “double down” on green energy spending and promote the use of “algae” as alternative fuel… Yikes, what are they smoking over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Look, the problem is things are far worse today when taken in context, and yet the “main stream press” is devoid of (equal opportunity questioning “bashing”). Not once did gas prices come up in last night’s debate. Come on CNN, at least make some effort to look objective. Sadly, as we are finding out that the Keystone project would in fact generate millions of barrels of added oil productivity directly into the Midwest for U.S. consumers, and merely entertaining (broadcasting) the idea of drilling the vast resources available to us right here in our own country would scare the Saudis and company back down to about 70 bucks a barrel, we must acknowledge a simple truth. This Administration could care less about what you pay for gas. The tactic is obvious, that being to use inflated fuel prices as a means to promote their energy plan which will contribute readily to the downfall of America as we know it, and quick. Sigh…

NOTE: Clean green energy has a place in America’s future to be sure, just not next week…


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Jobs, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged | 4 Comments

Inflation trigger…

I heard the President make a stunning assertion today claiming that gas prices were rising because of global demand and our “economic recovery”. He said this is the reason we must extend the payroll tax cut immediately. Now that extension and the measly $20.00 it attaches to your pay check every week is an entirely different argument all together. And in spite of the wheel barrel full of class warfare hate mail I’ll get on the matter I will move on.

Mr. President, gas prices are rising because of our dependence on foreign oil and your lack of will to do much of anything about it. Moreover, demand is actually down and supplies are up in February. Ya know, I seem to remember Nancy Pelosi chastising President Bush for $2.00 per gallon gas, yet your solution Sir, is an extra 20 spot for our troubles? Inflation is poised to rear its ugly head this summer unlike at any time in American history, and our leaders are flat-footed and clueless.

The nonchalant and frankly scary way this POTUS frames the critical issues of our time is truly unsettling and smacks of complete indifference and elitism. Even in the face of one of the most significant shovel ready energy projects to come down the pike in the last 20 years (Keystone Pipeline), President Obama has embraced the ideological wing of his party yet again by coming down on the side of the environmentalist nut jobs. Subsequently, as we look as his budget overall and the fact that most members of his own party won’t even vote for it, then we throw in the national debt, and unprecedented food and fuel prices coming to a city or town near you this summer, it is difficult to embrace our Presidents rosy assessment of our condition.

Truth “and” consequence are very often difficult medicine…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Jobs, Politics, Socioeconomic, The Middle East | Tagged | 3 Comments