Category Archives: Education

Can’t stay away for long…

Ok folks, let’s be honest with ourselves. The Republicans didn’t lose because they oppose abortion or gay marriage, or because some politician has a foot in mouth problem. And they didn’t lose because they don’t work with Democrats, or because Chris Matthews says they are racist. The Republicans lost because their message didn’t include free stuff for those who don’t deserve it.

They lost because of the short-sightedness and selfishness of “Big Labor”, and because folks didn’t want to hear that the deterioration of the American family in our urban centers is the cancer eating away at our Republic. And also, they didn’t want to hear that racism and bigotry are being kept alive only in the ideologies of those who seek excuses, and/or power over an uneducated demographic, which in turn brings them electoral gains. (See Obama Phone video)

No my fellow Americans, this is much more simple than the talking heads tucked away in some obscure wing of one of our “esteemed” halls of academia would have you believe. The simple truth of the matter is, “the free ride” now trumps “freedom”. More Americans feel comfortable with the idea that government can and should provide for them. One need only look from county to county where the President did very well to see this unfolding before our eyes.

So my message to those of the Constitutional persuasion is straight forward today. Do not be tricked into thinking some mindless idiot who needs vindication at the local Starbucks is smarter than they really are. They are simply caught up in the social glamour of this President and wish to be seen with the “in crowd”. These folks are the sheep who would have voted for Obama in spite of the glaring truth. And don’t be fooled by those who would have you “mold” your belief system to accommodate that which you know in your heart to be wrong. And don’t compromise your principles on the premise that somehow, we may be able to spend our way out of this fiscal calamity. It will not happen. Oh, and don’t be tricked into thinking the revolting pictures you saw on the news of the “Occupy” crowd were somehow doctored by the “evil Tea-Party”. No my friends, this is simple socio-economics 101, and the balance of electoral strength now favors the takers.

Now go and read your history books to see how this always turns out…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Unemployment, Unions, Women's Issues | Tagged , | Comments Off on Can’t stay away for long…

Enough said!!! Now go and vote your conscience!!!

[yframe url=’’]

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Holidays, Hollywood Hijinx, Home and Family, Immigration, International, Jobs, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Terrorism, The Border, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged | Comments Off on Enough said!!! Now go and vote your conscience!!!

Let the battle begin…

I did my level best to keep an open mind during last night’s debate, which is more than I can say for some of my email detractors. You folks really need to consider anger management classes. With that said, I think not many minds were changed by this last meeting of President Obama and Governor Romney. I did feel the President sounded more like the challenger rather than the incumbent. But overall, the stark contrasts between the two men and their ideologies was only reinforced.

I have framed this election for the last four years as a battle for the soul of this country. I stand by that assessment even more steadfastly today. In the end, folks will have to do a great deal of gut checking when they go into the voting booth. And while there will always be the party loyalists who vote their emotions instead of on the basis of truth, this election will ultimately be decided when clear-headed individuals make a conscious choice in terms of where they see our country in twenty years.

With the debates now over, I cannot remember a more divided America. Sadly, this is our own doing and not that of some political boogie man conjured up by either side. We have failed in so many ways to safeguard that which was entrusted to us, and are therefore left to fight over what the founders had intended to be so much more clear. Our value system is in chaos and the minority has paralyzed an entire culture, because so many have chosen apathy and political correctness over the time-tested principles of individual liberty and accountability. Dependency is now revered and success is demonized. Revisionist history is the norm and few of our children are learning the greatness of America or of those who gave their futures to keep it that way.

Nonetheless and in the simplest of terms, for Governor Romney to become President there must be enough voters out there who understand, our current direction will erode and eventually erase the exceptionalism which has made The United States the greatest arrangement for mankind in all of human history. And for President Obama to remain President, there must be enough voters who have become comfortable with a globalist, big government, big debt and “live in the moment” application. On November 6, 2012, the world will know whether “We the People” shall rise up from adversity once again, and unite to leave our children a better future as we have done for generations, or whether we will simply be another political punch-line, remembered only for the missed opportunity of having learned the lessons of history. Please put any ill-conceived or resentment filled rhetoric in its proper place and vote your conscience this November…There is much at stake…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Holidays, Hollywood Hijinx, Home and Family, Immigration, International, Jobs, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Second Amendment, Socioeconomic, Taxes, Terrorism, The Border, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Let the battle begin…

The Constitution according to Matthews…

I always find it amusing when the Libs cry “FOX” foul every time Hannity gets out of bed in the morning. Love him or hate him, Hannity is versed on the issues and does not let his Right Wing politics cloud Constitutional reality. Sadly, this cannot be said for Chris Matthews and the rest of the “main stream” media.

Reading and understanding the Constitution is not a difficult thing. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to engage in the American political discourse. In fact, the individuals who penned the document intended it to be simple but rock solid in terms of its foundational properties. So when I hear the likes of Matthews spouting off about how Constitutionally, one cannot challenge the President, I have to wonder what this man’s credentials are to host a prime time cable news program, other than maybe being an undisciplined political hack with anger management issues, and a “bromance” crush on Bill Clinton. What a disgrace.

The simple truth is, much of the media today leans Left. To say otherwise is to intentionally live with your head firmly positioned up your backside. Consequently, President Obama has been afforded an unprecedented level of quasi collaboration with the press, many of whom manipulate and misrepresent things like Constitutional intent to make their case for his policies. From his candidacy through his Presidency, scrutiny of the POTUS by ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC has been rare and fleeting. Moreover, when agencies like FOX attempt to vet this man of lofty title, venerable praise, but little in the way of actual resume, they and others are labeled racists and liars, even in the face of indisputable facts and figures. This is a big reason Election 2012 is so important. In the end, if we refuse the lessons of history, and bargain for undeniable truth with those who would have us believe something less for political correctness sake, then how can we possibly leave a clear path for our posterity to follow?

President Barack Obama is the standard-bearer for a party high-jacked by revisionists and those who despise the hard-fought exceptionalism which made this nation great. In as much as we must turn from the Obama iceberg, Mitt Romney has the executive experience, character and drive to at least begin what will be the lengthy and arduous process of “real” and sound economic recovery for The United States of America.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic | Tagged , , | Comments Off on The Constitution according to Matthews…

“Reality Shrugged”…

It seems Team Obama aim to ride this class-warfare thing right into November. Now we are hearing the POTUS will go on the attack regarding “Bain Capital” this Tuesday. Well I say bring it… Now I know there are those who cringe at the thought of defending Capitalism, but I’m not one of them, and I’ll tell you why.

After doing my best to get past the “Biden effect” last Wednesday, I heard Congressman Ryan say something he says religiously on the trail, and that is Americans will have a clear choice in this election. This is as true in 2012 as it has ever been in American politics. Rhetoric aside, “We the People” must choose what kind of country we will leave our kids. Will it be an ever-growing “nanny state”, brought about because we were too complacent and lazy to heed the lessons of history? Or will we take back our schools, our city halls and our inalienable rights, so we may at least give the next generation a fighting chance?

No matter how you slice it, Capitalism is the engine which provides and Liberalism is the engine which costs. There are many ways to tweak this reality. But in the end, government must always turn to the private sector for its worth. And without a healthy and vibrant private sector, there is no government sector. Simple math… I am no conspiracy theorist, but I would encourage my readers to peruse a copy of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. In it you will find Collectivism and Statist topics that read as if straight from 2012, even though the book was written in 1957. It might at least make you second guess the Chris Matthews platform for America.

Anyway, Biden did make one thing very clear during the debate, and that was his boss’s vision for our country is measured largely in terms of phony empathy and unrealistic theory. The very notion you can create a “lean military fighting force” for example, is Liberal fools code for massive “Carter” style equipment and personal cuts at the expense of national security. Moreover, if anyone believes this will not result in massive job market and ultimately economic bleeding, just ask the stunned folks in Ohio, who could have sworn they heard the VP throw the M-1 Abrams out with the bath water.

Look, we can do this together. We have compromised and done it before. But if the bi-partisanship these Leftist ideologues are speaking of looks anything like the “my way or the highway” application of the last four years, then the cost is simply too high. Mitt Romney for President.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Congress, Economy, Education, Election 2012, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Home and Family, International, Jobs, Media, Military, National Debt, Politics, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Unions | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on “Reality Shrugged”…

It’s only the first debate…

Just a couple of observations. (If) we are to believe the polls, Governor Romney did exactly what he needed to do and took the fight to the President. He was on message, articulate and described what is the most basic but important part of this election, “the vivid contrast” between two visions for America. And while the President did seem a bit disinterested and smug, that actually didn’t surprise me one bit.

Now I won’t get into why I feel the POTUS is not necessarily the “likable” guy many folks seem to think he is. I might just let the recently revealed tapes of a couple of very divisive speeches he made before he was elected speak for themselves on that matter. Consequently, I definitely got the feeling the Obama camp was trying mightily not to appear outside of that “likability” comfort zone. Let’s face it, Romney pretty much showed that’s really all they have. Arguably however, this is only the first debate. And judging from the “Shame Stream Media” response thus far, they will be out in full force today to spin this to the President’s advantage as best they can.

The simple truth is that in November, “We the People” will in fact have to do exactly what Governor Romney said last night, and choose between two very different ideological directions for our country. One thing is for certain after watching last night’s contest though, and that is neither of the candidates  attempted to hide theirs. Using only this as a benchmark, I score the night a tie.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Environment, First Amendment, Fred Comella, Green Energy, Health Care, Home and Family, Immigration, Jobs, Judiciary, Media, Military, National Debt, Political Correctness, Politics, Race, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The Middle East, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on It’s only the first debate…

The Eye of the Storm…

My wife and I renewed our wedding vows this past weekend and then traveled to our favorite Block Island Bed and Breakfast to recharge our batteries. It’s amazing how some quiet time on the beach can promote introspection. The ocean has always been a friend to me, and I’ve run back wounded to the sea many times. It also doesn’t hurt to be married to a like-minded soul. This trip had special meaning though, and our son’s future was a huge part of that. Things are changing in our country and I’m becoming more and more aware of what we as a nation seem increasingly comfortable with leaving behind. It’s almost as if there are forces at work lopping off huge chunks of our cultural identity and no one seems to care. Ironically, as we head back to the mainland and I turn on the news for the first time in a few days, I see things getting steadily worse, yet the President’s poll numbers are getting steadily better.

For too many reasons I’m sure, there is a growing segment of the U.S. population who are completely comfortable with barely an, or even no effort at all. These entitlement voters have either been convinced or have convinced themselves the “American Dream” is dead and buried, and they are now somehow owed their “fair share” at the expense of someone else who earned theirs. Social mainstays that are the foundations for all which has made us unique and exceptional, are now routinely manipulated and attacked as “out of touch” by revisionist anarchists with only selfish motivations. Progressive politicians are rewriting our founding documents in order to establish and maintain an environment were even change for the worse can be viewed as favorable so long as you can blame all the negative results on something or someone else. And the simple truths of God given and inalienable rights are called into question when they stand in the way of wealth redistribution and/or some perceived utopian fantasy world without accountability. Yes, it is a sad day in America when a man with as many secrets as President Barack Obama can slip in under the radar and alter the course of freedom, because so many Americans are asleep at the wheel, and still others have simply surrendered their reason at the altar of Left-Wing Progressivism.

Alas, I suppose I must continue the fight despite the growing number who continue to fly in the face of fact and history. I would tell you though, I think Kirk Cameron got it right at the end of the movie “Monumental”, a short film I think every American should watch with their children close by…

“The responsibility to secure freedom for my family lies in my hands. For 400 years we’ve had the strategy. We’ve got the game plan. And its produced a nation that is healthy strong and free. And every time we’ve strayed from it, we’ve suffered the consequences. The seed that grew this nation is faith in God. That faith produces character. A character that produces great courage. Courage to self-govern. Courage to guide and educate our children in the right world view. And the courage to elect today’s liberty men and women who will take the torch from our forefathers.The answer doesn’t begin at the White House, it begins at your house. I’m no longer gonna sit on the sidelines. I’m gonna get involved. And I know there are millions who feel like I do. As for me and my family we’re going this way. The way of our heroes, who fought against all odds and changed the world. The time is now. Join me, and together we will secure a monumental future for our children…” – Kirk Cameron —-Amen!



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One chance…

44 out of “57” states saw their unemployment numbers go up last month Mr. President. 24 million Americans are out of work. The actual unemployment number, which includes those who have lost all “hope” and simply stopped looking for work, is 15.9 percent, or slightly higher depending on the mechanism of tally. And it takes 250,000 jobs created each month (just to keep up) with population growth Sir. So please tell me how we are somehow “moving in the right direction”.

It’s numbers like these, and this Administration’s response to them, that give me cause to think their intentions are something more ideological, and that they have a very different “vision” for America. Now I know this is stating the obvious, but it bears repeating as “We the People” get ready to choose a President. It is also why I firmly believe this election has far less to do with the candidates than it does the voters. “We” will have to choose not just a man to lead the way, but a direction consistent with the Constitution, and not the entitlement mindset of a particular and growing voter block. “We” will have to choose what kind of United States we want for our children, and whether we are willing to make the hard choices to secure it.

None of this will be easy. But on this Monday morning, while I watch the news and see my father’s and my sons country slipping away, this election is looking more and more like the most important in more than two centuries.

I believe we will have but one chance to get this right. Ironically, “We the People” will have to do much more than just pull a lever. History, taught adequately and “accurately” to our posterity, is our only hope…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Education, Election 2012, Fred Comella, Health Care, Jobs, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes | Tagged , | Comments Off on One chance…


Independence, what does it mean? What did it mean to the founders in the middle 18th Century and how does that transcend today? When I think of these questions, I personally am not the least bit confused or even hesitant about the answers. A third graders understanding of the historical facts tell us that, by and large the colonists sought to be free of Great Britain’s cross Atlantic and all-encompassing King and Parliament. Though there was no immediate or coordinated approach to achieving such an unheard-of ambition for the times, the “rebels” would eventually come to understand the basic premise of unalienable rights afforded not by the hand of a “tender and merciful Monarch”, but by the grace of God. And they would fight for those rights. Oh, there were certainly the loyalists (Progressives?) who could not reconcile a life “un-ruled”, but liberty would eventually win the day and freedom would come to America by way of great bloodshed and sacrifice.

So taking into consideration the incomprehensible size and scope of our government today, I ask you two questions on this 4th of July 2012, and I look forward to your answers. Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives alike, what does independence mean to you today, and does our nation’s current status and application hold true to its founding?

Ultimately, I believe these questions will be answered this November. And at the very moment when Election Day 2012 is settled and “We the People” have spoken, we shall know our children’s (and our own) future…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Campaign 2012, Constitutionality, Education, First Amendment, Fred Comella, International, Military, Political Correctness, Politics, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left | Comments Off on “Independence”…


(Warning: The video below may be upsetting to those who actually have feelings.)

I think it’s fair to say a great many of us have done a few stupid things growing up. I for one readily admit the mistakes that have “learned me” to my place in this life. But something has changed. I remember joking about adults, but not contemplating the results of stabbing them. Moreover, to openly harass and abuse an adult in any way like the youths on that school bus in Greece, NY would have brought the back of my Dad’s hand in immediate proximity to my face repeatedly. As a matter of fact, just being openly disrespectful would usually have been enough to warrant a moderate ass kicking upon arrival back at the “Patriot64” homestead.

So after fighting back tears for the poor women in this video and then listening to one of the “children’s” fathers attempt to somehow reconcile the incident, I did actually take something away from it. My thoughts on what ails “We the People” as a nation, having to do with the necessity of an appropriate and caring but disciplined home life, are spot on.

Wake up America, because if this bunch of sadistic and unfeeling rabble is the best we have to offer the world, then we are truly screwed!

[yframe url=’’]

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